A dog enclosure in an apartment: how to create a safe place for your pet



From this article you can learn how to choose a comfortable enclosure for a dog in an apartment with optimal characteristics: criteria for selecting materials, sizes and other parameters, taking into account the age of the animal and the conditions accompanying its maintenance. The text discusses the main types of these structures, their features and advantages, as well as recommendations for manufacturing.

An aviary for an apartment should be chosen based on the size of the dog breed and the necessary functions that the structure will perform


For puppies

A dog that has just given birth needs a cozy and secluded place. She can lie down in it without worrying about the safety of her puppies. At first, the latter will also need a quiet place that separates them from the still unfamiliar, huge and scary world.

When the puppies grow up a little, the owner will already realize the need for an indoor enclosure. The fact is that growing kids are extremely active, they love to try everything, and can create a lot of destruction in the apartment.

An enclosure will also be useful when toilet training fools - many recommendations on how to do this begin with the words “Place the puppy in the enclosure.”

Pets are jealous of their owner's attention - they love him devotedly! But sometimes this jealousy can become dangerous, especially if you have a defenseless kitten, another puppy or child at home. The animal will likely become nervous and protest. To help all family members adapt to the new situation, it is worth setting up an enclosure for a while.

For small dogs

Placing a small lap dog in an enclosure on a permanent basis is an excellent solution. After a while, the dog will get used to having his own house, with food, a bedroom and a place for a toilet. This way he won’t pee in the corners and disturb the owner’s sleep, and he won’t do any mischief in your absence. For games, and upon returning home, you can always release it.

A home enclosure for a small dog doesn’t have to be super expensive: you only need 2,000 rubles maximum and 2-3 hours of free time!

A portable enclosure will be needed if you are planning a picnic with your pet. The fact is that domestic dogs in nature can become confused and either run away or fall into a stupor from fright. To save yourself and your pet’s nerves, introduce him to the world around him gradually: within the enclosure.

A dog enclosure in an apartment and features of its use

The appearance of an animal in the house entails responsibility. Most often, dogs make their own adjustments to the interior of the premises. Moreover, such changes are not always positive. Experienced breeders recommend providing protection for wallpaper and furniture in the house in advance. To do this, you can inexpensively buy a dog enclosure for your apartment. This device will protect furnishings while the owner is away without harming the animal.

A plastic modular enclosure is very convenient because it can be easily dismantled or moved to another place

In what cases do experts recommend buying a dog enclosure?

An aviary installed in an apartment is suitable for dogs of any age. Such designs are used for puppies or adult animals of small breeds. They create a safe space for your pet, but only if the design is selected and installed correctly.

In what cases do breeders recommend buying a home enclosure for a dog:

  1. Buying a puppy.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation in an animal.
  3. Pet illness.
  4. Protection of furnishings and decorations on the walls.
  5. Safe keeping of an animal outdoors or in the country.
  6. The period of potty training a dog.

An aviary or cage for a dog is necessary to properly train the animal.

When a puppy arrives at a new home, it is subject to stress due to the absence of its mother and the change of place of residence. Often kids hide in the farthest corner and do not want to contact their new owners. In this case, the owner can buy an enclosure for the puppy in the apartment to ensure gradual adaptation to the new environment.

Helpful advice! It is advisable to buy a puppy enclosure for your apartment in advance, even before the dog gets into the house. In a stressful situation, children often go to the toilet in the corners of the room, and the presence of a fence can prevent this.

The possibilities of such designs are also useful in cases where a pregnant or nursing dog lives in the house. Being in this position, the animal especially needs peace. The enclosure will provide your pet with personal space.

Designs like these help isolate a sick dog. With the help of an enclosure, a comfortable and convenient area is created for the pet, where it will recuperate. In addition, the possibility of contact of a sick dog with family members and animals that are healthy is eliminated.

For a dog with puppies, it is better to purchase an enclosure with a threshold that an adult animal can step over or jump over.

If your dog has a habit of chewing the legs of wooden furniture, ruining shoes and tearing wallpaper, you can simply put him in an enclosure before leaving home for a long time. The fence will not allow the animal to wander around the apartment unattended. Small home structures will also come in handy when traveling. Modern stores have a wide range of products that allow you to inexpensively buy an enclosure for a dog, which can be used in the country or in nature, so that the animal does not get lost in an unfamiliar place.

