Top 10 best holistic foods, how to choose holistic food
Diet plays an important role in the life of a domestic dog. Every pet owner strives to
Why does a dog itch if there are no fleas?
Why does a dog itch if there are no fleas: a list of possible reasons
Dogs, especially those living in cities, where they, like humans, are negatively affected by
Mating oranges.
Estrus and mating of Spitz: what you need to know, features
Breeding Spitz, especially mini and dwarf ones, is a difficult task, which is primarily due to
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What kind of shampoo to wash a dog with for its health and is it possible to use baby soap or cat products?
Hygiene is a particularly important component when it comes to caring for pets. Dog's fur
Chihuahua vaccination schedule: table for puppies by age and when an adult dog needs to be vaccinated
A miniature, affectionate and cute Chihuahua is a pampered creature accustomed to comfort and warmth.
How is pregnancy in a German Shepherd, duration, how many puppies does it bring?
During the entire period of gestation, as well as during childbirth and the postpartum period
Discharge after giving birth in a dog: which is considered normal and which is pathological - bloody, black, green, dark, how long does it last, what to do if it is still there a month after giving birth
The birth of newborn babies does not mean the complete completion of the physiological process of procreation. Organism
Pugs snore - reasons and what to do if snoring becomes dangerous
Brachycephalic obstructive syndrome. Interview with a surgeon
In American kennel clubs, the pug breed is often called the “Grumble”. This nickname came about because
Parvovirus B19
Ways to manage parvovirus infection in dogs
Parvovirus (hemorrhagic) enteritis of dogs, Parvovirus enteritis canine is an acute, highly contagious viral disease of dogs caused by
Mastitis in dogs
How many nipples does a dog have - even and odd numbers?
Mastitis in dogs is an inflammation of the mammary gland that often occurs after childbirth, but
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