Estrus and mating of Spitz: what you need to know, features

Breeding Spitz, especially mini and dwarf ones, is a difficult task, which is primarily due to their small stature. Breeding Spitz dogs requires careful preparation. The health of the puppies and the bitch herself depends on how correctly everything is done.

Features of estrus

The first heat in Spitz dogs occurs at 8-12 months. However, these are averages. For the first time, estrus can occur either earlier or later, everything is individual.

Bitches shed twice a year, i.e. every 6 months. But the interval between heats can be 8 months. This is considered the norm, the main thing is regularity. In this case, the discharge can be both abundant and insignificant. In a Spitz with thick hair, the discharge is not easy to notice. A dog, if it is clean, can simply lick them off. Therefore, it is often possible to understand when a Spitz goes into heat only by drops of blood on the bedding after sleep.

After the Spitz's first heat has occurred, the owner must conduct observations and record the beginning of subsequent ones. You need to monitor the onset of estrus in order to determine the optimal time for mating.

EstrusNormDeviation from the norm
First heatAt 8-12 monthsEarlier than 7 months or later than 15
Duration of heat18-20 days, sometimes up to 25Less than 12 days or prolonged estrus (more than a month)
Interval between heats6-8 months12-16 weeks, more than 9 months

In case of any deviation from the norm, you should consult a veterinarian.

Problems and deviations

Dog estrus is a physiological process that does not require intervention, but there are situations when deviations and problems occur that require contacting a veterinarian. This is done in a number of cases:

  1. Too early (less than 7 months) or late (after 15 months) onset of heat.
  2. Irregularity of cycles.
  3. Long breaks between them.
  4. The dog is suffering from pathological thirst.
  5. There is blood in the urine.

Early estrus can be a consequence of diseases of the reproductive system - ovarian pathology, vaginitis, pyometra. Late hunting is a symptom of a serious illness of the body, which must be diagnosed as quickly as possible and treatment started.

Heavy or scanty periods, an aggressive attitude towards males should not be considered a deviation. In the estrus phase, this condition is considered normal.

Estrus phases

Estrus in a Spitz, like other breeds, occurs in several stages:

PhaseDurationBitch behaviorSigns
Proestrus (precursor)5-12 days (average 9)Nervousness, disobedience, activity. These days it does not allow mating. The loop swells. Bloody discharge appears. After 2-3 days, the discharge intensifies and changes color from red to transparent. Small trips to the toilet become more frequent
Estrus (hunting)2-14 days (average 5-9)She can be disobedient and restless. Turns tail to the side. Ready to let the male dog in. The discharge becomes stringy, pink or straw-colored mucus.
Metestrus60-70 daysThe bitch does not allow the male to approach her.The discharge stops. The swelling of the loop disappears.
Anestrus (sexual rest)90-150 days. The duration depends on nutrition, time of year, and care of the animal. During this period, fertilization is impossible.

And when the first heat begins, and in all subsequent periods, caring for the dog is important:

  • The Spitz is kept warm and not exposed to drafts.
  • In snow or rain, time outside is reduced to a minimum.
  • They are not allowed to sit on wet grass or damp ground.

Precursor stage

Proestrus (precursor) passes in 7-10 days.
Exfoliating cells of the vaginal epithelium are released, the process is accompanied by bleeding. Conception is impossible. Characterized by:

  1. Significant swelling of the vulva.
  2. Scarlet droplets are released, more and more intense every day.
  3. Behavioral characteristics change, the dog becomes restless and capricious.
  4. Appetite changes.
  5. The pet drinks more water, and in some cases, food choices are distorted.
  6. Marks more often when walking.

How to determine sexual heat

The main problem for dog owners is to determine when estrus begins, how long it lasts, and calculate the day of ovulation. Thus, it is important for the Spitz owner to find out the beginning of the second phase of the “hunt”.

On the first day of the “hunt,” the level of luteinizing hormone increases. The second day is the beginning of ovulation. Then, within 2-3 days, the egg matures and becomes ready for fertilization. Thus, it is better to knit on the 5th day after the start of estrus. However, conception is still possible over the next 3-4 days.

Breeders breed pets from 10 to 14 days from the start of estrus.

