Why does a dog smell like a dog - ways to eliminate the smell

We've heard quite a few owners ask if it's true that the Yorkshire Terrier breed has a special smell, or if it's common for this dog to be smelly.

In general, the Yorkshire Terrier breed does not have any breed-related causes of foul odor. However, there are reasons why bad odor can penetrate through the fur, ears, mouth and other areas.

We're going to look at explanations for why your Yorkie smells and steps you can take to keep your puppy or dog smelling fresh, clean.

Reasons Why Dogs May Smell Bad

There are several reasons why a dog smells strongly of dog.
The sebaceous glands begin to actively secrete a secretion, which, when in contact with oxygen, becomes the cause of a foul odor. Important! When a dog itches and licks itself in the tail area, a blockage of the paraanal glands occurs - this is the source of the spread of such stench.
This is a very common cause of the problem. In addition to fur, the animal’s mouth may stink. Usually the dog stinks very strongly, the smell remains in the place where the dog slept, so you need to try to deal with the problem.

Unpleasant odor from the mouth

Unbearable stench from the mouth can be caused by several reasons:

  • If the mouth smells of acetone, then you should pay attention to the health of your pet. This is usually a disease of the kidneys or digestive system.
  • When your breath smells like fish, it’s most likely gum or dental disease.
  • An improper or unbalanced diet can also cause mouth stench, which is similar to the smell of a dirty sock.
  • If a pronounced smell of herring is released from the mouth, then the problem lies in a complex of diseases associated with problems of internal organs.

Bad breath in a dog is also caused by dental diseases.
Sometimes several problems at once can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon in a pet.

Seasonal reasons

There are also seasonal reasons that activate the “aroma” from a dog. They are short-lived and usually disappear on their own without special intervention or treatment. Many females experience hormonal imbalance during estrus, which provokes this problem.

If the dog is dirty, there are remnants of dried excrement on the fur, then the smell will haunt the dog constantly.

Attention! This usually occurs in the warm season (spring, summer, autumn), when blockage of the sebaceous glands occurs due to illness and heat.

Breed predisposition

Bad odor from a dog may be a species predisposition. Some dog breeds that do not have an undercoat emit a pungent odor that is almost impossible to get rid of.

There is also a breed predisposition. Hunting swimming dogs also have hypersecretion of glands, which leads to problems with the “aroma” that the fur and skin emit.

Yorkshire Terrier / Yorkshire - review

Hi all!
I’ve been thinking for a long time about writing this review or not, but when on the classifieds website you see another sale of an adult Yorkshire terrier, I apologize for the rudeness of the headless person who is selling the dog: “because there is not enough time for it... they thought the children would take care of it” - begins shake! People, what are you guided by when you take in a dog? Do you think this is a toy? I bought it, played with it and resold it!? I am glad that laws protecting animals have begun to appear in our country...

A Now about my dog ​​•••

You know, if you dream about something and then forget about your dream, sometimes it still comes true! As a child, I dreamed of a dog or a cat, but I had parrots... And I loved them too!

On February 1, 2011, a friend’s dog (Yorkshire Terrier breed) gave birth to 5 wonderful female puppies...

Two months later I had little Hitty Candy Kiss (Sweet Kiss). The puppy was 2 months old, her ears were already erect, and there were few teeth.

Possible problem: EARS DO NOT stand up - this happened to our sisters. The owners of the puppies supported them with a plaster. As a result, the ear tissue became stronger, and all the puppies began to correspond to the breed qualities.

A puppy is the same as a child, only a dog, and all children change their milk teeth to permanent ones. Don't be surprised if you find small teeth at home.

Possible problem: MILK FANGS - should also be replaced with permanent ones. Our fangs didn’t want to fall out on their own, so we had them pulled out at the veterinary center under general anesthesia.

TEETH: depending on your luck. Mama Hitti has perfect teeth - she has never had any tartar removed. At first everything was fine with Hitti, too, crooked, but clean, then I noticed that plaque and stones began to form on them. I tried to brush my teeth. Tartar was removed 4 times. Once under anesthesia, the dog did not allow me to clean. Anesthesia is always stressful and a risk for the animal’s life! I was very worried about this!

