What happens if a large male breeds with a small female?

November 13, 2015 Julia Home page » Breeding

Contrary to widespread belief that pets need an active sex life to improve their health, mating dogs does not guarantee this. Even in nature, where animals seem completely free, not all individuals mate regularly. Intelligent nature maintains strict control over the process, not allowing males and females with insufficient “condition” to reproduce. All the more reasonable and deliberate should be the actions of dog owners who decide to breed their pets.

What is mating of dogs?

The process of copulation between a female and a male is called mating in dogs, which takes place with the aim of further producing offspring.
In order for the puppies to be recognized as purebred, the owner will have to fulfill several conditions, starting from the frequency of copulation. Important! The Cynological Federation allows pregnancy no more than once a year.
If it occurs twice during the specified period, then the next 12 months are set aside for the pet’s body to rest and recover. What is fertilization during mating - the process means three stages:

  • preparatory - the male secretes lubricant to facilitate penetration;
  • the second point is the ejaculation itself;
  • the third is mating with the release of a secretory substance that provides the expected results of the act.

Important! You should not interfere with the “lock” of dogs - waiting is important for successful fertilization. During this period, it is necessary to maintain the bitch's balance in order to reduce the risk of injury to both partners.

Process diagram


From a genetic point of view, the influence of random matings on future offspring from subsequent matings with purebred males does not exist: the puppies will turn out to be purebred.

However, among dog breeders there is an opposite opinion: a single mating with a mongrel dog or a representative of another breed will have an impact on the dog’s future offspring. According to the theory, called “telegony,” the previous, especially the first, partner of the female (even if pregnancy did not occur as a result of mating) determines the hereditary characteristics of future puppies from subsequent partners. Some breeders reject dogs that have had an unplanned (accidental) mating, even if it does not lead to pregnancy, and do not allow the dogs to be bred.

Telegony has not been confirmed experimentally and contradicts the basics of genetics. If the telegonic hypothesis is confirmed, the first mating with a purebred champion male would be enough to ensure a bitch will have lifelong purebred offspring. Or it would require regular matings with a regular partner, which does not happen in practice.

It is possible for “mongrel” puppies to appear in a litter from a purebred male. The reason becomes:

  • Neglect of the bitch during heat (if after a planned mating there was an accidental mating, puppies in the litter may come from two or more fathers).
  • The manifestation of recessive traits as a result of a combination of genes from the father and mother.
  • Atavism (manifestation of existing characteristics in the offspring).
  • Random mutation (no insurance).

Optimal period

There is no specific fertile period for bitches of all breeds. If we take the average indicators, then this is 11-12 days from the start of bleeding. The owner should be more attentive to the behavior of the pet so as not to make mistakes in the calculations, especially during the first mating. In subsequent times, the favorable days will be the same as the first time.

As a guide, you need to remember that when:

  • in a cycle of 21-23 days, fertilization is possible from 10 to 14 days;
  • cycle of 26-28 days - from 14 to 18 days.

Attention! Regardless of the breed and size of the animal, conception can occur even on the eighth day of the cycle.

What does it mean when a dog is ready for mating?

When mating animal dogs, only the readiness of the female matters. Males are ready all year round and around the clock; very rare dates have a bad effect on the character of the pet.

The bitch’s attitude towards accepting her partner’s advances can be understood by:

  • clear discharge from the genital opening (vulva);
  • changing the appearance of the loop;
  • the pet’s reaction to touching its back - it bends;
  • pulling the tail to the side if you touch its base.

We must remember ! A dog ready to copulate is absolutely promiscuous. Any stray sexually mature male can become the father of future offspring.

Place of mating

Mating of dogs should always take place in the male's territory. His task is more important, so he must be calm and confident. The meeting place is chosen depending on the size of the animals. Large breeds are found outdoors (enclosure, enclosed yard area), small breeds can be kept at home.

The mating of dogs itself takes place in the morning. It is better to skip breakfast on this day; water should be unlimited. It is recommended to introduce partners a couple of days in advance, that is, take a walk together. Sympathy or lack thereof will be noticeable already on this date.

