All breeds of domestic cats and male cats with photographs and names: photo, character description

Famous, popular breeds of short-haired cats: photos, description of character

Many people prefer to have a short-haired cat because it is easier to care for. In addition, short pile does not hide the beauty of the animal’s body. Let us describe some of the most striking and interesting breeds.

The Brazilian Shorthair is an aristocratic natural breed. Outwardly it looks like a courtyard. It has a small muscular body, a wedge-shaped head and almond-shaped eyes.

In cats of this breed, the character develops throughout life and depends on how the owners treat it:

  • kind by nature, from lack of attention and affection these pussies can become nervous and irritable
  • sociable and playful
  • wonderful hunters
  • love walks
  • require love and attention
  • easy to train and easy to train

Brazilian Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a powerful, strong animal with a rounded head and well-developed chest. May have different colors.

Is different:

  • endurance
  • good health
  • love for jumping
  • courage
  • intelligence
  • tenderness and affection towards the owner
  • laziness, so it is necessary to force her to move actively
  • are greedy when it comes to food
  • independent but obedient

American Shorthair

The Siamese cat is a bright short-haired cat that cannot be confused with other breeds due to its unique color, thin body structure and blue eyes. It is noteworthy that this breed was not crossed with anyone.

They have a rather unique character:

  • stubborn and willful
  • independent
  • have strong hunting instincts
  • very attached to the owner and very jealous of him
  • wary and distrustful of strangers
  • sensitive to the owner's mood
  • playful, love attention
  • in case of disagreement, they “swear” loudly

Siamese cat

The Thai cat is an oriental breed that can have different colors, except pure white. It has a muscular, graceful body, a slightly wedge-shaped head and blue eyes.

Main features:

  • observant and curious
  • very smart, quickly learns to open closed doors
  • extremely devoted to the owner: she rejoices at the arrival, and during his illness does not leave him
  • tries to take a leading position among other pets
  • quite talkative

Thai cat

The European Shorthair (Celtic cat) is a fairly massive animal that has unique hunting qualities. There are a lot of color variations. The character is purely individual and largely depends on the upbringing and attitude of the owner towards the animal. For the most part these animals:

  • smart
  • affectionate
  • attached to their owner
  • easy to adapt
  • easy to care for
  • have an independent character

European Shorthair

Australian aya mist (Australian smoky). One of the unique new breeds. Almost never found outside of Australia. It has a spotted or marbled spotted color and beautiful aquamarine eyes.

Cat of this breed:

  • has an easy-going disposition
  • sociable and friendly
  • not afraid of strangers
  • loves children
  • playful and active
  • easily tolerates loneliness
  • calmly relates to closed spaces and lack of walks

Australian mist

The German (Prussian) Rex is a cross between the Angora and Russian Blue. Owners of wavy plush fur.

The nature:

  • calm, even lazy
  • patient and enduring
  • It is believed that they can take on the traits of their owner
  • require a lot of love and affection

German Rex

The Bengal cat is a medium-sized artificially bred breed with a spotted color like a leopard.

Such animals:

  • very active, even mischievous
  • love walking, allowing you to put on a leash
  • have high intelligence
  • love to fight and hunt
  • can make a variety of sounds
  • quite kind and friendly

Bengal cat

The Manx cat is a large, strong, muscular cat. The tail is very short, similar to a hare's.

They differ in the following features:

  • very active and playful
  • sociable, take an active part in everything
  • emotional
  • loving and spontaneous
  • are partial to water, but do not like to swim
  • wonderful fast hunters

Manx tailless cat

The used cat is a medium-sized animal. She is the owner of a proportionate body, well-developed muscles, round amber eyes and unusually silky fur.

It has a wonderful light character:

  • extremely sociable
  • very loyal to a person
  • smart and understanding
  • loves physical contact
  • devoid of aggressiveness
  • requires attention
  • loves active games

The Pixie Bob is a young breed created by crossing domestic cats and wild short-tailed cats. It has a muscular body and a short straight tail. Externally they look like a lynx.

Despite the appearance of a wild animal, they have an easy-going character:

  • kind and gentle
  • quickly become attached to the family and owner
  • very active, love to jump and play


Oriental is an elegant oriental cat of various colors, except white. Has large ears and expressive eyes. Has the same standard as the Siamese cat. Just as graceful and elegant.


