Dog Chow dog food: types and composition, reviews from veterinarians and breeders

Types of Dog Chow food for dogs

Dog Chow dog food is considered premium, although the proportion of meat in it is no more than 20%, and vegetables are often replaced by offal. There are lines for puppies of large and small breeds, for sick and sensitive pets, for adults and active animals. Food is sold in one form - dry food (croquettes in two sizes).

The following ingredients can be found in the composition:

  • chicken or lamb meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetables or offal;
  • rice;
  • cereals;
  • fatty acid;
  • beet;
  • chicory;
  • mineral complexes.

Features of the composition of Dog Chow feed

One of the features of Dog Chow food is its heterogeneous structure: the food contains both small and fairly large granules. This is done so that by thoroughly chewing the food, the jaw muscles are effectively developed and the dog’s teeth are cleaned.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! The original food, produced in the USA, belongs to the premium line. The manufacturer's factories for the domestic market are located in Russia, and this food is slightly inferior in quality to the original. It can rather be classified as an economy class line.

What is included in the food:

  1. Cereals were the first to be noted as a source of carbohydrates. They make up 20% of the total feed volume. The company’s official website describes exactly what kind of grains these are: brewer’s rice, wheat, barley, corn. The highest quality of the above is barley. Brewer's rice is inferior in quality to whole rice. You need to be careful with corn and wheat, because... They can often trigger the development of allergies in pets.
  2. Second on the list is protein. In Dog Chow, the protein source is meat, meat bone and poultry by-product meal (14%), processed fish products (4%), corn gluten and soybean meal. The share of vegetable protein here prevails over animal protein, but vegetable protein is less easily absorbed in the dog’s body, and its nutritional value is an order of magnitude lower compared to meat.
  3. There are also flavorings and additives: dry mixtures from animal tissue, artificial flavors and salt.
  4. The oils included in the composition supply fats to the pet’s body, which are needed to replenish energy during active physical activity.
  5. Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are also very useful. They provide strong bones, muscle tone, and healthy teeth. In addition, Omega-3 acids affect the development of the dog’s brain and vision. Biotin will add shine and silky coat. Calcium iodate is a mineral supplement for the thyroid gland, lysine promotes the absorption of calcium and is good for bones. The vitamin E contained in the food helps strengthen the natural strength of the pet’s body.
  6. Natural dietary fiber is also present in the feed: such as chicory (1.1%) and beet pulp (1.1%), which are a source of fiber. Chicory contains probiotics, which stimulate the growth and development of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora, and also help improve digestion. Beet pulp normalizes the motility of the pet's gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Dog Chow food also contains a natural antioxidant - garlic. It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The product is intended for permanent nutrition of dogs of all ages and breeds.

Dog Chow food for dogs - disadvantages

But there is no less list of disadvantages of nutrition:

  • poor nutritional composition;
  • a small portion of real meat;
  • lack of information about by-products on the packaging;
  • a large proportion of cereals;
  • minimal proportion of real vegetables;
  • low calorie and nutritional value.

We also note that cereals can cause allergies in many animals, especially puppies. Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Release form and composition

Dog Chow is a dry food sold in packages weighing 0.8 kg, 2.5 kg and 14 kg. When choosing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their compositions and make sure that they meet the needs of your pet. The food is based on cereal products, which is not very good. The second place is occupied by animal proteins.

Dog Chow dog food contains lamb, turkey and chicken. You can find processed vegetables and fish products. Maintaining muscle tone and the condition of the skeletal system, improving brain activity and excellent coat appearance are provided by Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Plant fibers from chicory and beets stabilize the digestive tract. The amount of nutrients varies depending on the needs of dogs and the purpose of the food: the composition may contain 23-28% protein, 8-14% fat, 2.5-3% fiber. A vitamin-mineral complex and antioxidants are also added.

Which food should you choose for your pet?

All Dog Chow food lines are designed for adult dogs, puppies, sick pets with digestive problems and nursing bitches. Therefore, you can choose the appropriate option for all ages and periods of development of your pet.

Puppy series

This line is suitable for babies aged from two months to one year of age; the main feature is a large number of vitamins and nutritional components for full development. The nutritional components are designed in such a way as to protect against diseases, strengthen bones and teeth, and stimulate the development of the puppy.

