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Compare and choose shampoos for Spitz: top 3 with reviews
A Spitz's coat is a source of pride. It is thanks to the fur coat that doggies have a characteristic difference in appearance.
Tartar in dogs is easy to detect when examining the mouth.
Tartar in dogs - description and TOP-16 means of treatment and prevention
What is tartar? Just like people, dogs have it on their teeth.
When is the best time to remove a puppy from its mother?
When is the best time to take a puppy from its mother: optimal age and recommendations
Moving to a new home is a very important and exciting event in the life of a small four-legged animal.
How to help a puppy or teach him not to cry when he's locked up or outside
There is great joy in your home, you have a puppy! This is a really important event, but
Dog walking law in 2022: rules and fines in Russia
The Dog Walking Law of 2022 was adopted on December 28, 2018.
Granddorf for dogs reviews from veterinarians
Grandorf food for dogs: reviews from veterinarians, review of the range, composition
The first domestic dog breeders became acquainted with Grandorf dry food about 5 years ago. And for
Puppy metrics: what is it, what does a sample look like?
Briefly about the concepts of “metrics” and “pedigree” Before buying a puppy, the future pet owner
Breeds of dogs without undercoat that do not cause allergies in humans - which one to choose for allergy sufferers and asthmatics
When deciding to get a certain breed of dog, few people think about whether it will shed.
Pasta for dogs: possible or not
Read this if you want to know if your dog can have pasta.
I hope that after reading this material, adherents of meat feeding and raw food diet will not bombard us
Injecting a dog in the thigh: all the details of the procedure (step-by-step instructions)
If your pet is sick, the doctor will prescribe medications in various forms. The use of drugs in injection form
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