Principles of feeding Chihuahuas at home: general recommendations and reviews from owners

Chihuahuas are small decorative dogs that have won the love and affection of many dog ​​breeders.

The popularity of the breed continues unabated, with many purchasing them believing that they require no maintenance.

This is wrong.

The most important component of caring for a Chihuahua is proper nutrition, the absence of which threatens the development of a host of health problems for the pet.

Natural food or artificial food?

Despite their miniature size, Chihuahuas are active dogs that expend a lot of energy throughout the day. Therefore, their diet must be nutritious and contain proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals in the required quantities.

At home, a dog's diet can consist of both natural products and ready-made industrial food .

The main thing is not to mix both types of feeding, keep food balanced and avoid sudden changes in diet.

Food should replenish the pet’s energy costs through quality, not quantity..

The main advantages of natural nutrition are variety and the absence of artificial additives.

At the same time, ready-made food is easy to use and has a balanced composition, including all the components a dog needs.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Most often, professional breeders prefer to feed their dogs ready-made food - this feeding method requires minimal effort. When a new owner buys a puppy, he can gradually transition him to a natural diet if he deems it necessary. The main problem is that many lovers mistake leftovers from the common table for natural food. This is not only untrue, but also dangerous for the life of the Chihuahua. I can only advise one thing - if you are not sure that you can properly prepare a dog’s diet and are not ready to spend every day preparing food individually for it, you should choose good dry food and not experiment. Moreover, the modern market offers a wide range of food for any age and pet characteristics.

How to protect yourself from obesity?

This issue should be taken very seriously when caring for your animal. Chihuahua is a breed with a tendency to be overweight. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, follow the general rules.

  1. These dogs love to eat, and some of them cannot control their satiety. Free access to food is unacceptable.
  2. Feeding is carried out strictly according to the clock. To avoid malnutrition and oversaturation, do not break the schedule and stick to the established regime.
  3. Do not feed your dog from the communal table.

Older dogs are more likely to suffer from obesity, and this is quite natural, since many physiological changes occur at this time. Older dogs are less active and their metabolic rate is significantly reduced. It is very sad when obesity appears in young dogs due to overeating and mistakes of their owners.

Most owners do not realize that obesity entails a whole list of concomitant diseases: arthritis, tracheal collapse, inflammation of the ligaments and tenosynovitis, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys, musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract and dislocations of the kneecaps. These diseases pose a great threat to such a small and fragile dog breed.

General recommendations

When feeding a Chihuahua, you should develop a regimen and stick to it: the pet should eat at the same time in a certain place.

In addition, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • food should be at room temperature;
  • the dog must have constant access to clean drinking water;
  • in the hot season, it is better to switch your pet to one-time feeding;
  • do not feed the Chihuahua from the common table;
  • products must be fresh;
  • Candies, cookies or other prohibited foods should not be given as treats.

Because Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, you need to monitor the amount of food they consume..

Prohibited Products

Not all foods are allowed for Chihuahuas. Prohibited items include:

  • fatty meat and fish (poorly digested);
  • pollock, nuts (can cause urolithiasis);
  • sausages (contain harmful additives);
  • legumes (cause bloating, cramps);
  • whole milk (promotes flatulence and abdominal pain);
  • sweets (provoke diseases of the digestive system).

Food for a Chihuahua should not be hot or cold: it should be warmed to room temperature.

Thus, when feeding a Chihuahua, it is important to decide on the type of food. It is necessary to choose only quality products. This applies to both natural food and dry food.

Pros and cons of natural food

In addition to a varied menu and the absence of harmful preservatives, flavorings, flavor enhancers and dyes, a natural diet has a number of other advantages:

  • the owner of the Chihuahua can independently choose products, assessing their quality and freshness;
  • all micro- and macroelements of natural origin necessary for the proper development of a dog;
  • natural products are easier to digest;
  • If an allergic reaction to a certain product occurs, it can be replaced with another without changing the main diet.

In addition, natural nutrition allows you to save significantly if you purchase seasonal fruits and vegetables and alternate beef with chicken.

However, this diet also has its disadvantages.:

  • You cannot cook several days in advance - stale food loses its beneficial components and can lead to poisoning;
  • it is necessary to give the dog additional vitamins and minerals;
  • creating a balanced menu will require time and certain knowledge;
  • For people accustomed to traveling with a dog, natural feeding poses a problem and inconvenience.

Feeding a dog with natural products is convenient for less busy people who have the opportunity and desire to cook for their pet every day.

Authorized Products

A balanced diet necessary for the proper development of a Chihuahua should consist of 60% protein of animal origin, 30% of cereals, vegetables and fruits and 10% of fermented milk products.

The pet menu should definitely include:

  • boiled and chopped lean meat - veal, beef, turkey, chicken;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal and millet porridge;
  • steamed or raw vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cheese.

