Description of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier - care and maintenance of the pet

Usage:decorative dog, companion
Color:tricolor - white in a combination of blue and gold or blue and black
Dimensions:20 – 27 cm, 2 – 3.5 kg
Lifespan:12 – 15 years

Biewer York is a young decorative breed of dog. She appeared 35 years ago. But even in this short period, the charming tricolor cuties won the hearts of thousands of breeders and animal lovers. The closest relatives of the breed are the Biro-York and the Golddust York.

Care and maintenance

But with caring for your Biewer Yorkie, you will have a lot of trouble.
Dogs of this breed have rather long hair, which must be kept clean and tidy at all times, otherwise the dog will lose its appearance. This is especially important for those dogs that regularly participate in exhibitions. In addition to the fact that the coat needs to be combed and brushed regularly, dogs also need to be bathed, and also regularly

Many inexperienced dog breeders think that a dog can be bathed with anything that lathers.

No, guys, you are seriously mistaken. Let's say some people think that you can bathe your dog with soap or human shampoo. You can bathe with soap if you do it once a year and your dog lives in your yard. But for a Biewer Yorkie this method of hygiene is unacceptable. After all, these dogs are indoor dogs, which means they need to be bathed much more often than street dogs, and for bathing they need to use special shampoos that were invented specifically for dogs.

Why can't you bathe your dog with human shampoos and soap? It's simple, the fact is that a dog's skin is structured a little differently than human skin. If you bathe your dog with your own shampoos and soaps, your pet will first develop dandruff and dull fur. Yes, dogs can develop dandruff; our shampoos dry out their skin. Then this dandruff can develop into more serious diseases. In general, it's not worth the risk.

In addition to washing, Biewer Yorkies also need a haircut. Biewer Yorkie haircut

- a special matter. If you have never cut your dog's hair before, then it is best not to risk it and take your pet to a beauty salon a couple of times, watch how professionals cut dogs, and then repeat the whole thing at home. You can also watch video lessons on the Internet to be sure that everything will be fine with your pet. In order to cut your Bover Yorkie's hair, you will need a special clipper, which you can buy at a pet store without any problems.

Such a machine costs about 600 rubles. If your dog is participating in exhibitions, then you should not have a haircut, but if he is just a pet, then it is best to cut the dog like a puppy, so that there is less hassle with the hair

In addition to fur, you should pay attention to the dog’s claws and teeth. As the claws grow, they prevent the dog from walking, and there are two ways to get rid of them, the first is to walk a lot and actively on the asphalt, but not all dog breeders can afford such walks, or trim the claws.

To do this you will need special forceps.

Trimming a dog’s claws yourself is not difficult, but you must remember that, unlike us, dogs have nerve endings and even blood vessels in their claws, so you cannot trim your dog’s claws too short, as this can lead to injury. If you are trimming claws for the first time, then stock up on cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide just in case. As for teeth, here you should pay attention to the change of milk teeth and permanent ones.

The fact is that Bievers very often do not lose their primary fangs, so if you notice that your pet’s fangs have not fallen out before the age of 7 months, then they must be removed without fail; this can be done by a veterinarian. Bievers also often develop tartar on their teeth; it must be removed, otherwise it can lead to inflammation of the gums, which will then be much more difficult to treat, and it will be painful for the dog to eat.

Remember that dogs need to be accustomed to these procedures from childhood. If you don't do this, you could have real problems with an adult dog.

In addition to teeth and claws, it is also worth paying attention to the dog’s ears; these dogs’ ears are real dust collectors, and they very quickly become clogged with all sorts of nonsense. Therefore they need to be cleaned regularly

Remember that you cannot simply clean a dog’s ears with a cotton swab; you must purchase a special lotion for this procedure.

A dog can only live in a house, so don’t even think about keeping it outside. Before walking in winter, be sure to lubricate your pet’s paws with a special cream, otherwise the dog may get damaged on its paw pads. If you have cut your dog's hair, then make sure that it has special clothes for walks in the cold season. You can sew this one yourself or buy it in a store without any problems.


The Biewer Yorkshire is a very kind and intelligent dog, it is very trainable.

  • The best way to teach a Biewer something is to show it. Of course, more than once. But in the end he will remember and repeat.
  • There is no need to shout, just raise your voice a little, and a dog sensitive to mood changes will realize that it is doing something wrong.
  • The dog will not challenge your leadership, but allowing it everything is unacceptable.
  • Biewer can be litter trained, this is a big plus for small dogs.
  • Representatives of the breed remember basic commands without effort.
  • You can teach different tricks.


The most difficult in the life of a puppy and its owner are the first 2 months after the baby arrives in a new home. You will have to carefully monitor so that this miniature creature does not swallow something that is out of place, so that no one steps on it and pinches it. During this period, you should not host noisy companies at home - this will prevent the dog from successfully adapting. In addition, if there are small children at home, you should limit their interaction with the puppy, which can only take place under the supervision of adults. Beavers are very clean and not at all burdensome.

