How and what to feed a toy terrier at home: general recommendations for a healthy diet and reviews from owners

Toy terriers are popular miniature dogs all over the world with a cheerful disposition, love of life and incredible devotion to their owner.

Miniature size is both an advantage and a disadvantage of representatives of this breed, because Their modest dimensions make them very fragile.

Improper nutrition can lead to the development of dangerous pathologies.

That is why an important component of caring for a toy terrier is a well-formulated diet for the pet.

The age of the pet should also be taken into account.

Natural food or artificial food?

Toy Terriers are miniature dogs that require little food. At the same time, small portions should contain everything necessary for the healthy growth and development of the puppy.

It is important to maintain a balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, fatty acids and minerals.

At home, representatives of this breed can be fed with both natural products and industrial feeds, the main thing is to avoid mixing both types of food.

The advantage of natural feeding is its diversity, the absence of flavors, dyes and other chemical additives.

Ready-made food, in turn, is popular due to its ease of use and balanced composition, containing everything necessary for the harmonious development of a dog..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Most professional breeders opt for ready-made food, since this type of feeding is as simple as possible and does not have a negative effect on the dog’s body. After purchasing a puppy, the new owner can switch it to natural food. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that feeding natural products does not mean that the pet can eat food from the common table - for the dog you will need to cook separately and every day. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities regarding daily cooking and creating a balanced menu, it is better to opt for high-quality food, since experiments with nutrition will have a negative impact on your pet’s health.

Useful video

Here you can find out a lot of interesting information about the Russian Toy Terrier. The video provides advice regarding small pets.

General recommendations for healthy eating

The quality of feeding of a toy terrier determines its development, health and coat.

In addition to the fact that nutrition should be complete and balanced, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • feeding should take place at the same time every day;
  • Clean drinking water should always be freely available;
  • food should be at room temperature or slightly warmer;
  • treats and treats should only be given during main meals;
  • It is forbidden to feed the dog from the common table;
  • food should be prepared from fresh, high-quality products without adding spices or salt;
  • If there is food left in the bowl after a meal, the portion should be reduced; if there is not enough food, increase it.

You can judge whether your pet is feeding correctly by its appearance.

A healthy Toy Terrier should have a shiny coat, clear eyes, a normal appetite and regular bowel movements . If there are any negative changes in behavior or appearance, you should contact your veterinarian.

Is it possible to walk in winter?

You can and should walk with a small pet, regardless of the time of year.

The only thing you need to remember is that walking in cold weather involves following certain rules:

  • in winter, be sure to dress your toy terrier in special overalls to avoid hypothermia;
  • reduce walking time on especially cold days;
  • Monitor your pet’s condition; if he begins to tremble, hypothermia is possible, you need to return home;
  • For winter, insulated boots with soles would be an ideal option, because... In the snow, your pet's paws get especially cold.

Keeping Toy Terriers is reminiscent of caring for small children.


In particular, the diet of toys should be carefully thought out and balanced.

Remember that, like small children, pets must be protected from low-quality products containing preservatives; take daily walks and protect from the cold.

Pros and cons of natural food

A natural diet, in addition to the absence of harmful chemical additives, has a number of advantages:

  • the owner has the opportunity to independently choose products for the pet based on their quality and freshness;
  • such food is better digestible, and all the substances necessary for a dog’s health are of natural origin;
  • in case of an allergy to one of the products on the menu, it can be replaced with a similar content of macro- and microelements, avoiding a complete change of diet.

In addition, natural food is varied and minimizes the likelihood that the dog will become bored with food.

There are some disadvantages to this type of feeding.:

  • it will not be possible to prepare food for future use - stale food loses all its useful components, and in some cases can cause poisoning;
  • additional intake of vitamins and minerals is necessary;
  • a balanced menu cannot be compiled without certain knowledge.

This diet is also inconvenient for people who often travel with their pet..

Authorized Products

The natural diet of toy terriers should be based on animal protein: raw (pre-frozen or processed with boiling water) or boiled meat, offal or fish.

