Ukrainian dog breed Odis, young but extremely interesting

For security:
For children:
Difficulty in care:

This dog breed takes its pedigree roots in Ukraine, in the southern city of Odessa in 1979, as a result of crossing: a fox terrier, a lapdog and a dwarf poodle. Translated, this breed of dog means “Odessa ideal domestic dog.” Initially, only clubs worked with it. In 2008 it was recognized as an official breed. It took about 25 years to develop this breed. At first, Odis had a spotted color, and in 2000 they were divided into two groups: spotted and white. This breed is little known in Russia. But in Ukraine it gained great popularity.

History of the breed

Odis is a “gift dog” in the literal sense. The idea of ​​​​creating a new breed did not come to its author by chance and it has a romantic basis. This amazing story began during the Soviet era on the shores of the Black Sea.

In the early 1970s, a married couple lived in Odessa, Irina Bakhareva and her husband, who were fascinated by the South Russian Shepherd breed. But he considered it completely reckless to bring a huge dog into a city apartment. Then Irina decided to give her husband a gift and make his dream come true.

It took the author and her colleague, dog handler T. Shargorodskaya, about 25 years to create a miniature copy of the South Russian Shepherd Dog. The tailed results of the creations turned out to be white and fluffy.

The breeding basis for Odis was based on mongrels suitable for the type, with which the genes were shared: the old-type Maltese, the Miniature Poodle and the Wire Fox Terrier . As a result of competent selection, Odis received intelligence and intelligence, an elegant fur coat and a cheerful disposition.

In the appearance of Odis you can recognize the features of the English Bobtail and the Polish Lowland Sheepdog. The author of the breed believes that it is too early to fully reveal the secret of the creation of Odis, because work to improve his exterior is still underway.

You can find information that the name Odis means “Odessa Domestic Ideal Dog,” to which the author of the breed, Irina Bakhareva, replies with a smile:

“Many thanks to the journalists and fans of the breed, who, with a touch of humor characteristic of Odessa residents, gave the original decoding to our Odis! However, I am not so ambitious as to announce this to the whole world. The breed is not perfect and still needs work. I named Odis in honor of Odessa in order to glorify it.”

Currently, the breed is the pride of Odessa residents. According to statistics, 150-200 representatives of the breed live in Ukraine, and approximately the same number of Odis live abroad.

Foreign tourists often come to see Odisov as an overseas curiosity. The owners take great pleasure in showing their pets to guests and holding luxurious shows, presentations and photo sessions with their participation.

Pet care

ODIS is loved by everyone in the family, but whoever cares more: feeds, walks, indulges, will receive more attention and affection in return . You need to take care of the coat regularly, just brush everything once a day and there will definitely be no tangles under the arms, in the groin and on the throat. These are the places where tangles form most often.

Bathe your pet no more than once every 2 weeks. If it does not get dirty, it is not necessary more often. In rainy and cold weather, wear overalls. It will protect your pet from contamination and keep you warm. To make the hair easy to comb, fill a spray bottle with warm water, spray your pet’s fur and comb as the hair grows.

ODIS, like other dogs, sheds the most in spring and autumn. The wool will not fall out and hang in clumps on the sofas; it is removed during combing. According to the standard, there are no model haircuts for dogs. If you don't give him a summer hygienic short, he will remain a cheerful fluffy ball for the rest of his life.

ODIS, an easy-going dog. If you have the time and desire to walk with him for a long time, he will keep you company, meet different dogs along the way, and you will have a casual conversation with their owners. When you don't have time, he will be glad that you came out for 10 minutes. with him to the stall for bread and kvass.

Follow the recommended feeding norm. An adult dog needs 150 g of raw beef per day, and anything more is already excess and extra kilocalories, but we, the owners, feel sorry for our pets and often overfeed. As a result, they become overweight and, according to statistics, live 3-6 years less than their thin relatives. Try to have your dog eat buckwheat and rice in addition to meat and give her special vitamins in courses, especially during shedding.

From puppyhood, ODIs are intelligent and it is clear that they are easy to train. They immediately learn what is possible and what is not. You can explain to them that they should not chew chair legs or wires, but that they can chew pressed bones, latex toys, and smoked ears. Cynologists who have met and trained dogs of this breed believe that they can be trained for sports competitions, of course, ideally if the competitors are the same small dogs.