At home, the dog must have its own sleeping place, toys and bowls. If desired, the baby can be taught to urinate in a diaper; this will help owners in the future avoid unwanted walks in rainy or cold weather. Of course, this does not mean that the dog can sit in the apartment for days on end. The Biewer Yorkie, like any other dog, needs regular physical activity, which will help the puppy to develop correctly physically and psychologically. Socialization plays a very important role, getting to know new smells, people and animals.

One of the undoubted advantages of the breed is the absence of shedding and specific odor.

Grooming Biewer Yorkie

This is not to say that caring for a Biewer is very difficult, but you will have to devote time to the dog’s appearance every day. An animal should be taught hygiene procedures from an early age, even if initially they are more of a symbolic nature. The puppy must get used to hands, tools and actions.

The eyes should always be clean and healthy. To do this, they are washed daily. In addition, be sure to carefully remove hair from the area around the eyes and prevent the formation of tangles. It is recommended to clean your ears once a week. The fur inside the ear canal is plucked because it interferes with the natural cleaning of the ear canal. If you do this regularly, the dog will not experience severe pain.

To make paw care easier, the hair between the toes and around the pads is trimmed. After walking, the crumbs are lubricated with rich cream or oil to prevent cracks from appearing. Once every 7-10 days, the paws are examined and, if necessary, the claws are trimmed.

Brush your teeth at least once a week. Considering that Biewers have a predisposition to diseases of the oral cavity, it would not be superfluous to massage the gums with propolis while brushing their teeth.


The dog's fur deserves special attention. It is soft, long and prone to matting. Therefore, you need to brush your dog daily, preferably twice a day. It is recommended to bathe your Biewer no more than once a week. During water procedures, use shampoo for the appropriate type of coat. After bathing, be sure to apply balm and conditioner to make combing easier.

Many owners prefer to cut their Bievers, which makes caring for them much easier. You can choose any haircut to suit your taste.


Most breeders prefer to feed their dogs prepared food. Babies eat very little; even holistic food is relatively inexpensive. In addition, this option is convenient: it eliminates the need for cooking and administering vitamin and mineral supplements. Portions are calculated by weight based on the recommendations on the packaging.

Some Biewers do not eat in moderation, which can lead to obesity. The dog must be weighed periodically and if it gains extra grams, the amount of food should be reduced.

If desired, you can stick to natural products. In this case, porridge is prepared with the addition of meat (beef or poultry) and vegetables. The diet may also include dairy products, a little honey, and boiled sea fish. For every 500 g of weight there is approximately one tablespoon of food without top. To prevent plaque, and especially during teeth changes, beavers can be given compressed beef tendons.

The Biewer bowl should be at chest level with the dog. To do this, it is placed on a small shelf-stand.


Breeding Biewer Yorkies on a professional basis is a troublesome task. Basically, animal owners simply try to get purebred offspring, and therefore look for a suitable match for their pet, for example, through a club.


In this regard, the owner of a Biewer Yorkie bitch has more worries. He must monitor when the dog goes into heat. It is believed that she will be ready for mating no earlier than 10 days from the start. And although there are many external signs that the animal has gone into heat, it is best to get tested at a veterinary clinic so as not to miss the ovulation period. Moreover, in such a small breed, estrus is often almost unnoticeable.

Then you need to contact the owner of the selected dog and arrange a meeting. Animals are often brought to a nursery for these purposes. Here, little depends on the owners, but if the bitch is ready for mating, she still needs help - hold her from the front so that she is not afraid and does not make sudden movements. Afterwards, you need to make sure that the bitch does not go to the toilet for an hour. A total of two matings are made, the second performs a control function.

You need to make sure in advance that both dogs are vaccinated and sanitized against fleas, ticks and worms. It is not recommended to feed your Biewer Yorkie immediately before breeding.

Care of offspring

The gestation period usually lasts up to 58 days from the moment of first mating. It is better to have a veterinarian assist during childbirth. If the offspring are healthy, there will be no special difficulties in caring for them.

Puppies are born blind, deaf and without teeth, but with a good sucking reflex. You just need to make sure that they cannot crawl far from their mother and find the nipple. Like any other newborn creatures, they do not yet have the same thermoregulation regime as adults, and it is very important that they do not become hypothermic or overheated. You need to make something like a nest for them, forming a cushion from a clean sheet.

Already on the fifth or sixth day, the puppies will be strong enough to independently find their mother’s nipples. But at this age, it is necessary to trim their sharp claws for the first time so that they do not injure themselves and others.

Care and maintenance

Beavers are considered to be very difficult pets, with a long list of needs. In fact, they are easy to maintain. Dogs easily get along in small city apartments or spacious cottages. But they can only live indoors due to their long fur. It is the coat that requires attention and careful care.

Before buying a puppy, they arrange the house: it is better to place the sleeping place in the common room or near the owner’s bed; it should not be subject to drafts; bowls are installed in an accessible place; the area for the home toilet is determined. Toys, combs, collars and accessories are purchased in advance.