Beef, turkey, veal, chicken, and sea fish are suitable for representatives of this breed..

Of course, the menu cannot contain only meat - a diet that consists of consuming only this product does not provide the dog with all the necessary substances and contributes to constipation, calcium leaching and other health problems.

The toy terrier's diet should include:

  • buckwheat, rice or oatmeal;
  • offal - kidneys, heart, liver, tripe;
  • vegetables – carrots, zucchini, red bell pepper, pumpkin, broccoli;
  • berries and fruits - pears, apples, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, melon;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.

You should also give your pet:

  • fresh herbs - dill, parsley;
  • raw or boiled yolk - every 3-4 days;
  • honey – maximum 1 time per week;
  • sunflower or olive oil - twice a week, 1-2 drops.

From time to time you can give your dog a small amount of seeds, unsalted nuts, brown bread crackers.

What is strictly contraindicated

It is forbidden to include toy terriers in the diet:

  • pork and other fatty meats;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • river fish;
  • seasonings;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • raw eggs;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • Tea coffee;
  • citrus;
  • alcohol;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • tubular bones.

Consumption of these products can lead to poisoning, allergic reactions and other health problems..

Prohibited Products

Prohibited products include:

  • pork and lamb are very fatty meats for puppies;
  • sweets, flour and spicy dishes, spices;
  • vegetables containing starch (potatoes);
  • mushrooms;
  • lard and smoked meats;
  • ground meat;
  • pasta;
  • small bones;
  • exotic fruits (including grapes and oranges);
  • egg white;
  • soy and bean products.

It is better to boil the meat before eating. You should not give your dog meat broth, it is very harmful.

Industrial feed

Feeding prepared industrial feeds also has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of this type of nutrition:

  • the special composition with which dry food granules are coated helps prevent dental diseases, eliminating plaque and tartar;
  • you can control the amount of calories consumed;
  • ease of storage and use;
  • hygiene;
  • constant balanced composition;
  • the opportunity to choose the appropriate food based on the age, size, lifestyle and level of physical activity of the pet.


To avoid developing urolithiasis, your dog should always have access to clean drinking water.

The disadvantages of ready-made feeds include their high cost, if we are talking about high-quality products from well-known brands.

Economy class food is not suitable for feeding toy terriers due to the content of meat waste, grains, flavorings, dyes and flavor enhancers..

In addition to dry food, wet food is also available on the modern market - they contain up to 80% liquid, which has a positive effect on the pet’s gastrointestinal tract, but reduces its nutritional value and shortens shelf life.

Ready-made feeds, depending on the composition, can be of different classes:

  • economy - practically do not contain meat, and a small amount of it is of low quality, possibly containing soy, dyes, flavor enhancers, legumes, preservatives;
  • premium – it contains meat and vegetables, but is not enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • super-premium - such foods contain the necessary amount of natural antioxidants, herbs, probiotics, vitamins, they are made from high-quality meat and offal.

Each brand also has separate lines of hypoallergenic food and holistic food - products containing several types of meat, vegetables, fruits, digestive enzymes, pre- and probiotics, vitamins and minerals.

Go! Natural Holistic (holistic menu) Go & NOW Natural (690 g)

Suitable for all dog breeds, especially miniature ones. It contains only natural ingredients, calf meat, turkey, lamb, duck, fruits, berries, vegetables.

The product is perfectly balanced, the necessary animal proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, microelements, acids are present, there are no harmful soybeans, preservatives, odor and taste enhancers, or low-quality by-products. All components retain their properties thanks to gentle processing.


  • Convenient sealed packaging with a zipper: the food does not expire and does not lose its properties;
  • The amount of excrement is significantly reduced, and its smell becomes less pronounced;
  • High calorie content, the dog remains full for a long time;
  • The coat becomes more shiny and smooth in appearance with prolonged constant feeding;
  • Does not cause allergies or dental problems;
  • The condition of the skin and eyes improves noticeably over time;
  • Can be found in every pet store;
  • Does not have a pronounced odor.


