Why does the Yorkshire Terrier tremble: an overview of the main causes and solutions

Trembling in small dogs, including the Yorkshire Terrier, can be natural or pathological.

Yorkies are a small breed that are particularly gentle and require proper handling.

Their trembling can be caused by cold, stress, pregnancy and illness.

The owner, especially if he got a Yorkshire Terrier for the first time, may not understand what is happening to his pet.

When the cause of the problem cannot be determined, or if the dog begins to show symptoms of health problems, it must be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

Why does acute tracheitis occur?


The development of the disease is most often caused by viral infections - influenza and other viruses that affect the respiratory tract and respiratory system. Bacteria can also be causative agents: pneumo-, strepto-, staphylococci and others. Often there is a so-called mixed infection, when inflammation is caused by several different pathogens at once. In this case, most often the bacterial infection is secondary; it complicates the course of ARVI.

Non-infectious factors

Acute tracheitis in an adult can also be non-infectious in nature, although this is less common.

  • Mechanical injuries. Traumatic tracheitis is possible when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract, for example, as a result of insufficiently careful endoscopic examination of the bronchial system and tracheal intubation during surgical anesthesia.
  • Thermal effects - inhalation of cold or (less often) very dry hot air. In this case, the key point in the development of inflammation is not irritation of the walls of the trachea, but the vascular spasm that occurs in them. This leads to disruption of the functioning of the glands in the walls of the trachea and a decrease in the protective function of its mucous membrane.
  • Chemical burns that occur when inhaling fumes from alkaline or acidic products. These can be aggressive household chemicals, industrial waste, paint and varnish products, petroleum products, chemical reagents. This type of tracheitis is especially difficult.

How to help an animal in such a situation?

  1. After trimming, use any base cosmetic oil . Apricot, almond, grape, pumpkin, olive. You need to moisten a cotton wool with oil and lightly wipe the inside of the ear along the growth of the fur. This will soften the skin and relieve irritation.
  2. Use aftershave lotion after trimming . An ordinary human lotion will also disinfect the skin, relieve inflammation and dry out the micro-wounds that appear after the trimming procedure.

In addition, after trimming, you can use baby cream , Bepanten , or any other product that relieves redness and irritation.


Heat and high air temperatures can cause your dog to shiver and pant with his tongue hanging out. There are no strong reasons for concern if the dog has drinking water and the opportunity to hide in the shade. For dogs with long hair or fluffy coats, you can lay out a wet towel and wet it periodically. In addition, it is recommended to cut such animals for the summer to prevent heat stroke.

You should contact a specialist if your dog becomes lethargic, does not respond to stimuli, and does not touch water. In this case, it is advisable to wrap it in a cool, wet cloth and take it to the clinic as quickly as possible.

Recommendations from the masters of the Maitre Groom salon

To avoid the above symptoms, it is recommended:

  • Regularly visit the salon, which will help accustom the animal to haircuts and other manipulations and avoid stress.
  • Find a master. It is important that the groomer finds a common language with the pet, which will allow the animal to relax during the grooming.
  • Follow the hairdresser’s recommendations and carry out the haircut at the right time.
  • Make sure that the cosmetics used are suitable for your dog.

If your four-legged friend experiences itching, irritation after a haircut, or is shaking after the procedure, it is important to report the symptoms to the specialist, remember the location of the inflammation, so that these areas can be given special attention during subsequent visits.

Source of the article: https://maitre-groom.ru/blog/razdrazhenie-u-sobaki-posle-strizhki/

Yorkie is poisoned or vomiting

Nausea occurs if your dog has been driving for long periods of time, has not been eating properly, or for other medical reasons. If your Yorkie is vomiting. Keep this in mind if your Yorkshire Terrier is shaking. If you suspect any illness such as poisoning or other, consult your veterinarian. Don't make any decisions on your own until your veterinarian gives you an assessment. The most likely scenario is that your veterinarian will put your dog on a special diet. If your dog avoids food, this is normal for the first 24-48 hours. Be careful not to let your dog become dehydrated.