Beavers who are sensitive to all foods need a special balanced diet. If the menu is made from dry food, select a brand that produces special granules for Yorkshire terriers. This food contains all the necessary vitamins for coat, bones and teeth, but is not cheap. Yorkies only need the super-premium class for small breeds with low activity.

The natural menu is prepared even more carefully. These dogs are strictly prohibited from fatty meat (pork, beef), butter, chocolate, bones of any kind, sugar, and legumes.

The diet should include:

  • protein (eggs, rabbit, turkey, lamb, kefir, cottage cheese);
  • carbohydrates (rice, barley, buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • complex fats – natural vegetable oils, fish.

The meat is first scalded with boiling water, frozen or boiled. It should take up 2/3 of the serving. The porridge is boiled in water without salt and sugar, carrots, beets, and apples are added. Vitamin supplements are mixed into the bowl: brewer's yeast, minerals in tablets (calcium, magnesium).

An adult Yorkie is fed strictly 2 times a day, 400-500 g per serving. Children are given food more often.


Biewers are strong babies with a strong immune system; with proper care and proper veterinary care, dogs can live up to 15-18 years. But the breed has many genetically transmitted diseases, so the owner needs to be attentive to all changes in behavior and eating habits.


Vaccination is carried out according to age. Every dog ​​needs protection from:

  • Plagues of carnivores;
  • Enterita;
  • Hepatitis A;
  • Leptospirosis;
  • Parainfluenza;
  • Rabies.

Puppies are sold in nurseries with a veterinary passport and initially vaccinated. At 2-2.5 months an injection is given with strains of enteritis, plague and parainfluenza. And after two weeks it is repeated, adding leptospirosis and hepatitis. The result is a complex vaccination, which is repeated annually.

The rabies vaccine is given after changing teeth – at 4-7 months. The drug is effective for 1-2 years, after which mandatory revaccination is required. Even lap dogs need to be vaccinated. They can catch the virus from human shoes, clothes, or taking something out of the trash can.

Side effects are not long-lasting - lethargy, refusal to eat, and pain at the injection site are observed for up to 48 hours. If your condition worsens, you should go to the hospital.


The biggest problem of all decorative breeds is a weak stomach, intestines and liver. Small dogs are more likely to suffer from gastritis, liver failure, cirrhosis, constipation or diarrhea.

Puppies are often born with crooked teeth or an incomplete set; this is a defect that does not allow the individual to be used for breeding. Tartar and early loss of incisors are another problem for Yorkies.

The most common diseases of the breed include:

  • Pancreatitis;
  • Obesity;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Joint dysplasia;
  • Cardiovascular failure.


Deprivation of walking always leads to nervousness of the pet. Without proper socialization and regular contact with animals and people, the dog becomes timid or aggressive. This is a real blow to the psyche. Therefore, even decorative sofa dogs are recommended to be walked 2 times a day (20-30 minutes). Bievers can adapt to an indoor litter box, but don't deprive them of the joy of frolicking outdoors.

Walking the babies begins after the second vaccination. They should not be given a large load on their hind legs, so the animals are lowered and raised up the steps. Active jumping is not recommended. But the terrier will not refuse a run; he happily chases pigeons and brings a ball.

Selection rules

Real Bievers can only be purchased from breeders. The breed is rare, so it requires studying the standard.

  1. It is recommended to check the dog's pedigree up to the third generation.
  1. It is advisable to carefully examine the living conditions of the mother and puppy.
  1. The baby should be playful, active, slightly unbalanced, but without aggression.

It is recommended to purchase a dog by 3.5-4 months, after completion of routine vaccination, since adult dogs do not tolerate a change of environment well.

Maintenance, care and nutrition

Caring for a Biewer is not too difficult, but the future owner should become familiar with the basic rules of maintenance in advance:

The peculiarity of the breed is its thick coat, which naturally requires proper care. If the dog is not a show dog, then a hygienic haircut is enough. Remove tangles in a timely manner and comb every day to prevent tangles from appearing. The advantage of this breed is that despite the long hair, the Biewer sheds slowly and does not litter the apartment. Be sure to carry out timely vaccinations. The dog is given the first vaccination at 8-9 weeks after birth, then according to the schedule. Comprehensive protection is required to prevent the dog from contracting distemper, hepatitis, rabies and other diseases. Before vaccinating an animal, it is necessary to combat helminths. Biewers love water treatments; they need to be bathed once a month using special shampoos and toys.

Then the wool needs to be thoroughly dried with a hairdryer and combed. Every day you need to wipe your dog's eyes with a cotton pad. Once a week you need to brush your teeth with a special silicone brush. A couple of times a month, the pet’s nails are trimmed. The ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab, and the hair on the tips should be carefully trimmed. You must take your pet for a walk and play with it in the fresh air. During walks, the dog must be on a leash so that it does not run away and does not come into conflict with other animals.