Small breed dogs have difficulty litter box training. The fence will help the animal figure out where to go to the toilet without negatively affecting the psyche.

Using a dog crate in an apartment: design features

The enclosure is a checkered structure, usually without a roof. Various materials are used to make it, such as wood or plastic. However, it is preferable to buy a metal dog cage for your apartment. Inside there is a comfortable area with the necessary things.

If there are a large number of puppies in the house, an enclosure is necessary to keep the animals safe

The list of necessary things includes:

  • bowls with food and fresh water;
  • bedding to prevent the animal from freezing;
  • sleeping area;
  • toilet;
  • toys or bones to prevent the dog from getting bored.

There are several types of enclosures. Some designs are used temporarily, they are portable outdoor products, while others are suitable for comfortable placement of an animal for the whole day. For relaxation and outdoor games, it is enough to buy an enclosure for puppies in the apartment, enclosing 2-3 m². This size is considered standard for small animals.

The structure of the arena consists of several sections. These elements can be removed if necessary. Such enclosures quickly fold and unfold. If the cage is metal, it requires minimal maintenance. To keep the enclosure clean, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth from time to time. The structure can be installed in any convenient place in the apartment. For these purposes, a corner of the room or the space under the table in the hall can be used.

If the dimensions of the apartment allow it, it is better to purchase a larger enclosure to place bedding, bowls and, if necessary, a toilet inside the structure

Important! When arranging the space inside the enclosure, you must leave room for games. The inside of the enclosure should not be crowded.

How to choose and buy an enclosure for a dog in an apartment

Buying a home enclosure for a dog is a responsible process. First of all, you need to consider for what purpose the structure will be used. If the product will be used as a playpen for a nursing dog, it is better to choose options without a roof. The dimensional parameters of the enclosure must be such that an adult animal can independently enter inside, and the puppies do not crawl beyond its boundaries. Enclosures with fasteners on the walls are very easy to use. They are designed to hold bowls filled with food and water.

For temporary keeping of decorative breeds, the best option would be to purchase an enclosure for small dogs in an apartment in the form of an awning (tent). The frame of this design is made of lightweight plastic or metal pipes. The walls are formed by stretching the material between them - polyester. If the structure is portable (for transporting an animal), you need to make sure that it is functional, practical and reliable.

For large dog breeds, it is better to purchase an enclosure with a roof and a detachable door.

This easy-to-use product has:

  • fasteners in the form of Velcro or ties to secure the structure while relaxing outdoors;
  • detachable roof;
  • durable bottom;
  • pockets for storing bottles and other necessary items.

The most suitable option would be a modular enclosure for a small dog in the form of a cage. This design has a simple structure and can contain from 4 to 10 sections. These elements are connected to each other using screws or the groove connection method. For very small animals, you can purchase plastic structures.

Modular design will be convenient in the following cases:

  • isolation of a sick animal;
  • keeping a dog in heat or puppies;
  • raising aggressive animals that damage furniture or go to the toilet in the wrong place.

A folding aviary in the form of an awning tent is convenient for frequent travel with a dog

The walls of such enclosures are very durable. When properly designed, they fit well into the interior. For example, the structure can be disguised as a piece of furniture (table or cabinet). To do this, a tabletop is placed on the roof.

A good enclosure is easy to use; the structure can be easily folded and put away while the animal is not using it. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to practical prefabricated models.

Important! The enclosure is intended for the temporary stay of an animal. If the dog sits in it constantly, it will become aggressive and painful. This option for keeping an animal is unacceptable.

How to do it yourself?

In order not to spend extra money, the dog’s housing problem can be solved at home. The main thing is to choose the right location, size and material.

Dimensions , of course, are selected individually depending on your dog, but as a rule, a height of 40 cm and 0.5 square meters will be sufficient for a puppy.

For small adult mini dogs - height up to 80 cm and area 1.5 square meters.

It is not recommended to build an enclosure smaller than these sizes, since each dog requires free space. In addition, you will want to place the necessary accessories for your baby .