CASE: the dog was traveling, always traveled everywhere and lived with us (planes, trains, different cities: Magnitogorsk, Samara, Tolyatti, Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Yekaterinburg, Orsk, Voronezh, NizhneKamsk).

That’s the kind of person I am, if I started it, then what’s mine is with me! Therefore, vaccinations were required. Perhaps if I lived in one city and didn’t go anywhere, I wouldn’t have them... The dog walks outside on a leash for a maximum of an hour... I only got vaccinations from imports, in a veterinary clinic! The dog tolerated them well. But the last time, a week and a half after the vaccination, I had diarrhea! Before vaccination, it is necessary to worm your dog! Necessarily!

>>Once I got vaccinations at a state veterinarian, and at the same time they removed tartar from our teeth, without anesthesia. After leaving the clinic, I noticed that the dog was weakened, came back, and we were given some kind of drug. The dog seemed to be in shock. Then she had involuntary jumping in her stomach for several days. Again a veterinary clinic, again examinations and money. Nothing was found.

Over time, in addition to tartar, the teeth became crooked, interdental gaps appeared, when tartar was removed, several teeth fell off, some teeth were loose at the age of 7.

Possible problem: POWER. APPETITE. From the very beginning, my baby showed that she would not eat regular dog food (eukanuba, hills and even elite akana). I also gave up liquid dog food. They fought, they forced, and in the end the dog went hungry and didn’t eat at all! Tip: high-quality dog ​​food is better than feeding your animal from the table! This is a balanced diet! But food is expensive, keep in mind! I couldn’t get the dog to eat them... And the dog didn’t always agree to eat regular food.

Then, about six months later, Hitti started having problems with her gastrointestinal tract. She vomited bile, sometimes with bloody bodies, her stomach rumbled loudly, the dog was sick, lay there, moaned, diarrhea, sometimes with blood, several times a day! I didn’t leave the veterinary clinic with Hitty—drips, injections, pills. All this cost a lot of money! But I fought. We were diagnosed with PANCREATITIS. After a long treatment, I decided to go to another clinic, where, as a result of an ultrasound, pancreatitis was ruled out, gastritis was diagnosed, and it’s already better! They prescribed Eukanuba canned medicinal food and prescribed tablets. The dog ate this food for several days and refused it. But the dog began to get sick less often! If I saw that her stomach was starting to hurt, I immediately gave her pills, everything went relatively calmly, but sometimes there was vomiting, and diarrhea too!

The appetite remained the same: refusal of food, vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, cereals! What did I not suggest! As a result: the dog agreed to eat rolled oats porridge + boiled chicken thigh! Agree that this is not a balanced diet! But she ate this all her life! As I grew older, I sometimes began to eat dog food or, for example, according to my mood, vegetables and fruits. But again, rarely!

What about the sisters: not a single dog from this litter had such problems! Mommy Hitty too!

Hitti also had a problem with water. While drinking, water entered her nose and she snorted. We contacted the veterinarian about this problem. In the end, everything went away when the dog grew up.

CARE: The Yorkshire Terrier is not a “woolly” dog, but a “hairy” one.

In addition to taking care of your teeth, cleaning your ears, and hygienic haircuts (eyes, ears, paws, butt, nails), you need to take care of the most natural hair, soft and fine in structure! If you don't trim your dog, its hair will reach the floor! The dog has no undercoat and does not shed at all! And she is cold in winter without clothes. Clothes are not a show off, they are a necessity. When the heating season had not yet begun, or had ended, the dog could be freezing at home: and this at a wedding: And you won’t be able to walk such a dog for a long time in the winter! They walked only on a leash, the smells on the street blew the roof away and the manner of obedience dissolved somewhere in the air...

In the summer, if you give me freedom, this is a bunch of collected ticks, our maximum is 9 pieces at a time!!! WHERE THERE WERE YOU!!!

To take care of your hair, you will need a comb, dog shampoo, and, possibly, products to make it easier to comb - I used these when we went with length. If you don’t trim your dog, you need to have a tail braided on its head, otherwise you’ll just walk around all day with your hair falling in your eyes...