  • has a shrill voice
  • very trusting
  • inquisitive
  • sociable
  • not afraid
  • is in constant motion
  • trains well
  • can walk on a leash and fetch various objects in his teeth
  • is distinguished by its loyalty to its owner, so when separated it can become very sad

Oriental cat

The American Bobtail traces its history back to ancient Indian breeds. Some believe that this is a domesticated lynx. A squat cat that has dense, slightly shaggy fur and a short tail. May be of different colors.

The nature:

  • good-natured and affectionate
  • smart
  • calm
  • don’t really like being alone, try to be with family members
  • love to play and require attention
  • freedom-loving
  • When walking, they do not climb trees, but calmly walk on a leash next to their owner.

American Bobtail

The Ceylon cat is a small, muscular cat and is the only Italian breed.

Has a peculiar disposition:

  • peaceful, but can stand up for herself and punish the offender
  • active, loves to play with her owner
  • cheerful and sociable
  • always tries to be with the owner, but is unobtrusive

Ceylon cat

The Singapura cat is a miniature, very graceful cat with a pinkish tint of fur.

These pussies have a very delicate temperament:

  • timid, afraid of noise and quarrels
  • careful with strangers
  • quiet and modest
  • peaceful and moderately friendly
  • are self-sufficient, a person will never be an authority for them

Singapura cat

What to feed?

Cat owners are divided into two camps: some feed their pets exclusively with food, others advocate homemade food.

Both options can provide your pet with absolute health, but only if certain rules are followed:

  • Never mix food with regular food. Such a diet can cause serious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Do not change prepared food. Choose one manufacturer once and for all;
  • Provide the cat with round-the-clock access to drinking water;
  • If the choice falls on ready-made food, then preference should be given to the holistic or premium food category;
  • Homemade food does not mean human food. The cat's stomach is not suitable for digesting cereals and soups.

The diet of a predator should include raw meat, without streaks, vitamins (which are sold in pet stores), a small amount of raw vegetables and dairy products.

It is extremely difficult to independently calculate the ratio of all trace elements. Therefore, most breeders, when thinking about what to feed their cat, prefer ready-made food. Reviews show that high-quality food does not harm the cat’s body.

Famous, popular plush breeds of cats and cats: photos, character description

Some cats have short but very thick fur that gives them the appearance of a plush toy. This fur is extremely pleasant to the touch. The most famous and popular are these “buns”.

British Shorthairs are bright representatives of the “plush” breed. Strong, serious animals, with a round head and serious eyes. These cats have remarkable properties:

  • calm
  • clean
  • endowed with high intelligence
  • affectionate
  • loyal to their masters
  • rarely bite or scratch
  • They easily tolerate loneliness. Ideal for people who are not often at home
  • don't like to be squeezed
  • gets along easily with other pets
  • unpretentious in food

British Shorthair

The British chinchilla is a calm and inactive cat, bred as a result of crossing the British and Persian breeds.


  • very lazy, prefer to lie down all day
  • affectionate and gentle
  • they need constant attention from their owners
  • easy to adapt and learn
  • patient
  • need their own corner and do not like it when people encroach on their territory
  • not aggressive, but quite stubborn

British chinchilla

The exotic shorthair is a pussycat that captivates people's hearts with its naive face and plush fur. The breed was created by accident, but quickly gained popularity. These cats are similar to Persian cats, only with short hair.

Exotics have an almost ideal character:

  • good-natured and affectionate
  • curious
  • lazy couch potatoes
  • do not make noise, preferring quiet games with toys
  • devoid of aggression, in case of an incorrect attitude they simply leave offended
  • indifferent to strangers

Exotic Shorthair

Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight) is a fluffy, strong representative of the Scottish breed, endowed with a wonderful character:

  • friendly, non-aggressive
  • quickly becomes attached to all family members
  • calm and sedate
  • afraid of heights
  • cannot tolerate coercion or being held in arms by force

Scottish straight


According to one legend, the first representatives of this small breed of gray cats were brought to France during the Crusades. According to another version, they appeared as a result of targeted selection. If you believe this theory, then their ancestors are Pallas' cats and Egyptian cats. Be that as it may, Chartreuse received official recognition only in 1939.

Representatives of this breed of gray cats have a strong, dry body with a short neck and well-developed muscles. On the round, wide head of the Chartreuse are high-set ears and beautiful golden eyes. As for color, it varies from ashy to blue-gray.

