How to stop a dog from howling. Effective methods for aviary and pets

Reasons for night songs

Rarely will an adult dog organize concerts at night, only if there are flaws in his upbringing or something hurts. New owners of four-legged friends suffer the most from nighttime chants. There may be several reasons for a puppy to sleep at night:

  1. The baby has just been torn away from his mother and misses her. Howling at night only when a puppy is adopted is normal; this behavior will go away within a week. To speed up the adaptation process, use the rules below.
  2. The second reason is discomfort in the stomach. The puppy is separated from its mother’s milk, or its diet simply does not match what it was like at its previous place of residence. There is only one way out - feed the baby for the first time the same thing he ate before, gradually transfer him to a new diet. Of course, you will not be able to find mother's milk, but cow's milk is not a problem; give it to the puppy in a warmed form, preferably from a nipple.
  3. Often puppies begin to howl at night due to fears. Any sudden and loud noise can frighten the baby. If this happens, go up to the animal, pet it, and try to calm it down.

How to stop a dog from howling at night at home? There are several rules that every dog ​​owner must adhere to.

Other measures

There are several ways to keep your dog quiet in your absence that I find unacceptable.

  • It happens that dogs have their vocal cords cut. Besides the fact that it interferes with the 4th of the “five freedoms”, the hoarse sounds that dogs nevertheless make after this operation will make the owner feel guilty for many years...
  • Electroshock anti-barking without the exercises described above will only increase the dog’s fear of loneliness. Often she will continue to howl without a collar, and while wearing a collar she will begin to spoil things, dirty the house, or develop some other bad habit. In addition, the use of electroshock anti-bark is inhumane and violates the animal’s right to 5 freedoms.
  • Ultrasonic anti-bark (stationary and collar) can replace your punishment at the 8th stage of behavior correction. Without preliminary exercises, the dog will get used to the ultrasound and stop responding to it after about 2 weeks.

How to stop a dog from howling at night?

Night howling is unpleasant not only for dog owners, but also for neighbors if we are talking about an apartment building. Everyone wants to calm their dog down faster, but how to do it right?

  1. Don't take your dog to your bed, it will quickly get used to it and it will be difficult for you to wean it off. If it comes to a dog that is already accustomed to the owner’s bed, then take it to its place before going to bed, and in a stern voice give the command to sleep. Praise every morning for good behavior. During the night, if the dog whines, strictly say “Ugh!” - this is one of the main commands that an animal should know from its first days.
  2. Don't run to your dog as soon as he starts howling. The dog will think that this is how he can call you to him, and it will be difficult to convince him otherwise. Ignore the howling as much as possible. Often the dog quickly realizes that no one cares about its song and falls asleep. If it becomes impossible, then scold the dog, but do not hit, this will not lead to anything good.
  3. Before going to bed, walk a lot and play with your dog, because a dog that has played enough will fall asleep much faster.
  4. A well-fed animal sleeps better, so you shouldn’t forget about a hearty dinner.
  5. If the howling does not stop, then repeat “Ugh!” even stricter. The dog does not understand your words, but by your tone he will understand that the owner is dissatisfied. If the animal calms down after the command, praise it or simply remain silent.
  6. Dog breeders say that if an adult dog howls at night, it is the dog expressing its dissatisfaction with the lack of attention and care. How to stop a dog from howling? During the daytime, play with her more and give her maximum attention. Place your item on the bedding nearby at night, the dog will smell the owner and fall asleep faster with it.
  7. It happens that a puppy howls simply out of boredom, because he was played with during the day and then left alone. In this case, toys that can be chewed will help out.
  8. Keeping the litter close to the owner helps stop howling at night. You can teach your puppy to fall asleep silently in his place like this: at first, place a bedding near your bed. Then, every night, move it a little further, and so on until it is in its place.

The opinion of scientists and mysticism

Why might a dog howl? Many people know the sign that if a dog howls with his head thrown up, then there is a fire, and if he does the same, bending towards the ground, then it is a dead person. Therefore, in villages, a howling dog is often scolded so that it stops doing this.

  • Fear from a dog's howling has been transmitted to humans since the moment when dogs were not domestic animals, and only their ancestor, the wild wolf, existed;
  • Fear from the chilling howls of a wolf evoked a feeling of horror even in our ancestors, therefore, at the level of genetic memory, it was transmitted to us that people experience anxiety at the sounds of a dog’s howl;
  • Often these animals sense the approach of natural disasters, such as an earthquake or hurricane.

A pet can feel the death of a person of a natural nature if he was sick, but did not die suddenly. This happens thanks to the animal’s subtle sense of smell. A dying person's metabolic processes occur more slowly, and he consumes and uses energy differently. He smells different than healthy people. This smell is what catches the dog's nose.