Also, the natural diet should contain:

  • boiled sea fish, rich in vitamins A, D, B – once a week;
  • boiled eggs for shiny coat - every 3-4 days;
  • offal as an alternative to meat, but a maximum of 2 times a week, otherwise vomiting and diarrhea are possible;
  • crackers or bread to develop chewing muscles and clean teeth;
  • vegetable oils as an additional source of fats.

You will also need to take an additional vitamin-mineral complex.

List of things that are strictly contraindicated

ProductConsequences of use
BeansProvoke flatulence
MushroomsPut a strain on the liver and can lead to poisoning
MilkIn adults, the product is not absorbed and causes diarrhea.
OnionLeads to anemia
NutsIt contains a lot of phosphorus, which causes stones to form in the bladder and bones to become brittle
Freshwater fishContains many bones, infested with parasites
RicePromotes constipation
Chocolate and other sweetsTheir use puts a strain on the pancreas and is fraught with the appearance of excess weight, problems with stool, oral diseases, and the development of type 2 diabetes
Bones, especially tubular bonesMay cause gastrointestinal injuries
bell pepperCauses gastritis
Fatty meats, particularly porkOften a source of helminths, its consumption leads to obesity
Pickles, smoked meatsIncreases the load on the kidneys and liver and increases blood pressure

In addition, Chihuahuas should not be fed raisins, grapes, radishes, cabbage, canned food, and the consumption of tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Feeding your dog prohibited foods leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, teeth and liver..

What not to feed

We figured out what natural products the diet of miniature dogs consists of. And now I will explain what foods should not be given to pets and why:

  1. Table leftovers contain spices, fats that have been heat-treated, smoked foods, and table salt. Such products cause digestive upsets or allergic reactions.
  2. The tubular bones of an adult bird split lengthwise and injure the intestines.
  3. Grass legumes – soybeans or peas contain anti-nutrients.
  4. By-products cause digestive disorders in small dogs.
  5. Milk: contains lactose; dogs older than 4 months do not produce the enzyme to break down milk sugar.
  6. Confectionery products, sweets, and yeast baked bread cause fermentation processes and increase blood glucose levels. The body removes excess sugars by converting them into fats. Sweets are broken down in the mouth cavity, fermented into organic acids that destroy tooth enamel.
  7. Boiled potatoes contain easily digestible starch, which is converted into fat.
  8. Raw river fish contains the enzyme Thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B1, causing skin lesions and joint diseases. Raw sea fish contains helminth larvae and trimethylamine oxide, which binds iron and causes anemia.
  9. Raw eggs contain Avidin, which destroys vitamin H. The coat becomes brittle and dull.

I will answer questions in the comments.

Advantages and disadvantages of industrial feeds

A diet based on ready-made industrial feed also has its pros and cons.

The advantages of such feeding include:

  • ease of use;
  • saving time on cooking;
  • ease of storage;
  • indication on the packaging of the recommended daily intake of feed;
  • the ability to take food with you on trips;
  • balanced composition, including all the necessary elements;
  • a special coating of dry food granules that helps clean teeth from plaque and stones.

The modern market offers lines of food that take into account the individual characteristics of the dog - age, health status, etc.

Disadvantages of this diet:

  • Low quality feed may contain dangerous dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings;
  • meat in cheap food is represented by residues from the processing of animal corpses, which the Chihuahua’s body is not able to process.

The content of salts and metals affects the general condition of the pet and has a negative impact on kidney function.

Industrial food is represented not only by dry, but also by wet food.

The latter are characterized by a high liquid content, which has a positive effect on the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, but makes the food less nutritious and significantly reduces its shelf life.

Depending on the composition, industrial feeds come in several classes:

  • economy - contains low quality ingredients, possibly containing soy, dyes, flavor enhancers, legumes;
  • premium - meat and vegetables were used in the production of such food, but there is no guarantee of the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • super-premium - made from high-quality products, containing a vitamin and mineral complex.

Almost every manufacturer produces a separate line of hypoallergenic and holistic foods.

Features of the Chihuahua breed

The Chihuahua is one of the smallest representatives of the canine world. The characteristics of the breed are associated with its small size and body structure. Almost all Chihuahuas have a weak dental system and problems with changing baby teeth. In addition, many Chihuahuas suffer from headaches when the weather changes suddenly.

Chihuahua puppies are active and inquisitive, which often leads to injury. If puppies are fed poorly, the joints develop incorrectly, which increases the risk of injury to the front and hind legs. Among the representatives of the breed there are often allergy sufferers and dogs suffering from sensitivity of the digestive system.

Dry food

Having made a choice in favor of ready-made industrial food, you should purchase food of at least premium class, preferably super-premium or holistic. Also, the food should be intended for small or dwarf breeds and take into account the characteristics of the pet.


Chihuahua food must contain at least 25% protein.

