How and where to bury a dog: we do everything according to the rules and laws

The life of a dog is unfortunately very short. A mischievous puppy quickly becomes a serious dog, the years fly by at lightning speed, and then the time comes for parting. Of course, he becomes a real member of the family and saying goodbye is difficult for everyone. But when emotions subside a little, everyone faces the question of how to bury a dog. And indeed, quite a lot of problems arise. It is especially difficult in winter, when the ground freezes, and it becomes even more difficult to carry out the burial ceremony. We will look into how this issue can be resolved today.

Allotted time

Probably every owner wants to know when his pet’s life will come to an end, so that he can mentally adjust himself and come to terms with the inevitable. But this indicator depends on the breed and individual characteristics. For example, lap dogs live for 20 years; they are real long-livers among pets. But Irish wolfhounds and bulldogs live a little more than 6 years. Of course, a lot depends on proper care. And yet you will still have to face the loss. How to pay last respects to your pet and how to bury a dog so as not to break the law will be discussed today.

At what age do quadrupeds die?

The lifespan of a four-legged friend is very individual and depends on the breed, living conditions and state of health. Unfortunately, the possibility of death as a result of accidents or from a dangerous disease is quite high.

According to statistics, large and giant individuals live from 9 to 11 years, and the average life expectancy of smaller dogs is 12-15 years. Representatives of yard breeds have good health and can live up to 20 years.

It is within the power of the owner to extend the years of the pet. This is facilitated by proper care, a balanced diet, and careful attention to health. Regular vaccinations and treatments against parasites save you from diseases.

Disputes of interests

When a loved one dies, few people remember that there are legal regulations that regulate the disposal of biological waste. As sad as it is to realize, after death your pet will be treated in this way. But ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.

Since many people prefer to bury their dog near their home, you need to know that Russian law prohibits this. Animals cannot be buried within city limits. Deviation from this norm is interpreted as an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine. Of course, the owner may be immensely indignant. But what will happen if everyone starts burying the corpses of dogs and cats, ferrets and other animals in their yards and parks?

If a villager makes a grave for his pet in the forest, no one will notice. And it’s a completely different matter - it’s a metropolis. Such actions can lead to deterioration of the environmental situation, poisoning of the earth and groundwater with cadaveric poison. Of course, it seems to everyone that this is only their private situation. But in total there are about 40 million dogs and cats in Russia, and these are only those who are registered in regional veterinary clinics. Therefore, when thinking about how to bury a dog, you need to take into account not only your feelings, but also the interests of society.

How to honor the memory of a pet and not break the laws, but is there a choice?

Unfortunately, in most cities, burying an animal in the ground and on city territory will be considered an administrative violation. This threatens with a fine and, most likely, gross destruction of the pet’s grave. The opportunity to properly bury a dog without breaking the law is only available in some cities. It is worth noting that many social activists are fighting for the allocation of land plots for burying animals in cities, but only a few achieve success.

Given the lack of choice, grieving owners place the remains of their pets on the ground:

  • In a city park , you have to choose a very remote and inconspicuous place. You cannot put a tombstone or improve the area in any way. Burial has to be done at night or at dusk. Walking around the city with a shovel and the body of a pet unnoticed is almost impossible.
  • Where the owner was walking the dog , other dogs are walking and they can dig up a grave. Most likely, there will be someone who will be bothered by your pet’s grave. You cannot put a tombstone or decorate a grave.
  • In a forest or shelterbelt (within the city) - the most preferable option if there are no alternatives.

Whether this is correct is not for us to judge; in the end, not a single grieving owner will listen to lectures, much less orders. The law prohibiting burials within the city is based on several arguments:

  • Dogs who have died from the virus should not be buried in the ground - this is correct, since the pet’s body and the earth around it will become a source of infection.
  • Preserving the environment - this requirement is exaggerated, since plastic, garbage and other human waste harm the environment much more than the buried body of a dog. You don't bury 10 dogs a day in the same park. Even if we take into account cities with a very dense canine population, pets who died by natural causes (buried in the ground) do not pose a threat if the burials are not concentrated in one place.
  • The purity of groundwater and reservoirs is a controversial issue, but hypothetically, mass burials near underground sources could actually harm plants, animals and people.