TIP: from a very early age, accustom your dog to grooming procedures; if the moment is missed, then it will be more difficult later. Bathe your pet. Hitti loved to swim, both in ponds and in the bathtub.

A haircut for an entire Yorkie at a groomer's salon - from 900 rubles and up. They may also offer you to paint your dog, put rhinestones on it, give it an unusual haircut... Does your dog sometimes smell like ROTTEN fish? Do you know why? No, she didn’t eat something on the street))) These are the paraanal glands, which are located in small sacs inside the anus. Thanks to these glands, each dog has its own special smell. When emptying, the dog secretes these glands, thus releasing the sacs. But if something goes wrong, plus the dog “walks” on its butt, you need to think about whether it’s time to clean these bags? The procedure is not entirely pleasant. But because of 2 minutes to go to the vet...

EDUCATION: As soon as a puppy appears in your home, start raising it. Get ready for the fact that he will climb everywhere, taste everything, immediately set prohibitions and, of course, happily praise the baby when he has done something good. Dogs understand everything! They just don’t know how to talk. Puppyhood is the most difficult age - this is when a relationship and certain boundaries are established between you and your pet.

At first, Hitty wasn’t allowed to go into the hall because she was peeing on the carpet there - and she didn’t go in. She tried to chew slippers, baseboards, wallpaper, etc., scattered toilet paper all over the house in my absence, pooped on the sofa... She bit and played (without calculating the strength of her small sharp teeth). She always wanted to play, and in order to raise a dog with a good psyche, she needs to devote her time. Somehow little Hitty had a voice throughout the night. Neither Hitty nor I slept. I'm against barking. The dog hardly barked; it fell silent on demand. Once we lived with her in a hotel where pets are prohibited. To this day, the employees did not find out that a dog lived there))

Do you want to tease or annoy your baby? Don’t be surprised that the dog will be aggressive later...

Now I will say that Hitti had an ideal character. Sometimes, she could scare someone by barking. But I have never, ever bitten anyone!!! Well trained: Every day I didn’t walk the dog, she went to the diaper, both big and small, even when she was vomiting, she ran to the diaper. When I had diarrhea, I asked to go to the bathroom to be washed.

In 2016, my child was born. At first the dog didn’t understand who it was and ran around the apartment, sniffing.

The "object" was then found in a child's crib. Giving away a dog because a child appeared, sterility and all that... no!!! I don’t understand such people! Since the dog slept with us and lay on the sofas, she also lay next to our “human” baby. Is it bad that a child grows up with animals!? Then, when the son began to show interest in the Dog, grabbing its tail and ears, Hitti began to growl (the first time like this), and even pretend to bite. Soon my son stopped grabbing the dog, I don’t like it when children are allowed to treat animals carelessly, animals also need to be respected! And Hitty accepted her son with all her heart! EXHIBITION: my dog ​​had a Pedigree and all the necessary documents. Therefore, it was decided to take part in the junior exhibition, get an assessment (and then how it goes) and someday have Hittino’s offspring. The dog somehow got through the exhibition (I didn’t prepare it, didn’t train it, how to walk, look and place its paws correctly - as it will be, so it will be). We received a rating of “very good” and did not go to the exhibition again.


I was often asked the question: “is this your mini-York?” No, it’s just that the dog “ate so well,” and she wasn’t very tall.

At the age of 2 I decided to breed a dog. I chose a smaller show “cavalier”, we went 3 times, and roughly speaking, after 2 months, there were 7 dogs in our house.

Throughout the pregnancy she gave the dog special vitamins and folic acid. Oh, and she was capricious at that time. Either he doesn’t eat, or he begs for mushrooms from the table!

A prerequisite was a daily brisk walk. At the ultrasound we were told - wait, about 3 puppies.

Possible problem: There was excitement about how she would give birth! Small decorative dogs cannot always give birth! Insure yourself with veterinarians who are experienced in this matter!

The dog did not sleep all night, dug, huddled in corners, whined, and in the morning labor began! By this time, I had agreed with the breeder of the kennel (we bred Hitti with her male dog) about her presence; at home there were all the necessary medications that could be useful during childbirth and necessary after it! Before that, I watched videos of dogs giving birth on the Internet! I adopted the first two babies myself, then the breeder arrived. The dog gave birth all day.