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Unfortunately, Yorkies can't be held responsible for sniffing and choosing what to swallow when you're not looking. Sometimes you can't control the dog and if your Yorkie eats something outside or expired etc it can cause poisoning, vomiting and shaking. Don't waste your time, get your dog the proper medical attention he needs.

Skin problems

If your pet is itching, you will also have to find out why this is happening. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • the presence of insects on the skin: lice, fleas, ticks;
  • response to a haircut is irritation;
  • skin dermatitis;
  • inflammation of the anal glands;
  • the work of bacteria or fungi on the skin;
  • allergy.

To avoid situations where the animal itches, it is necessary to perform some preventive actions. Every three months you need to treat your Yorkshire Terrier with special anti-parasite medications. For example, you can use “Bars” or “Frontline” drops.

Avoid bathing your dog with soap and water more than two or three times a month. Do not give her prohibited foods, a list of which you can find in the article “Care for the Yorkshire Terrier: Nutrition.”

If all else fails and you notice that your dog is itching again, it is best to take him to the vet to determine the cause.

Prevention of illness

Compliance with the rules and regulations for keeping him will help prevent the development of such a pathology in your four-legged friend. For example, lung diseases, as a rule, arise due to an infectious lesion of the body and it does not matter whether it is a direct pathology or the result of a complication of another ailment.

Therefore, protecting your pet from infectious agents is the main principle of preventing respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is always important: to adhere to regular examination of the pet, both by the owner himself (identifying various changes), and clinically, which will determine the pathology if something happens; at the slightest suspicion, perform an analysis for infectious lesions;

  1. do not refuse preventive vaccinations against diseases common in the region;
  2. Once a quarter, and in the summer much more often, treat against helminths.

Creating optimal conditions for keeping a pet is considered equally important. After all, inflammation of the respiratory system more often occurs in dogs that are kept in drafts, in cold, damp rooms. In this case, in the fall, especially their guard breeds, begin to cough heavily.

Spring is no less dangerous for animals, when allergic reactions can worsen against the background of plant pollen or poplar fluff. So if rapid breathing occurs in dogs, the causes should be looked for immediately and try to eliminate them. But when the owner himself cannot solve the problem, there is a reason to immediately seek veterinary help. It is important to always remember that there is no serious canine pathology that causes wheezing that can be treated at home.

The dog shakes its ears after a haircut: Let's understand the terms

First, it’s worth understanding the difference between such terms as grooming, trimming and haircuts. Most owners believe that they clearly know the concept of “haircut”. But they don’t even have an idea about the difference between a hygienic haircut and a model haircut.


This is, first of all, the behavior of the animals themselves. It is associated with cleansing one's skins. Since our pets are tamed and domesticated animals, grooming depends on the owners themselves.

It is a mistake to believe that grooming is only a haircut and not all dogs require it. This also includes trimming nails, cleaning ears, anal glands, eyes, and folds on the face of such breeds as Pekingese, pugs, and bulldogs.


This is the manual or mechanical removal of hair that has already died off, but due to certain characteristics of the breed, cannot fall out on its own. Trimming does not bring any unpleasant sensations to the dog.

Breeds that require systematic trimming are various terriers, schnauzers and other wire-haired dog breeds whose coat, in the process of evolution, has lost the ability to shed independently. Essentially, trimming is plucking fur (buy, for example, such a trimmer).

Specifics of dog treatment

Animal lovers should always remember that when a dog has rapid breathing, this is not an independent illness. Dyspnea is usually a clinical sign of the disease. It is quite clear that a course of therapy in this case is prescribed only after the cause of such pathology has been identified.

If the airway is obstructed, the doctor will remove the foreign object, perform artificial ventilation, or resort to tracheal intubation. When such a condition is associated with cardiac dysfunction, special therapy is indicated. For problems with the lungs, anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics will be used for treatment.