In general, the larger the playpen, the faster the puppies will learn to go to the toilet in one place and sleep and play in another! If there is not enough space in the enclosure, then the kids constantly walk around where they peed and spread the smell throughout the entire playpen. Such an enclosure will quickly become a breeding ground for all kinds of bacterial infections and it would be better to eventually burn it and wash the puppy thoroughly .

So, how to build an enclosure for a dog or puppy with your own hands?



If you are making a playpen from wood or plywood, then you need to impregnate it with something non-toxic like Aquatex or the like.

Collapsible plastic

Try making a soft pen for your dog from a profile pipe:

1. Cut the pipes to the height you need. Leave 5 cm on each side to adjust the parts! 2. We insert each part (pipe section) into a fitting (connecting part of the pipeline). Ideally, you need to preheat the pipes to ensure they hold tightly, but this is not necessary! The main thing is to show strength! 3. We connect the tees in sections of approximately 5 cm.

Sequence in pictures:

From chipboard

The most ideal home playpen for puppies! We recommend using laminated chipboard (chipboard). It makes excellent, simple, and most importantly cheap square enclosures. In addition, chipboard is much thicker than plywood, so it will last longer. Such a playpen is easy to care for and disinfect, and the smooth surface prevents teeth from catching on the walls and eliminates the possibility of splinters.

Try to make the playpen as large as possible so that the dog is comfortable. Manufacturing is terribly simple: you need to connect the chipboard slabs with timber at the corners, and reinforce the playpen with corners on top.

Construction of housing for small dogs

The main rule to avoid miscalculations: measure a hundred times, cut once. From here, sketches and tips will give a correct and competent idea of ​​the pet’s future home.

Construction requirements

  • Dimensions are chosen no more than 6-8 m2. In a high and deep enclosure, the dog will become scared, uncomfortable and uncomfortable.
  • The roof is partially covered or not done.
  • The height of the walls is no higher than 1500 mm. There is no need to transfer money to the height of the room.
  • A maximum of 2-3 walls are covered with solid material, 1-2 are open. The dog feels safe in such housing.
  • The floors are covered with wood, poured with concrete with a panel covering. A small dog can easily catch a cold due to drafts, this must be taken into account.
  • The loungers are made in the form of a children's mattress with a cross section of 12–15 cm.

The optimal dimensions of an enclosure for a dog with your own hands are inexpensive, according to the experience of dog handlers: 2×3; 3x3, 4x6 m. When constructing, it is useful to start working on drawings, mini projects, standard series, and, of course, recommendations from expert professionals.


Just look at these beautiful dog enclosures right in the apartment:

This option is convenient and beautiful, but not desirable: you can greatly weaken your pet’s psyche by constantly taking or throwing various objects on his roof. We do not recommend soft options, because they are difficult to wash and they absorb odors very much. In addition, it will be very scary for a puppy and an adult dog.

What you need to know when making a playpen and what to stock up on

First, determine a place in the apartment where a playpen for puppies or a small dog will be located, a size suitable for installing bowls, a blanket, toys and a place to sleep.
It must be remembered that the house should be located away from drafts, radiators, gas supply and overly active places of family members. Buy pliers, wire, soft metal mesh, door hinges, metal rods and start making your own playpen. As you can see, there are a minimum of materials, and the result is worth tinkering with this design. The next step is to create a frame and cover it with mesh. The best option for the job would be strong male hands. That's all, the do-it-yourself playpen is ready and your pet is safe.

The playpen may be made of wood, but it will be quickly destroyed by the dog, because out of boredom he can take it seriously. The process of making a wooden frame is a little more complicated, but nothing is impossible for dog lovers, because the safety and health of the puppies depends on their care. For a fabric aviary, patterns and measurements will be useful.

Often homemade crafts turn into pure pleasure and entertainment for the whole family. All relatives are involved in the construction of the dog’s house, turning the dog’s rest room into a real boudoir with tulle, curtains and other decorative accessories. So plan construction and you won't regret it.

Armed with information, it will be easier for you to decide which playpen for your dog is better - purchased or made by yourself. And do you even need it? As you can see, it is easier to say why an enclosure is not needed - if you have purchased an adult puppy and if this puppy is a boy.

You also won’t need an enclosure if your dog is absolutely harmless and non-aggressive in nature, sleeps often and practically doesn’t move. But, as you know, there are very few such dogs. If an adult dog becomes calmer, then this is the result of socialization and proper upbringing; this is not done immediately, but in the process of long and hard training.