If for some reason it is impossible to go outside, then the Biewer relieves itself in the litter box. They love to frolic with various soft bones, balls, rings and other dog toys.

Particular attention must be paid to nutrition. Puppies are fed the same number of times as the breeder

The transition to the new regime is carried out gradually. During this period it is useful to add the following products:

  • boiled buckwheat, rice;
  • turkey meat;
  • vegetables;
  • olive oil;
  • milk;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • Once a week you can give boiled fish without bones.

But, if the type of feeding with prepared food is chosen, then it cannot be mixed with natural food and vice versa. You can choose food in a specialized store in accordance with the age and breed of the dog.

An adult dog is fed twice a day; milk should be replaced with dairy products. You can give your pet a soft meat bone as a treat. When choosing specialized food, you need to focus on premium and super premium.

With a natural type of feeding, the products must be fresh and of high quality. It is useful to give multivitamin complexes for immunity and strengthening the general condition.

Prohibited products:

  • sweets;
  • smoked, fried and spicy dishes;
  • soups from the common table;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces.

For preventive maintenance, your pet needs to be shown to a veterinarian once every six months, but if any suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately seek qualified help.

Price range

Due to the fact that the Biro is a new breed for Russia and at the same time quite popular, the price of puppies starts from 20,000 rubles and higher, depending on the region. If the parents are imported, then their offspring can cost from 50,000 rubles or more.

True, if breeders still have grown-up puppies, they often sell them much cheaper - from 10,000 rubles.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Health

The Biewer Yorkie is a long-living breed. Unlike other decorative breeds, it can live up to fifteen years. But in order for this to happen, the dog needs constant care and proper maintenance. Like many other decorative breeds, Biewers are prone to frequent illnesses. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Congenital vascular pathology. Occurs at an early age. As a result of this disease, the dog may stop growing. Signs of the disease include vomiting and convulsions, without any reason. The disease can only be cured by surgery.
  2. Pancreatitis. Destruction of pancreatic tissue in an animal can only occur if nutritional rules are not followed. An overweight dog and a high-calorie diet can lead to the development of an acute course of this disease.
  3. Necrosis of the femur or Legg-Perthes disease. Manifested by lameness and muscle atrophy. It can only be cured by surgery.

Other diseases can arise only at the genetic level. Therefore, before getting a dog of this breed, it is recommended to study the entire breed line.


  • Companion dog . First of all, the dog was bred to be man's faithful friend. She is loyal and well-mannered. And most importantly, it is unpretentious in living conditions and in food.
  • Show dog. This breed can often be seen at competitions and exhibitions.
  • Decorative dog. Recently, this breed has become a kind of “fashion accessory” - it has become prestigious to take it to various social events .

Features of character and behavior

We can say that the Biewer has a softer character than the Yorkie, but terrier qualities and habits have their place. The dogs are playful, active and friendly. They are affectionate with people and find a common language with any animal. Pets are sociable and understanding, they have extraordinary intelligence.

The breed is suitable for any family that is ready to love their four-legged friend limitlessly, dedicating all their free time to him.

Terriers love attention and demand it from their household. Dogs can even become mopey if they don’t receive admiring or interested glances at a certain moment.


Each individual is unique. Its established character depends on heredity, upbringing, conditions of detention, and psychological state. The breed has a single temperament - sanguine, therefore all Biewers have the following advantages:

  1. Peacefulness, lack of aggression, love for the whole world;
  2. Good relationships with children of any age and with other pets (even cats and rodents);
  3. Energy, playfulness;
  4. The ability to adapt to the mood of the owners, their rhythm of life;
  5. Developed intelligence, learning ability (dogs quickly remember commands and words);
  6. Guard instinct (Yorkshire terriers greet and see off everyone by barking, fiercely defend their territory);
  7. Silence (animals do not bark just like that).


The disadvantages of the breed do not cover all the advantages:

  • Playfulness (dogs like to dig, run away, get acquainted with other pets, not paying attention to commands);
  • Touchiness, need for attention;
  • Intolerance of loneliness;
  • Some Yorkies, often males, are aggressive towards fellow dogs or males of other breeds and participate in fights;
  • Tendency to manipulate household members.


The so-called Chorkies are also popular among dog lovers. These are dogs born as a result of crossing Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas. From Chihuahuas, dogs took prick ears, expressive eyes and a round head shape, and from Yorkies - the structure of the coat and size. The weight of the mixed breed depends on the weight of the parents and ranges from 1.5 to 4 kg. Below is a photo.

The color of Chorks is usually red or fawn, but there are representatives that have a black and tan coat and white spots. These are active and playful dogs, but they do not like to be cuddled and may bite. They choose one owner and remain devoted to him until the end of their days; they simply have to tolerate the rest of the family members.

Description of the breed

The Biewer Yorkie Standard is a short, compact dog with a strong bone structure for its size. It is characterized by:

  • head with strong, developed jaws and a full set of teeth;
  • moderately flat forehead;
  • wide, stable body;
  • strong, medium-sized paws;
  • straight, silk-like wool.