The owner, in order to correctly determine which day is the best for mating, can conduct tests:

  1. Place your hand on the croup (located from the middle of the back to the root of the tail). If the dog freezes and moves its tail to the side, it is ready – it’s time to breed.
  2. The second method is more accurate. Run your finger along the skin of the perineum or along the loop, lightly pressing on its lower edge. If the dog stands firmly with legs wide apart, the loop twitches, rises, the tail is pulled to the side - these are good signs. This means you can knit in the next 2 days.

More accurately, the timing of ovulation can be determined in the laboratory of a veterinary clinic.

There are certain problems in Spitz dogs that are classified as pathologies:

  • Constant readiness of the bitch for mating. If the dog is healthy, then after mating the male, she should become pregnant. If this does not happen and interest in the opposite sex does not disappear, there is a reason to consult a veterinarian. Problems with the reproductive organs are likely.
  • Silent hunt. The dog is sexually active, but ovulation does not occur. In this case, infertility is suspected.

The causes of such pathologies are most often associated with hormonal imbalance.

Diestrus stage

Diestrus (metestrus) lasts 2 months. External signs and behavior return to normal levels within a week and a half. The external genitalia become normal. The discharge is more liquid, less intense, then disappears. The dog ceases to arouse interest among males.

During diestrus, the hormone progesterone is actively produced, which is responsible for the course of pregnancy and is produced regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not. In the absence of fertilization, false pregnancy occasionally occurs.

If the mating is successful, the hunt soon stops. In some cases, secretion stops immediately. Only after a month will it be possible to reliably understand that the dog is pregnant - her belly becomes enlarged, her nipples swell, and colostrum appears.

Preparation for mating

If the girl is of a suitable age for mating and mating is carried out for the first time, it is important to carry out preparatory measures:

  • Especially for miniature Pomeranians, health is important. Dogs are not bred after illness, or overly thin or fat bitches. Ideally, tests are performed to ensure there are no infections.
  • They are treated for helminths and fleas a month before the intended mating. Mating should take place in completely healthy animals. If vaccinations are scheduled in the near future, get them. The next opportunity for pregnancy will not be soon.
  • Choose the right male dog. It is important that there are no family ties between the girl and the boy - there is a high risk of deformed puppies.
  • If a girl is mating for the first time, it is better to choose an experienced male for her. If the situation arises that both the girl and the boy and the owner are inexperienced, then it is recommended to negotiate with the instructor.
  • They find a veterinarian in advance who will monitor the pregnancy and deliver the baby. Small breed dogs are often cesareaned.

Breeding of bitches should never be carried out with the argument “for health”. All dogs get sick, regardless of whether they have given birth or not.

The same is true with boys. If a dog with a good pedigree is a member of a club, there is no need to worry. They will find him a partner in the club, and his sex life will be regular.

If there is no pedigree or for some reason the dog was not included in the club, the owner should think about it. Before mating, the boy, although he shows interest in an individual of the opposite sex, behaves calmly.

If you untie a male, the dog will forget about calm and will be in constant search for a female. His behavior changes: he starts howling, doesn’t listen well, and is capricious when it comes to food. The men in the family become enemies for the dog.

Spitz owners often note their tendency to masturbate. Moreover, neither diets nor increased physical activity help - the Spitz reveals its other side to the owner, which is not the best.

Signs of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy in a Spitz are not noticeable in the first days; palpating the girl’s tummy will not yield anything. If after mating the dog becomes pregnant, the estrus ends, the girl becomes more affectionate than usual and less active. This is the first sign that offspring will appear soon.

In the third week of pregnancy, it is already possible to recognize the pregnancy of a Spitz. It happens that the dog begins to tremble, and a transparent discharge appears from the genitals.

Experienced breeders will be able to recognize pregnancy in a miniature dog on the 28th day after mating. At this moment, it will be possible to feel changes in the tummy of the future mother dog.

If you have no experience, it is better to take your pet for an ultrasound: it will show the Spitz’s pregnancy, but will not give an exact answer about the number of babies.

It is possible to more accurately determine how many puppies will be born only after the 45th day of pregnancy, but ultrasound is done solely according to the veterinarian’s indications.

How to find a partner

It is very important to choose the right pair. A lot depends on the dog - he can either improve or worsen the breed.

It is equally important to choose the right bride or groom, taking into account the weight and color of the coat. So, for a girl weighing 2.5 kg, a lighter partner is suitable - 2 or 2.2 kg. This is a condition that, when met, produces high-quality offspring.