How to train?

As soon as a puppy appears in your house, how to accustom him to the playpen: immediately place him in the house so that he knows that this is only his territory. Don't take it out too often and unceremoniously, show respect!

When the puppy is still very small, you need to bring it into the enclosure, saying the command “place”. The probability that the puppy will fall asleep peacefully there is quite high, but if this does not happen and he immediately runs out, do not swear, but try again.

Place food and water there so that the puppy understands that this territory is useful and non-hostile for him!

Do not close it immediately, let the dog come and go as much as he wants, otherwise your dog will perceive being in the enclosure as a punishment. The dog will feel lonely and abandoned!

If you already want to accustom an adult dog to an enclosure, then you need to follow 2 rules : 1) do not punish the dog when it is in the enclosure, 2) do not close the door so that the dog can leave it freely at all times.

If the dog flatly refuses to live in an enclosure, use a trick: place inside an insanely forbidden, but beloved treat or toy, which the dog will, one way or another, come for. When this happens, the animal must be praised. The enclosure can also be turned into an arena for games: throw a toy inside so that the dog gets it.

Give your dog and puppy the feeling that the enclosure is her personal and wonderful refuge, in which she can feel like the owner. Don't rummage through her toys there and don't punish her for the mess: this is only her territory.

Be sure to go inside with the dog at first and talk to it, praise it, and caress it. Let the playpen be associated with something very pleasant.


Where to place it correctly

The correct place is considered to be the one that is typical of the recommendations:

  1. Preference is a flat, dry area, no drafts or gusts of wind.
  2. The animal has a maximum view of 120° in both directions.
  3. The location is not close to the entrance and fence.
  4. Complete isolation from the owner is eliminated and loneliness is not experienced.
  5. Away from the windows of the house. So that the smells do not reach the hut.

What is an aviary

An aviary is a fenced area for keeping poultry, pets and dogs. It may or may not be covered.

One of the options for respectable pets

A dog enclosure is a building in which an animal can be kept. For large dogs, the enclosure is made outdoors, and in such a way that it can withstand the pressure of the animal for a long time.

This is an enclosure (fence) for small dogs

For small domestic dogs, an enclosure usually means a portable fence that allows you to limit their movement. The same enclosures are usually needed for older puppies, so that they do not wander around the house.

Video “We make an aviary ourselves”

The video shows how to make a six-section enclosure for a dog with your own hands.

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Enclosure sizes

To make an aviary with your own hands, you will first need to decide on the size. It all depends on the breed, or rather, on the size of the dog. The larger it is, the more spacious the enclosure it needs for normal well-being. For shepherds, huskies and other not too large dogs, a pen with an area of ​​6 meters per individual is sufficient. For Alabais, Caucasian Shepherds, Mastiffs and other large breeds, much more is needed. If the pen is considered only for “locking it while someone comes,” then you can fence off the same 6 squares. Otherwise - at least 8

About enclosures from the store: advantages and disadvantages

By looking at advertisements online or going shopping, you can find many offers from different firms and companies for the sale of finished structures. It is also proposed to manufacture any structure to order according to the provided drawings, the requirements, from any materials. The advantages of such objects include:

  • The construction of structures is carried out by specialists, which allows you to avoid many mistakes made when doing it yourself.
  • The manufacturer provides a warranty period for its product.
  • A wide range of. You can choose a beautiful product to suit every taste.
  • Mobility. Prefabricated structures can be easily assembled and dismantled, and stored in a utility room.

Among the disadvantages it is worth highlighting:

  • High cost. A building built with your own hands will cost much less.
  • Uniqueness. Products are mass produced.
  • Quality of materials. When carrying out work, the owner himself selects building materials.

Choosing a location for an aviary in the yard

You want to make an enclosure so that your pet feels good, so you need to take into account its character and habits. While in the enclosure, the dog will continue to guard its territory, so it is best to fence off the area on a hill, if there is one. It is very good if the entrance to the house, the entrance to the site is visible, or at least it will be possible to track one of these important points. When choosing a place, keep in mind that your pet needs to see you at least from time to time. You or family members. Otherwise, whining and howling are guaranteed, especially if the dog is not used to restrictions.