  • Large granules that are difficult to digest if the dog does not chew them;
  • Possible odor from the animal's mouth;
  • Occasionally, problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur.

Dry food

Only high-class products are suitable for feeding toy terriers - not lower than premium.

When choosing food for your pet, you need to focus on the labels on the packaging (Mini or Small) and the composition: in the first place in the list of ingredients, the source of animal protein should be indicated in an amount of at least 40-50%, then fruits and vegetables or products containing fiber .

High-quality dry food should include::

  • at least 5 sources of carbohydrates;
  • at least 2 sources of protein;
  • at least 3 types of fruits and vegetables;
  • enzymes, probiotics, vitamins and minerals.

List of the most suitable food for representatives of this breed:

  • Purina;
  • Hills;
  • Orijen;
  • Pet Nutrition;
  • Acana;
  • Grandorf;
  • Monge;
  • Royal Canin.

It is necessary to select food individually for each dog - what suits one toy terrier well may not suit another.

ProNature Holistic (for miniature breeds) (0.34 kg)

The best option from holisticists. The composition contains minerals, animal proteins, trace elements, vitamins. Consists of meat, fish, egg products, berries, fruits, vegetables, does not contain corn, wheat, soy, or other grains.

There are no chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers. Veterinarians consider the products of this brand to be among the best for the constant feeding of miniature breed dogs.


  • High calorie content, the dog remains full for a long time, eating a small portion;
  • The appearance of the coat improves with constant holistic nutrition;
  • No problems with the gastrointestinal tract, well absorbed by the animal’s body;
  • Suitable for dogs with intolerance to certain foods;
  • After eating, the animal's mouth does not smell;
  • The small package has a convenient clasp, the food does not run out.
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Convenient packaging with a clasp, the product does not run out.


  • Not found in all pet stores.

Feeding the puppy

The number of feedings and the products necessary for the development of a toy terrier depend on its age..

1 month

At this age, puppies need to be fed 6 times a day.

In the first 3 weeks after birth, the puppy eats only mother's milk, then it is necessary to gradually introduce complementary foods consisting of warm cow's or goat's milk.

When the puppy is 1.5 months old, you can begin to wean him from his mother and introduce finely chopped boiled beef, baby cottage cheese, oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice porridge into his diet.

All products must be added gradually, observing the puppy’s reaction.

2 months

The number of feedings should be reduced to 5, and low-fat cottage cheese diluted with kefir, milk porridge, boiled rice, boiled meat, fish, offal, grated pumpkin and carrots, and yolk should be gradually introduced into the diet.

3 months

A three-month-old puppy should eat 4 times a day, and its diet remains unchanged, only the portion size should be increased by 1.5 times.

At this age you need to stop giving milk to the puppy - it is not digestible by adult dogs.

From 4 to 10 months, toy terriers should be fed 3 times a day, and after 11 months they should be fed twice a day.

NOW FRESH salmon, duck, turkey (2.72 kg)

Canadian quality holistic. Products of this brand do not include grain crops, by-products, chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers.

High-quality meat, vegetables, and cereals maintain the required level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the animal’s body.


  • Unfastened packaging;
  • Large granules may be difficult to digest if not chewed.


  • Pronounced smell.

Feeding an adult dog

Dogs 1 year of age and older should eat twice a day.


If we are talking about industrial food, then it must be selected based on the pet’s health and age, and the portion size must be controlled in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging.

With a natural type of nutrition, the diet of toy terriers should consist of 2/3 proteins (meat, dairy products, fish, eggs, offal) and 1/3 cereals. Vegetables and fruits act as a supplement to the main diet.

The size of portions depends on the total weight of the dog: 50-80 g of food are required per 1 kg of weight.

