This is done without fail
Quarantine after rabies vaccination in dogs: how long does it last, when can you go for a walk?
Any living creature can get rabies, be it a wild animal, a pet or a person.
What does it mean if a dog begins to tuck its tail?
Are you used to your dog wagging its tail all the time and suddenly it stops?
Prognosis and treatment of kidney failure in dogs
Veronika Igorevna Sharipova veterinarian Petstory Kidney failure in dogs is a widespread disease
dog howls at night
How to stop a dog from howling. Effective methods for aviary and pets
Reasons for night songs Rarely does an adult dog organize concerts at night, only if there is
A sterilized dog has discharge from a loop
Does sterilized dogs go into heat: the possibility of estrus and its symptoms
Sexual heat, which changes the behavior of an obedient pet beyond recognition, is not only a test for
Beef liver in the diet of dogs: can it be given, benefits and possible harm
Dogs are predators, so their diet should be tailored to their body structure. In particular, large
Sinulox 50 mg
Sinulox for dogs - rules for using the drug
In veterinary medicine, many drugs are used for the treatment of infectious diseases, differing in their action and characteristics.
5 simple tricks any dog ​​can master
The Roll Command The Roll Command is a very fun command to train your dog. Before
How to switch a dog to another dry food
How to switch a dog to another food: rules and recommendations
Changing a pet’s diet may be dictated by medical necessity or simple everyday circumstances.
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Proper nutrition, how and what to feed a Chihuahua dog
If your family has decided to purchase a Chihuahua, then the question certainly arises: what do they eat, what?
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