Leash for dogs: advice from dog handlers on how to select and train a dog of small, medium and large breeds to use a leash
Purpose of a leash for dogs Only careless and irresponsible owners let their animals walk on their own.
A dog lies in a playpen with his puppies.
How to understand that a dog has given birth to all puppies: signs of the end of labor
Pregnancy in a dog lasts 60-62 days. However, viable offspring can be born at 58
11 Things Dogs Hate...Don't Do It!
There are many reasons why a dog may not instinctively engage in play with its
Is it necessary to cut a toy terrier’s nails and how to properly carry out this procedure at home
Toy terriers are very small in size, and because of this, their claws do not wear down so well.
Why doesn't the dog sleep? Sleep problems in dogs. Diagnosis, causes and treatment
In fact, dogs are notorious sleepers. On average they require about 14–16
Features of using and making homemade blankets for dogs
CLOTHING FOR DOG After the operation is performed, you will need a post-operative blanket for
Being as close to you as possible: the way your dog sleeps speaks volumes about his attitude towards you
At the feet There are often cases when dogs (in fact, like cats) sleep at the feet
I wondered why a dog “digs” the bed before lying down. It turned out that the territorial instinct is triggered
If you have pets, you are likely to have problems caring for
How to properly trim a Spitz's claws at home?
Like all dogs, Spitz dogs need to have their nails trimmed periodically. This is done because the claws
Pregnancy in dogs - duration, signs, care features
How to tell if a dog is pregnant or not The first symptoms of pregnancy in dogs can be noticed approximately
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