At sea with a dog: rules for relaxation
Seaside holidays with a dog: where to go, private sector
May 28, 2022, 2:43 pm Check with your veterinarian to see if warm seas will harm your pet.
Discharge in dogs
Discharge in a dog from a loop after estrus - normal or pathological
Discharge in a dog most often occurs in 2 cases: after estrus and from the loop.
Gastritis in dogs: symptoms and treatment, signs, diet for the disease
Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. This pathology occurs quite often. Not worth it
Dog after sterilization surgery
Dog behavior after sterilization: change in character, caring for a dog after sterilization, pros and cons of sterilizing dogs
Every animal needs love and affection, as well as full satisfaction of natural needs.
Fleas on dogs: how to get rid of parasites, review of the best remedies
Fleas in dogs are ectoparasites that most often affect domestic animals. No one
Drinking when your dog is vomiting blood
Why the dog vomited blood: causes and first aid
Hematemesis, or vomiting of blood in dogs, can result from a number of causes. It could be
First pregnancy in a dog: signs, symptoms, duration and stages of labor (105 photos)
Depending on the species, female huskies reach sexual maturity at 6-8 months when they appear.
vitamins for labradors
Does a Labrador Retriever need vitamins: what supplements to choose?
Vitamins for Labrador are not sources of energy, but regulate physiological and biochemical processes that
Advantages and disadvantages of castration: recommendations + Video
Indications Castration of females and males is recommended in the following cases: To improve performance
The dog is afraid of the owner: causes of phobia and ways to overcome it
Fear is based on the instinctive desire to preserve one's own life and health. In the human world, everything
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