By violating these laws, owners do not seek to earn a fine or harm anyone. It just so happens that most of them simply have no choice. And the emotions associated with the loss of a pet simply do not allow a person to think about all the possible consequences. In developed countries, animal burial is a normal, natural procedure with choices and methods. If there really was a choice, it is unlikely that anyone would commit an administrative crime intentionally.

Burial places not prohibited by law

Let's start with exceptions - officially permitted methods of burying dogs. Some cities have services that have received permission to bury animals. Such services are allocated plots of land on which cemeteries are established. Typically, these services cost a lot of money and include the purchase of a site, burial at a sufficient depth and the permitted placement of a gravestone.

The advantages of a cemetery for animals are obvious : you can send your dog on its last journey without worrying about fines, claims and the integrity of the grave. Your dog will have a monument to which you can come, for some owners this condition is very important. You don’t have to look for a place, dig a hole, or find something to bury your dog in - all these concerns will be taken care of by the burial service. Just like in a human cemetery, your pet can be buried with honors and friends and family members can be invited to say goodbye. There are also disadvantages, and the first of them is inaccessibility:

  • Territorial - such services are provided only in very large, developed cities.
  • Financial – usually burying a dog is very expensive, which is especially expensive if the pet has passed away after long-term treatment.

Note! Before the dog is buried in an approved cemetery, the body is cremated. This is a mandatory condition prescribed by sanitary standards.

When contacting such services, you need to show all the prudence and composure of which you are capable. The first thing to do is ask for permits . Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers. There are often services in cities that promise to bury your pet for a fee. The employee insists that you don't need to know where the pet is buried and that the service will take care of everything. As a result, the dog's body turns out to be:

  • At the city dump.
  • Thrown out on the highway, outside the city.
  • At a utility company crematorium, this option is sometimes acceptable if you have been informed in advance.
  • In a mass grave.

Burial outside the city is in most cases the only legal and affordable option. The downside is that the funeral will be very difficult to conduct in winter or rainy weather and you will not be able to visit your departed pet often. If you choose this option, you need to bury your pet deeply, as the smell will attract wild animals that may dig up the grave (even out of curiosity). Unlikely, but still a minus - any vacant lot can become a construction site, so it is better to bury the dog in the forest.

If you traveled with your dog out of town, choose a place where the pet liked to fool around or exercise. Where he met a hare or got scared of a lizard. At the time of the funeral, this will not be so important, but after a few years, you will realize that you made the right choice. The second option is burial next to the graves of other animals. Even though this is a spontaneous cemetery, you can be sure that people coming to the graves of their pets will not touch the tombstone of their ward.

Advice: do not make your pet’s gravestone too noticeable; it is better to place a large stone on the grave or cover it with fresh soil with small stones. This will improve the location, make it easy to find and protect it from being dug up by wild animals.

Animal cremation

In cities, cremation is considered the only legal method (sorry) for disposing of animal remains. Since the buried body will release toxins that can leach into groundwater or remain in the ground for a long time, all officially operating burial services burn dead animals and only then bury them. This fact outrages many dog ​​owners, because the bodies of dead people are no less poisonous... but that’s not the point now.

Cremation is offered to the general population in most cities. Before you seek such services, you must understand how it works. The path is not accepted, but it is true. A crematorium is a large machine that consumes a lot of fuel (usually diesel). It is not economical to light it every day, so the bodies of animals are stored in refrigerators, and when enough of them are collected, they are burned. The bodies of dogs and cats that were killed by the city's public utilities, picked up on the roads (hit by cars) and on the territory of the city end up in the oven. After general cremation, the ashes are disposed of by municipal services.

For a fee, some services offer a private cremation . That is, your pet’s body will be put on fire and you will be able to take the ashes. If you take this step, the actions of the service will have to be monitored. Again, no matter how much one would like to admit it, there are a lot of people looking for easy money. Having collected the ashes, you can dispose of them as you see fit:

  • Store in an urn.
  • Dispel.
  • Bury it outside the city.

In all developed countries, not only animals, but also people are cremated. This method has long been recognized as the most reasonable from the point of view of preserving the environment and land resources. Agree, there is something special and respectful about hanging ashes...although many believe that "those who came from the earth should be handed over to it after death." However, it is worth understanding that this, so to speak, superstition concerns more people.