6 puppies were born! 3 bitches, 3 cables. Hitty was a good mother, she took full care of the babies (there are dogs who are too lazy to feed them, hide them everywhere, don’t lick up their feces - but they should!) The puppies were always clean. The dog allowed him to approach the kids without any problems.

Possible problem: ECLAMSIA. Since there were many puppies and the dog was small, Hitty’s calcium levels began to drop sharply! The breeder warned me about this possible problem. An attack of eclampsia happened at any time, and the dog needed urgent help (injections), otherwise paralysis, coma or death were guaranteed for the dog... And the dog, whether the puppies wanted it or not, wanted to feed them all the time..

After giving birth, the dog changed its black hair color - first it became gray, then dark gray.

After giving birth, we forgot about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. New ones have appeared. The dog began to ask for food often. Got fat. Weight increased to 4 kg. Didn't really leave. For the last two years, the dog often made a sound in the form of “grunting”, veterinarians answered that this was due to excess weight. Excess weight did not change the character of the dog in any way - “a cheerful perpetual motion machine.”

Two weeks before his death, my beloved dog began to limp on his right leg. After the examination, the veterinarian discovered inverted cups on the hind legs (and this is quite real, since the dog was very active, jumped from all the sofas, jumped anywhere) and said that, as a rule, such problems in 7-year-old dogs are not operated on (the bones are no longer those, and the risk is high), he prescribed chondroprotectors.

July 2, 2022 - the dog passed away. On this day, the whole family went to visit relatives in the village. The dog was in excellent spirits and was walking in a closed area. But unexpectedly, she felt bad... it’s hard to write about it. Foaming at the mouth, a wild look... The village veterinarian could not help us... we did not look for the cause of death... The dog was 7 years old... this is a very early departure...

The Yorkshire Terrier is a wonderful breed of dog to keep at home. This is an eternal, small, happy “motor” that will be devoted to you until the end of its days. I recommend this breed, despite all the indicated difficulties and problems, I recommend it to conscientious, kind people who do not see a “toy” or a “means of earning money” in York! And I know that someday I will buy myself a Yorkshire puppy again - when my heart is ready to accept, love, respect, another “not like” puppy like Hitty...

Yorkshire Terriers don't just have bad breath. There are several reasons for this.

What breeds smell

An unpleasant odor from a dog can be caused by breed characteristics. This is usually characteristic of those breeds that were historically intended for hunting, guarding and looking after livestock. German Shepherds and Molossians fall under this category.

Additional Information! Decorative breeds that partially or completely lack fur can also smell unpleasant - they sweat.

German Shepherds are prone to bad odors

Greyhounds and hound breeds are also predisposed to developing dog odor. This, as in the case of decorative breeds, is due to the fact that the dog moves a lot, which means it sweats.


Just like humans, dogs do have flatulence, and if it's severe enough, the smell is not only terrible when the gas is released, it can also surround the dog and cause bedding and other areas to smell foul.

A little gas is normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you find that your Yorkie has moderate to severe flatulence and is causing a persistent odor, it is recommended that you notify your veterinarian.

This can be caused by some underlying medical problems, but in most cases it is a matter of making dietary changes. Some items that may cause symptoms of gas odor include: a sudden change in diet, eating too many peas (also beans - however, it is not recommended to feed them to your dog), high-fat meals, added spices to food and/or high-fiber foods.

What dogs don't smell like dog?

If a person wants to have a dog in an apartment and eliminate the occurrence of such a problem, which can be genetically determined, it is worth choosing the following breeds:

  • York. It will not smell, since such a dog is usually bathed and cut frequently.
  • Labrador. A very clean and completely indoor breed of dog.
  • Chihuahua. It does not have such a predisposition, as it has short hair and a dense undercoat.

Yorkies practically do not smell like dogs.
Please note! The Spitz is not predisposed to such a problem, but if you do not properly care for its luxurious coat, it can occur.

There are other dog breeds that do not have the “fragrant” feature.


