Why is my toy terrier shaking? ______________ Toy Terriers

The Toy Terrier is perhaps one of the cutest and friendliest decorative dogs.

Being small in height and weight and being easy to care for, these affectionate dogs are very popular among pet lovers.

At the same time, this breed of dog is very sensitive and receptive to what is happening around it.

Often, for this reason, you can notice occasional trembling and lethargy in toy terriers, which, of course, can cause concern for a caring owner.

Let's look at why Toy Terriers may tremble and when to worry.

The pet is shaking. Any reason to worry?

When the dog is trembling, you need to watch it for a few minutes. Most often, the tremor goes away without consequences.

There are physiological and pathological causes of trembling in dogs. Impressive dogs of small decorative breeds begin to tremble for any reason, and after a few minutes they calm down. Age-related changes predispose to tremor.


A very excited puppy or one who can't wait to go for a walk or play games may be shaking with excitement - this applies to very active and intelligent dog breeds that are genuinely excited to explore, meet new dogs and people, and run around!

Again, certain breeds will sometimes shake or tremble when pointing at or concentrating on something very difficult, so this is something to keep in mind.

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Allergic reactions and poisoning

Typically, the easiest pattern to detect is one associated with a specific type of food or drug. Then, most likely, the dog is shaking due to an allergic reaction or poisoning. With allergies and intolerance to some substance, redness sometimes occurs. It is possible that the animal will try to scratch the place where it appeared. Poisoning can be accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, apathy and general weakness.

What to do? Of course, it is best to stop taking the product or medication if it causes discomfort and tremors. See if the situation improves if you eliminate what your dog's body cannot tolerate. If there is no change for the better, you should consult a veterinarian. For allergies, antihistamines are often prescribed.


Any scared or very anxious dog or puppy can shake, and again, some puppies are more prone and sensitive than others and therefore more likely to become nervous or fearful. Puppies go through a complex learning process during their first year of life, and they will have many firsts in terms of seeing, doing and handling new things - and some of them will probably be a little scary for them until they get to grips with everything. they'll get used to it.!

Even among adult dogs, some dogs will be more sensitive and prone to fear than others, which in turn can cause nervous tremors or fear.

What symptoms along with trembling should you contact a veterinarian for help?

Trembling (tremor) is a rapid, uncontrolled contraction of the muscles of the limbs or the entire body. The symptom is a consequence of the dog’s painful or emotional state. The cause of trembling may be natural, for example from cold.

Trembling is caused by:

  • failure of electrolyte balance in the body;
  • intoxication;
  • neurological disease;
  • allergy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • infection by parasites or viral infection;
  • stress;
  • injury;
  • a sharp decrease in calcium in puppy dogs;
  • overheat.

With an electrolyte imbalance in the body, the ratio of potassium and magnesium levels is disrupted; malnutrition and impaired functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys can provoke a malfunction. Characteristic symptoms are trembling, low blood pressure, pale mucous membranes, irregular pulse, elevated temperature - the dog tucks its tail and shakes as if frozen, convulsions are possible.

Intoxication is caused by spoiled or unsuitable food for dogs, ingested chemicals, insect bites, and snake bites. Tremors, difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, low or high temperature, copious saliva, and foam from the mouth appear. Diarrhea and vomiting with blood may occur. Coordination is impaired, mucous membranes change color - they turn blue or red.

Epilepsy provokes severe convulsions, the dog sticks out its tongue. Typical symptoms include restlessness, vomiting, difficulty breathing, trembling of the whole body, and fainting. The provocateurs of the disease are head injuries, exposure to an electric discharge, severe intoxication, and a hereditary predisposition to the disease is possible.

Trembling may occur together with typical allergic symptoms (inflammation of the skin, itching, discharge from the eyes, ears, nostrils, frequent bowel movements, etc.).

A lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) is manifested by trembling, weakness, rapid heart rate, rapid weight gain, skin diseases, excessive shedding, diarrhea or constipation.

Hypoglycemia causes diabetes; a decrease in glucose levels provokes trembling, weakness, loss of appetite, excessive salivation; in severe cases, convulsions, fainting, and paralysis are possible.

Trembling, along with other symptoms, is caused by infectious and viral diseases. The painful condition is often manifested by fever, stool disturbances, vomiting, and cough. Bladder infections and kidney disease cause frequent (sometimes unsuccessful) urges to go to the toilet, incontinence, and discoloration of urine. When infected with worms, frequent trembling appears, body weight decreases, digestion is disrupted, the stomach increases in volume, and the animal’s mouth smells unpleasant.

Trembling is characteristic of a nervous disorder, when experiencing stress, the dog begins to tremble, this is possible when the usual environment changes, the dog may be restless or apathetic, begins to whine, howl, refuse to eat or demonstrate an unhealthy appetite.

