Spotted dogs: breeds with names and photographs


These are quite ancient dogs with an unclear history. According to one version, they appeared in Ancient Egypt and from there they came to Europe. According to another theory, their homeland is the Croatian province of Dalmatia, after which they got their name. They were brought to the territory of the USSR in the 80s of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity among local breeders. In 1991, on the initiative of S.V. Petrakov, a club for lovers of this breed was created.

Dalmatians are spotted dogs of medium size. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult is 54-62 cm with a weight of 24-32 kg. The elongated head with a straight bridge of the nose, strong jaws and a moderately pronounced nose has dark, round eyes and thin, hanging ears. A strong, proportionally built body with a flat back, a voluminous chest and a slightly sloping croup is covered with short, stiff white hair with evenly distributed, clearly defined spots of brown or black.

Dalmatians are cheerful, good-natured animals that are easy to train. They are very emotional, sensitive and touchy. These dogs need constant communication with people. Lack of attention turns them into closed, indifferent animals.

Pet care

Even such huge dogs need care. In order for a dog to look beautiful, be healthy and vigorous, it is necessary to provide it with adequate nutrition and carry out regular hygiene procedures. It is equally important to give your dog moderate exercise.


Looking at such a huge dog, many people think that he eats in buckets. This is wrong. But for proper formation during intensive growth and to maintain the health of an adult dog, great attention should be paid to quality nutrition. It is preferable to use food and vitamin and mineral supplements from well-known manufacturers for this purpose.

If the choice is made in favor of natural nutrition, then dietary meat must be present in the diet. This is rabbit, beef, chicken. An adult dog needs 500-800 grams. Cereals and vegetables are also added. Pork is strictly prohibited, as well as table scraps in the form of smoked meats, sweets, and products made from yeast dough.

Satisfied pet

How many feedings are required per day depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 2 months - 6 times;
  • 2-3 months - 5 times;
  • 3-5 months - 4 times;
  • from 5 months to 1.5 years - 3 times.

Then meals become two meals a day.

When purchasing a Great Dane puppy, you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that feeding such a giant is not cheap. If you have doubts about the possibility of providing him with a complete diet, it is better to refuse such a purchase.


The Great Dane is a dog that does not have high demands on care, but it should be taught hygiene procedures from a very early age. Trimming nails or cleaning ears should become a habit. Otherwise, due to the physical strength and mass of the animal, it will be almost impossible to force it to do this.

The smooth coat of this breed does not require frequent brushing. It is enough to wipe your pet every week with a massage mitten. Water procedures should be carried out once every ten days, more often if necessary.

Ears should be cleaned 2 times a week, nails should be trimmed two to three times a month. This breed often develops deposits in its eyes, so they have to be cleaned almost daily.

Vaccinations and walks

Vaccinations play a huge role in your pet's health.

  • The first is placed at the age of two months. It is intended against glanders, hepatitis, leptospirosis and parmovirosis.
  • After 3 weeks, the second one is done. A 3.5 month old puppy is vaccinated only against leptospirosis. In the future, it must be done every six months, and a comprehensive one - once a year.
  • It is also necessary to check with your veterinarian whether you should be vaccinated against filariasis, which is carried by mosquitoes, in your area.

For the Great Dane, it is simply necessary to treat the worms. The first time this is done at the age of three weeks, after 20 days it is repeated. An adult dog should be checked for parasites every six months.

Walking with a person in the fresh air is important for all Great Danes. Space is a must for them and it also gives them the opportunity to get their mandatory physical exercise.

Important! After walks in nature, you should definitely inspect your animal for ticks.

English Setter

Great Britain is considered the homeland of these graceful spotted dogs. There are still many unclear points in the history of their origin. Experts still argue to this day about who exactly the representatives of this breed came from. According to one version, their ancestors were primitive spaniels brought from the British Isles.

English setters are not too tall, strongly built dogs. Depending on the sex, the maximum height of an adult is 65-69 cm. On an oval, high-set head with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle and slightly drooping jowls, there are expressive eyes and hanging ears adjacent to the cheekbones. The graceful body of a typical setter is covered with thick, silky, slightly wavy, white coat with multiple spots. There are featherings on the ears, sternum, belly, inner thighs and hind legs. And the animal’s tail is decorated with a luxurious pendant.

English setters are spotted dogs, the photo of which cannot convey all their nobility and grace. They are very calm, affectionate, smart and sociable. These energetic and hardy dogs are highly trainable and are capable of proving themselves in hunting in different areas. They get along well with children and cope well with the role of a companion.