Dimensions of the dog: height - up to 27 cm in height, weight - 2-3.5 kg. To control the development of the animal and to choose seasonal clothing, it is worth considering that the Yorkie grows up to a year. The Biewer reaches its maximum size by 9 months, but this figure does not apply to everyone. Some animals continue to grow up to 10, even 12 months.

Externally, beavers are very impressive. Their highlight is their long, absolutely straight coat. It falls like a mantle to the floor and has a strong structure. The wool is pleasant to the touch, easy to comb and does not tangle. At the same time, it gets dirty easily and requires careful washing.

In accordance with the standard, this breed of dog can have a fur length of three quarters of the animal’s height, which makes their life much easier and allows them not to limit their physical activity.

What is the difference between a Biewer York and a Yorkshire Terrier?

The differences between these breeds concern not only their appearance:

  1. The Biewer Yorkie has a more balanced and stress-resistant character. He takes long trips calmly and quickly gets used to the noise of a big city.
  2. The Biewer's joints are stronger than those of the classic Yorkie. They are less prone to dislocations and kneecap injuries. This became possible thanks to long and painstaking selection work.
  3. Biewer is known for its contrasting and symmetrical color: the usual golden hue is diluted with black and white areas. The paws, chest and belly must be exclusively white, otherwise the dog will not fit into the standard.

The average lifespan of Biewer Yorkies is 12-15 years.

Coat colors

The colors characteristic of the breed standard come in two types:

  • raincoats;
  • spotted.

Young dogs are distinguished by the presence of black markings on their bodies. By the age of three, the spots change color and become blue. The white color should start under the chin, continuing on the stomach and legs. The acceptable white content is 80%: the remaining 20% ​​should be black, blue and golden tones.

In general, the color of beavers is very diverse: it consists of a combination of black, white, blue and gold spots. The body is usually painted in black and white and white and steel shades. Sometimes the body is blue or graphite black with a white frill on the neck. The only strict requirement of the standard is white paws, chest and belly.

The Biewer Yorkie's coat is similar to a royal robe: straight strands touch the floor, creating a cloak effect. It is separated by a parting going from head to tail. At the same time, the coat does not hide the silhouette of the animal, but only emphasizes the beautiful skeleton. The tail of beavers is lush, thick, and not docked.


The Biewer differs from the Yorkie in character. Despite their common ancestors bred to hunt rats, Biewers are known as even-tempered and unobtrusive pets. These little ones are cheerful and active, always ready to play and are happy to make contact. However, you should not expect unquestioning obedience from this breed. Biewers are not inferior to large dogs not only in courage and bravery, but also in assertiveness. In order for a puppy to become obedient, you need to take a responsible approach to its upbringing. Luckily, they are very smart and are great to train.

In addition, beavers love attention. They can resort to any tricks and outrages so that the owner will immediately quit his business

Yorkies compensate for this natural harmfulness with boundless love and devotion. They are always ready to rush to the defense of their owner, without thinking about the size and superiority of the enemy.


Beavers ripen quickly. The first heat in Yorkies occurs at 9-12 months. However, females and males are bred no earlier than the third heat.

Pregnancy in Yorkies and Biewers usually lasts 60 days. But sometimes birth occurs on the 58th or 72nd day.

It is advisable for a veterinarian to be present at the birth. Especially the first ones. Sometimes you have to do a caesarean section.

Breed description, standards and appearance

In accordance with the description of the standard, it is customary to divide representatives of this breed into mini Biewer Yorkies (they are distinguished by lighter weight, a shorter muzzle with a pronounced transition from the forehead, small pointed ears) and larger dogs. In the second case, the animal is distinguished by a more squat body and a slightly elongated muzzle. They have longer ears and more weight.

According to the standard, the height of such a dog can be up to 22 cm and weigh 2-3.1 kg. Provided that the proportionality of the body is maintained and there is no excess weight, an increase in height by 5 cm and weight by 0.5 kg is allowed. The coat should be long, straight, silky, due to which the proportions of the body can be easily determined.

The maximum length should reach the surface on which the Yorkie is standing. The color can be presented in any combination of black, blue, and red. White areas do not have to be found only on the head. At the same time, the presence of inclusions of other colors in these areas is unacceptable. On a blue or black background, areas of white are possible, but not red.

Breed standard

The main differences between the Biewer York and the Yorkshire Terrier

The key visual difference between representatives of these breeds is their color. The Biewer still has a predominant color of white in combination with black; the areas of blue or red are relatively small. The coat of an adult dog is resistant to dirt, but requires more care.

For reference! Experienced owners claim that Biewers have a less capricious disposition and are distinguished by good health without characteristic diseases (excluding hereditary ones).

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Representatives of the Biewer breed have many advantages:

  • compact dimensions allow you to comfortably keep dogs in a house or apartment;
  • flexible character;
  • cheerfulness;
  • mind;
  • beautiful exterior;
  • activity in games;
  • ease of training;
  • good attitude towards children and other pets.