Breed standard

Odis is a combination of Odessa temperament and extravagant appearance. A compact and squat dog for home keeping, without signs of dwarfism, devoid of aggression and timidity. According to the standard he has:

  1. Graceful posture.
  2. The movements are creeping and smooth.
  3. The head is large, long, blunt, wedge-shaped, flat. The brow ridges and the occipital protuberance are pronounced.
  4. The muzzle is deep, tapering towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is straight.
  5. The teeth are large and white, scissor bite, complete set of teeth 42.
  6. The mouth is of medium size, the lips are black pigmented.
  7. The nose is large, black for Odis of white and gray color, and for fawn individuals the nose is brown. The nostrils are large.
  8. The eyes are oval-shaped, not large. Wide set. Eyebrows are expressed. Eyelids black. The color of the pupils is all shades of brown and black.
  9. The ears are flat, set high. The ears are medium size, length to the eye line. The endings are rounded. Abundantly covered with hair.
  10. The neck is slightly muscular, proportional, and of moderate length. She is lean and muscular. The scruff is pronounced and widened in the shoulder area.
  11. The body is harmonious and developed.
  12. The body has a stretched format. The height at the withers is less than the length of the body.
  13. The back is flat, the lumbar region is short, the croup is slightly sloping.
  14. The tail is set low and reaches the length of the hocks. Raised when moving, lowered when at rest. Decorated with abundant wool.
  15. The limbs are straight and parallel, the hind legs are stronger than the front ones. The lower legs are muscular.
  16. The paws are gathered into a ball. The middle toe of the front paws should be longer than the other toes. Light colored claws.
  17. The coat is shaggy, voluminous, elegant, thick, of medium hardness. The spine is slightly kinked, 7 to 10 cm long. The undercoat is thick. The head is decorated with bangs that fall over the eyes. The muzzle has a mustache and beard.
  18. The characteristic color can be monochromatic: snow-white, gray and fawn. Combinations of white with gray and fawn spots are allowed. Liver-colored and orange tones are not acceptable.
  19. Height at withers from 25 to 30 cm. Weight from 2.5 to 3 kg.
  20. Lifespan 12 years or more.

Longevity in full health is a feature of the Odis breed. The ancestors of the breed line lived to a ripe old age. At the age of 16-18 years old, they are still alive, cheerful and have retained their teeth.

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other possible dog names: Odessa Domestic Ideal Dog, Odis.
  • Adult height: 25-30 cm.
  • Weight: 2.5-3 kg.
  • Characteristic color: predominantly white, sometimes white with gray spots, dark gray, fawn, orange and liver are unacceptable.
  • Coat length: long, thick, moderately hard, with developed undercoat.
  • Life expectancy: 10-12 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: friendly, loyal, cheerful, energetic, gets along with children and animals.
  • Breed Difficulties: Very energetic.
  • Average price: from $200 and above, depending on the classification of the puppy.

Events and facts from the life of Odisov

  1. 1979 The birth of the breed.
  2. year 2000. The breed is divided into 2 groups: white and spotted.
  3. 2004 The first Odisov championship.
  4. 2008 Recognition as an official breed by the Union of Cynologists of Ukraine.
  5. year 2012. The breed standard has been approved.
  6. year 2014. Receiving European Champion titles at Eurodog in Brno.
  7. 2016 The first special breed exhibition.
  8. 2017 Conducting Show Odis from representatives of Ukrainian Odis and representatives of the breed from the Czech Republic and Poland.
  9. 2017 Signing by the President of Ukraine P. A. Poroshenko of the order on the creation of the Union of the Odis breed club.
  10. On November 9 in Odessa annually Fr.
  11. Today Odis serves as the emblem of the Union of Cynologists of Ukraine.
  12. The breed is popular among Ukrainian bohemians and successfully appears in films and advertising.
  13. Residents of Ukraine receive prizes in the form of puppies of this breed for winning art and literary competitions on the theme “Odysse is my love.”

Other countries have already become interested in the breed: Russia, Moldova, Germany, USA, Israel, Czech Republic, Poland. After fulfilling the requirements and regulations of the International Association of Cynological Federations, Odis will be enrolled in group No. 9 – decorative dogs and companion dogs.”


Professional breeders are engaged in breeding Odis, they care about improving the breed. The main nurseries are located in Odessa - they raise the best breeding pets that meet all requirements and standards and have a good pedigree.

In kennels, dogs are given the necessary vaccinations and treated against parasites. Pets receive a special certificate.

Did you know? The best odis became champions of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Cyprus, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Macedonia, the Republic of Belarus, and also received the title of Grand Champion of Europe.

Character and psychological portrait

One can say about Odis’s character that he is simply “golden”. The goal of the creators is to get the ideal dog for urban conditions, with an easy-going disposition. In this regard, the breed has no complaints.