For other Spitz (larger ones), the male may be the same or slightly larger than the female. Although breeders still prefer the small guys.

It is allowed to cross Spitz dogs of different colors. And even if there are 2 dogs of the same color, the puppies can take after their grandmother. It is difficult to predict the color of the offspring. The only thing that is not recommended is breeding white Spitz dogs with colored ones, and mating Spitz dogs with any other color.

If the girl has a pedigree, then the groom is selected at the club. This is done by professionals and you can rely on their choice. If a bitch has no pedigree and the owner decides to breed, then the partner must meet the following criteria:

  • Be healthy both physically and mentally.
  • Meet all the qualities of the breed.
  • Have experience and be in the prime of your life.

If the female partner has a defect, such as a sagging back, the male should not have the opposite defect (humpback).

The owner of a bitch has the right to ask the owner of a male dog for a certificate stating that his pet does not have infectious diseases.

When to mix?

Under no circumstances should you mate your baby during her first heat! Wait for the third or fourth, this is the period when her body is ready to bear puppies, has become stronger and grown. There is no point in mating and every estrus - this is very weakening and leads to diseases and pathologies. It is better to give rest and bring the girl to the groom at least after menstruation, and preferably after two.

You need to approach the choice of a male responsibly - be sure to find out if he has hereditary diseases, what genetics, and whether he has similar experience. Experienced grooms are much preferable; they are not shy and do not waste time, but immediately get down to business. You shouldn’t choose dogs that you don’t like in appearance, because the kittens will look like them. Ask the breeder to show documents and make sure that the boy has no defects. If you want show-class puppies, contact a medalist.

Stud fee

The owners of the animals agree on how much it costs to breed a Spitz before mating.

Payment for mating usually takes place in 2 ways (by agreement):

  • puppy;
  • money.

Money is paid either after the sale of puppies or before mating. In the first case, it is 20% of the amount of revenue. In the second, the price depends on both the qualities of the dog and the requests of its owner.

You pay with a puppy if there are more than 4 puppies in the litter. However, Spitz dogs, especially Pomeranians, rarely produce such numbers.

There are certain rules for mating: if it did not occur due to the fault of the owner of the dog, then the second meeting will be free.


During the first estrus, many inexperienced Spitz girls do not know how to lick themselves, and bloody discharge remains everywhere - on the carpet, sofa, lounger. To avoid this, hygienic panties were invented that absorb discharge from the vulva and the apartment remains clean.

Whether this device is worth using is up to each owner to decide for himself. If you don’t use panties, then over time, the dog will learn to wash itself, and there will be fewer stains or no stains at all. However, many Spitz owners find it unpleasant when their pet constantly licks its genitals, and in this case, underwear will be the best option.

Hygienic underwear reduces the risk of accidental mating if there is a male dog at home, and also reduces the likelihood of genital tract infections if you wear underpants while traveling on public transport and visiting the veterinary office.

Preparing a male dog

If it is planned that a male Spitz will be used as a breeding dog in the future, it must be properly untied.

The first mating of a male dog, which is approximately 10-12 months, is desirable with an experienced and trained female. Before this, it is better that the dog does not come into contact with females in heat.

Favorable conditions are created:

  • The dogs are placed together either in a room or in a fenced-off area familiar to the dog. This way he will feel confident both for the first time and for subsequent ones.
  • Mating takes place on the partner's territory.
  • It is advisable to ensure silence and not distract the animals.
  • Mating is not carried out in the hottest part of the day.
  • Dogs must be walked before the act, but not fed.

The owner often helps the young dog. He puts his hand on the lower back (croup) when the dog is mounting and helps him. The pet should perceive help as part of the process, this is especially important when the male is already in the castle with the female.

It is important to teach the dog that if the owner touches a male dog’s genitals, the latter does not react aggressively, but considers it normal. If the dog is planned as a breeding dog, he will probably need help at some point when “difficult” bitches come across.

Males for the first time can behave differently: either be very fast and zealous or, on the contrary, slow.

If the first mating of a dog lasts a long time (more than 5 minutes) and is unsuccessful, then it is better to take the bitch away. The partner is allowed to rest and fed a little.

If a boy is indecisive, he needs to be interested. The girl is temporarily taken to another place and returned after 10-15 minutes.

