Can dogs have bananas - a puppy, a Pomeranian, a pug or a Labrador?

I’ll say right away that a pet’s diet must be composed not only of meat products, but also of vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and various cereals. In a word, the menu should be balanced. The health of pets directly depends on proper nutrition. Is it possible to give dogs bananas? The answer is clear: bananas, maybe; small dogs can be given a third of a banana once a week. Large breeds 1-2 bananas per week.

Man's true friends are always ready to feast on everything that catches their eye. Can dogs eat fruit, such as bananas? Of course. They are beneficial if given in moderation. But let's take a closer look at why you can give your dog a sweet banana.

Most dog owners are powerless in the face of the pleading look of a pet when it sees something tasty. Owners who are responsible and attentive to their pet's food will definitely ask themselves whether it is possible to give nutritious bananas to a puppy or an adult pet, and whether it is safe for their health and well-being.

Can puppies eat bananas?

Dog breeders often wonder whether dogs can have bananas, and whether to give them to small puppies who have just begun to get used to “adult” food.

Veterinarians answer the question whether a puppy can have a banana as follows: it is possible when all his teeth have erupted and he eats any food. You can’t feed the whole fruit right away; you need to introduce it into the diet gradually, observing the animal’s reaction.

Puppies love sweets and will never disdain fruit.

Health problems

If your puppy is being treated for a health problem, be sure to consult with your veterinarian before feeding him bananas. Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, heart problems, allergies and intestinal problems often require a strictly controlled diet as part of their treatment.

Thus, feeding your dog banana may make his condition worse. Your veterinarian knows their disease and will be able to tell you if it is safe to give your puppy bananas, how much and when.

Feeding rules

Before giving the fruit to an animal, it must be cleaned. Large dogs may eat the peel, which can cause indigestion. You can pamper your pet between feedings; there should be at least an hour left until the next meal. You can give a treat immediately after a meal, as a dessert.

Attention! You should not give your pet more than one banana per day. Also, under no circumstances should you replace a full meat meal with fruit, because a dog is a carnivore, not a herbivore.

How to feed

During your pet's first acquaintance with tropical fruit, two small pieces are enough. Many people add new vegetables and fruits to their main food, after grinding them to a mushy state. However, banana is quite sweet, and your pet may agree to taste it in its pure form - experiment.

When choosing a banana, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • The banana should be either ripe or slightly underripe. Overripe fruits can easily cause stomach upset in your pet.
  • The tropical fruit must first be washed, then wiped dry, and then peeled. Various toxic substances accumulate in the peel of the fruit, which can cause poisoning in your pet. Moreover, the skin is very viscous and tasteless. Having tried it, the dog may flatly refuse to eat bananas in the future.
  • Peeled banana is cut into small portions. At first glance, this may seem unnecessary, but a whole or large piece of fruit can cause intestinal obstruction, especially for miniature breeds.
  • The amount of treats is determined according to the size of the dog. For small breeds, one and a half bananas per week is enough. For larger ones, the norm would be a whole banana 2-3 times a week.

Did you know? If your pet refuses to eat a banana, then chop it up and mix it with cottage cheese - not a single dog will refuse such a treat. The option of mixing banana with sweet porridge will not be an exception.

What bananas should be like

A dog can eat a banana, but only a very ripe and high-quality one. Appearance requirements:

  • completely yellow, no green;
  • there should be no dark spots inside;
  • the structure of the fruit is hard, elastic (if it is soft and loose, it means it is overripe).

If the animal does not eat the fruit completely, the remains should be thrown away immediately.

You can only give your dog ripe fruits without signs of mechanical damage.

What are the benefits and harms

Let us immediately note that bananas can and even should be given to dogs. Banana is a fairly healthy fruit that contains a huge amount of vitamin C, as well as a considerable amount of trace elements such as potassium, copper, manganese and sodium.