These cats have a calm, silent character. They are very patient with children and show intelligent restraint towards strangers. Chartreux quickly adapts to any conditions and remains calmly alone. They are quite playful and retain this valuable quality until old age.

Famous, popular breeds of hairless cats and cats: photos, description of character

Hairless cats are owned by exotic lovers and people suffering from allergies to wool. Due to the lack of a fur coat, such animals often freeze, so they can only live in warm apartments. These breeds are not suitable for people who are rarely at home, as they absolutely cannot tolerate loneliness and require constant attention.

Hairless cat breeds are believed to be endowed with extremely high intelligence. Hairless cats are different and do not look alike.

The Canadian Sphynx is a fairly heavy, medium-sized cat with very short hair that feels like suede.

The nature:

  • very active and playful
  • quickly gets used to people and habitat
  • follows the owner's heels and, on occasion, always strives to jump onto his lap
  • not vindictive

Canadian Sphynx

Peterbald (Petersburg Sphynx) is a breed that emerged from crossing an Oriental cat with a Don Sphynx. These animals have an elegant, even sophisticated appearance.

They have an easy-going and easy-going disposition:

  • smart and sociable
  • affectionate with all family members
  • playful
  • very attached to the person
  • gets along easily with everyone
  • not conflicting


The Ukrainian Levkoy is a fold-eared, hairless cat, not a universally recognized young breed. Has an unusual appearance and wonderful character:

  • extremely loving and affectionate
  • loyal to the owner
  • easily adapt to new things
  • not capricious and not picky
  • have high intelligence
  • afraid of heights

Ukrainian Levkoy

The Don Sphynx is a relatively young breed bred in Russia.


  • completely devoid of aggression
  • extremely friendly and cheerful
  • very active, therefore capable of mischief
  • sensitive, feel the owner perfectly
  • calmly tolerate hygiene procedures
  • easy to learn
  • love attention

Don Sphynx

Bambinos are funny little animals, the result of crossing munchkins and Sphynx cats. They look like funny kittens, just as cute and touching.

These cats took the best from both breeds:

  • sociability and curiosity
  • cheerful disposition
  • devotion to masters
  • affection and tenderness
  • high intelligence
  • love of walking and traveling
  • getting along with other pets


The Cornish Rex is not a completely hairless breed. Unlike other representatives of the rex, they only have undercoat as hair. They have astrakhan fur due to the absence of guard hairs. Slender and graceful cats.


  • Can't stand drafts
  • love to eat
  • loyal to the owner, and even wag their tail like dogs
  • smart and quick-witted
  • active and very playful
  • sociable and curious

Cornish Rex

Australian mist

Mist was bred in Australia. Breeders living on the mainland wanted to create their own special breed. The breeding process lasted 11 years, from 1975. In the end, the local specialists managed to achieve their goal, and in 1986 a new unique breed was bred. In the same year it was officially registered. The cat adopted its color from the Burmese breed , ticking (speckles, stripes on the paws and tail, ripples) - from the Abyssinian , spots - from ordinary pets.

Breed Features

The maximum weight of an Australian cat is 8 kg (for males), the minimum is 3-4 kg (for females). The animal's chest is wide and its body is quite muscular. These features distinguish the Australian cat from its fellows.

Table 1. Distinctive features of the Australian myst

Important! The fur coat of the Australian “haze” always has a pattern. It is presented in the form of specks or “marbles”. The pattern is finally formed in cats by the age of 2 years.


The character of Australian mysts is flexible. They very rarely get angry and release their claws. Therefore, they can be easily acquired by families with small children. Such cats are quite patient and quickly find a common language with strangers. It tolerates separation from its owners easily. Mist kittens are hyperactive. But gradually, with age, their ardor fades away. Adults want to spend time with their owner all day long. They are ready to follow him for days, rub against his legs, gently purring and proving their devotion.

Australian Mist kittens

Mists are very curious, love children, and get along easily with other pets living in the house. Trusting, measured, kind. They never express a desire to communicate first.

Care, health

The Australian "haze" is characterized by good health. Most of all, these purrs are prone to obesity, which they owe to their generous owners. The average life expectancy of mysts is 15-18 years. The fur of the “haze” rarely sheds, as it is quite short. The animal is clean, so it does not need frequent bathing, or walking. Meals are strictly 2 meals a day.

Important! Australian breeders recommend not letting these cats go outside at all.