The character of Odis miraculously combines childish playfulness and carelessness, adult seriousness and confidence . Depending on the situation, he can be different, flexible and rough, but he always remains friendly. And he also:

  • balanced;
  • cheerful;
  • Kind;
  • affectionate;
  • playful;
  • moderately active;
  • not intrusive;
  • friendly;
  • brave;
  • not aggressive.

Odis will never attack a person; moreover, they are hospitable in the southern way. That is why they do not make property guards. They are peaceful towards representatives of the dog world, cats and birds arouse positive interest in them, but rodents are not interested at all.

The main object of adoration for Odis is, of course, children . That's who they can play and frolic with to their heart's content. A ball and a stick, chasing or hide and seek, or maybe just lying on the grass, or anything as long as your beloved child is nearby.

Being born by the sea, Odis love swimming, they are good swimmers, and their fur coat almost never gets wet.

Looking at this fluffy creature, it’s hard to believe that it can growl. Appearances are deceptive. Odis knows how to stand up for himself and for his owner, if there is a reason for that. In an instant, the “living toy” transforms into a brave dog with strong teeth.

What's good odisi

They are universal. You can walk with them, play sports, and most importantly, they are not whimsical. This is an ideal animal for living in small apartments. I wanted to bring in something like a miniature South Russian Shepherd. We took three breeds of dogs: a wire fox terrier, a toy poodle (white and gray) and an old-style Maltese. Each species gave Adishu something. They inherited a mischievous and hooligan character from the terrier. The Poodle has been awarded for its flexible mind and ease of training. And the lapdog gave a magnificent coat and his affection for the owner. As a result of this “mix” Odis was born - an ideal dog with certain working qualities, charisma and charm.

Dog handlers believe that dogs from the breeding group that became known as the average breed should be about a hundred years old. Some will say, “Why do we need another homegrown breed?” One day a man named Max von Stephanitz, the creator of the German Shepherd, was asked the same question. The result, in just two decades, is a dog with excellent powers and conformation.

The idea of ​​​​creating these dogs originated in 1979, and was implemented in 1990. Came first, fees corresponding to intrabreed type. A preliminary standard was written that required one’s appearance and psyche. The first Odishaw litter, which satisfied the breeders, occurred in 1999. It took twenty years for this rock band to be removed. In 2008, the Odessa was introduced as a separate breed.

The decoding of the abbreviation of the name was not born immediately. It was just Odis. When journalists had the opportunity to see and communicate with these animals, they came up with a full name - the Odessa domestic ideal dog, which would later become.

In 2008, the Presidium of the Canine Union of Ukraine was approved as the official breed standard and has the right to issue pedigrees. Today Odisi is a full-fledged participant in exhibitions of any rank. In such a short period, there are a lot of winners among the samples. They are champions of Belarus, Moldova, Cyprus, Georgia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia and other countries. The Odessa club has about 150 animals used for breeding and exhibitions. In total, with other countries, there are 300 people. In addition to Ukraine, these dogs are found in Russia, Belarus and Israel.

Although this breed is young, there is great interest in it

All pet shows sudanow attract the attention of the commission and other observers. They win not only in their breed group, but in “Best in Show” - One of the most honorable, final exhibition, competitions. The chief specialist evaluates the best representatives of different breeds - one from each variety

Odisi become beauty champions at the CAC rank exhibition. The pride of Odessa is a dog named “Michelle”. He brought the Cup prize to the main exhibition in Ukraine - “Golden Gate”. To receive this prize, a dog must be the best not only among representatives of its breed and group, but also among all breed groups. It is very difficult to list such interesting breeds. Dog handlers predict the mind's extraordinary future. Odishaw's assessment of the European judges who came to Ukraine was very high. Diversity is gaining popularity. Breeders reserve unborn puppies. To breed otchekanili and become even more polished, Odessa handlers introduced into breeding dogs with strong immune systems. Select your breeding pair carefully to get the desired result. Now Odisi is winning the hearts of new fans. They are no longer guests, but full-fledged hosts of various levels of exhibitions

The chief specialist evaluates the best representatives of different breeds - one from each variety. Odisi become beauty champions at the CAC rank exhibition. The pride of Odessa is a dog named “Michelle”. He brought the Cup prize to the main exhibition in Ukraine - “Golden Gate”. To receive this prize, a dog must be the best not only among representatives of its breed and group, but also among all breed groups. It is very difficult to list such interesting breeds. Dog handlers predict the mind's extraordinary future. Odishaw's assessment of the European judges who came to Ukraine was very high. Diversity is gaining popularity. Breeders reserve unborn puppies. To breed otchekanili and become even more polished, Odessa handlers introduced into breeding dogs with strong immune systems. Select your breeding pair carefully to get the desired result. Now Odisi is winning the hearts of new fans. They are no longer guests, but full-fledged hosts of various levels of exhibitions.