Marbled Dane

Despite the enormous popularity of these animals, there are many blank spots in the history of their origin. According to one version, they were bred from Asian fighting dogs that came to Europe along with nomads. According to another theory, their ancestors include Old English bulldogs and wild boar hunting dogs. To lighten the skeleton, the blood of greyhounds was infused into them.

Marbled Great Danes are large spotted dogs, the minimum height of which starts at 72 cm. On a large, harmonious head with a non-pointed muzzle, there are expressive almond-shaped eyes and high-set hanging ears, which can be cropped in puppyhood. The impressive body, square or slightly elongated, is covered with short, smooth, shiny white fur with ragged black spots, the arrangement reminiscent of a marble pattern. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of gray animals with dark markings.

Marbled Danes are a breed of large spotted dogs with a friendly, even-tempered and reasonable disposition. They are not prone to displaying causeless aggression and are easy to train. If properly trained, they make good guards and devoted companions.


Germany is considered the homeland of these animals, and among their ancestors are the pointers brought there from France, Flanders and Spain. German breeders began to infuse them with the blood of pointers and local dogs used for feeding prey.

Shorthaired Pointers are a hunting breed of spotted dogs with a harmonious body, noble posture and well-defined sexual dimorphism. The average height of these animals is 60-65 cm. On a dry head with a long wide muzzle and strong jaws covered with tight lips, there are dark brown eyes and high-set, flat, drooping ears. The slightly elongated body with a strong back and a flat topline is covered with short, coarse, hard coat of a spotted color. Most often, white or dark marks or specks are scattered on a brown background.

Shorthaired Pointers are flexible, friendly and peace-loving dogs, distrustful of strangers. They love to bark and are not too willing to bother with children. They are not at all playful and will not bother their owners, persistently demanding attention.


Great Britain is considered the homeland of these animals. According to one version, their ancestors were ancient Roman short hounds. According to another theory, they originated from Celtic dogs. Translated from English, the name of the spotted dog breed, a photo of which will be presented below, means “hound”.

Beagles are small animals that visually resemble foxhounds. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies between 33-38 cm, and the weight is 8-16 kg. On a powerful, rough head with a blunt, filled muzzle and moderately pronounced jowls, there are almond-shaped eyes surrounded by close-fitting eyelids. The entire body of a standard representative of this breed is covered with thick, dense wool of two or three colors. Most often, red, red, chocolate or black markings are evenly scattered on the main white background.

Beagles are friendly animals with a well-developed hunting instinct. They are absolutely unsuitable for the role of a security guard and do not show aggression or distrust towards strangers.

Reproduction and lifespan

Puberty in dogs occurs at the age of 8-9 months. Estrus lasts 20-21 days at six-month intervals. Mating is allowed after one cycle. Females over 6 years old are strictly prohibited from mating. After mating, birth occurs in 58-63 days.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the pregnant bitch does not gain weight.

During labor, if the bitch labors for more than two hours, she will require veterinary assistance for a caesarean section.

Feeding puppies usually lasts 6 weeks, but from 3 weeks it is necessary to introduce supplementary feeding.

The life expectancy of dogs of this breed rarely reaches 10 years. On average they live up to 7-8 years.

Basset Hound

These short-legged spotted dogs with long ears were bred in Europe in the middle of the 14th century. They were originally used for hunting small game. But today they have turned into good companions, adapted to life in urban conditions.

Bassets are medium-sized dogs, whose height reaches 33-38 cm and weighs 23-29 kg. The well-proportioned, folded head has dark, diamond-shaped eyes and long, drooping ears. The squat, short-legged body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with dense thick hair of different colors. The most common species are white with black or fawn markings.

Bassets are aristocratic, kind-hearted dogs with high intelligence and a well-developed sense of smell. They are endowed with a peaceful, affectionate disposition and a sonorous voice.


Training the Dogue de Bordeaux will require the owner to be patient or seek help from a professional trainer.

Although Bordeaux dogs are highly intelligent, this adds additional complexity to the training process, since from childhood the dog must be taught to trust people, namely the owner. It is better to start training a Great Dane from three weeks of age.

The main rule for a puppy should be that the owner is the leader of the “pack” and obedience to him must be unquestioning.

Throughout its life, the Dogue de Bordeaux will try to find weaknesses in its owner in order to manipulate at their expense. Another negative feature of this breed that is worth paying attention to when raising is the dog’s excessive intrusiveness.

Encouragement should be chosen as a training tactic, since getting such a dog to do something is extremely problematic. Another important point is to walk your dog on a leash. A dog should not be allowed to pull its owner in the direction it wants.

English pointer

Those who are not hearing for the first time the name of a spotted dog bred to search for game will be interested to know about the history of its origin. English Pointers are direct descendants of dogs that came to Great Britain from continental Europe. The imported stock was actively crossed with local breeds. Greyhounds, Bloodhounds and Foxhounds played an important role in the formation of modern pointers.