Among the disadvantages of such dogs is a tendency to stress. They easily manipulate people if their owners give them the opportunity. Therefore, timely education and strict adherence to established rules are necessary to live comfortably with such a four-legged friend.

Important! Biewers do not tolerate sudden changes in environment (moving) or loneliness, which should be taken into account when choosing a pet breed. They need almost constant contact with someone in the household. Biewer Yorkie on a walk


The purpose of the Biewer York Terrier is to be a companion dog, to amuse or comfort its owner. But they also have excellent guard qualities.

You shouldn't be surprised. Common people often understand a guard dog as a formidable, huge dog that will bite off a stranger’s hand and shoulder. But the goal of the territory defender is to warn the owner about strangers and possible danger. And Biewer-Yorkshire terriers cope with this with a bang. On the contrary, they need to be weaned from excessive barking.

In addition, Biewer Yorkies are fearless. And in case of danger they protect the owner. They won’t cause much damage to their ill-wishers, but they will attract the attention of everyone in the area with their loud barking and will painfully nip at the leg with their sharp teeth.

Origin story

There is an official version according to which the breed arose as a result of a certain gene mutation. The name of the breed dates back to the end of the 20th century, when in one of the Yorkshire terrier kennels of the Biewer family, a puppy was born with an unusual color and unusual size in comparison with other Yorkie puppies. It is believed that the unlocking of the recessive gene caused such changes; white spots could be seen on the head and chest, and the color of the coat was not black-brown at all. This female puppy was named Snowflake, her owners decided that she was special and began breeding a new subspecies of Yorkshire terriers. A few years later they showed the new breed at an exhibition in the city of Wiesband.

The Biewer family themselves were involved in creating a new species, for this reason they wrote the standard and history of the breed themselves. During research, it was discovered that the puppies have a different genetic code than ordinary Yorkshire terriers, this may indicate that the breed was bred artificially, most likely terriers were crossed with lapdogs or Shih Tzus.

The breed standard was recognized by the German club in 2004, although it was issued back in 1989. Over time, these dogs spread throughout the world and gained great popularity.

What to feed

Representatives of this breed, like Yorkshire terriers, have a sensitive digestive system. Not every food is suitable for them. The owner must decide on the type of food (natural or industrial food) even before taking the puppy into the house. It is best to make this choice based on the recommendations of your veterinarian. An incorrectly selected diet can cause many diseases: allergies, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal disorders.

Industrial feed

For small toy dogs, you should select a high-quality commercial food designed specifically for such pets. Food must satisfy the high energy needs of active pets, be balanced and complete, and be well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of animals.

The best brands of food for the Biewer Terrier breed:

  1. Eukanuba Breed Specific (Yorkshire Terrier);
  2. Grandorf;
  3. Advance (Yorkshire Terrier);
  4. Brit Care (Yorkshire Terrier);
  5. Royal Canin (Yorkshire Terrier).

Important: the transition to a new brand of food is carried out gradually. An incorrectly selected composition can cause allergic reactions and gastrointestinal diseases.

Natural nutrition

The diet for dogs on a natural diet is compiled taking into account their age, weight and physiological condition. The menu is based on lean meats, lean sea fish (fillets), raw tripe, and boiled offal.

In addition, the diet should contain:

  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • quail egg;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Who is this dog suitable for?

Of course, such dogs are considered pets. It is best to keep them at home, warm and comfortable. If desired, you can take them with you everywhere. As a rule, these dogs are very mobilized and cannot live without communication with their owner. Your pet may not want to stay in an empty apartment or house without you. Therefore, be prepared for your dog to accompany you everywhere.

In general, there are no negative reviews about this breed of dog. The breed is unique in its origin and will not leave anyone indifferent. He is very attached to people and loves communicating with both adults and children. The dog is small in size and weight and you can even take such a pet with you on a plane. By buying such a puppy, you will always have a reliable friend nearby who will never want to part with you.

Owner reviews

According to people who have Biewer Yorkies in their homes, these are unique dogs with a cheerful, playful character. At the same time, potential owners should be prepared for the fact that they will have to spend money on purchasing special care products and regular visits to the groomer.

These cute dogs are very easy to keep. They make excellent companions, ready to accompany their owner everywhere. Bievers are equally happy to take part in fun, active games and lie quietly on the sofa next to the owner.

Despite the fact that representatives of this breed get along well with children, it is not advisable to take them into a family with children under a certain age. Carried away by the game, a small child can accidentally injure a furry pet. You also need to be extremely careful while walking. Try to keep your Biewer away from its larger breeds, as a Shepherd or Labrador may accidentally step on the Miniature Terrier and cause harm to it.





Characteristics and features of the breed

Biewers are bred from Yorkshire Terriers and therefore have the typical qualities of this popular breed. However, there is still a difference between the two breeds - color. Biewers are considered decorative dogs, the love for which grows from year to year.

Appearance and standard

Representatives of the breed are harmoniously built dogs. The calling card of the Biewer is the straight, silky, long coat that flows down both sides of the body and is parted in the center of the back. There is no undercoat.

