Age of a dog by human standards - calculator
Age correspondence table For your convenience, all calculations can be viewed in the table.
The puppy whines - at night or when left alone, what to do
Why do dogs start whining? Whining is a problem that many dog ​​owners face. There are several
How often can you wash your dog?
How often can you wash your dog and what is best to use for this?
One of the main components of dog care is hygiene. The pet must be clean regardless
When does a German Shepherd start her first heat: caring for the dog and how to choose a mate
The working qualities and high intelligence of German Shepherds are just a few of the reasons for their continued popularity.
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A detailed answer to the question: Can dogs eat peas, soup and porridge from them?
Experienced dog breeders and ordinary owners of four-legged barking pets disagree about
'The dog must know the command "Come to me!"' width="870
How to teach a dog the “come to me” command. A complete guide from a dog handler
The appearance of a puppy in the house is always joy and positive emotions. So that staying together does not become
Preparing a dog for castration
Dog after castration - basic rules of care and feeding
Castration is a rather difficult operation for any wet nose. Today we will talk about how
Euthanasia of dogs in Moscow
Euthanasia of dogs at home: how, when and how to do euthanasia
Unfortunately, often painlessly putting a dog to sleep with an injection is the only way to save your four-legged friend from
10 Fun, Impressive Tricks You Can Teach Any Dog
(Photo credit: merc67/Getty Images) January marks the official start of national dog training month, but you
How to learn to understand a dog's mood by its tail?
It is believed that dogs wag their tails because they are happy. But some veterinarians give other explanations why
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