Famous, popular breeds of fold cats and male cats: photos, description of character

Funny animals with unusually shaped ears are loved by many. The number of fold-eared breeds is very small, since by their nature cats are hunters who need protruding ears for good orientation.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold) is a plush cat, similar in appearance to the British breed. A distinctive feature is the ability to sit “on the butt”.

The character is also very reminiscent of the British:

  • friendly
  • inquisitive
  • calm
  • easy to train
  • feel the mood of the owner
  • are not afraid of strangers
  • kittens quickly get used to the litter box
  • not aggressive
  • incapable of revenge
  • sensitive, cannot stand shouting and rude treatment addressed to them
  • travel easily
  • don't like to jump
  • do not scream loudly, make only quiet sounds

Scottish fold

The Highland Fold is a Scottish fold long-haired cat. The animal is medium in size with silky long hair.

Like all Scots, they are different:

  • calm and balanced disposition
  • playfulness that does not go away with age
  • curiosity
  • good adaptation, not afraid of moving
  • love to be around people

Highland fold

Also included in the breed of fold cats is the Ukrainian Levkoy , which was mentioned above.

Care and maintenance

Cats with silver fur are famous for their strong immunity, resistance to colds, and independence from the vagaries of the weather. The pet's diet should be balanced, but low in iodine. You can feed your fluffy both special food and natural products, provided that the food is fresh and of high quality.

Scottish lop-eared

Animals should be vaccinated in a timely manner in accordance with the vaccination calendar. Regular hygiene procedures are necessary: ​​brushing teeth and ears, maintaining normal claw length.

Pets participating in exhibitions should not be exposed to long-term weather conditions (snow, rain, direct sunlight) to avoid color fading.

The normal lifespan of cats is 14-16 years.

White breeds of cats and male cats with photographs and names: photos, character description

White cats are very beautiful and elegant. According to the standards, white breeds are not allowed any spots or impurities. This color can only be obtained by crossing purebred breeds that have not been mixed.

White coat color in cats can be due to various reasons:

  • due to a specific gene associated with deafness (seen in cats with green or blue eyes)
  • due to albinism, when animals have no coat pigmentation, and their eyes and skin have a pinkish tint
  • due to the presence of the gene that determines white spotting. Sometimes there are a lot of such white spots, they merge together, and the cat turns white

Many breeds can have a white coat:

  • Persian
  • Devon Rex
  • Maine Coons
  • British

We present the most striking representatives of the snow-white color:

Turkish Angora is an ancient aristocratic breed. It has soft silky fur and greenish or blue eyes.

Cat details:

  • very smart. Can learn to use light switches and open the refrigerator door
  • active and mobile
  • inquisitive
  • don't like loneliness
  • usually become attached to one person
  • love attention to their person
  • enjoy playing with toy or live mice

Turkish Angora

Khao Mani is a short-haired cat native to Thailand. This fairly ancient breed was officially registered quite recently. An extremely graceful snow-white animal that has the following features:

  • curiosity
  • mind
  • playfulness and mobility
  • love for the owner, whose company they simply adore
  • trusting even towards strangers
  • highly social (therefore, it is not recommended to have such a cat if you do not have other cats)

Khao mani

The Foreign White is a shorthaired cat, the result of crossing a Siamese and a European Shorthair. They have a graceful body and blue eyes. Moreover, animals are endowed with excellent hearing. The breed is quite rare.


  • highly intelligent
  • social
  • friendly
  • independent
  • freedom-loving
  • quite talkative, have a loud voice
  • active, love active games

Foreign white

The Turkish Van is a large cat with semi-long white hair with almost no undercoat, with colored spots on the tail, ears and face.

Key Features:

  • mobile
  • playful
  • inquisitive
  • swim well, they like water fun
  • love affection, although they can be wayward
  • usually becomes attached to one of the family members

Turkish van

Russian blue

The origin of this breed has not yet been fully studied. According to one of the existing theories, such cats were brought to England from the Russian city of Arkhangelsk. Their extraordinary appearance and mysterious origin contributed to the rapid spread of these animals throughout the world. In 1939 they received official recognition and their current name.

The Russian Blue is one of the few breeds of gray cats whose standard does not allow any other colors. These animals have a slightly elongated muscular body with a slender neck, oval paws and elongated limbs. The wedge-shaped head has large, forward-sloping ears and large green eyes. The graceful body of representatives of this breed is covered with short silky fur with a thick undercoat. The cat's fur coat is painted in a uniform blue color with a clearly visible silver tint. Despite their good-natured and obedient disposition, these cats are capable of showing independence and stubbornness. In addition, they have a well-developed hunting instinct, so they make good rat catchers.