In these cases, the animal lowers its head to the ground to protect itself from the unpleasant, alien and frightening smell. Often a pet may whine rather than howl and avoid such people. By the way, an interesting fact, but some doctors with innate talent also know how to determine by smell whether a person will die or survive.

Why does the dog howl in the enclosure?

Dogs that live in the yard often stage concerts not only at night, but also during the daytime. Causes:

  1. At night it is scary, lonely, the presence of the owner is needed.
  2. It's just boring, that's how the dog attracts attention.
  3. Asks to go for a walk, feels uncomfortable in the enclosure, needs space.

The first thing you should think about is whether there is a need for aviary maintenance at all? If you don’t want to bring a dog into your home, then at least try not to lock your pet in its cage. Let the exit be open so that the animal can go out on its own at any time and walk around the yard.

How to stop a dog from howling in an enclosure? This will be more difficult than weaning a puppy off nighttime routines, but it is still possible.

To the moon

There is a version that not all dogs howl at the moon, but mainly those who have a freer lifestyle, that is, street dogs

The effect of the moon on the psyche of humans and animals has not yet been fully studied. During the full moon, scientists note that some people experience sleep disturbances, poor health, apathy, and even aggression. What can we say about animals that have increased sensitivity to natural phenomena?

Howling at the moon is a manifestation of anxiety, fear, similar to human feelings. This is how the animal expresses its anxious mood, which appears under the influence of the moon.

We teach the dog to “sing” in the enclosure

Do not lock your dog up at night or while you are away from home. The dog must move freely, so he will not throw a concert. So that he doesn’t miss you too much, put your thing down, the dog will smell the owner’s scent and quickly calm down.

If a dog howls in the enclosure while you are working on the site, this indicates that it is asking you to play. You can’t react to a howl; the dog will understand that he can call you like that. Say strictly “Ugh!”, and as soon as the animal calms down, be sure to praise it.

If the dog starts howling as soon as you leave the house, then it is simply calling you! Ignore the dog and go back right away. As soon as the howling stops, come out! This game of playing with the owner coming in and out helps to wean the dog from howling when you appear. As soon as the dog stops howling when you leave, praise him, come over, and treat him with a treat.

If the dog is just bored and lonely, then give him more toys, old boots that he can chew, a ball. Give the dog a view of the yard, let him watch what is happening on the street, learn to bark at cats and those simply passing by.

Many four-legged animals simply begin to “go crazy” when left alone. Of course, the owner does not hear this, but the neighbors will definitely at some point ask you to calm down their animal. How to stop a dog from howling in an apartment in the absence of its owners? The process is labor-intensive, and each cause of howling must be considered separately.

When you're left alone

When a person moves just a couple of meters away from the dog, it begins to whine, but now imagine what it feels like for it alone at home

A feeling of loneliness and uselessness inevitably arises in a dog left locked in an apartment or sitting on a chain in the yard. A dog is a social creature and requires almost constant attention from its owner.

When the owner leaves for work or other errands, the dog feels as if it has been abandoned. The same situation happens with a howling dog in the yard. The animal does not understand why the lights are on in the house, voices are heard, and he has to spend time alone, sitting on a chain near the booth. By howling, the dog demonstrates his own disagreement with this circumstance.

There are breeds that absolutely do not tolerate loneliness. Left alone with themselves, they howl, tear or gnaw various objects, and scratch furniture. Dachshunds, Alaskan Malamutes, Chihuahuas, and Basset Hounds are considered noisy. If dogs of these breeds are left in the apartment for a long time, complaints from neighbors to the owner are guaranteed.

There is a version that not all dogs howl at the moon, but mainly those who have a freer lifestyle, that is, street dogs

Reason: stress due to change of environment

Animals are very sensitive to any change in environment: moving to a new home, placing a dog with other animals or the appearance of a new animal in the apartment, a change in the owners’ work schedule - all this can cause howling in the absence of the owner. How to stop a dog from howling in this case? Do not scold the animal under any circumstances, this will only worsen the situation, the dog will begin to doubt its well-being, and the stress will only become stronger. Follow the advice of dog handlers.

Howling due to the psychological atmosphere in the house

The four-legged friend is good at capturing the mood and emotions of the owner. The reaction to them may be howling alone. If you tend to experience fear, anxiety or uncertainty, if you are going through a difficult period in your life, your dog may also worry. The owner’s fear of leaving the animal alone at home will also play a negative role. Until you get rid of it, you will not be able to re-educate the dog. First, bring your psychological state back to normal on your own or with the help of a specialist. The dog will stop howling on its own.