When choosing materials, keep in mind that everything that can be chewed will be chewed

When choosing a location, pay attention to the following points:

Taking all these wishes into account is far from easy, but it depends on how well the pet will feel.

How to choose an enclosure for a German Shepherd

Basic recommendations for choosing an enclosure for a German Shepherd:

  • An enclosure measuring 6 m² will be sufficient for this breed. But if the height of the dog is more than 50 cm at the withers, the territory should be equal to 10 m². Keep in mind that if the structure is too small for the dog, this will affect its security qualities.
  • Be sure to provide a booth in the enclosure that can protect the animal from wind and cold.
  • If you have a smooth-haired German Shepherd, be sure to insulate the enclosure.
  • To prevent the floor from rotting, treat the boards with a special solution.
  • Make a window in the enclosure through which you will supply water and food.

Design requirements and materials

Large breed dogs with good coats are not afraid of the cold. If they are outdoors all the time, they grow a thick undercoat, which perfectly protects them from the cold. It is much worse for them if they are either warm or cold. What’s also bad for them is a draft. Then a thick undercoat does not help. Therefore, one of the long walls of the enclosure must be sewn up; one or two of the short ones may be closed. With this device, in any direction of the wind you can find calm and the dog does not have to climb into the kennel.

At least two adjacent walls must be sewn up

What to make the frame from and how to sheathe it

The frame of the enclosure is made from a pipe or corner. It is better/easier to use a profiled pipe - square or rectangular. Wall thickness from 1.5 mm, pipe cross-section for racks 40*40, for lintels - 20*40. And then look at the weight of the dog, the dimensions of the building and the planned materials. Nowadays, finding a corner of normal quality, and even even, is a problem, and straightening it without special equipment will not work. Therefore, it is better, after all, to use a pipe. If you take a corner, then it will have a shelf 4-5 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.

The walls of the enclosure can be made from imitation timber. But the part facing inward also needs to be processed (coated)

As already said, at least the back wall needs to be sewn up, or better yet, two adjacent ones. In regions where wood is inexpensive, they usually use boards or tongue-and-groove moldings - imitation timber, floorboards, etc. We turn the front side inside the enclosure - splinters in dogs are a very unpleasant thing. You can replace the boards with plywood, you just need moisture-resistant, sanded, low-emission plywood (not construction).


Often the frame is covered with chain-link mesh or welded mesh, which is used in road or construction work. The chain-link is very unreliable, because if the dog strives to be free, it is not a hindrance to it. They very quickly realize that if you push hard enough, it will bend and sag, and if you apply enough force, it can be broken. This is what usually happens.

A "small" dog escapes through a chain-link fence

Those who are unable to break it with their weight use the cells in the grid as steps. Very convenient, by the way. Once trained, they escape very quickly. And medium and large dogs are usually smart, so escaping in this case is only a matter of time. And if dogs have not yet learned to climb on the mesh, they can be injured by welding points, protruding edges of the mesh, etc. The grid is often attacked, so it is only a matter of time before dangerous elements appear.


  • Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Savory Chicken is formulated to support muscle mass and vital organ health. With clinically proven antioxidants, muscle protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Science Plan Canine Adult Small & Miniature is formulated to support oral health, healthy skin and healthy digestion in small and miniature breed dogs. Contains natural ingredients and high levels of clinically proven antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  • Hill's Science Plan Puppy Healthy Development Large Breed Chicken is formulated to promote healthy skeletal development in large breed puppies. With clinically proven antioxidants and optimal mineral levels. Optimal mineral content for healthy skeletal development. High quality protein and L-carnitine for strong muscles. Antioxidants with clinically proven benefits for immune system health. High quality ingredients. Great taste
  • Science Plan Canine Manure Adult 7+ Small & Miniature is designed to support strong immunity, vital organ and oral health. Contains a complex of antioxidants with a clinically proven effect, vitamins and minerals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Indoor kennels are in fairly high demand among owners of small and medium-sized dogs, which is due to the many undeniable advantages of their use.