The most suitable food for dogs of this breed:

  • NOW. Canadian dry food holistic, intended for small breeds of dogs. It contains low-calorie meats, vegetables and fruits, all essential minerals and vitamins, 26% proteins and 16% fats. Its granules are adapted to the jaws of a Chihuahua.
  • Grandorf. Belgian dry food holistic for mini breeds. Contains dietary meat, brown rice, seafood, salmon oil, natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, as well as glucosamine and chondroitin.
  • Almo Nature. Italian super-premium dry food consisting of fresh and dehydrated meat, poultry or fish. Contains 26% proteins, 14% fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Purina Pro Plan. Super premium food made in the USA. The composition is enriched with vitamins, minerals, Omega-3, Omega-6. Natural chicory acts as a source of inulin.
  • Bosch. German super premium food. The composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals, includes 25% proteins and 14% fats.

Also popular among breeders are food brands:

  • Acana;
  • 1st Choice;
  • Monge;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Hills;
  • Orijen.

To determine the daily amount of food, it is necessary to take into account the instructions on the packaging, the weight, age and physiological state of the pet..

Diet menu

Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, which leads to poor health and decreased activity of their four-legged friend. If you become overweight, be sure to contact your veterinarian to create a diet menu. A diet for a plump dog looks something like this:

  • the total amount of daily food is reduced by 15-20%;
  • treats are replaced with vegetables;
  • reduce the calorie content of dishes;
  • cereals are cooked only in vegetable broth;
  • change the usual dry food to low-calorie varieties.

Feeding the puppy

The table shows examples of a Chihuahua puppy menu according to age:

AgeSample daily menuNumber of feedings
Up to 2 monthsMother's milk, after 3 weeks - complementary feeding in the form of milk, broth, beef, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or soaked dry food6
2-4 monthsMeat (boiled beef) – 10 g, cereals, vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, milk) – 5 g each + boiled egg once a week5
4-6 monthsMeat – 20 g, cereals – 10 g, vegetables and fruits – 20 g, cottage cheese or milk – 10 g + boiled yolk once every 7 days4
Six months to a yearMeat – 30 g, porridge – 15 g, vegetables and fruits – 30 g, cottage cheese, kefir, milk – 15 g.3
1 year and olderMeat – 40 g, cereals – 20 g, vegetables and fruits – 40 g, fermented milk products – 20 g.2

Nutrition for an adult dog

A one-year-old representative of this breed should eat twice a day - morning and evening, with a small snack allowed during the day.

After 11 years of life, the pet should be fed once a day.

How many years do Chihuahuas live, read here.

The serving size is calculated based on the dog’s weight - for each kg of weight there should be 50-80 grams. food, i.e. with a weight of 2 kg, a Chihuahua should eat 100-160 grams per day. At the same time, proteins should make up the majority of the daily diet.

Sample menu for the day:

Times of DayMenu
MorningBoiled and cut into small pieces beef or sea fish and rice or buckwheat porridge (3:1), grated raw vegetables, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive or vegetable oil
DayA light snack in the form of fruit, kefir or low-fat cottage cheese is possible
EveningBoiled meat and stewed vegetables

Feeding during pregnancy

To get healthy offspring, it is necessary to provide the bitch with proper care and proper feeding during pregnancy.

During the first month after mating , if the dog is on a natural diet, changes should not be made to it . If your pet eats commercial food, you need to add raw meat and egg yolks to it.


After 4 weeks of pregnancy, you should increase your daily food intake by adding more protein foods and vitamins A, B1, D, E.

You should also give your Chihuahua fish oil, folic acid, nutritional yeast and bone meal.

Starting from the 5th week, the bitch should eat 3-4 times a day.

After 6 weeks, the Chihuahua’s body is overloaded and needs vitamins and nutrients.:

  • vitamin C – does not accumulate and is not produced by the body, a deficiency leads to anemia;
  • calcium, potassium, phosphorus - the optimal ratio is found in whole milk;
  • proteins - found in raw or boiled yolks, lean meat and fish;
  • carbohydrates – millet and eggs.

To avoid eclampsia, which is common among representatives of this breed, you should stop giving fish and meat a week before giving birth.

As you grow older

Puppies feed on their mother's milk until they are approximately 2 months old. But sometimes up to 4 months. It is recommended to completely wean offspring from mother's milk at 3-4 months. Further feeding of the Chihuahua depends on your choice and the dog’s taste preferences. There are 2 ways of feeding: natural and ready-made food.

There are dogs that can consume both types, and there are individuals for whom one type is suitable: either natural or prepared food. Some people experience diarrhea, diarrhea, and stomach problems from natural food, while others have a similar reaction to ready-made food. Just watch your four-legged friend. See what he likes to eat more. Does the food cause intestinal upsets and digestive problems? If yes, then this is a signal that the chosen feeding method is not suitable for you and needs to be replaced.

Do not mix natural and commercial food!

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