In general, the therapeutic effect in identifying the causes of this complex pathology involves the following actions:

  • hospitalization if necessary, keep the dog under an oxygen mask;
  • prescribing medications to reduce stress;
  • removing fluid between the lungs and the chest wall using a special thin needle;
  • the use of diuretics - even ordinary Furosemide will have its due
  • exposure to severe pulmonary edema;
  • when necessary, use of drugs to support the heart.

Therapy at home

Hospitalization is carried out when there is an immediate threat to the life of the animal. In other cases, dogs are treated at home. For home therapy to be successful, owners of sick pets must adhere to certain recommendations:

  • do not prevent the dog from drinking water - the administration of the same Furosemide can lead to dehydration of the animal’s body;
  • do not violate the recommendations and instructions of the veterinarian - bring your pet for examination as often as you can;
  • never buy, or even give your dog, medications that have not been prescribed by a doctor - the consequences of such independence can be very disastrous.

When your pet develops rapid breathing after sterilization or other surgical intervention, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian about this - this may be a consequence of anesthesia, or it may be the first sign of any complication.

Recommendations from the masters of the Maitre Groom salon

To avoid the above symptoms, it is recommended:

  • Regularly visit the salon, which will help accustom the animal to haircuts and other manipulations and avoid stress.
  • Find a master. It is important that the groomer finds a common language with the pet, which will allow the animal to relax during the grooming.
  • Follow the hairdresser’s recommendations and carry out the haircut at the right time.
  • Make sure that the cosmetics used are suitable for your dog.

If your four-legged friend experiences itching, irritation after a haircut, or is shaking after the procedure, it is important to report the symptoms to the specialist, remember the location of the inflammation, so that these areas can be given special attention during subsequent visits.

Yorkies are hypoglycemic

Trembling is one of the symptoms of hypoglycemia. What this actually means is that your dog has low blood sugar. If you notice a lack of energy, tremors and loss of appetite, this may be the case. Often occurs due to poor nutrition. Your common sense will tell you to give your dog food high in sugar. This is true, but do not make any medical decisions before consulting with your veterinarian. Take this condition seriously. This can affect your dog on many levels.

What caused the phenomenon?

To understand what caused the phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze the dog’s living conditions. Any violations of the rules for keeping a dwarf dog must be eliminated.

If your Yorkie has no visible reasons for trembling, then he must be shown to a veterinarian.

The use of dog clothing, proper nutrition, elimination of stressful situations and, if necessary, treatment can help solve the problem..

Occasional shaking from excitement is normal and does not require the help of a veterinarian. The main thing is not to expose your Yorkie to strong experiences every day.

Drug treatment of tracheitis

The drug treatment regimen for acute tracheitis is drawn up taking into account the nature of the disease and the severity of the patient’s symptoms.

Impact on the cause

If the causative agent is a particular virus, antiviral agents are usually used, as well as immunostimulants (for example, preparations based on echinacea). For severe and protracted tracheitis of a bacterial nature, the doctor may introduce antibiotics into the treatment regimen. If the disease proceeds without complications, it is usually possible to cope with it without these remedies. But the decision on the rationality and duration of antibiotic therapy should be made only by a doctor. In some cases, with tracheitis, a bacteriological examination of sputum is carried out before starting treatment with antimicrobial agents. It is sown on nutrient media to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the main groups of drugs. This will help you choose the most suitable antibiotic.

Treating coughs and clearing the airways

When treating acute tracheitis, great attention should be paid, of course, to cough, the main symptom of the disease. For a dry, debilitating, nonproductive cough, medications that suppress the cough reflex are used. This measure may be necessary in the first days of tracheitis. At the next stage of the disease, the main goal of treatment is to clear the airways of the mucus that forms. To do this, it is necessary to facilitate its passage with the help of mucolytic and expectorant agents. But they cannot be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs. It is also unacceptable to suppress a wet cough. This is fraught with stagnation of sputum and the transition of inflammation to the underlying parts of the respiratory system, up to the development of bronchopneumonia.