  • Vitamin C helps improve the animal's immunity, which is very useful and necessary for a puppy, especially one that has only recently separated from its mother. The fragile organism will accept such a treat with great joy and will be grateful for this feeding.
  • The amino acids contained in a ripe banana are indispensable both for the normal development of a baby and for the active existence and well-being of an adult pet.
  • Natural sugars and carbohydrates provide the dog's body with energy. Most breeds are very restless and playful - such dogs simply need such feeding for their active games.
  • Antioxidants and enzymes help improve the quality and appearance of dog hair. Thanks to them, the coat acquires a beautiful shiny shimmer and becomes thicker.

Regular consumption of ripe bananas in moderate doses:

  • allows you to cope with stomach problems and improve the animal’s digestion;
  • due to its high pectin content, the tropical fruit significantly helps with constipation and diarrhea;
  • helps normalize intestinal function.

Did you know? Dog handlers say that there is nothing better than feeding your pet a banana as a reward for correctly executed commands or giving it a treat just like that, expressing your love and care to the animal.

Allergy symptoms

The most common symptoms of food allergies in spaniels, terriers and other dogs are:

  • skin itching;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • sneezing;
  • teary eyes.

In some cases, these symptoms may be accompanied by difficulty breathing.

Attention! One of the most common allergy symptoms in dogs is interdigital dermatitis, which causes severe itching of the paw pads. An antihistamine should be given to relieve symptoms.

Allergies in animals are common if they eat a lot of bananas.


Eating an excess amount of banana can lead to undesirable consequences for your pet:

  • the appearance of constipation - large portions of the fruit are poorly digested in the body;
  • vomiting, diarrhea or poisoning due to indigestibility of the fruit;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • excessive excitement or, on the contrary, lethargy, apathy with individual intolerance to bananas.

Important! Do not give your dog milk or dairy products and a banana at the same time.

Is it possible to give banana for other diseases?

To the question whether a French bulldog or pug puppy can have a banana if they have other diseases, there is no clear answer.

  • On the one hand, vitamins strengthen the immune system and help the body fight disease.
  • On the other hand, fruits often cause stomach upset even in humans, not to mention animals.

If the dog is sick with a disease not related to dysfunction of the digestive tract, there are no restrictions; feeding the animal with these fruits is allowed. If your pet has a sensitive stomach or high blood sugar levels, it is better to exclude any sweet foods from the diet.


Bananas actually contain many useful substances, the main ones being: vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, and it also contains inulin. Inulin is a natural polysaccharide that acts as a prebiotic in the intestines, positively affecting metabolism and the growth of beneficial microflora. Potassium stabilizes water balance and heart rhythm. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and B vitamins are involved in a large number of metabolic processes in the animal’s body.

Proper feeding: advice from veterinarians

If the owner doubts whether a Labrador, bulldog or beloved mongrel can have a banana, he should consult with a veterinarian. In any case, the following precautions must be observed when feeding:

  • do not exceed the permissible portion;
  • give only high-quality and fresh fruits;
  • Avoid natural and dried bananas if there are any signs of gastrointestinal distress or allergies.

If you follow these rules and dog feeding tips, your dog will benefit from a treat, be it a Yorkie, Dachshund or Chinese Crested.

In order for your beloved dog, Corso or Pug, to always feel good on a banana diet, the diet must be balanced. Protein makes up the bulk of a proper diet. Foods rich in carbohydrates can be given in limited quantities and not every day, so as not to provoke the development of serious diseases.

If something went wrong

Pay special attention to your pet if he receives any new type of food. But even if the dog is well acquainted with fruit, there is no guarantee that it will not steal a whole banana while you are looking away. This may cause adverse side effects.

Reddened nose, eyes, paw tips

These symptoms indicate an allergy. It can also appear as blisters or pimples or other skin rashes. Hair loss, peeling skin, atypical discharge from the eyes - all this indicates that an allergen has entered the body. Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis, and he will also determine the substance that caused the condition. Before visiting the doctor, eliminate all new types of food, and also do not let your pet lick or scratch the rash on the skin. You should not put off visiting the veterinarian; allergies can take severe forms, even death.