For your pet's peace, it is important to maintain a favorable psychological climate at home. In an atmosphere of scandals, anger and lack of mutual respect between family members, the dog will not be psychologically stable. The negative impact on his psyche leads to the expression of emotions through howling.

It is unacceptable to raise and train a dog through aggression, beating and humiliation. Mental problems in this case are also expressed in howling.

How to stop howling when your dog is stressed

If you are moving to a new home, plan a change of environment so that you can be with your dog for several days after the move. In this case, the pet needs to be made clear that everyone will now live here, you did not leave her alone, you did not kick her out of the house. Leave the schedule the same, meals and walks should be according to the schedule, do not try to pay more attention to the dog in a new place, he will quickly get used to this and begin to howl after you return to normal. Show with all your appearance that nothing has changed except housing.

If your work schedule has changed, and now you have to be away longer, then ask friends or relatives for help, and involve your children. Let someone, at least for the first time, from time to time, be in the apartment with the dog.

How to stop a dog from howling if there is a new pet in the house? Don't give the new tenant more attention than the old one. If you pet, then pet both, feeding - together, walks too. Show the dog that you have not begun to love him less, so he will not only not howl anymore, but will also quickly make friends with a new friend.

How to stop a dog from howling in the house if you took it from another place? The dog will miss its previous owners, do not allow contact with them. Walk more, pamper yourself with treats, pet the dog, communicate with him. Show that you will not cause pain, do not offend. But the animal must not be dismissed; the pet must know all commands, including “Fu”. You are the head of the house. This is the first rule a new friend should learn.

Breed characteristics

The calling card of the “Alaskan” is his large frame, muscular body and hardy body. Outwardly, the dog resembles a wolf. There is an opinion that the oldest breed of dogs originated from wild animals. And thanks to this relationship, the Alaskan Malamute himself got the opportunity to act in various films, playing the role of a wild fellow visually similar to him. Although in fact these dogs are excellent companions and family men who cannot imagine life without their owner and his children.

  • Weight. Standard body weight depends on the gender of the animal. Males weigh about 38 kg, while females are smaller: their standard weight is only 34 kg.
  • Height. The height of the females is 58.5 cm. The height at the withers of males is 63.5 cm.
  • Color. The color of the coat depends on the intrabreed line. In the Kotzebue line, only gray color is found, which is popularly called wolf color. But in the M'Lut line there are such colors as blue, black and white, brown and white, sable, even white and red. According to the standard, solid colored Malamutes can only be white.
  • Lifespan. The Alaskan Malamute lives from 12 to 15 years and is considered one of the longest-living four-legged friends.
  • Character. There are pets about which they say: “This is a dog of one person.” Malamutes are the complete opposite. They feel most comfortable only in a family - both canine and human. They cannot be left alone; you need to play with them endlessly, or at least give them passive attention: hug, caress, talk.
  • Intelligence. Alaskans are very smart, but also incredibly stubborn. If the dog stops following your commands, know that he is simply tired of doing what you ask. It is enough to give your pet a rest - and he will again begin to understand you perfectly.
  • Security and guard potential. The breed is not at all created for protection. These are sled, “working” dogs, so their genes contain a potential different from that of a guard dog.

The first heat of an Alaskan Malamute girl begins between eight months and a year, and repeats every six months. The maximum duration of the process is 20 days. The starting age for mating is considered to be two years - the period when the dog becomes fully sexually mature. Dogs are bred on the 12-15th day of the bitch's heat. Pregnancy lasts from 56 to 72 days, depending on the number of future offspring: the more puppies, the shorter the gestation period. Movements of the offspring become noticeable around the 50th day. On the eve of birth, babies freeze in the mother's womb.

Alaskan Malamutes are more likely than others to end up on the abandonment list. An inexperienced owner, who has bought into the plush appearance of the puppy, subsequently cannot cope with his stubborn character and abandons the pet due to his own inadequacy as a teacher and dog breeder.

External standard

A dog of this breed is always judged on one main criterion: whether a member of the breed can be considered an Arctic sled dog or not. Existing defects are assessed in a similar plane: the more they affect the basic function of the animal, the worse. Based on the table, you can independently evaluate an adult individual for compliance with the breed standard.