When should you go to the veterinarian?

  • If shaking is not part of your dog's normal behavior, meaning you have never seen your dog shaking or trembling before;
  • If other symptoms are observed along with trembling: for example, vomiting, lethargy, refusal to eat, incoordination, drooling, behavior changes, diarrhea, heavy breathing;
  • If the dog has clearly eaten something: for example, you find chewed remains of your grandmother’s pill packaging or chocolate candy wrappers at home;
  • If the dog's body temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, that may be the onset of the disease;
  • If the shaking continues longer than usual, or more than one or two hours.

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons for the occurrence of an unpleasant phenomenon. Some of them are easy to eliminate.

For natural causes of trembling, unlike pathological ones, your pet will not require treatment.

However, there is a risk of a normal reaction turning into a pathological one if the provoking factor acts on the dog very often and its body stops reacting to it correctly due to overload.


The most common reason why a Yorkshire Terrier starts to shake. The dog, despite the abundance of hair, is frozen, like all miniature breeds.

The lack of dense undercoat makes the pet defenseless against adverse weather conditions..

In the fall, before the start of the heating season, when it becomes cold not only outside, but also in apartments, the animal freezes and trembles almost constantly if no measures are taken.


To solve the problem, while walking in the cold season, the dog must be dressed and wearing shoes. This is a prerequisite for maintaining her health.

If you do not pay attention to the effects of cold on your Yorkie for a long time, he may catch a cold and shiver from the elevated temperature.

In the fall, before the start of the heating season, the dog freezes indoors, so it needs clothes or a heater . It is better to dress up a Yorkshire Terrier at home not in overalls, but in warm sweaters.

They are more comfortable and, due to the lack of waterproof fabric, will not be stuffy.

Anxiety and stress

Excitement for small dogs is usually a strong mental burden, which they cannot always cope with . Because of this, muscle overtension develops, which provokes severe tremors.

As the anxiety passes, normal muscle tone is restored.

Stress is one of the pathological causes for trembling . With it, the dog cannot cope with its emotions for a long time, which is why it shakes violently for quite a long time.

Stress can be triggered by the appearance of strangers in the house, moving, loud noises, introducing a new pet, an exhibition or a trip to the veterinarian.

To speed up the restoration of a normal state, it is useful to give the dog sedatives, and the veterinarian will tell you which ones specifically..


Pregnant dogs begin to tremble before giving birth.

Most often, the paws shake intensely, but trembling throughout the body can also be observed. This phenomenon is physiological. It is associated with the beginning of an active increase in the tone of the uterus and the appearance of pain.

The condition does not require intervention and indicates the beginning of the labor process.


Poisoning causes chills in the animal, which causes it to begin to shake. A dog can be poisoned not only by poisons, but also by food if it is spoiled.

Food poisoning in Yorkshire Terriers has symptoms similar to what happens in humans.

It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The dog experiences weakness and chills.

Signs of poisoning by toxic substances depend on what kind of poison has entered the pet’s body.

Treatment is required urgently . It requires the help of a veterinarian. You cannot postpone a visit to a specialist.


Allergic reactions in miniature dogs are not uncommon.

Skin itching and general malaise cause a sharp deterioration in the animal’s condition, causing it to begin to shake intensely.

Treatment should be carried out immediately as soon as a violation is noticed.


The main causes of allergies are food and products used to care for the animal's fur and skin.

This problem cannot be cured without a veterinarian.


Illnesses are often accompanied by trembling in the dog. Seeking treatment is necessary urgently, since some pathologies can kill the animal within a short period of time.

The following symptoms indicate that the Yorkshire Terrier is sick: trembling, more reminiscent of convulsions; Pet lethargy, loss of appetite, discharge from the eyes, ears or nose, and digestive problems .