Black breeds of cats and male cats: photos, description of character

Black cats are quite common. Almost all breeds can have this color: both short-haired and long-haired. It is believed that black cats have special telepathic abilities and sense their owners well. There are few breeds that are exclusively black in color.

The Bombay cat is a breed that has been created by breeders for more than 20 years. The animal has smooth short hair and is very similar in appearance to a panther. Throughout life, a cat's eye color changes: at birth it is blue, then becomes gray, and then acquires an amber tint.

Features of this breed:

  • have a bright temperament
  • have a very individual character
  • have high intelligence
  • they meow a lot, but their voice is quiet, so they are perceived without tension
  • don't like loneliness
  • happy to sit in your arms
  • balanced
  • they try to take a leading position among other pets

Bombay cat

The Mandalay is a new rare breed that is not fully recognized. These are descendants of Burmese with a specific thick, uniform dark chocolate or black color. The wool literally shimmers and feels silky and pleasant to the touch.

Main features:

  • calm and friendly
  • love all family members without singling out anyone
  • patient
  • love affection and attention


Breed standards for gray color

Gray color belongs to the group of solid (solid, self). The European Felinological Federation introduced a system of color designation indices. The personal blue color code is indicated by the letter “a”.

Table: requirements for blue color

OptionsStandard requirements
  • wool is blue or blue-gray (intense indigo can be produced);
  • uniformity of color;
  • dyeing from the roots to the tip of the hair;
  • color intensity;
  • uniformity - absence of white hairs, “patina” of other colors;
  • absence of tabby markings (stripes).
Paw pad colorTo match the main coat color (any shades of gray)
Nose speculum color
Eye color
  • copper;
  • orange;
  • green.

Reasons for disqualification:

  • colored hairs in color;
  • uneven color along the entire length of the hair;
  • cloudy or faded eye color;
  • blurry rims around the iris;
  • Various spots on paw pads and tip of nose.

Experts recommend distinguishing between smoky individuals and gray pets. Smoky cats were identified as a separate group in 1983. The official name of the color is smoke. At first glance, smoky cats are absolutely similar to monochrome ones, but in the dynamics it becomes noticeable that the animal’s fur has a white undercoat. The sharper the contrast between the main coat and the undercoat, the better the quality of the smoky color.

Video: gray cats - smoky luck

Gray breeds of cats and cats: photos, description of character

Gray cats always look elegant and aristocratic. This color is called “blue”, and varies from light ash to dark gray. Blue cats should be distinguished from smoky cats. The latter have white fur at the base.

There are several breeds that are exclusively gray in color:

Chartreux (Carthusian cat ) is a fairly large, strong animal with amber eyes.

The following characteristics are typical for cats of this breed:

  • easily adapt to any conditions
  • obedient and easy to train
  • playfulness alternates with periods of calm
  • not intrusive
  • not prone to pranks
  • are attached to a person, not to a habitat
  • choose one owner who is accompanied everywhere
  • love affection and stroking on the head and cheeks
  • they treat strangers rather indifferently
  • love space and walks

Chartreuse (Carthusian cat)

Russian Blue is a popular, expensive breed. It has a thick, dense, shiny coat of uniform blue color with a silver tint. Has an elegant and slender body.

This proud cat with character has its own characteristics:

  • a little stubborn and freedom-loving, but at the same time obedient
  • kind and affectionate
  • can spend the whole day at home alone
  • unobtrusive, but happy if you take her for a walk
  • sits with pleasure in the arms of the owner, and only when she wants it
  • curious and observant
  • wary of strangers
  • doesn't like closed doors
  • homebody
  • loves to hunt

Russian blue

The Korat is an ancient breed native to Thailand, where these animals are considered a symbol of happiness. In appearance they are similar to Russian Blue cats. The only recognized color is blue with silver tips. It is distinguished by large and bright emerald or amber eyes.