Virtual animal cemetery

Although this does not directly relate to burial, web-based animal cemeteries have become increasingly popular lately. This is again due to laws. Many owners have to bury their pets far from home. Not everyone can go out of town at a time when sadness sets in, so organizing a web grave for a pet becomes a real alternative.

Most of these resources require you to pay a one-time fee to allocate space. What needs the money goes to is most often written on the website, usually this is the improvement of real cemeteries for animals or helping those who can still be saved.

A virtual cemetery will help not only preserve the memories of your pet, but also find real support . The resource is visited by the owners, the offices have also lost friends. Usually people who find themselves in the same trouble sincerely support each other, helping to fight the pain during the most difficult period. Sites like this usually have a lot of advice and support groups to help you cope with grief.

Important! Grieving and longing for a departed dog is normal. Drive away those who say it's just a dog. Your pet is your family member, you have the right to tears and melancholy, but it is important not to indulge in grief by reveling in it. Who knows, maybe reincarnation really exists and one day you will meet another dog looking at you through the eyes of a lost friend.

You can visit your pet at any time, regardless of the weather and place of residence; this is important for many owners. Such moral support helps to get through the most difficult period - the first few months after the loss. Whether to visit the resource in the future is up to you, but you can be sure that the memory of your dog will be preserved forever, because the Internet is almost inexhaustible.

Processing dead animal bodies and taxidermy

For many, such a method will seem inhuman, but we cannot lose sight of the actively developing method of preserving the memory of animals. So, recently it has become popular to use the body of your deceased dog for:

  • Making key chains, bags, belts or other accessories.
  • Stuffed animal (taxidermy).

For most owners, such a solution will seem barbaric, but mass trends show otherwise. The reaction you experience reading these lines is an attitude imposed by religion. Even if you don’t believe in God, you know that the dead need to be buried and that’s the only right way. Some people are not constrained by the framework of other people's thinking and take steps that are unacceptable, from the point of view of society. Subjectively: making key chains and bags from a deceased pet is already too much... but if this method seems acceptable to you, such resources are also available.

Final resting place

As a rule, Russian animal owners bury their dead animals in secluded corners of park areas, in forests and ravines, and in vacant lots. Often - where they used to love to walk together. Sometimes a person arranges a grave for a pet and shares it at the dog walking area. Soon information begins to spread, and new ones appear next to this grave. This is how spontaneous cemeteries are formed, which are essentially cattle burial grounds. They can be located in areas of river floods, near settlements, where the construction of residential buildings or sports grounds is soon planned. As you can see, you need to know how to bury a dog correctly.

It is unlikely that the owners act this way because they are not afraid of fines or do not care about the environment. Most likely, everyone would not mind burying a dog in accordance with the culture of animal burial. But in Russia this culture is still quite young. That is, it is necessary to disseminate information through veterinary clinics and social networks on how to properly bury a dog.

Video "Animal Funeral"

This video from the TVK channel news program talks about ritual services for animals in Krasnoyarsk.

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The simplest option

If you have a car, you can organize a funeral outside the city. There are two options here.

  • Choose a place in the forest belt.
  • Buy a place in a special cemetery.

But not every city has a resting place for animals. Therefore, most people decide to take their animal out of town. This choice has its pros and cons. One of the advantages is some intimacy of the experience. After all, just outside the city you can find a place that will carefully preserve your memories of your pet. Usually, memorable places are chosen for this where you taught your pet the basics of burrow hunting and retrieval. Such burial does not require material costs.

Disadvantages of a suburban burial

This may be your only choice if you live in the city. But in this case, you need to think about how to properly bury a dog in the forest. The fact is that visiting your friend’s grave, and sometimes even just finding it, will not be easy. Animal ashes can be disturbed by animals. Therefore, you need to choose a fairly familiar place and fence it off in accessible ways.

However, it is not recommended to erect noticeable monuments. Let it be a simple stone on which you apply bright paint. Most often, country burial grounds quickly become abandoned. The owners have no time to visit them, and the forces of nature quickly erase all signs.

