All the pros and cons of spaying and neutering a toy terrier: features of the procedure and reviews from owners
The operation to castrate a Yorkshire Terrier is carried out either for medicinal purposes or to exclude
Can dogs eat chicken: all the pros and cons
Is it possible to feed a dog chicken meat - raw, boiled, fried: veterinarian advice on choosing a suitable diet
Disputes about whether it is possible to feed a dog chicken meat often arise among dog breeders.
How to make friends between an adult cat and a puppy: advice from experienced owners
Owners who already have a dog often take a kitten under their care.
dog loses weight with oral problems
6 reasons why a dog loses weight with good feeding
Getting your dog to eat enough or stop eating so much can be a challenging situation.
Why vaccinate your dog against rabies?
Vaccination of dogs against rabies: vaccination schedule and choice of vaccine
Rabies is an infectious disease of a viral nature. There is currently no effective treatment against
Basic commands for dogs: list and how to teach gestures during training
So that your puppy can fulfill basic requests, obey, and you can curb his activity,
Commands for dogs: list of basic ones and how to teach them
The “Crawl” command is usually used for military dogs. It is served when the animal
How can you stop a dog from barking at home and at everyone?
Have you noticed that your dog doesn't bark like your neighbor's? For some dog owners,
A dog’s temperature: what is considered normal, what to do, how to measure and reduce a dog’s fever
How to bring down a high temperature in a dog and what is the norm?
To make sure your pet is healthy and well, you need to measure
Police Shepherd
How to teach a dog to search: general recommendations, search for objects, people, mushrooms by smell
Dogs, when starting to look for something, use their nose to highlight a specific scent and move around, orienting themselves.
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