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis.

Is the Yorkshire Terrier trembling - a pathology or not?

It is necessary to determine whether the cause of a dog’s trembling is natural or pathological in each case.

Natural trembling passes quickly and appears sporadically at the moment of exposure to the factor that provokes it . It stops as soon as he is eliminated.

Dogs of all dwarf breeds begin to tremble periodically for natural reasons: Chihuahuas, toy terriers, orange spitz dogs, Yorkshire terriers.

Due to their small size, they have excessive nervous excitability and therefore begin to tremble under emotional stress.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


Yorkie most often begins to tremble when he is cold, or if he is very excited about something and his nervous system cannot cope with this stress. If trembling appears sporadically, clearly at the moment of the appearance of the factor provoking it, then there is no cause for concern, the animal is healthy. The causes of trembling include going outside, waiting for a treat, the return of a beloved owner. If, in addition to trembling, which is present almost constantly, the dog experiences lethargy, loss of appetite, discharge from the eyes, nose or mouth, then an urgent visit to a veterinary clinic is required. Trembling and helminthic infections are often triggered. You can talk about them if the rule of anthelmintic treatment once every 3 months is violated.

Why does it happen that a dog breathes quickly?

It has been established that in a calm state, our four-legged friends usually take 10-30 breaths per minute. But this value is conditional and depends on the size of the dog and its age. The breathing rhythm changes after significant physical activity, during long running, etc. This is especially typical for the hot season, when the frequency of breaths per minute can reach 160. The pet’s breathing will become faster due to overexcitement. The breathing rate is different and the animals are restless and have an unstable nervous system.

These are all normal physiological phenomena. But when rapid breathing occurs with minimal activity or even at rest, one should already think about pathology. In this case, it is useful to observe the animal. In a calm environment, the dog does not open its mouth when breathing and does not make any noise (of course, in the absence of a special structure of the muzzle, for example, like pugs, then the pets not only sniffle, but also snore). There can be many reasons why a dog is breathing rapidly:

  • cardiac pathologies;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • unhealthy pulse;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory tract or lungs;
  • pneumonia due to an infectious lesion of the body;
  • obstruction of the respiratory tract;
  • injury accompanied by bleeding into the chest or accumulation of fluid in it, etc.

When your pet begins to breathe faster for no good reason, it means that he should be taken to the veterinary clinic. After all, this already predominantly indicates the presence of a pathological condition, which must be identified in order to provide qualified assistance.


An emotional state (fear, anxiety) can also be the reason why a dog whines and trembles. This happens especially often, again, in small breeds. Perhaps the stress is associated with the dog being punished for an offense (for example, when it went to the wrong place) or its anticipation. Or your pet is afraid of a larger relative. It is likely that he will also hide in a booth or other secluded place. Excitement is another type of strong emotion that causes trembling. Excitement can also be caused by positive factors, such as the anticipation of a treat. Or the excitement is associated with another unusual event - a fight, thunder, a trip, etc.

What to do? If possible, protect your dog from strong feelings, and in case of particularly severe stress, use calming tea.

Tips for adapting your dog after a haircut

It is extremely important to create the most comfortable conditions after grooming so that the four-legged family member does not receive even more stress and the condition does not worsen.

To normalize the condition, you need to:

  • Bath immediately to get rid of all cut hairs that can prick and irritate the skin.
  • Dress in special clothes made from natural fabrics so that the pet gets used to the new sensations and does not get too cold.
  • In case of severe itching, treat the animal with panthenol or chlorhexidine. They help relieve irritation that causes the animal to become strange.
  • Praise and call beautiful more often. It is very important for a pet to listen to the owner's approval.
  • Pay closer attention to possible contact with dangerous objects ; bare skin is much easier to damage.
  • When trimming for the first time or if the coat is very stiff, carry out the procedure in two passes, giving time to get used to the new length.
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