Burial in the cemetery

This is another scenario if the dog dies. How to bury, where to go? You can call a funeral agency, which will take care of all the hassle. In this case, you can visit your pet’s grave at any time of the year. Funeral agencies will take care of all the hassle associated with organizing the event.

The solemnity of the event will depend solely on your wishes, as well as on the amount you are willing to spend. You can bury your dog on the Walk of Fame, with special honors. But not everywhere there are special places where dogs are buried. Therefore, if you decide to go with this option, then it is quite possible that you will have to go to another city. Such burial requires material costs, it is not cheap at all. Of course, the memory of a pet is priceless. But you can remember him without the services of a funeral agency.

Where to bury

A dog has died, but you don’t know where you can legally bury your faithful companion? It is worth noting that in most large cities the burial of animals in public places (parks, gardens and public gardens) is prohibited. This is considered a serious administrative offense. The owner will face a heavy fine, and the grave will most likely be destroyed in a crude manner. In some localities, the administration may turn a blind eye to such actions, since the problem of burying pets has recently become increasingly widespread. The society is trying to get the state to allocate special places where one can safely bury a deceased dog or other pet or visit the grave. However, all attempts to reach the authorities have not yet brought results.


Use of the territory of a private house

Typically, residents of the private sector think less about what to do with the corpse of an animal. By analogy with a person, we immediately decide to bury him. At first glance, the solution is very simple: choose a place in the front garden or backyard. Here you can dig a fairly deep grave, and then decorate it with flowers.

Is it possible to bury a dog in the yard? Of course, no one can stop you. Yes, and it is impossible to verify this. But this violates sanitary and environmental standards. It’s one thing if it’s a small puppy whose body will be buried to a considerable depth. And it’s another thing if a huge dog is buried at the very surface, because the owner is physically unable to prepare a deeper grave.

But this is one moment. There is another one. It is worth warning the owner against the desire to bury the pet in a place that he will stumble upon every day. Is it possible to bury a dog on your own property? Unless you run a nursery, the corpse of one animal 8 to 10 years old will not be able to poison the soil in your garden. But in the first months it will be very difficult to pass by this place every day. Do not forget that this can only be done in a situation where the pet died of natural causes. If the cause was an infection, then the corpse must be cremated.

Psychological advice

How to survive this period? In our culture, there are no rituals that would help us more easily cope with loss (obituaries, memorial days), so sometimes it is easier to do this if you follow some recommendations from psychologists. Despite the fact that they are quite simple, it is not always possible to do what experts advise during periods of intense grief.

Do not look for someone to blame, especially if the pet died due to illness or injury.

It is worth realizing that even ideal owners and experienced doctors sometimes make mistakes, so it is important not to blame yourself with possible phrases “I didn’t have time”, “I made a mistake in choosing a veterinarian”. Each owner does everything in his power, so the main thing is that the dog spent a happy life in a caring atmosphere. Take a break and wait for the pain to subside

You should not immediately rush to search for a replacement for a departed pet, as this will be fraught with comparisons of different animals, which often turn out to be not in favor of new pets. After a loss, it is better to limit communication with familiar dog lovers, visits to the usual pet store or veterinary clinic in order to avoid unnecessary questions and memories. Fill the void. The dog owner develops a special rhythm and schedule of life, which may revolve around the needs of the pet (for example, daily walks, feeding schedule, etc.). Lifestyle changes are one of the most powerful sources of stress, so it is important to come up with a new hobby or activity that will occupy your free time. This could be English or programming courses, going to the gym or renovating your own apartment - any options that will shift your attention away from pain and sad thoughts. Remember only the good things. Immediately after the death of a dog, the period when he was already sick or old most often pops up in his mind, but you need to try to get rid of such thoughts. After all, there were many other, more pleasant moments in the dog’s life: clumsy puppyhood, first training lessons, joint walks and trips and other cases that should be emphasized. To reinforce positive emotions, you can make an album or frames with photographs, and after a while, memories of your pet will only bring a smile, not tears.

Spontaneous cemeteries

Are dogs buried in human cemeteries? Yes, there is such a practice. Of course, the animal graves are not located on the territory itself, but in its immediate vicinity. Here, for a fee, they can dig a grave for your pet, which can be very important in the winter. But no matter how much we love an animal, we must respect the feelings of other people. Not everyone can accept a sign with the name of an animal near the grave of a loved one.