Several options are offered:

  • universal food with chicken and rice, not counting minerals and vitamins;
  • universal food with lamb, rice, minerals and vegetables;
  • for large breeds with meat and grains;
  • for little ones with chicken and rice.

Mature dogs

Croquettes for mature dogs are used from one year onwards and are designed to maintain energy and immunity . And the special form of croquettes eliminates tartar and plaque.

There are also several food options to choose from:

  • for all types of dogs;
  • big dogs;
  • small dogs;
  • pets from five years old;
  • agile dogs;
  • sick pets with digestive disorders.

Few people know, but Adult Large Breed food is designed not just for large dogs, but giant ones weighing from 25 kg. The composition contains the correct ratio of components, so the dog will replenish its entire energy supply, without the risk of obesity.

Nutrition for giant breeds includes:

  • lamb or chicken;
  • offal with vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • porridge;
  • carrot;
  • mineral complexes.

It is important that for aging dogs, after nine years, there are separate lines that support immunity.

Daily norm

On all Dog Chow packages, the manufacturer indicates the recommended daily food intake. It acts as an average guideline for dog owners.

ATTENTION! The diet of adults should have a good balance and be enriched with vitamins and minerals. The required dosage and selection of feed of suitable specificity is carried out on an individual basis. The habits and personal characteristics of the animal are taken into account.

Pet weight (kg)Norm (in g)
Standard activityIncreased activity

Reviews of Dog Chow food for dogs

Arina: I saw reviews from dog owners and decided to buy this food for my own. I can't say anything bad, but nothing good either. If given additionally with other foods, then it is a good option. Although I would not recommend it for puppies, because there are few vitamins, but they may be allergic to grains and offal. And I wouldn’t say that this is premium food. There are better options in economy.

Valya: But we are quite happy, because our Courtney eats with pleasure, although we additionally give meat and vitamins. If you choose food according to the breed and age, and always put water nearby, your pet will be happy. There is no allergy to grains, but I have enough energy and strength until the night. For this price it's a good option.

Oleg: We thought for a long time whether it was worth buying Dog Chow food, because the reviews were different and ambiguous everywhere. But since we have a healthy and adult dog, we decided to take a risk. We decided to choose a universal food for large breeds. They didn’t give us anything extra, but three meals a day was enough. While Tony didn’t always eat other foods, he ate this one with pleasure. I would recommend.

Reviews from veterinarians

For the most part, veterinarians do not recommend Dog Chow as the basis of a dog’s diet, but are of the opinion that it is the best economy class food.

Anna: “Dog Chow dog food is in the middle between the premium segment and economy. There is very little real meat in it, and the by-products included are quite questionable, since the manufacturer does not say what kind of products they are. The main ingredients are cereals - this is also a big minus, because for predators, meat is the primary product. But Dog Cow also has its advantages. The food contains amino acids that are extremely important for the proper functioning of the heart, fatty acids necessary for coat and skin, natural prebiotics for better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other essential minerals and vitamins. I will not recommend this food, but if the owner has the opportunity to purchase only inexpensive food, then Dog Chow will do an excellent job.”

Alexey: “When a dog breeder selects a premium line of food, “Dog Chow” becomes for him a kind of compromise between price and quality. This food is superior in composition to others in economy class. But there is not enough real meat in the composition. The basis of this diet is cereals, and in general the composition is quite poor. There are animal by-products, vegetables and fish are presented in the same form. But the vitamin and mineral composition is normal. In my opinion, Dog Chow does not pose a health risk. And, if I can recommend it, it is only in combination with more expensive food. You can try this option, and the doctor will tell you in what proportions you need to give each type of food to your dog.”

Victor: “In working practice, I adhere to the approach - the pet chooses the food itself. In the absence of allergies and other negative reactions of the body, when the dog eats the food with appetite, it means that it is suitable for her. I advise you to mix wet food of the selected brand with dry food to make the food more rich and satisfying. In addition, you need to select additional vitamin and mineral complexes. Many dog ​​breeders choose this food because of its affordable price, which is quite logical.”

Stanislav: “If we consider inexpensive food, Dog Chow is very good. It has a pleasant aroma and optimal humidity - pets eat it with appetite. But, due to the poor content of animal protein, the standard portion is not enough. Therefore, you have to add meat directly to the norm. If your pet is very active and energetic, then “Dog Show” will be practically useless for him. One option is to use large pellets of food as a reward for completing tasks during training. But if your dog is a couch potato and not a fan of long walks, Dog Chow is his option.”