Need to know ! Long games before mating are undesirable. They can cool down all the ardor of love.

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6.3. DISCOVERY OF THE SIZE OF THE FETUS WITH THE DIAMETER OF THE BIRTH CHANNEL This pathology is common. The course of labor depends on the degree of discrepancy between the sizes of the fetus and the birth canal. With a relative discrepancy, protracted labor is observed, with an absolute discrepancy

Size discrepancy

Size discrepancy In most breeds, males are usually larger than females and this makes mating easier. In toy breeds, where it is common practice to mate a tiny male to a much larger female, the difference in their height can make mating extremely difficult.

Choosing a mating partner

Mating dogs requires the breeder to have some experience in choosing a partner for the pet. If you initially take the animal from a nursery, then it is better to look for a pair there. What you should pay attention to?

  1. Having titled parents.
  2. Compliance with breed and external data.
  3. Availability of working diplomas for the applicant for the “paw of the bride or groom.”
  4. Absence of pathologies in previous offspring.

In order for a dog to become pregnant after mating, it is advisable for the owner to select 2 partners for his pet. The lock (gluing, gluing) is a kind of guarantee of fertilization of eggs.

To avoid any further claims between pet owners, they need to discuss various nuances, for example, how much it costs to breed specific dogs, whether deworming and timely vaccination have been carried out. If the question is how much it costs to breed specific pets, then the owners agree on an amount equal to the cost of the male at the time of purchase. Nowadays, the most common practice is for the male owner to select a puppy from the offspring.

How to help a male dog at the first mating

The first mating for a male dog is very important. If you don’t plan to mate your pet regularly, it’s better not to untie it at all. This way it will be calmer for both the dog and the owner. When deciding to untie a young male dog, you need to follow these rules:

  • carry out all cleaning measures (deworming);
  • redeem in the evening;
  • before the date, feed, walk;
  • wait for a date on your territory;

Help with knitting

  • Don't let them run around the area. To prevent the dog from becoming discouraged, it is better to keep him on a short leash;
  • after mounting, you should help the dog penetrate the bitch’s genitals;
  • encourage prolongation of mating before mating;
  • carefully lower the dog’s paws from the friend’s back so that they can calmly wait for the end of the adhesion;
  • provide rest after sexual intercourse.

Very important! For the first mating, a male dog should choose an adult, calm female.

How to properly take dogs for the first time

Your veterinarian will answer all your questions about what day of estrus you should breed dogs on and how to prepare. Regardless of the size of the animals, both the owner of a Spitz and a large shepherd dog will face a long preliminary stage, with acquaintance, signing of contracts and presence at the act itself.

Specifics of the first mating

The bitch must be taken to the male's territory. Failure to comply with the rule may result in mating attempts to zero. In their own home, boys consider themselves to be in charge and confidently and actively court the female. The latter are frightened by an unfamiliar environment and express less resistance.

Important! You shouldn't expect a couple to start mating instantly. Initially, there is a phase of acquaintance, communication, pets need to be fed and walked together. This approach will not allow them to be distracted and after a while everything will work out.

Where to look for a suitable partner for your dog

The best way out is to contact the appropriate kennel club. With the help of dog handlers, you can understand all the nuances and mate the dog using information from reports. Some establishments prefer to resolve issues only with pets registered with them.

Important! Preference is given to clubs due to the presence of a specialist during the process, organizing the “date” at the proper level. This approach is relevant for especially large breeds.

How to negotiate mating

You need to negotiate with your future partner in advance. How much does it cost to mix and how do I find out the price? The club will definitely tell you the average cost of mating: in money or several puppies. The specifics must be specified in the contract.

Agreement and act of mating dogs

Proper documentation will make a person’s life easier. All financial claims are written down in papers in advance, and the obligations and rights of each party are also included in them.

A special act guarantees dog health - from physical to reproductive. The documentation is filled out in 3 copies, the last one remains in the club. He is certified by the canine association.

Important! The act specifies planning and information about the pedigrees of both partners. On its basis, a pedigree is issued to newborn puppies from the litter.