There is no specific preferred color pattern for dogs, but color symmetry is much more important. The belly, front and hind legs should be white or blue, the body should have a dark steel color. The fur on the face has black, white and golden shades.

Over the thirty years of existence of the Biewer Yorkie breed, certain standards of appearance and other characteristics have been adopted.

  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years.
  • Weight: 2-3 kg. There may be a deviation of 0.5 kg.
  • Height: from 18 cm (females) to 22 cm (males). There may be a deviation of 5 cm.
  • suitable for apartments and private houses.
  • Coat: straight, long, smooth, flowing along the body.
  • Advantages of the breed: hypoallergenic, sheds little, friendly, intelligent.
  • Country of breeding: Germany, Gunsrück.
  • Degree of learning: high.

Did you know? Individuals of the breed are always born tri-colored: the coat of puppies combines black, white and golden colors.

Character and temperament

Biewer Yorkies have a wonderful character - playful, friendly, and enjoy spending time in the company of the whole family. They love to play with children, can accompany older people, and do not have conflicts with other pets.

Bievers love to be the center of attention, so they will do anything to make their owners notice them.

Like the Biewer Yorkie, the following are also suitable for an apartment: Maltese, Spaniel, Boston Terrier, Miniature Poodle, West Highland White Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu, Dachshund, Pekingese, Fox Terrier, Newfoundland, Chinese Crested, Giant Schnauzer, Jagdterrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Bichon Frize, Weimaraner.

Beavers are very attached to their owner: they subtly sense his mood, do not show intrusiveness if the owner is busy or wants to be alone, and adapt to the rhythm of life in the house.

Representatives of the breed are excellent companions for humans; they will accompany you everywhere without causing any unnecessary trouble.

Beavers are rightfully considered cheerful and carefree fidgets; they will happily play, run and be mischievous. Even in an adult, the traits inherent in puppies are largely retained - activity, restlessness, playfulness.

They can show impudence and aggression towards large dogs, but the pet’s behavior in such cases largely depends on upbringing.

Important! Small breeds of dogs, including Biewers, are characterized by stubbornness, courage and perseverance. Therefore, despite the cute appearance of the puppy, the owner will have to show remarkable firmness in the process of training and raising a little Biewer

Thanks to their innate attentiveness and vigilance, beavers successfully perform guard functions, notifying the owner of danger or alarm with a ringing bark. Breeders note that individuals are easy to train, they know their boundaries in the house, accept the rules and do not cause inconvenience.

When danger arises, beavers may appear very timid and even tremble, but this is only in appearance. In fact, dogs are brave, they rush into battle and can even bite.

When in contact with children, the latter should be taught not to frighten or tease the dog; acquaintance with other pets should be done gradually.

How much do puppies cost?

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier puppies are sold relatively cheaply. At the poultry market they are sold for 5–8 thousand rubles, and the average price on Internet bulletin boards is 10–15 thousand rubles.

However, you should not buy a kitten from unverified breeders. They breed dogs without taking into account genetic, physiological and mental characteristics, they dump sick and puppies that do not meet the standard.

Prices in kennels are higher, but an officially registered organization is a guarantee of a healthy dog ​​without defects. In them, the cost of pet-class puppies is 20-25 thousand rubles, breeding - 30-40 thousand rubles, and show - from 50,000 rubles.


You can buy Biewer Yorkies in the following nurseries:

  • - Moscow nursery, breeds new and rare varieties of Yorkies: Biewer, Chocolate, Black, Goldust, Merle, Biro; producers from the best nurseries in the USA and Europe;
  • - a breeder from Moscow, has been breeding regular Yorkies and Biewers for 13 years, has sold over 250 puppies in Russia and abroad;
  • – kennel in St. Petersburg, breeds Biewer and Biro Yorkshire terriers, champion sires of the CIS countries and Europe.

Biewer Yorkies differ from their ancestors in their colorful tri-color coat and easy-going nature. These are companions for families and single people who will share the joy and brighten up a stormy day.

How to care for your pet

The puppy should be taught proper care and hygiene procedures from a very early age. Comprehensive pet care includes coat care, water treatments, oral care, claws, ears and eyes.

Also, to successfully keep a dog, you need to know about some of the nuances of walking. Next, we will analyze each point in more detail.

Grooming and bathing

Your pet's long, shiny, silky coat requires careful care to remain as attractive. To maintain the beauty and health of their coat, dogs need regular, daily combing and trimming (1-2 times a month).

When preparing for exhibitions, you should choose from standard haircuts, but if the dog is not preparing for a competition, you can give free rein to your imagination and experiment. In the summer, the dog may be overheated, so it is better to prefer a short, neat haircut.

Important! It is worth considering that some dogs have a wool that is not silky, but has a more “cotton” structure. This type of fur is extremely difficult to grow; it quickly becomes matted and forms tangles.