Table - Features of visual standardization

Part of the bodyCharacteristics
Head— Wide; - volumetric; - proportional; - face with a friendly expression
Nose— Black; - red in dogs of the corresponding color; - let's say "snow nose"
BiteScissor-shaped (overshot and undershot - a disadvantage)
Eyes— Almond-shaped; - standing obliquely; - dark, usually brown; (blue - disadvantage)
Ears— Triangular; - slightly rounded at the tips (set high - a disadvantage)
Small of the back— Strong; - proportional; - medium length (long is a disadvantage)
Tail- Raised and slightly curled; - with a lush edge; - visually resembles a plume

“Snow nose” is a feature of Alaskan Malamutes in which the nose is streaked with white, contrasting with the base color.

Reason: fear that the dog was abandoned

Most often, dogs that were brought into a home from a shelter, that have already been abandoned by their owners, or that were picked up on the street, begin to worry about their well-being. A dog whose owner has been at home for a long time - not working, or on vacation - can also worry about being abandoned.

How to stop a dog from howling when he is alone at home? A labor-intensive process in the form of the game “Coming and Departing Owner” will help.

"The Coming and Going Master"

In order for the dog to understand that he is being abandoned for a short time, he will have to try, give his best. But it's worth it. Usually it takes a week to wean off howling if you practice every day.

Start getting dressed, sit at home watching TV in your clothes, and then just change into your home clothes. Let the dog understand that you will not necessarily leave, even if you get dressed, this way you will teach the dog to hug your feet and follow you while you are getting ready.

When the first stage is completed, move on to the next one: get dressed, go out the door, go down to the floor below. Wait five minutes and return home. If the animal howls, then calm it down; if not, praise it. Each time, increase the time of absence by a couple of minutes, and so on until the howling stops. The dog will quickly understand that if you leave, you will definitely come back.

Fighting unspent energy

It's not the dog's fault that the owner has no desire or time to play with him - the energy still needs to be put somewhere. Before getting a pet, think about whether you need it at all? If you don’t have time for long walks and games, then don’t get a dog at all or give preference to a heavy, calm breed that will want to rest more. The ideal option is a bullmastiff - a big and kind giant, a family dog, very lazy, and does not require long walks. A pug, poodle, or Pekingese are also suitable.

To keep your dog occupied, buy him toys. In order not to walk your dog for a long time, buy a treadmill; the dog needs to walk more to maintain physical fitness and waste energy.

Hanging toys, balls, specialized bones and much more will help you stop your dog from howling in the absence of people in the house. Leave the dog alone with such toys, and, occupied with them, he is unlikely to bother the neighbors with his howling.

Fighting dog stubbornness

The most common mistake that owners of such dogs make is rewarding bad behavior. You yourself may not notice it, but you are giving the dog what he wants. For example, closing the door behind you, you return after hearing barking. It seems to you that you have returned to scold and shame the dog, but he is sure that the owner has returned to bark or howl, which means it’s working!

No matter how difficult it may be, you will have to raise a restless pet. How to stop a dog from howling alone? Completely ignore her behavior. This is not only about howling alone, but also about any hysterics in your presence. The dog must understand that the person in charge is the person, and he will not come running at the first call. If the dog persistently asks for a treat, then do not give it, treat it only at a moment of calm behavior. Does it bark for a walk? Ignore, lead only at the appropriate time, and only if the dog behaves calmly. It will take a lot of patience and willpower to cope with the dog, but this is the only way you can correct such an unbearable character.

Prohibited Methods

A dog's howling is annoying and infuriating. Adds to the anger and complaints of neighbors who are tired of listening to loud overflows. Trying to wean a dog from whining, owners resort to radical measures. However, they don't work and only make the situation worse. Among them:

  1. Beating. An absolutely useless activity. The dog will not understand why it is treated so rudely. But he will become embittered and afraid of people.
  2. Trimming the vocal cords. It really deprives the dog of his voice - he can only wheeze. But the operation is dangerous and there is a high risk of complications or death. Plus it won't solve the problem. Yes, the neighbors will get rid of the howling. But the pet’s behavioral problems will remain, and the inability to express them out loud will provoke a psychological disorder.
  3. Electroshock collar (ESH). Every time the dog howls, barks or whines, the accessory sends a light shock. The trick is that the dogs are smart - as soon as the ammunition is removed from them, they will scream at the top of their lungs. Or they will find another outlet for their emotions - they will start gnawing things and furniture. Plus, the EShO does not always work correctly - it can strike when the pet yawns, drinks, swallows, or growls while playing. Sudden pain for unknown reasons will lead to a breakdown of the nervous system.

All the methods listed above will not help. They only eliminate the consequence - the howling. But they do not affect the cause - intolerance of loneliness and fear.

To stop your dog from whining, you need to be patient and repeat the lessons day after day. It will take 2-3 weeks to digest. It is taken into account that after 6-8 months the dog may return to a bad habit and the classes will have to be repeated. But 3-4 days are enough for re-correction.


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