Food for chow chow puppies

Such foods contain at least 35% natural proteins. To avoid allergic reactions and obesity, low-fat varieties of fish and meat (veal, lamb, chicken or turkey) are used for production. High-quality formulations do not contain artificial additives. Of the 5 candidates considered, one mixture meets the needs of a growing organism.

Acana Singles

The diet is rich in easily digestible and extremely nutritious natural protein (50%). The main part (35%) comes from fresh and dehydrated duck meat. Also added are duck kidneys, liver, heart, cartilage and bones.

Hypoallergenic food promotes the proper development of the puppy's bone, cardiovascular, muscular and nervous systems. A variety of low-glycemic fruits, berries, plants and legumes enhances the body's protective properties, maintains good physical shape and optimal blood sugar levels.

The composition does not include grains, which prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions. Natural fiber in the form of pumpkin and pear has a beneficial effect on sensitive digestion. The food can be given to adult and elderly dogs.


  • Packaged in 0.34, 2, 6 and 11.4 kg;
  • Suitable for picky pets;
  • Economical consumption (from 40 to 570 g);
  • Suitable for pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • Has a zip fastener.


  • Not detected.

Acana Singles uses free-range duck meat, making the product environmentally friendly.

Wet food for chow chow

The technology for producing wet mixtures consists of grinding, mixing and extrusion. The last stage involves the use of lower pressure and temperature than in the manufacture of dry food. This allows you to save most of the vitamins. The team conducted a comparative analysis of the characteristics of 10 nominees. The 3 winners will have the most nutritional value for chow chow.


Premium Czech-made food designed for adult dogs (from 1 to 6 years) of all sizes. It has an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and is 100% hypoallergenic, therefore suitable for pets with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The meat component is represented by beef and offal (lung, abomasum, trachea, etc.), which are ideally combined with rice cereals. Additional ingredients include carrots, vegetable oil, gelling agent, minerals, vitamins, salt and water.

Wet diets are characterized by high nutritional value, which is important for a full, active life for a pet. Its components improve brain function, have a positive effect on the immune system, the health of bones and joints, and the beauty of the coat. Brit can be used either in its pure form or mixed with cereals.


  • Does not contain flavor enhancers, preservatives or soy;
  • Affordable price;
  • Smells good;
  • Dogs eat with great pleasure;
  • Large jar volume – 850 g.


  • Viscous consistency.

Before serving, it is advisable to bring chow chow dog food to room temperature, which will improve its digestibility.

Four-legged Gourmet Golden Line

…For a long time I couldn’t find the optimal diet for my two-year-old chow-chow. There were problems with the quality of the wool, an allergic reaction appeared. The four-legged Gourmand Golden Line helped get rid of these problems. My pet feels great and looks beautiful...

Expert opinion

Canned food does not contain GMOs, flavor enhancers, soy and preservatives. The diet is suitable for a strict or mono-protein diet for dogs, as it consists of 98% natural turkey meat without skin.

They are low in calories and have a high content of minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium, etc.) and vitamins (K, PP, D, A, E, etc.).

The four-legged Gourmet Golden Line replenishes energy resources, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, prevents anemia, reduces cholesterol, and improves the condition of the skin and coat.

To prevent fluid accumulation, a gelling additive of natural origin is used. Canned food is designed for all breeds aged 1 to 6 years. They can be used for daily feeding and as a supplementary diet.


  • Not addictive;
  • Optimal energy value – 155 kcal per 100 g;
  • Suitable for even the most demanding dogs;
  • Can be used for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Value for money.


  • Not detected.

Hill's Prescription Diet for gastrointestinal diseases

Medicinal canned food is prescribed for pancreatitis, colitis, gastroenteritis, diarrhea and coprostasis. They restore the body after surgery and help with impaired exocrine pancreatic function.

Hill's Prescription Diet contains easily digestible proteins and fats in the form of turkey, pork, rice, eggs, flaxseed and soybean oil. All this has a positive effect on nutrient absorption and tissue regeneration. The balanced composition replenishes energy needs, saturates cells with oxygen and reduces inflammation.

Additional ingredients include corn, ginger root, and rice flour. To maintain healthy intestinal microflora, chow chow dog food uses natural fiber (cellulose and sugar beet pulp). The food is designed for dogs of all sizes.