How long does it last?

The average duration of estrus is 21-28 days, but the first time estrus may end earlier.
This is due to the fact that the physiological maturity of the body has not yet arrived, and it takes time for it to form a full sexual cycle. Reference. The duration of estrus can vary depending on a number of external factors.
Thus, the presence of a male dog in the house can increase the duration of estrus, and increased physical activity, on the contrary, can shorten and blur its picture. The duration of the cycle depends on the general condition of the animal at the time of its onset. The presence of various diseases and pathologies can prolong the period of estrus, making it difficult and painful for the Spitz.

Delivery at home

The onset of labor in dogs is accompanied by anxiety. The girl is breathing heavily, scratching the bedding. This condition can last from 6 to 12 hours in the case of not the first birth and up to 36 hours in firstborns. It is necessary to monitor the temperature by measuring it rectally - it should remain low.

Then the water will break, pushing will begin, at this moment the temperature rises. This period lasts from 3 to 12 hours, less often – a day. The dog can roll over and sit down as if it wants to go to the toilet.

During a normal birth, the girl will gnaw the umbilical cord herself and eat the afterbirth from the first baby. It is better not to give the rest to her, as there is a risk of developing diarrhea. The girl will lick the puppy, then move her paw to her chest.

If childbirth is difficult and the dog is tired, they help her:

  • you need to take clean gauze in your hands;
  • pull the puppy gently diagonally towards the exit;
  • pierce the bubble in the head area;
  • wipe the mucus from the face;
  • cut the umbilical cord at a distance of 3 cm from the puppy’s tummy.

Scissors are used dull, treated with alcohol or peroxide. If there is bleeding, the umbilical cord should be tied with threads soaked in alcohol.

Babies cannot be washed; they are wiped with a dry cloth and placed on the dog’s belly; they will find the breast on their own.

If the birth of the second baby is delayed for 2 or more hours after the birth of the first, you should call a veterinarian.

Help will also be needed in the following cases:

  • The dog has calmed down, but fruits can still be felt in the stomach. The girl is tired and no longer feels pressure, although not all puppies were born.
  • 24 hours after birth, black-green discharge appeared. This is a sign of a puppy dying in the womb or an afterbirth remaining inside the dog.
  • Signs of imminent labor

    Although a Spitz's pregnancy lasts 8 weeks, you need to be fully prepared from the 7th week. About 2 days before whelping, the girl will begin to hide, looking for the calmest and most comfortable place for herself and the puppies. She will begin to lick the nipples, chew off the fur around them, and a viscous discharge will appear from the genitals.

    A day before giving birth, the Spitz breathes heavily, moves little, and may even refuse to eat. The dog's belly drops noticeably, and when viewed from above, the animal's back appears thin. The loop swells and becomes soft.

    12 hours before birth, the dog’s body temperature drops – it can reach 37 or even 35 degrees.

    Precautionary measures

    A female Spitz should be isolated from male dogs until her third heat. During estrus, changes in the dog's behavior and well-being are carefully monitored.

    The owner should prepare in advance. Your pet will need extra attention. By following all the rules for caring for a pet and precautions, (the owner) will make the process easier for the girl.

    Bloody discharge is not a disease, but a symptom of natural processes in the bitch’s body. It is worth making every effort to ensure that they proceed without complications and pain.

    Special underpants for emptying periods

    During heat, most bitches experience spotting that can end up on the floor, carpet, or even upholstered furniture. Cleaning them can be difficult, and it’s a shame to part with a damaged item.

    You can, of course, as a possible solution to this problem, remove all carpets from the floor, and cover the laminate or parquet flooring with old sheets or unnecessary newspapers. But it’s much easier to put on special panties for the bitch and thereby protect your home from blood drops.

    Where can I get such panties? Firstly, you can buy ready-made, special panties for bitches in heat. Secondly, make them yourself, for example, by cutting children’s tights into shorts and putting them on your pet.

    You can also buy children's swimming trunks of a suitable size in the store, cut a hole in them for the tail, and then finish the cut by hand or with an overlocker. Next, all that remains is to glue a sanitary pad on the inside and you can put the “structure” on the dog.

    Important! If the Spitz tries to pull off her panties, it is recommended to sew straps onto them, which will prevent the bitch from getting rid of her protective clothing.

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