Trauma can lead to neurological pathologies, shock accompanied by trembling, increased breathing, cold extremities, and pale gums are possible.

Trembling in pregnant or whelping bitches is caused by eclampsia - a significant decrease in calcium, leading to a malfunction of nerve cells. The appearance of vomiting, high fever, and breathing problems indicate the need for urgent contact with a veterinarian. Until the mother's health is restored, the puppies are transferred to artificial feeding.

Overheating in dogs occurs in the summer; prolonged exposure to the sun risks heatstroke. A similar effect is possible in dogs left for a long time in closed cars when it is hot outside. In addition to trembling, dogs experience breathing problems and weakness.

Associated symptoms indicating a painful condition:

  • high or low body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • changed color of urine;
  • allergic reactions;
  • change in color of mucous membranes;
  • breathing problems;
  • change in behavior (aggression, apathy);
  • weakness, drowsiness, poor appetite, thirst;
  • lack of coordination;
  • loss of consciousness.

Any of the listed signs obliges the owner to pay close attention to the health of the pet and promptly contact a veterinarian.

Cold weather

Puppies exposed to the cold for long periods of time may suffer from hypothermia. Mild hypothermia occurs when your puppy's body temperature drops between 37°C and 32°C. If your puppy has mild hypothermia, it can be treated at home. Bring your puppy inside, dry him off, and place him in a warm place. Moderate hypothermia refers to a temperature between 32°C and 28°C. If your puppy has mild hypothermia, he will need more time to recover. Warm a towel or blanket in the clothes dryer and wrap it around your puppy. With severe hypothermia, the temperature is below 28°C.

Severe hypothermia requires emergency medical attention. Your puppy may pass out, stop shaking, and have an alarmingly slow heart rate. If this sounds like your puppy, seek emergency veterinary attention. During the car ride, you will need to dry your puppy and wrap him in warm blankets. Your veterinarian will gently warm your puppy by administering warm IV fluids, oxygen, and supportive heat therapy. Most dogs recover well from hypothermia, especially after veterinary treatment.

The dog is shaking. When to contact a veterinarian

Contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • In addition to trembling in the dog, you observe vomiting, apathy, refusal of food and water, diarrhea, shortness of breath
  • The dog has been trembling for more than two hours
  • Your pet has a fever

The veterinarian will conduct the necessary research, determine the cause of the dog’s tremors and prescribe treatment. Don't put off visiting the vet, hoping that your pet's tremors will go away on their own. Detection of systemic diseases at an early stage will help to cure the animal faster. We wish your pet good health!

Why is my puppy shaking so much?

Puppies shake for a variety of reasons, some normal (even healthy) and some potentially dangerous.
A shaking puppy can be a sign of happiness, coldness, active dreaming, or illness, and it's important to know what your puppy is experiencing. Understanding why your puppy is shaking will help provide the best care and ease any fears you may have. In this article, we'll look at some of the different reasons that can cause tremors in puppies and provide some guidance on identifying the cause if your pup is having a tremors episode. Read on to learn about the main reasons why your puppy shakes.

Parasitic diseases

Shivering in a dog can also be caused by parasitic organisms.

Among them:

  • Helminthic infestation is infection by helminths. Accompanied by shaking during defecation.
  • Dirofilariasis. When parasites enter an animal's body, they rush to the heart. The result is trembling, swelling, and a dry, frequent cough. The pet becomes apathetic.
  • Piroplasmosis is blood poisoning from a tick bite. Symptoms of the disease: heavy breathing, shaking, brown urine, loss of balance.

Infection of a pet's body with parasites is also sometimes accompanied by the appearance of trembling.

White Shaker Syndrome

White Shaker Syndrome (WSS) is a neurological condition that is most common in dogs with white coats. WSS is most common in West Highland White Terriers, Maltese Terriers, and Samoyeds. The disease occurs between the ages of 5 months and 3 years. Affected puppies exhibit unintentional and rhythmic muscle movements known as tremors. These severe tremors can affect your puppy's gait, causing a wobbly gait or excessive leg stretching. Uncontrollable eye movements and seizures may also occur. In general, tremors are aggravated by high levels of stress, arousal, and handling.

White Shaker syndrome is associated with mild inflammation of the nervous system. Your dog's cerebellum, which is responsible for fine control of movement, may also be affected. Apart from these findings, the cause of WSS is not yet clear. Early diagnosis is helpful in treating sick puppies. Your veterinarian may prescribe immunosuppressive corticosteroids or even diazepam (Valium) to reduce anxiety. In some cases, your puppy may need to remain on a low dose of corticosteroids for the rest of his life.