In this case, it is more rational to do a haircut - this will save you and the dog hours spent on combing, as well as nerves.

You should also hygienically trim the ears and muzzle. This procedure is especially important during the formation of ears. If your dog's diet contains natural or wet food, the chin should be cleaned after each feeding.

Bathing should be done every week or two. If you carry out water procedures more often, the animal's skin may dry out due to the lack of undercoat.

For bathing and combing you need to purchase the following tools and products:

  • comb with sparse teeth;
  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • antistatic (detangler);
  • ear sponges to prevent water from getting in.

First, the fur must be combed from tips to roots. Gently work through tangled areas: first you can untangle them with your fingers, then with a comb.

Then you can start swimming. When lathering, try not to tangle the hair.

After rinsing the shampoo, apply conditioner for a few minutes and rinse the coat thoroughly again.

When drying with a hairdryer, the wool can be combed out at the same time.

If you follow these procedures, your pet's hair will always be in perfect shape. However, remember that a balanced diet plays an important role in the beauty and health of the coat, which we will talk about below.

Eyes, ears, teeth, claws: necessary procedures

Other hygiene procedures include care for the eyes and ears, mouth and paws:

  1. Discharge from the eyes should be removed daily with a soft cotton pad. Remember that some dogs have more severe tearing, this is not a problem and requires more frequent eye rubbing. If you do not take proper care of your eyes, you may develop infection, irritation, and spots.
  2. You can also use cotton pads to clean your ears. Do not try to clean the natural folds of the ears from secretions. To facilitate hygiene procedures and reduce weight, ear hair should be regularly trimmed to 1/3 of the length of the ear, starting from the tip. For cleansing, you can use special powders and lotions.
  3. Nails should be trimmed once a month. Try to cut parallel to the natural cut line, without going beyond the areas where the nerve endings and blood vessels are located.
  4. The paw pads also need to be periodically cleaned of debris and tangled hair trimmed from the paws.
  5. When caring for your dog's oral cavity, you can use special pastes and sprays, toothbrushes and cleaning toys. Twice a year you need to undergo a thorough cleaning at the veterinary clinic. Such procedures will not only eliminate unpleasant odor, caries and plaque, but will also allow you to preserve the dog’s healthy natural teeth for a long time.


Before starting walks, the puppy must be accustomed to a collar and leash. It is better to do this in the apartment during the game. For your first walks, it is better to choose the quietest time of the day, when there are no cars driving yet.

The duration of the first walks should be about 10 minutes - even such a short time can be stressful for the puppy, full of a lot of new impressions and emotions.

Bievers generally respond well to children and other dogs. However, do not allow strangers to get too close to your pet, much less feed it. To avoid unexpected and dangerous situations, Biewer Yorkies should always be walked on a leash.

Important! For autumn-spring and winter, you need to purchase appropriate clothing and shoes. Hypothermia is dangerous for Biewer Yorkies, especially for very small dogs.


It lasts 58-62 days in dogs. During this period, the bitch needs care. Pay special attention to nutrition. Additionally, add vitamins to your diet.

Three weeks after mating, do an ultrasound to determine the number of puppies. If there are a lot, they will be small in size. The dog will be able to give birth easily.

In the case when there are few puppies (2-3), it may be necessary to prepare for a caesarean section, because the fetus will be large and the birth will be difficult.

What are the signs of labor:

  • A drooping belly causes the bitch to go to the toilet frequently.
  • Trembling may occur throughout the body.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Sometimes black diarrhea appears.
  • It is better if they take place in a veterinary clinic to avoid complications.


Biewers undergo the same vaccinations as any dog, according to a calendar compiled by a veterinarian.

The first two (main and revaccination) are up to 3 months, and many breeders recommend adopting a pet after he has received them and has passed the necessary quarantine.

The next one is at 10 months. Give an anthelmintic a week before it, and after you do it, refrain from walking for a couple of weeks. Contact with other dogs is also undesirable.


Special process for beavers. The procedure must be carried out daily, sometimes several times. For this, a special furminator . The coat is combed carefully, from top to bottom, along its entire length.

For those animals that are planned to be taken to exhibitions, various interesting haircuts are provided, sometimes quite unusual.

If you don’t want to attend such events, you don’t have to torture yourself or your pet. Short haircuts for Biewer Yorkies are common, most often in puppy style.

Biewer Yorkie with short hair

Important! Make sure that the fur does not fall off and always looks well-groomed and tidy. It should be soft, silky to the touch, without an unpleasant odor. White color is always pure and shining.


The Biewer Yorkie is walked on a leash that is attached to a harness or collar, and this is the most important rule. If you let your dog go free, keep an eye on him at all times!

Due to its curiosity, the animal can easily run away and get lost. This is why many breeders do not advise releasing him in public places with a lot of people.

You need to keep an eye on your dog while walking; a leash is required in crowded places.

The rest of the rules for walking are universal: the best option: three times a day, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

In addition, you can take your dog with you to any event or travel; it quickly gets used to being carried and loves to sit in your arms.

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