Representatives of this breed cannot boast of impressive parameters. The height of an adult dog is 61-69 cm, and its weight does not exceed 30 kg. The Pointer's moderately elongated body is covered with short, dense hair of tricolor, black, brown, red or yellow piebald.

These animals are endowed with an energetic disposition. They are very attached to their owners and get along well with children. In the presence of strangers, Pointers demonstrate politeness and aloofness.

Brazilian Terrier

This is one of the youngest breeds. Its homeland is Brazil, and among its ancestors are Foxes and other smaller terriers.

This spotted dog, whose photograph and name many of you first became acquainted with thanks to today’s material, grows to 33-40 cm at the withers and weighs no more than 10 kg. It is easily recognized by its narrow chest, docked tail, flat triangular skull and short, close-lying coat.

Brazilian Terriers are endowed with an active, cheerful disposition. They are extremely temperamental, smart, cheerful and alert. These animals love to play and dig deep holes. They need strict and consistent training. Otherwise, these dogs turn into independent and disobedient stubborn people.

How is nutrition different?

The dog is quite large in size, which indicates the need to follow certain rules for optimal nutrition.

  • Having a lively temperament and a constant need to move along with sufficient weight, they put a noticeable load on the joints.
  • In addition, this breed is predisposed to problems with digestion.

That is why for the normal functioning of the body it is always necessary to choose the right diet, all the ingredients of which must be completely digestible by the body. Then the ligaments, bones, and joints will be strong.

Australian Shepherd

Paradoxically, the homeland of these animals is America. Their ancestors were Basque Shepherds brought to the United States from Australia. In addition, Aussies have the blood of collies, Bernese Mountain Dogs and Pyrenees in their veins.

Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs. Their height does not exceed 58 cm at the withers, and their weight is no more than 32 kg. They have a flexible, well-balanced body and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. The Aussie's powerful, short-muzzled head has small, semi-erect ears. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with moderately long and relatively coarse hair of various colors.

Australian Shepherds are spotted dogs with a friendly and sociable disposition. They are easy to train and get along well with children. At the same time, they are distrustful of strangers, but do not require mandatory socialization.

Who should start

The Great Dane loves to be with his family. If the owner goes on long business trips, this can seriously affect the dog’s psyche. Therefore, when the family is going on vacation, you will have to take it with you.

Many dogs of this breed, due to the desire to be as close to a person as possible, have a desire to climb onto their laps. And based on their weight, you should think carefully before allowing this.

Room parameters are of great importance for the proper development of the Great Dane. Living in a small apartment will be like a “bull in a china shop” – the dimensions leave their mark.

On a note! In confined spaces, tail injury is not uncommon.

Short hair will not allow keeping such a dog in an enclosure. A spacious private home is most suitable for the normal existence of a pet, because this will give it the opportunity to stretch its muscles on the property and feel comfortable inside.

English coonhound

Despite the name of the breed, its homeland is not Great Britain. It was bred by American breeders back in the 17th century. These animals received official recognition in 1905 and since then have been actively used for hunting.

English Coonhounds are slender and graceful spotted dogs with well-developed muscles. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies between 53-69 cm and a weight of 18-30 kg. The large elongated head has very soft floppy ears and beautiful dark eyes. The harmonious body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with short, moderately hard and shiny white hair with red spots or specks. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of black-and-white and tri-colored individuals.

English Coonhounds are active dogs that need regular long walks. They have a highly developed hunting instinct. Therefore, they should not be let off the leash in crowded places or near busy roads.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Recommendations for choosing a Great Dane are the same as for most purebred dogs:

  • You can purchase a puppy only from well-known nurseries;
  • you should make sure that the breeder took a responsible approach to the maintenance of the baby before sale;
  • availability of a complete set of documents guaranteeing the good health of the puppy and its parents;
  • During a personal examination, you should pay attention to the puppy’s behavior and physical condition.

Important! The larger the puppy's paws, the taller he will grow.


Having made your choice, you need to conclude a purchase and sale agreement, obtain a certificate and a veterinary passport.

With the appearance of a Great Dane in a family, you can be sure that this huge graceful animal will not only give its warmth and joy to all its members, but will also protect the owners and their property from ill-wishers.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These little dogs have a very long history. At one time, they lived in the houses of the aristocratic nobility and were used for bird hunting.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small animals whose height does not exceed 33 cm and weighs no more than 8.2 kg. On the harmonious round head with a wide forehead and a smoothed occipital protuberance, there are huge expressive eyes and long ears covered with decorative hair. The strong, square body with a developed chest is completely covered with a soft, silky coat of two or three colors.

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