Now about spontaneous cemeteries. There is nothing wrong if they organize in the forest. Nature will find a way to recycle biological remains. And crosses and tablets with epitaphs look completely different next to memorial places or churches. For the same reason, we can give a clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to bury a dog in the courtyard of a high-rise building. Of course not, it's at the very least disrespectful to everyone else. This place is best used for playgrounds, flower beds, even car parking. And for burial, find a quieter place.


Before considering another way to say goodbye to a deceased pet, I would like to raise the question of what day dogs are buried. It's best to do this immediately. The body begins to deteriorate very quickly. An unpleasant odor will appear on the same day. It is better to remember your pet as he was. If he died in a veterinary clinic, the doctor may offer his services. They have connections with special services that deal with the disposal of biological waste. There is usually only one method - cremation. This is the safest option.

By law, Russians must cremate their deceased pets, unless they decide to build a grave outside the city. This is prescribed by official regulations, because decomposing animal fur releases dangerous poisons. They contaminate the soil. That is why in official cemeteries burial is possible only after cremation.

Body recycling and taxidermy

Many people consider this method not human, but it is impossible to ignore it, since it is really gaining popularity. To be more precise, in recent years you can use the body of your deceased dog:

  1. making stuffed animals;
  2. making accessories such as key chains, bags or belts.

Of course, many will say that this is real barbarism, but recent trends suggest the opposite. Many argue that the negative reaction to such actions is the result of the imposition of religion. Even without an ardent belief in God, you understand that the dead need to be buried and nothing else. Making key chains, bags or belts from a dog’s body is of course overkill, but such people still exist. Therefore, we decided to introduce you to this option for processing dog bodies.

Types of cremation

It can be general or individual. If an animal dies in a veterinary clinic, then specialists will offer their assistance in organizing this procedure. They always have contact with a special service. Here the owner has to make only one choice. If he agrees to general cremation, then the ashes are not returned to him. It is disposed of by the force of the service itself.

Individual cremation is a different procedure. In this case, the owner can be present at it, and he also receives an urn with ashes. Then he can dispose of it at his own discretion:

  • Bury her outside the city or in a special cemetery.
  • Keep at home.
  • Scatter over the river.

If the animal dies at home, then call any veterinary clinic and ask to connect you with a company that provides similar services.

Alternative option

Of course, the bitterness of loss is difficult to overcome. But your pet will always live in memories. Therefore, today owners are encouraged not to become attached to biological remains. In this case, general cremation seems to be the best option. The corpse was taken away, and the owner does not need to see what happens to him next. Now you can start the virtual burial. This is a site where you can create a page for a deceased animal and post its photographs. Here, pet owners support each other in difficult times.

This is not exactly a cemetery in the classical sense of the word. But you can visit the grave as often as you want. And the help of fellow dog breeders is a great help while the bitterness of loss is still very strong.


Coping with the passing of a pet can be very difficult. This is especially true for lonely and elderly people, for whom the animal was more than a friend. Psychologists give some tips on how to alleviate the pain of loss:

  • If the dog lived in the family, you can arrange an evening of memories, where everyone can speak out and share their emotions.
  • Dishes, toys, leash - all this needs to be sent to the pantry. It is important to keep these things out of sight for now.
  • Keep a photo album of your pet.

After the loss, you can adopt a new pet. But it is not recommended to rush things. First, the pain of losing your first friend must subside. There is good advice: take not one, but two animals, with an interval of 3 - 5 years of age. By the time your old friend is ready to leave you, there will be a second pet at home, young and full of energy. This will make it much easier to return home than if the house is completely empty.

How to bury a dog

The death of a four-legged friend can be a serious blow to all family members. In a tragic moment, it is very important to remain calm and think calmly. If you give in to panic, you will never understand how best to bury your dog. Many of the owners at this moment ask for help from friends, after which they greatly regret it, realizing that they had to take their pet on its final journey on their own.

However, you will need to ask close friends or relatives for help, since coping with the pain of loss alone can be incredibly difficult. If you are confident in a person, then ask him to organize the burial ceremony, and try to ease your state of mind. It is also worth resorting to outside help if you are sure that you will not be able to pull yourself together and organize a funeral in the next few days.

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