Beautiful photos

Education and training

Raising Odis brings joy and positive emotions. He gained the status of an obedient pet and a diligent student. He easily remembers commands and understands what is good and what is bad.

Possessing a playful nature, he quickly finds a group of friends, but when he hears the command “come to me” or “home”, Odis will not become stubborn and contradict the owner. A person’s word is a law for him, which a playful Odessa resident never breaks .

Odis are not lacking in intelligence; they are distinguished by reason, reason and intuition. Training takes place in a relaxed, playful manner. With their poodle heritage, they are able to happily complete tasks. Odis, like little circus performers, love to play for the audience, showing off their canine talent.


Odis does not complain about his appetite. It is important for owners to ensure that food portions are appropriate for the age and weight of the pet. Two food options are suitable for him, which cannot be mixed with each other.

Dry food for medium and small dog breeds of premium and super premium quality. The pet will tell you which food he likes best. Economy class food is absolutely not suitable for this breed.

Natural nutrition. Its basis is meat 60-70% and vegetables 30-40%. The meat should not be fatty, preferably beef. Chicken meat can cause allergies. Vegetables: cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, carrots. Cereals for daily feeding are rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal and millet are much less common. Cottage cheese and kefir 0-1% fat. Sea fish fillet.

Odis are great beggars. Remember that sweet, smoked, fatty and salty, everything that is tasty for humans is harmful to the dog’s body.


Mineral and vitamin supplements for coat and skin are suitable as vitamins for Odis. They should contain biotin, sulfur and fatty acids. The pet's diet is improved by salmon oil or krill fats.

In addition, the body should receive calcium supplements and a full range of vitamins. Vitamins are especially important for puppies during the growth period of the animal, during pregnancy and lactation, during illness and at an older age.


The Odis breed is quite young, so it is too early to talk about the presence of diseases characteristic of representatives of this particular breed. At the same time, since the beginning of the history of the breed, not a single serious problem has been identified - Odis dogs have strong immunity and excellent health. The lifespan is 12-15 years or more, which is quite a long time for representatives of small breeds.

You just need to take care of the ears, carry out timely vaccinations, provide proper maintenance and nutrition.

A few words about the PetStory mobile application

On the PetStory website you will find a lot more useful information about animals - cats and dogs of different breeds, how to choose them, feed them, how to care for them, etc. You can also download the mobile application ( to be able to get the necessary information at any time.

Download the specialized application for pet owners Petstory on the IOS and Android platforms using the link –

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Pros and cons of the breed

In Ukraine, Odisov never ceases to be praised and the list of advantages of the breed can be continued endlessly.


  • compact dimensions;
  • spectacular appearance;
  • easy to care for and feed;
  • is in good health;
  • contact and complaisance;
  • loves children and people;
  • friendly to fauna;
  • well trained.

Is the Odis breed really so ideal that it does not have a single disadvantage? Look at the other side of the coin.


  • noisy;
  • demanding regular walks;
  • has unsettled genes due to the youth of the breed;
  • Some Odisov may exhibit hunting habits from a terrier;
  • they love to dig;
  • Odis's official exhibition career takes place only in Ukraine.


In order to buy a purebred Odis puppy, you will have to go to the official nursery of Ukraine or Moldova to get it . You can contact the nursery in Odessa and directly with I. Bakhareva herself. Due to the small number of the breed, you will most likely have to stand in line; pre-registration is required for puppies.

The price of a puppy of this breed varies from 100 to 500 dollars. It directly depends on the breed qualities of the pet and its promising future.

The Odis breed is not completely stabilized; in one litter, not all puppies will resemble their parents. One puppy out of five can show the genetics of its ancestors, lapdogs, poodles or terriers.

In Russia, puppies of this breed are not officially registered . Any offer to sell them should raise doubts; most likely these will be crossbred puppies not related to the real Odis.


It is better to buy an Odis puppy from nurseries that care about the purity of the breed. The puppy is ready to settle into a new home at one month of age.

A healthy puppy should be active and cheerful. Babies have short hair.

Before purchasing, ask about the puppy’s documents; at one month of age, the dog must have a veterinary passport and the necessary vaccinations.

On average, an Odis puppy costs from 12 to 20 thousand rubles.


The optimal age for mating odis is 18 months. A female dog begins to come into heat at the age of 8-10 months, but early mating will have a negative impact on the dog’s health, and the health of the offspring will be in question.

Before mating, dogs must be examined by a veterinarian to ensure their health. Before mating, both dogs are treated for parasites. Dogs are bred at the male's place or on neutral territory.

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