Panaritium - inflammation of the nail bed in dogs and cats
Suddenly you notice blood on your dog's paw, he limps and licks his paw. At
Rules for preparing a dog for vaccination, deworming before vaccination
Regular vaccinations are an important part of caring for your pet. Vaccinations significantly reduce the risk of many diseases.
​How to accustom a dog to washing its paws, combing, trimming its nails and other unpleasant procedures
A dog’s life is surrounded by not very pleasant procedures: after walks you need to wash your paws, once every
The dog sniffs the grass
Dog vomiting white foam treatment and first aid
Vomiting in a dog is a defense mechanism of the body. It occurs reflexively. The reasons why it occurs
How to teach a dog to fetch. Teach your dog the “Fetch” command
How to teach a dog to fetch a stick, ball and other objects
“Apporter” is a French word, translated into Russian it means “to bring.” Practicing such skills includes
From seeker to therapist: how dogs of different professions help people
Four-legged pets have lived side by side with humans for more than 20 thousand years. First
Removing sutures at home in Rostov-on-Don - safe procedure
Advantages and disadvantages Veterinarians believe that Spitz dogs can and should be castrated/sterilized. Especially if
Ear Discharge in Dogs - What does the Color and Texture Mean?
Even an inexperienced owner, when faced with the appearance of discharge from a pet’s ears, understands that this is the norm.
How to stop a dog from biting hands and showing aggression
I hear this question quite often, more often than I would like. But this is the reality -
What happens if a large male breeds with a small female?
November 13, 2015 Julia Home page » Breeding Contrary to widespread belief about the need
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