After they reach puberty, they will also begin to look for “gentlemen” and “ladies” and create dates.

The act of mating

Place of mating

The owners of the male should find the most convenient area for a meeting without furniture, and fully prepare him. Some people prefer to place a rubber mat there, which will prevent the paws from slipping and remain firmly in place. In the future, it will become a kind of signal for the pet about the upcoming meeting.

Important! The four-legged animals are introduced to each other several days before mating and are taken for walks together. This will help them become interested in each other, and therefore prevent possible aggression.

What should the owner do during the process?

If one of the dogs has no sexual experience, the first time is done “manually”, with full control of the process:

  • the owner must secure the bitch by the collar and place his knee under the belly, holding it in the desired position;
  • if necessary, lubricate the loop area with Vaseline;
  • the jumping male is guided, held in the area above the tail;
  • After the dogs are tied up, they are helped to take a comfortable position, they are not allowed to lie down or make sudden movements - until the time of splitting (standing in a pose can last 15-30 minutes).

Important! During the process, you should not touch the male’s genitals. You can accidentally injure him or provoke premature ejaculation.

Potential Difficulties

There is a list of the main problems with canine “dating”:

  • aggressive behavior of the female - requires a muzzle and fixation in a certain position;
  • lack of reaction in the male - can be solved by poking his nose into the girl’s genital area;
  • the male does not mount - he is seated, his front paws are thrown onto the bitch’s back;
  • “burnout” - the dog is taken to another room or into fresh air for half an hour.

Important! After the meeting is completed, the bitch’s behavior is monitored until the end of the cycle. This will help prevent repeated sex and mixed litters.

Aggressive dogs are muzzled

Recommendations and tips

Veterinarians and professional dog handlers advise adhering to a number of rules:

  • before the process, the pets must get to know each other, otherwise there will be a fight instead of a “wedding”;
  • if the girl is inexperienced, then she is set up with a “professional” who has several successful intercourses;
  • a couple of hours after completion of the procedure, the female should not go to the toilet;
  • After the meeting is over, they are fed and allowed to rest.

Important! When a dog may not become pregnant: in case of incomplete contact, artificial rupture of the “lock”, in the presence of infectious and parasitic pathologies.

Only strict implementation of the recommendations will allow the issue to be resolved in one, or maximum two, meetings.

How long does the mating season last for dogs?

The duration of the mating season depends on the characteristics of each animal. The situation and preliminary preparation of the partners are also of no small importance. If everything is done correctly, the duration of sexual intercourse from 10 minutes to 1 hour is within normal limits. If fertilization does not occur the first time, a second attempt should be made a day later. Sometimes an attempt at mating after 2 days gives results. Everything is very individual.

A sure sign of continued hunting is the behavior of the bitch. If she still shows interest in male dogs and experiences the nervousness inherent in bitches in heat, mating is completely justified.

What are the symptoms of a pregnant bitch

The success of conception can only be determined by the end of the month after the procedure. The female has the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in appetite;
  • caution in movements and behavior;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Sometimes colostrum is released.

Important! Multiple pregnancy leads to a rounded belly, and a short time before birth, doubts disappear completely. You can feel the puppies and hear them actively moving.

False pregnancy

The danger of accidental matings

Accidental matings have dangerous consequences for the dog’s health:

  • A possible pregnancy definitely has a negative impact on the bitch’s health, wearing out the body. Artificial termination of pregnancy is possible, but unsafe for health, leading to infertility.
  • The question arises, what to do with the puppies. Documents will not be issued to unplanned puppies; it is more difficult to arrange a litter. Destroying litter is inhumane.
  • It is possible to become infected with sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, herpes), the consequences of the diseases will affect future puppies and the dog’s fertility. Pets need to be shown to a veterinarian to rule out diseases or to treat them in time.
  • If the pregnancy continues, it is important to know the size of the father of the future puppies. If the dog is much larger than the bitch, complications will arise during childbirth due to the discrepancy between the sizes of the mother and puppies.
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