Removing sutures at home in Rostov-on-Don - safe procedure

Advantages and disadvantages

Veterinarians believe that Spitz dogs can and should be castrated/sterilized. Especially if they do not participate in breeding, are removed from it for some reason and there are no contraindications to surgery.

The procedure has pros and cons that must be taken into account. Pros of castration:

  • Dog behavior is changing. They stop being aggressive towards other dogs.
  • The pet stops dominating the owner and children.
  • The dog does not mark his territory and is easier to train him to wear a diaper.
  • The animal does not jump on things, toys, arms, legs with characteristic movements.
  • A male dog does not seek to run away from home in search of love.

An equally significant advantage is the increase in life expectancy. On average, Spitz live 14 years, and surgery will extend life by 1.5-2 years.

Castration is not a behavior correction method. It will not make the Spitz more obedient, less active, and will not instill love for children if it was not there in the first place.

Castration does not affect training and education in any way. The Spitz does not become less active or lethargic. The male who loved to play remains just as active.

Disadvantages of castration:

  • There is a risk of complications during and after surgery. For example, infection, suppuration of stitches or licking by a dog.
  • There are also disadvantages of castration, which are associated with risks during anesthesia. However, the operation is quite simple and all surgeons do it, so the risks are minimized.
  • The owners are worried that the pet will become fat. Yes, neutered animals are more prone to gaining excess weight. However, obesity can also occur in an uncastrated dog due to poor nutrition and overfeeding of the animal. After the procedure, you need to review the diet, reducing the calorie content of the feed by 10%. With proper nutrition and exercise, your Spitz will not get fat, as many dog ​​owners think. It is not the fact of castration itself, but an incorrect attitude towards feeding that is the main reason for weight gain.
  • Owners are no less worried that surgery on the genital organs is the cause of the development of urolithiasis. Studies have shown that castration does not affect the development and function of the urethra.

Castration options

There are several methods for castrating dogs:

  • Classic - an incision is made in the scrotum, the testes are removed, a special thread is placed on the cords and the testicles are cut off.
  • The second option is to use a special adhesive agent instead of a thread, which eliminates bleeding.
  • Another option is a biological node. It differs little in effectiveness from the first. The spermatic cord and vessel are removed and tied together. The testis is removed.
  • Chemical castration. A method in which an implant containing a hormonal drug is inserted.

The advantage of chemical castration is its reversibility. 6-12 months after the procedure, the male dog begins to be interested in the opposite sex again.

Chemical castration

The essence of chemical castration is the administration of a drug that blocks the production of sex hormones.

After administration, the drug begins to act after 4-5 weeks: libido decreases, the size of the testicles decreases by 2-3 times. The male becomes calmer, does not run after females in heat, and is not aggressive towards other males.

After a certain period after castration (six months or a year, depending on the dose), the administered drug ceases to act, and the animal’s sexual functions are restored.

After 5-10 weeks, the dog fully restores its ability to reproduce. The advantage of the drug is that if the owner wants to breed a male dog, the implant can be removed if more than 4 months have passed.

Most often in their practice, doctors use the drug Suprelorin (the active substance deslorelin). This is a non-steroidal contraceptive. An implant is inserted subcutaneously, from which the substance is continuously and slowly absorbed into the blood.

However, chemical castration is an expensive procedure. The drug itself is also quite expensive. But it has advantages. It is indicated in the following cases:

  • Temporary castration is required.
  • If you need to find out what is causing the dog’s aggression. If the incorrect behavior disappears when the implant is inserted, then you can decide on classical castration. You should not expect your dog's behavior to change immediately after surgery. At first, the Spitz may behave the same as before castration, and only over time does the behavior change.
  • As part of complex therapy for prostate hyperplasia.
  • Treatment of alopecia X, a pathology that affects Pomeranians. It is used in both males and females.

At what age should a male dog be neutered?

The reasons for castration are the uncontrolled sexual behavior of a male dog, the desire of the breeder to exclude the male from the breeding process, to make his lifestyle more controlled, to avoid vagrancy and fights “for the bride”.
Castration of a male dog is a surgical operation that involves removing the testes. It is performed under general anesthesia with all preliminary studies and procedures, followed by rehabilitation. When sterilizing a male dog, only the seminal ducts are ligated; if you decide to castrate the dog, then there will be no return opportunity to restore its fertile abilities.

Depending on the species, the age for neutering a male dog will vary. The ideal period is from 6 to 9 months. It is necessary to catch the moment of the onset of puberty:

  • The body is already almost formed;
  • Habits associated with sexual behavior have not yet been established.

Some owners deliberately delay the procedure until the last minute, in the hope that they will be able to cope with their pet. If the dog is obedient and phlegmatic by temperament, then there is a chance that sexual instincts will be suppressed in favor of rewarded behavior. If the individual is active, then most likely it will be difficult to pacify the influence of hormones through training.

  • It is better to castrate small representatives of dogs at the age of 6-7 months;
  • Large breeds mature later - castration is indicated for them at 1-1.5 years.

It is important to understand: if the reason for the operation is precisely the regulation of the pet’s temperament, then you cannot delay it. Under the influence of hormones, behavior changes and becomes fixed at the level of habits, the eradication of which will require serious collaboration between the owner and the dog handler.