They have a specific character:

  • do not like cats of other breeds around them
  • jealous and really miss the owner in his absence
  • don't like strangers
  • males are known as fighters, but at the same time they show themselves as caring fathers
  • don't like long walks
  • are homebodies and rarely leave the house
  • good-natured and reserved
  • playful
  • require increased attention


British Blues are robust cats with a round head, small ears and a wonderful short, thick coat. This cat is the embodiment of British aristocracy:

  • hardy and strong
  • friendly and approachable
  • patient, gets along well with children or other animals
  • does not like familiarity

British blue

The Nibelung (“child of the fog”) is a rare breed, graceful owners of silky soft fur and emerald eyes. Long-haired version of the Russian Blue.

They have a rather unique character:

  • not very sociable
  • may be aggressive towards strangers at a young age
  • everyone understands, but loves to do it their own way
  • quite cunning
  • affectionate with the owner and household members


Red breeds of cats and cats: photos, description of character

Red cats were considered in Rus' a symbol of the sun and happiness. And in some countries such animals are associated with financial well-being.

The red color in felinology is called red. It is worth noting that there are no animals with a uniform red tint; this color is always heterogeneous, with impurities, decorated with stripes and spots. It is believed that the more spots or stripes an animal has, the more complex its character.

The temperament of red cats is always individual, and the character depends not only on the breed, but also on the owner’s attitude towards the animal. However, the common features of all “saffron milk caps” are:

  • insolence
  • courage
  • cunning
  • demand for increased attention to one's person
  • mischief and playfulness

Red color is especially common among representatives of “wild” breeds.

Caracal is a steppe lynx. A predatory animal that can only be tamed if raised in captivity.


  • curious and playful
  • difficult to train due to wild temperament
  • requires an attentive, patient attitude, especially in the first two years of life
  • devoted to the owner
  • feels good in a private house with a spacious enclosure


The Abyssinian cat is one of the oldest breeds, the ancestor of which is African cats. It has a ticked reddish color (sorrel). However, blue and fawn can be found. The breed is distinguished by its small number of offspring.

Main character traits:

  • obstinacy
  • intelligence and curiosity
  • melodious voice
  • mobility and energy
  • extreme love of games and space
  • sociability, it is difficult for such a cat to be alone

Abyssinian cat

The Bengal cat is the result of crossing domestic cats with leopard breeds. Owners of reddish fur with spots. Silver color is less common.

The character combines wild and “domestic” traits:

  • very energetic, attack everything that moves
  • smart and quick-witted
  • do not like tactile caresses
  • quickly get used to people and conditions
  • loyal to the owner, but sometimes distance themselves from him, preferring loneliness
  • wary of strangers
  • get along well with other animals

Bengal cat

A bright sunny shade is often found in more familiar pets:

  • Persians
  • British
  • Siberian cats
  • maine-coons

The influence of genetics on cat color

There are two main colors responsible for variations in the colors of a cat’s fur coat:

  • black;
  • red.

Each color is formed due to a complex pigment - melanin, which is divided into two chemical subtypes:

  • zumelanin (gene B) - is responsible for the black color and its derivatives;
  • pheomelanin (gene A) - produces all shades of red.

The genes responsible for producing red (O - dominant) or black (o - recessive) offspring are located on the X chromosome. The color of a kitten's fur directly depends on the gender of the parents:

  • cats have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY);
  • Cats have two X chromosomes (XX).

The kitten inherits one of the chromosomes from each parent. From the mother it will always be X, and from the father X or Y.

Just like in humans, female cats have a set of XX chromosomes, and males have XY chromosomes.

Two cat chromosomes (XX) are responsible for three basic colors:

  • OO - red;
  • oo - black;
  • Oo - tortoiseshell (red-black).

The color of cats directly depends on which gene is carried by the only X chromosome of the parent - O or o. If there is an “O” gene on the only X chromosome of a cat, the cat will be red, but if there is an “o”, it will be black. Tortoiseshell cats appear only in the case of gene mutations and cannot have offspring.

If the parent X chromosome carries the O gene, the cat will be red, and if O, the cat will be black.

The white color stands out separately (although it is not a color at all, but rather its absence). If a cat is not an albino, then it is a carrier of some color.

White spots merged together form a kind of camouflage suit, under which any color can be hidden. You can find out which color a white pet is a carrier of by looking at its offspring.

Genetics of gray color

In felinology, the gray color of a cat's coat is called blue. In fact, the blue color is a bleached black. In gray pets, the dominant black gene B (Black) is diluted by the recessive light gene d. The black pigment (zumelanin), under the influence of the light gene, is not distributed evenly in the hair, but as if sticking together into lumps. The white spaces between the clumped zumelanin granules create a lightening effect. The less black pigment in the hair, the lighter the color of the cat.