Constipation, diarrhea, or gas

A possible reason is that the portion is too large. If a small piece of banana causes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, then you should not give it anymore. It's simply not suitable for your pet. If the condition does not improve, take your dog to the doctor. In case of intestinal obstruction, medical attention will be required.

Vomiting, lethargy, or overexcitement

These are all symptoms of indigestion or food poisoning. Provide access to drinking water. In this case, it would also be a good idea to give a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of soda and salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). And take your dog to the doctor as soon as possible. If a dog eats a banana with the peel, he may be poisoned by harmful substances.

Practice has shown that in small quantities bananas do not harm dogs and are beneficial. Follow the measure, and your pet will receive an additional source of nutrients and energy along with a piece of banana. This is a good way to share joy with your four-legged friend and show love.

  • Author: Elena Romanenko
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Review of the best dry food


This is a super premium food that is made in America. There are lines for dogs of different sizes and breeds, as well as medicinal ones. This food is complete and gives the dog all the necessary substances. It contains: meat (usually two types) about 30% of the total composition, wheat, barley, rice, eggs, fish oil, fiber, as well as various vitamin supplements.

The advantages of this food include the fact that the pug will not require additional nutrition. The downsides are the number of flavors and the presence of beets in the composition, which can cause the coat of light-colored pugs to become stained.


Another super-premium food, which is produced in Europe and America. They have food for everyday nutrition, as well as medicinal ones. Daily food for puppies, adults and senior dogs, based on chicken. There is also dietary food based on pork. All types of feed contain corn, pearl barley and vegetables.

The disadvantages of this food include a small amount of meat (no more than 6%) and the presence of a large number of allergens.

The therapeutic range is quite wide and covers problems ranging from various diseases to high-calorie food for recovery after illnesses and operations. The composition of all medicated foods differs depending on your dog’s illness.

For a pug, Hills “Science Plan Puppy Small & Miniature” is suitable. Ingredients: meat, meat flour, corn, wheat, potatoes, rice, beets, vitamins.


This company produces food of two classes - super-premium and holistic. They are considered the best in Europe and America. This manufacturer focuses on the production of dry food exclusively.

Among the advantages of this brand, it is necessary to note the absence of by-products and flavorings, a large percentage of meat (more than 60%) and a high content of vitamins. The food also contains oats, apples, potatoes, peas, berries, vegetables, herbs, amino acids, antioxidants, and fatty acids.

First Mate

Super premium food produced in Australia, Canada and Colombia. The composition contains three types of meat, vegetables, fruits, minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

The manufacturer notes that all feed undergoes thorough quality control.


The food is made in America and is considered holistic. Main ingredients: meat and meat flour, offal, potatoes, peas, other vegetables, fruits, vitamins and minerals.

Royal Canin

This is the only manufacturer that has specialized food for pregnant and lactating bitches, and is also suitable for puppies up to two months old. In addition, it produces various products: for ideal coats, for aging dogs, for overweight, and so on.

One of the disadvantages of this brand is that the detailed composition of neither meat, offal, nor grains and their ratio are not indicated. A plus will be good digestibility by dogs.

Pro Plan

does not provide food for everyday feeding, there are only medicinal lines - for weight maintenance, during the recovery period, for kidney pathology and for digestive disorders. This diet is prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian and is used in therapeutic courses.


This manufacturer has the widest range of wet food. It is presented: mono protein canned food with eleven different flavors; nine types of pates; three types of wet food with meat pieces; five meatloaves.


This company produces two types of wet food: premium and super-premium.

The first type is a low percentage of meat in the composition, many components that can cause allergies. Low level of saturation. As for the super-premium line, it contains a large amount of meat; there is even a series consisting only of meat. However, this food has a fairly high price: not everyone can afford it.

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