Incorrectly selected dry dog ​​food can also cause your pet to smell; in this case, you just need to switch to food from another company or manufacturer. Usually, just a couple of weeks after changing food from one brand to another is enough for the dog to stop stinking and start smelling nice again.

Over time, a dog that is fed fish too often begins to emit a specific odor. Fish is, without a doubt, very healthy, but it is not recommended to constantly feed your pet only this product.

How to get rid of dog smell

A stinking dog, namely one that exudes the smell of a dog, is an animal that is poorly cared for. There are several most effective ways to exclude this:

  • You can wash your pet thoroughly if the cause is dirty fur.
  • Carry out appropriate treatment when the animal is sick or there is a blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  • During the summer, you can trim your dog's fur. This is especially true for breeds whose wool certainly requires such a procedure.
  • Bad breath can be eliminated by brushing your teeth and mouth.
  • Try changing or adjusting the animal’s diet to affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The surest way to get rid of dog smell is bathing
. Important! When determining how to deal with the problem, it is worth finding out in more detail about the dog’s health status, in particular, about the presence of pregnancy.

If the dog smell is caused by estrus or pregnancy, then you cannot get rid of it.

Sometimes a whole range of measures is organized to combat such a nuisance. You can wash the bedding, disinfect the floor, textiles and furniture on which the dog often lies to prevent the fur from being “scented” again.

Anal glands

All dogs, both males and females, have anal glands. One on each side of the anus, they are sometimes called scent glands. This is because they contain a liquid that, when released, allows dogs to communicate with each other. By smell, a dog recognizes the gender, health status and even temperament of another dog.

Normal, healthy anal glands do not secrete enough fluid to detect odor. However, if they fill with blood and suddenly rupture, the smell can be quite strong. Many Yorkies require regular surgery to remove their anal glands, and this can be done by a groomer or veterinarian.

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When these anal glands become filled with too much fluid, the dog will often rub his butt on the ground, and some owners mistake this as the dog trying to “wipe his butt” after defecation. However, the area is irritating and the dog will try to relieve the itching and discomfort.

It's important to have them checked by a groomer or vet every 4-6 months - if they swell and rupture, not only will it cause a terrible smell, but the oil itself is very difficult to clean and will leave tears on the skin vulnerable to infection.

How to wash your dog so it doesn't smell like dog

If the dog stinks, then basically you need to give it a good wash. But it is not enough to rinse the wool with plain water; you need to choose the right detergent. It is recommended to use a special shampoo for dogs, which is specifically designed to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate unpleasant odors.

The rules for choosing a special shampoo should not be ignored

Why does my Yorkie puppy smell like dog?


Questions and answers Dogs Dog breeds Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkie dogs, which when healthy, rarely smell like dogs.

If your dog has an unpleasant odor to you, this may be due to: 1. Rare brushing and removal of dead hair. 2. Inflammation of the ears. 3. Inflammation and overflow of the paraanal sinuses. 4. Inflammation of the skin between the fingers. 5. Inflammation of the skin in the armpit and groin areas. 6. Hair pollution under the eyes. 7. Presence of tangles in the wool.

Your actions: 1. Smell the dog and determine from which area of ​​the dog’s body the dog smell is most noticeable. 2. Carefully examine those areas of the dog’s body that give off a strong unpleasant odor. 3. Look for scratches, redness of the skin or imperfections in the skin. If there are any, then carefully cut these areas down to the skin, rinse with chlorhexidine and lubricate them with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). If the area of ​​skin damage is large, then you need to consult a doctor. 4. Examine the ears and if you find crusts and redness on the ear, then you need a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. 5. Take the dog to the groomer for a haircut, combing and washing. You can do this yourself. 6. Examine the anal sinuses and if they are full, empty them. 7. Carefully examine the dog's eyes. Remove any hair that may get into your dog's eyes. 8. Wash the dog's bangs with shampoo for Yorkshire Terriers, rinse them well, dry them and secure them on the dog's forehead. Shorten the hair at the inner corner of the eyes so that it does not get into the eyes.


How to get rid of odor in a puppy

A puppy may pick up an unpleasant dog odor from its mother during breastfeeding. He may experience hormonal changes during the growth process. Sometimes separation from the mother provokes such trouble (stress). But not all methods of solving the problem that are used for an adult are suitable for puppies.