  • Thanks to the installation of a fence, it is possible to completely eliminate the destructive consequences of the dog playing in the absence of the owners.
  • Cleaning time is significantly reduced. Now you don’t have to collect things scattered throughout the apartment, clean the carpet and remove animal waste products throughout the apartment.
  • Installing an indoor enclosure allows you to quickly accustom a puppy to a tray or diaper, which is quite problematic to do when it moves freely throughout the house.
  • Compared to a cage in which a pet can only sleep, an enclosure allows it to play, eat, relieve its natural needs and simply relax in a house or on a lounger.
  • Thanks to its collapsible design, the enclosure is very convenient to transport in the trunk of a car and take with you to nature.

It is possible to wash a dog without water

We discussed simple options, but what to do if bathing is contraindicated for a dog, how to wash a dog without water? There may be several reasons to think about it: bathing is contraindicated for old dogs due to the high likelihood of catching a cold, skin eczema progresses upon contact with water, healing wounds or sutures should be protected from moisture. The simplest option is that the dog is dirty, how to wash it if it is afraid of water?

There is an exit! At first, resourceful women tried this method on themselves, and then the idea was picked up by canine cosmetologists. To clean wool, powder is used, the main part is talc, auxiliary elements disinfect and disinfect the skin. The product is available in jars similar to baby powder. The powder is distributed over a small area, after which the wool is carefully combed

It is important to thoroughly comb the dog before bathing, to remove excess undercoat and tangles. This type of reading does not require additional procedures.

Design elements

If you are planning to build an enclosure yourself, buy a ready-made structure or individual elements, you need to know how to choose them correctly.


Lack of flooring is a common cause of unpleasant odors and unethical perception of the structure. An important stage is making the floor.

Wooden floor

The wooden floor is warm and comfortable. You will need:

  1. timber measuring 50 × 100 mm;
  2. boards measuring 200 × 20 mm.

Boards are attached to the timber. The structure is constantly in contact with the ground, so the wooden floor must be properly impregnated. High-quality impregnation does not pose a threat to the health of four-legged animals.

Concrete floor

Choosing a concrete floor is a little easier to ensure cleanliness, but concrete is colder. It is necessary to make a slight difference in the height of the floor, allowing water to drain after rain and washing the floor.


The height of a standard fence is 180 cm. A typical fence contour is characterized by simple walls; if necessary, inclined walls can be planned. The fencing must take into account the roofing system.

Types of fencing

Popular types of fencing:

  • Rabitz;
  • metal rods;
  • the combination of metal and wood looks elegant, cozy, and provides additional protection for your pet;
  • owners of tiny dogs often choose cages made of plastic - bright, beautiful, rather fragile, and not resistant to breaking; The plastic option is suitable only for weak animals that are unable to overturn a light structure.

Welded or regular woven forms of chain link mesh are widely used as fencing. A concrete foundation will make the barrier stable. In the case of ready-made fencing kits, manufacturers take care of simple assembly - the mesh is attached to a tension wire with tensioners and screws.

Support posts are installed in the planned corners. For larger fence sizes, intermediate posts are required. Using special clamps, the mesh on the posts is tightened to a flat surface. Most often, metal mesh is chosen as the most durable.

You need to place the fence so that the dog cannot crawl under it. The door should open inward, providing safe contact with the animal.

Weight of fences

Dog kennels are usually made of metal. Depending on their size, cells are characterized by varying strength. The stronger the material, the more stable, heavy the structure. Weight is not important if the structure is stationary

However, if you plan to keep your pet in a cage, you need to pay special attention to the weight


Purchasing a ready-made winter enclosure with a roof is associated with high costs. You can keep costs to a minimum by choosing the simple version. On the other hand, this is an investment for many years; making changes and improvements leads to higher costs.

The roof must work in different weather conditions, protecting from:

  • rain;
  • snow;
  • heat;
  • possible escape.

Many animals will learn to quickly climb onto the grate, which can allow the pet to escape at the least expected moment.

The structure prepared for the installation of the roof can be made of sections supported by cross beams (for example, sections 60 × 30). The roofing material often used is:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • bitumen.

Galvanized profiles make it possible to attach the roof panel to them; wooden structures are usually supplemented with bitumen coatings.

An aviary with a roof looks aesthetically pleasing and decorates the yard. You can hang flowers and decorations on the den, giving the environment a warm, homely atmosphere. You can make decorative decorations from scrap materials.

Photo. Cozy booths with a walk - a real decoration of landscape design

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