Striped breeds of cats and cats: photos, description of character

Tabby cats are very common. This color is considered “wild type” and is called “tabby”. Cats of many breeds can be tabby. And for some, this color is the main one:

The Toyger is a cat with a brindle “striped” color, massive bones, a rounded thick tail and expressive, deep-set eyes. Looks like a small tiger. The breed has not yet fully formed.


  • playful
  • friendly
  • unpretentious
  • get along well with other residents
  • easy to train
  • don't require much attention


The Egyptian Mau is an ancient breed of cat. It has an unusual silver color with spots like a jaguar and clearly outlined eyes.

Character Traits:

  • extremely affectionate
  • loyal friends to their master
  • love to be the center of attention and often sit on a person's lap or shoulder
  • can walk with a collar on a leash, as they love long walks
  • very energetic and lively
  • run fast and have hunting qualities
  • jump up and down to express their joy
  • love to chat
  • get used to the tray quickly
  • cats often help the female during childbirth

Egyptian Mau

The Asian tabby is a representative of the Asian cat breed. Color can be in the form of rings, spots or stripes on the fur.

The nature:

  • calm
  • tolerant
  • friendly
  • quite smart
  • energetic
  • playful
  • practically do not cause any trouble to the owner

Asian tabby

The Sokoke is a Kenyan forest cat that resembles a cheetah with tufted ears. Able to change eye color depending on their mood.


These cats have the following traits:

  • independent
  • are playful and very energetic, so in an apartment it is necessary to allocate free space for active activities
  • swim well
  • gentle and very attached to the owner

Origin story

The smoky color of a cat's fur is possible only due to the manifestation of the Agouti gene. Geneticists call all gray cats this word. This gene can have dominant and recessive forms.

When the recessive gene manifests itself, the kitten is born with a solid, even color, and the dominant Agouti alternates dark and light stripes on the hair, resulting in a striped or spotted skin.

Basic information about the history of the origin of gray cats can be found in special books on genetics.


This is a large, strong, muscular cat, with a rounded head, small ears, large expressive eyes of yellow or copper color, and a pleasant, friendly expression on its cheeky face. The coat of the Chartreuse (exclusively blue) is short and very thick. Chartreux are naturally trained, calm, observant and affectionate. As a rule, they choose their favorite from the family, but find a common language with everyone.

This breed was bred on the basis of cats that appeared on the territory of France during the Middle Ages - it is generally believed that the Crusaders brought them with them. Their homeland is the mountains of Turkey and Iran with very harsh living conditions, which explains their extremely thick fur and excellent hunting skills. This is one of the oldest European cat breeds, the pride of French felinology, it was bred at the beginning of the last century.

Maine Coon

The Gulliver cat cannot be confused with any other breed. A long body, high strong legs, powerful paws, a luxurious tail, lynx tufts on the tips of the ears and, of course, an indescribable expression on the face, serious and good-natured at the same time. The Maine Coon's coat is not very thick, but it is quite long. Breed standards allow many colors. And there is no doubt that a blue Maine Coon (like any other) looks very stylish! These are smart, playful, sociable, but unobtrusive cats.

The Maine Coon is one of the most famous, recognizable and popular breeds bred by American breeders. However, selection, in the modern sense, began only in the middle of the last century. Meanwhile, evidence of the existence of these cats dates back to the middle of the 20th century: the first known Maine Coon made a splash at a country fair, striking the public with its impressive size and shaggy appearance.

American Curl

These animals were bred by pure chance. In 1981, in one of the American states, breeders selected a cat with unusual curling ears. Soon after this, she gave birth to two babies, who inherited her unusual appearance. It was these kittens that became the ancestors of the American Curls. This breed received official recognition in 1986 and quickly gained popularity among professional felinologists.

American Curls are cats with a strong body, straight limbs and well-developed muscles. On the proportional wedge-shaped head are elliptical eyes and high-set, backward-curved ears. The rectangular body of these animals is covered with short or semi-long hair. Among the representatives of this breed of gray cat with blue eyes, there are often individuals of other colors. But this is the most common color. As for character, American Curls are very inquisitive and playful. They have a natural sense of tact and innate accuracy. These good-natured, cute creatures get along well with other pets, including birds and small rodents.

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