A veterinarian will determine how to combat dog odor in puppies.

Important! It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before taking any action of a certain nature.

The most relevant option is periodic bathing. If the basis of the stench is the stress suffered due to separation from the mother, then it takes some time to eliminate the smell. During this period, you need to thoroughly clean the house and wash the puppy’s bedding. During the growth period, you can give him special vitamins and microelements.

When to contact a veterinarian

There are special cases when self-medication does not produce results, or the situation becomes complicated. Then you need to immediately contact your veterinarian:

  • If the dog begins to smell rotten.
  • When pus begins to ooze from under the fur (from the gums).
  • A rotten “aroma” is also a signal to see a doctor.

The problem of an unpleasant odor sometimes requires urgent hospitalization of the dog.
If the dog smells of rotten meat and refuses to eat and is inactive, then hospitalization is needed immediately.

What to do

What should a caring owner do?

  • First you need to determine the source of the smell. And to do this you will have to sniff the pet. Even if he perceives this as a game, you need to try to calm the dog down and continue exploring. It is quite possible that you will be able to deal with the issue yourself. But in this case, you cannot do without an accurate diagnosis.
  • Next, you need to thoroughly examine the problem area. Maybe there are some defects in the skin? That is, redness, scratching. If they are present, you need to cut the hair in this place, wipe the problem areas with chlorhexidine and brilliant green. Or maybe there is a problem with the ears and there are crusts in them? Then they must be carefully removed. By the way, chlorhexidine will just help remove discharge from the eyes and ears as hygienically as possible.
  • The hygiene issue probably needs to be reconsidered. So, if it is difficult to thoroughly wash and cut your Yorkie, you should contact a specialist groomer. And, of course, this needs to be elevated to the status of permanence.
  • In some cases, a visit to the veterinarian is indispensable, and this should not be neglected. Only a specialist can conduct an ultrasound and various tests. Without this, it is sometimes impossible to achieve an accurate diagnosis.

Interesting: Why you shouldn’t feed your dog pork: causes and consequences

Dog is not the most pleasant smell. Sometimes rot is also mixed in, or there is a feeling that it smells like smoke. And, of course, it often serves as a signal of some problems. I hope this article helped to understand them.

Preventing dog odor

A smelly dog ​​can become “normal” if preventive measures are taken to eliminate the dog smell. What can be done to prevent the problem:

  • It is necessary to organize periodic bathing. Indoor pets should receive water treatments once every 2-3 weeks, and street residents should be bathed once every 2-3 months.
  • After each walk, you should at least wash your paws and inspect your pet’s fur for dirt.
  • It is necessary to monitor the animal’s nutrition, taking into account seasonal characteristics and the need for microelements and vitamins.

An important preventive measure is to always wash your paws after a walk.
In most cases, the street is the main source and cause of unpleasant odors. Therefore, you should pay special attention to hygiene and care after walks.

An unpleasant dog odor often appears in dogs of different breeds and different living conditions. You can combat this problem in different ways - bathing, changing your diet, improving hygiene, treating diseases of the internal organs and the oral cavity. But first it is worth determining the reason for this feature. In addition to odor control, ongoing preventative measures can be taken.


Most often, the reason why dogs smell like dog is the most commonplace - poor hygiene . Hygiene procedures play a very important role in the life of a four-legged pet. Often, the smell of a dog appears due to insufficient quality care for the animal.

Usually the sources of unpleasant odor are : the mouth, fur, ears and under the tail.

If the dog’s fur is actively growing, an unpleasant odor has appeared (especially after bathing or if the dog’s fur gets wet in the rain outside), but the dog is actively itching - these are signs of fungus !

The natural smell of a dog (subject to hygiene rules) is very gentle and neat, audible only during close contact. If the smell “hits” your nose, this is a sign of illness.

With fungus, the smell has a cloying scent, very similar to the smell of socks or rubber sneakers worn for a week. If you bathe your dog with shampoo, the effect will last no more than a couple of hours, then the smell appears again. The smell nests: at the base of the tail, on the paws, in the groin.

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