why do dogs have watery eyes - symptoms, treatment
Causes of conjunctivitis in the Yorkshire Terrier and methods of treatment
When a dog's eyes water, this is not always a warning sign. Slight tearing of the eyes is common
How to choose a collar and leash for a German Shepherd
Like any other dog breed, the German Shepherd requires a muzzle, collar and leash. Separately
Leash for dogs: advice from dog handlers on how to select and train a dog of small, medium and large breeds to use a leash
Why do you need a leash? The photo of dog leashes shows different versions of these products. If
Restless dog behavior: causes and methods of elimination
Invisible symptoms of disease in dogs. Taking care of your pet's health is an important part of caring for
Bitch milk replacer for puppies: artificial feeding of orphans
Newborn puppies require special care, which increases their vitality. This applies to any breed
Super premium dog food: 16 best brands
Proper and balanced nutrition is very important for any growing organism, including -
How many years do dogs live
How long do dogs live at home: table by breed
The average lifespan of a dog is 10-13 years. Small breeds live longer, large ones shorter. Much
Nobivak vaccine for dogs: instructions for use, vaccination schedule, analogues
The Nobivak vaccine is one of the most popular. It is widespread, in most cases it is good
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The right diet or what vegetables can be given to dogs
Natural food for a dog is far from just meat. The owner needs to understand
Methods of training a dog to die effectively on command
Why do we need the “die!” command? Of particular user value for the “die!” doesn't exist, but
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