All major diseases and injuries of the tail in dogs, their causes and methods of treatment
Various traumatic injuries to the animal’s body are a common occurrence in the practice of dog breeders. Most often affected
Nicknames of bitch dogs: the best names and their meaning
Before giving a name to your female dog, owners of tiny puppies need to remember that
How do dogs change teeth, and what should the owner do?
Care November 23, 2022
Who is the head in this house
How to make a dog angry at strangers. Tips and tricks
Often, pet owners are faced with a situation where the animal does not react at all to
Nicknames for Yorkshire Terrier boys - how to name Yorkie males, elite and beautiful names for puppies
There are a great many names for dogs, probably more than names for people. But only
How to trim a Labrador's claws correctly: at what age to start and the basic rules for the procedure
Labrador is a good-natured, cheerful and sociable dog. One can only envy her cheerfulness! This breed
sad dog lying on a blanket photo
Distemper in dogs: first signs, symptoms and treatment at home
Distemper (Pestis) is a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever, intoxication, damage to the skin and mucous membranes,
Can dogs eat fruits and vegetables?
Can dogs have bananas - a puppy, a Pomeranian, a pug or a Labrador?
I’ll say right away that a pet’s diet must consist not only of meat products,
Causes of red eyes in dogs
The dog has red eyes: causes of redness and possible treatment
Dogs' eyes, like those of humans, are the organ through which they communicate.
When do puppies start teething?
Changing teeth in puppies: timing and features of the process
Quite often in veterinary practice we encounter such a pathology as missing baby teeth.
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