Sample menu for the week

Day of the weekMenu
MondayBreakfast - meat (beef or veal), cut into small pieces, boiled rice, greens.
Dinner – cottage cheese, yolk, flaxseed oil.
TuesdayBreakfast - rabbit meat, oatmeal, greens.
Dinner – fermented baked milk or kefir, sea fish.
WednesdayBreakfast – finely chopped beef heart.
Dinner – sea fish, carrots, apple.
ThursdayBreakfast - boiled veal, rice porridge, stewed zucchini, greens.
Dinner – cabbage, croutons, fish.
FridayBreakfast - beef liver, oatmeal, stewed pumpkin, vegetable oil.
Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese, pear.
SaturdayBreakfast – chicken fillet, buckwheat, peach, greens.
Dinner – Boiled fish, carrots, beets.
SundayBreakfast: beef, yolk, boiled rice, zucchini, greens, sesame oil.
Dinner – banana, pear, yogurt.

Ontario Mini Weight Control with Turkey and Potatoes (2.25 kg)

Czech super-premium product. Recommended by veterinarians due to its perfectly balanced composition. Does not contain cereals or grains. The composition includes high-quality fish, meat products, vegetables (for example, tomatoes).

There are no low-quality ingredients, chemical preservatives, or meat and bone meal. Suitable for dogs with excess weight problems.


  • High content of lycopenes;
  • Suitable for dogs with poor health, problems with joints and immunity;
  • Does not cause a bad odor from the animal's mouth;
  • All useful microelements in the form of chelates are absorbed by the dog’s body 100%;
  • Small granules that are easy to digest;
  • Distributed in pet stores;
  • Hermetically sealed packaging.


  • Pronounced smell.

Royal Canin for healthy skin and coat 2 kg (for small breeds)

Famous French super-premium food. It is of good quality, but lower than that of competitors (discussed in paragraphs 1-9).

Royal Canin Mini contains grains and vegetable proteins.


  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Nutritious, but does not cause excess weight in the animal (the energy intensity of the diet and the protein content in the product are precisely calculated);
  • Available at many pet stores;
  • High-quality packaging;
  • Moderate size granules;
  • Restoring the condition of the coat;
  • Contains sodium polyphosphate, which prevents the formation of plaque;
  • The composition includes many useful microelements;
  • Improved digestion.


  • With constant feeding of this food, it is impossible to do without additional supplements with vitamins and microelements;
  • Inconvenient packaging without fastener;
  • Contains poorly digestible grains and artificial additives (preservatives, dyes.);

Among these foods, the best choices for a miniature animal would be 1st Choice Breeders Miniature Breed with Chicken (20kg) and Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15kg).

The first is the highest quality, and at the same time inexpensive, super-premium food.

The second is a natural holistic company, and the company has a detailed official website with all the information on the food and instructions.

Both products have a minimum of disadvantages, which are offset by advantages from the balance of nutrients, vitamins, microelements and the absence of harmful preservatives to convenient packaging.


Animals react differently to similar stimuli. Milk protein intolerance is a food allergy and can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • eye, nasal, ear discharge;
  • skin rash, redness, peeling; crust formation;
  • itching;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • stool disorder.

If allergic symptoms occur, it is necessary to exclude the allergen from the diet. Failure to stop the alarming symptoms leads to a mandatory visit to the veterinarian; you cannot self-treat.

In what form, what kind, can it be added to food?

During weaning from their mother, the puppies are given goat's or cow's milk, a single serving is 7% of the animal's weight; boiled water is added to reduce fat content.

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For older dogs, the menu includes dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese. To cook cereal porridges, use water or whey with a low percentage of fat.

Acana Heritage (6 kg) (for small breeds)

This Canadian product is a good choice for a miniature breed dog. It is suitable for both active animals and completely lazy ones. The food is holistic, that is, it contains only natural ingredients.

There are no cheap low-quality components in the products of this brand; feed wheat and bone meal are completely absent. Contains only meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and high quality dairy products.


  • High concentration of animal proteins;
  • Fresh ingredients;
  • There are no carbohydrates (the dog’s body does not need them);
  • A variety of fruits, vegetables, tonic herbs in the composition, which strengthen the heart and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces insulin levels, strengthens the liver;
  • High quality packaging.


  • May cause allergies;
  • Noticeable fishy smell;
  • High fat content.

Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15 kg)

German quality holistic specialist. The products of this brand include only those components that are easily absorbed by the dog’s body, without causing any digestive problems.

No wheat, oats, corn, starch or gluten. Meat makes up more than half of the food - cod, mackerel, haddock, pheasant, rabbit, trout, salmon, lamb.


  • Excellent balance of vitamins, minerals, healthy supplements;
  • Complete absence of chemical ingredients (flavor and aroma enhancers and dyes);
  • Moderate size granules;
  • No noticeable odor;
  • Elegant, high quality packaging;
  • The company has an official website with a detailed description of the product and instructions;
  • The condition of the coat improves.


  • Rarely available in pet stores;
  • In isolated cases may cause constipation

Vitamin supplements

Dogs on premium, super premium and holistic food classes are not required. For the rest, it is necessary to fortify the diet, especially in spring and autumn. There are ready-made multivitamin-mineral complexes:

  • for wool (group B, H, fatty and amino acids) - Yumega Boost;
  • for joints (D, E, glucosamine, chitosan, probiotics) - “8in1” Glucosamine;
  • for small breeds (group B, A, H, Omega3) - Vita Bon,
  • for puppies (A, C, E, D, group B, F, minerals) - “8in1” Excel,
  • for puppies and lactating bitches (D, C, folic acid (B9), Omega3, calcium, iron) - Pro Bio Booster;
  • for old dogs (A, B, E, fatty acids, zinc) - Radostin for dogs over 6 years old.

If your miniature dog has digestive problems due to food

A common reason for visiting a veterinarian is gastrointestinal problems. Not a single animal is safe from them.

The reasons for their appearance are usually similar: either a specific brand of ready-made dry or wet food is not suitable for the animal, or the owner decides to save money and buys cheap brands of food that have an unbalanced and even harmful composition.

The most common digestive disorders are:

  • Diarrhea, constipation
  • Allergies that cause a skin reaction
  • Intolerance to components included in the finished feed
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Poisoning

For each of these symptoms, the dog should be shown to a veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Self-medication or self-diagnosis is fraught with the emergence of new diseases. If you do not review your dog’s diet, then over time, minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract will lead to the development of chronic diseases of the internal organs.

The damage will mainly be caused to the stomach and liver, and various parts of the intestines.

To solve the problem, it is enough to change the brand of food, choosing a diet without harmful and poorly digestible components. A competent veterinarian can advise which food is best to introduce, based on the health of a particular dog. Change the food gradually; too sudden a change will cause severe digestive upset. The replacement should be made within a week, mixing the new type of food with the old one.

What is the benefit

The beneficial effects of milk are associated with the calcium and protein content that promote healthy development, growth and normal functioning.

The benefits are:

  • improving the condition of teeth, fur, claws;
  • strengthening muscles, ligaments, bones;
  • establishing the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural milk brings a clear positive effect for growing dogs; caution is required when treating adults; the benefits are not observed for every dog.

How to feed

Adult dogs are sometimes given milk if the product was introduced into the diet from puppyhood and does not cause negative consequences. The fat content should not exceed 2.5%; the fatty drink is diluted with boiled water. A single dose should not exceed 250 ml. The product is not used in the preparation of cereal porridges.

Pet stores sell a lactose-free milk drink, an option for animals with lactose intolerance.

You should consult your veterinarian regarding feeding your pet.

Grandorf (3 kg) Lamb with rice Mini

Suitable for a small breed dog. Veterinarians often mention this brand as the most suitable for dogs prone to allergies. The composition is completely free of chicken and grains.

In addition to meat, it contains components such as vegetables and grains. It is better to take this food for an active dog. If she is lazy, then Grandorf will make her overweight.


  • High meat content - >60%;
  • High calorie content, the dog will be full for a long time;
  • No chemical flavors or additives;
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, restores intestinal microflora (and is even indicated for those dogs who have digestive problems);
  • Improves the condition of the coat.


  • High in fat, a lazy dog ​​will quickly gain weight.
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