  • Clinically proven effectiveness;
  • Excellent taste;
  • Optimal consistency;
  • Reduced amount of fat (3.8%);
  • No flavors, artificial preservatives or colors.


  • Somewhat high price.

To avoid negative reactions due to gastrointestinal diseases, you should always consult a veterinarian before using Hill's Prescription Diet.

What type of food should I choose?

Each type of feeding has its own pros and cons. With a natural diet, the entry of preservatives, dyes and chemicals into the animal’s body is excluded, but in the absence of knowledge, the animal owner will not be able to correctly and balancedly create a dog’s diet.

Dry food not only saves the owner time, but also allows you to feed your dog competently and correctly, since they contain all the necessary high-quality components that contribute to the normal development and growth of the animal. This does not mean that you need to buy the first dry food you come across in bright packaging and give it to your animal. First you need to find information about different brands, read reviews about dry food, for example, “Dog Chow”, “Chappie” and others, and also consult a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Akana: food for dogs of small and large breeds, puppies

Dry food made in the form of croquettes from the Purina brand Dog Chow is an easily accessible and relatively inexpensive product. Manufacturers monitor the quality and range of their products. Dog Chow products retain their taste and beneficial qualities for a long time, they are convenient to store and use, and do not require special storage conditions. As dogs grow older, they can eat different types of food.

Some Dog Chow consumers attribute the low level of meat ingredients to the disadvantages of products, forgetting that with an increase in the amount of natural meat, the price of the product will increase.

All dogs eat dry food

You can find a sufficient number of reviews about Dog Chow products on the Internet, most of them are positive. But still, the main consumers of the product are animals, if they eat Dog Chow with pleasure and do not get sick, then everything is in order, the product under the auspices brings joy and longevity to animals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pet owners in reviews of Dog Chow food note the following advantages:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. Wide distribution and can be purchased at any pet store.
  3. Large assortment for different categories of dogs.
  4. Prevention of the development of tartar thanks to granules of different sizes and hardness.

However, food also has its drawbacks:

  1. Deficiency of meat and vegetable components.
  2. Excess of grains.
  3. Lack of complete information about the by-products included in the composition.
  4. Low nutritional value.

Rating of food for chow chow

Before writing the rating, consultations were held with veterinarians and feedback from owners of the Chow Chow breed was taken into account. This data helped compile a list of the best balanced and affordable diets. For their production, only fresh, high-quality products and proven technologies were used.

To determine the winners, the following characteristics were analyzed:

  • Type of food – dry or wet;
  • Class – economy, premium or super-premium;
  • Animal age – for puppies, adults or seniors;
  • Breed size – for small, medium or large;
  • The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Number of vegetables, berries, fruits and plants;
  • Presence of harmful components;
  • Therapeutic effect;
  • Size, shape and smell of granules;
  • Versatility;
  • Degree of digestibility;
  • Shelf life and consumption;
  • Weight and type of packaging;
  • Availability of zip lock.

Even during the selection, attention was paid to the absence of allergic reactions and addiction, as well as the price-quality ratio. Initially, more than 20 nominees took part in the testing. After careful study, only 7 winners were included in the TOP.

The best food for a shepherd

Line for adult dogs

The recipe for food for adults is developed according to the lifestyle and age-related changes of dogs. The necessary nutritional value and energy level allow dogs to maintain good physical shape, and the granules of a special structure serve to prevent oral diseases.

The Dog Chow line of food for adult dogs is presented in several options:

  1. For all breeds.
  2. For small breeds.
  3. For large breeds.
  4. For dogs over 5 years old.
  5. For active animals participating in sports.
  6. For pets with health problems, high sensitivity and allergic reactions.

The Adult Large Breed diet for large pets is designed specifically for dogs weighing more than 25 kg with a normal activity level. Its formulation is created to maintain the animal’s optimal weight and prevent the risk of obesity. The sources of glucosamine included in the composition support ligaments and joints, helping to prevent inflammation.

Dog Chow Adult Small Breed food for small breeds contains a high amount of fat, which meets the energy needs of small pets. The health of teeth and bones is supported by minerals, the beauty of the coat is supported by Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Feeds based on lamb meat are highly digestible, so the animal does not suffer from overeating and heaviness. These diets are ideal for dogs with highly sensitive skin and digestive tract and low activity levels. The line is represented by several lamb-flavored foods.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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