Castration of dogs too early or, conversely, late has its pros and cons. Puppies tolerate intervention more easily and their sutures heal faster. On the other hand, the likelihood of developing urolithiasis increases. Older dogs over 5 years of age have a more difficult time recovering from anesthesia; they require high-quality training to minimize the load on the heart.

Does dogs behavior change after castration?

Often, inappropriate behavior in a dog is associated with high testosterone levels. The pet marks territory, shows aggression, can show possessive instincts towards family members, and enter into competition. Males run away in pursuit of the female, fight with rivals for her, which leads to severe injuries. In the end, the dog may simply get lost.

  • After castration, the dog’s hormonal levels stabilize;
  • The pet becomes calmer and does not feel the need for territorial marks;
  • The pet is more inclined to communicate and play, aggression decreases.

If the owner does not plan to breed a male dog and raise offspring, then castration of male dogs is a rational way to solve problems with undesirable effects and prevent diseases that lie in wait for a dog doomed to “celibacy.” Unlike females, males constantly experience sexual heat. Without the implementation of instincts, injected hormones lead to the formation of stagnant foci, inflammation, and oncology.

Hormonal therapy designed to suppress sexual desire also cannot be used constantly. High doses of hormones inhibit one’s own endocrine system and lead to serious disorders.

Best age for castration

If Spitz females are recommended to be sterilized at 4-5 months, then the optimal age for castration of males is 6-9 months, but not earlier. The fact is that if a male dog is castrated before 6 months of age, he may experience developmental delays.

If the dog has diseases, then before castrating the animal, they need to be cured. This is especially true for kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

Late castration (in males older than 7 years) has negative consequences. During this period, indicators of general health have already decreased. Therefore, the operation is more difficult to endure and the sutures take longer to heal.

Why is amateur activity dangerous?

Only at first glance it seems that the procedure is very simple, but even a minimal mistake can lead to negative consequences. It is forbidden to carry out the manipulation yourself; certain skills and tools are required. If it is not possible to seek help, as a last resort , it is permissible to remove the thread only from a small wound, if it has completely healed and a reliable scar has formed.

An independent procedure must be carried out with sterile instruments. It is forbidden to touch the postoperative area:

  • when inflammation or pus appears;
  • after severe abdominal and cosmetic surgeries;
  • in the presence of metal threads, staples.

Self-removal often leads to infection in the wound, which can lead to opening of the scar, further rinsing, and treatment with antibiotics. To avoid putting yourself at risk, call specialists to your home who will perform the procedure quickly, painlessly and safely.

Preparation, performance and care after surgery

The day before the operation, the dog is put on a starvation diet. The animal is allowed to drink only water. The operation time is short - 15-20 minutes.

Stages of castration in the classical way:

  • The dog is given anesthesia at the withers.
  • Antiseptic treatment is carried out.
  • A longitudinal incision is made in the scrotum.
  • The testes are removed.
  • Sutures are placed on the scrotum.

In the clinic (most often according to indications) the scrotum can also be removed. As a result, it looks more aesthetically pleasing, but more expensive.

The postoperative period in males is short. The owner will be required to monitor the pet, since immediately after the operation the animal recovers from anesthesia for a long and difficult time. Chills, nausea, and unsteady gait are noted. The dog may walk under itself and be disoriented in space.

Within 2-10 hours the male comes to his senses. At home, the seams are treated with an antiseptic or ointment, which the doctor will prescribe. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day for 1.5-2 weeks.

Males are advised to wear a protective collar to prevent them from licking the stitches. No bandages are applied.

The sutures are removed in a veterinary clinic or at home after 10-12 days. There are practically no postoperative complications in male dogs.

Clinical examination before surgery

Healthy animals with normal appetite and no digestive disorders are allowed for the procedure. Castration of a dog is considered preventive, which does not exclude a preliminary examination and the preparation of contraindications and recommendations that will have to be taken into account during the surgical intervention and subsequent recovery. If a male dog has diseases that require treatment, castration may be postponed until the contraindication is eliminated.

If the veterinarian suspects the presence of a disease, the dog may need a laboratory test of blood, urine, and ECG.

Before castration, the dog should take an anthelmintic and have all the necessary vaccinations. As a result of the intervention, the immune system will be somewhat weakened, so the body must be guaranteed to be protected from dangerous pathogens. Deworming and vaccinations are mandatory requirements before the procedure.

Activities before anesthesia

Immediately before castration, the animal requires fasting for 8-10 hours. This is due to the fact that the dog has a gag reflex and in a state of artificial sleep can simply choke on vomit. The pet's stomach should be empty.

Limit your dog's access to water for at least 3 hours. Predators are able to go without food for 3-4 days. Even if your pet is not accustomed to food shortages and restrictions, there will be no harm to him. Also, on an empty stomach, the animal tolerates anesthesia more easily and wakes up more easily after it.

The choice of medications is made based on the examination and the patient’s well-being. The doctor selects the dosage of drugs directly for muscle relaxants and anesthesia. Some reduce stress, relax the muscles of the whole body, while others depress the nervous system, causing artificial sleep.

Drugs are administered to dogs in 3 ways:

  • Intramuscularly - the most common method;
  • Intravenous anesthesia is suitable for large male dogs that have no problems finding veins;
  • Inhalation – if the first two methods are not possible.

The administration of painkillers can be combined: for example, inhalation is used first, then drip systems are installed.

Modern anesthesia medications are gentle and eliminate side effects. The pet easily recovers from anesthesia and does not experience long-term discomfort.

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