Injuries, vaccinations and post-operative period

Immediately after an injury and during the recovery period, trembling causes pain. Post-vaccination complications are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

When recovering from anesthesia, your pet will experience chills as the temperature drops below normal. Feverish phenomena are accompanied by muscular tremors. With spinal cord injuries, damage to the nervous system, contusions, certain parts of the body shake and paralysis of the limbs develops.

Viral diseases

Mostly unvaccinated puppies get sick. Bacterial microflora joins the causative agents of canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, and adenovirus.

Neurotoxic substances accumulate in the blood, causing convulsions, paresis, and muscle tremors. Additional symptoms indicate the infectious nature of the disease: diarrhea, vomiting, refusal to eat and drink.

Diseases and parasite infestations

After an ixodid tick attack, the dog develops a severe blood parasitic disease - babesiosis. Piroplasmas feed on red blood cells, causing symptoms of anemia. The waste products of protozoan parasites are poisonous, causing tremors, convulsions, diarrhea, and vomiting. Similar symptoms, but less pronounced, are recorded with severe infestation.


A decrease in blood sugar levels below normal is characterized by muscle tremors, loss of consciousness and falling into a coma.

Pathological symptoms develop for the following reasons:

  • insulin overdose when treating dogs with diabetes;
  • physical overload during hunting;
  • malignant neoplasm of the pancreas;
  • Juvenile hypoglycemia in adolescent toy breeds.

Fasting does not cause a drop in blood sugar: the body synthesizes glucose from fats and proteins in the body.

Allergic reaction

Additional signs indicate the allergic nature of the trembling: the animal itches, lacrimation develops, and rashes appear on the skin.

Diseases of internal organs

The following additional signs indicate internal non-communicable diseases:

  • weakness, lack of coordination - in cardiovascular pathologies;
  • unsteady gait is observed in hypothyroidism;
  • weakness of the paws occurs when there is an imbalance of calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals;
  • drooling and paroxysms raise suspicions of epilepsy;

When a pet is diagnosed with kidney or liver failure, muscle tremors appear during periods of exacerbation.


In case of an overdose of veterinary drugs, tubazide poisoning, the brain is affected and impulses between muscles and nerves are interrupted. The animal is trembling and drooling. After treating a dog to chocolate, anxiety, vomiting, spasms, and muscle tremors occur.


When a dog is locked in a car, a stuffy room, or is outside in hot, cloudy weather with no wind, there is a risk of heatstroke. Brain swelling develops, which is manifested by muscle tremors and convulsions.

Pain syndrome

Pain is not an independent disease, but a sign of an underlying pathology. The pet refuses to eat, drink, and tries to take a position in which the pain is relieved. Additional symptoms appear: vomiting, diarrhea, cough, pale or yellowing of the mucous membranes.

Older dogs and animals with congenital abnormalities develop joint disease. During exacerbations, severe pain occurs, which is accompanied by tremors.

The puppy is too cold

The first thing to think about if your puppy is shaking is, of course, is he getting enough warmth! Puppies are not as good at naturally regulating their body temperature as adult dogs, and especially when your puppy is first going outside and coping with the weather after only being used to a relatively constant temperature in the house, he may find the temperature a little cute.

Petite, skinny, short-haired puppies like Italian Greyhounds and Chihuahuas are especially sensitive to the cold, and it's also important to think about how your puppy will stay warm at night when he's alone in his bed.

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What to do if your dog is shaking

First, pay attention to the features of the tremor itself:

Features of trembling Diseases to which it indicates Rhythmic contraction or twitching of muscles occurs in local areas of the body: only the limbs, lower jaw, head tremble Indicates a nervous cause of the disease Large trembling, tail between legs, head down This is fear and stress. Under the tail are the anal glands that release the dog's scent. When they are covered with their tail, it is as if a person was hiding by covering his face with his hands. Large tremors, nasal discharge, lethargy, fever Signs of infectious diseases, disorders of internal organs Minor trembling, mouth closed Chills Periodically shaking and breathing quickly Heat stroke

Treatment for a shaking dog will vary depending on the underlying cause. If this:

  1. Cold. This means you need to warm the animal in a warm room. In the future, plan either short walks or buy clothes for the dog.
  2. Heatstroke. The animal should be taken to the shade, offered drinking water, and if necessary, wet its paws with water. This will help you cool down faster. If the heart rhythm is abnormal, an injection of Sulphocamphocaine is given. Dosage - 1 mg/kg for an animal weighing up to 40 kg and 2 mg for those larger.
  3. Fright. You need to calm your pet and provide a calm environment around. To relieve stress, you can give “Anti-stress” or “Stop-stress”.

If the trembling is not accompanied by other symptoms, then simply calm the dog down and you don’t need to do anything else.

Important! The frequency of tremors (how quickly a pet shakes) may decrease with age, but the severity of the patient's condition increases.

When to contact a veterinarian

A veterinarian is always needed if the cause is not clear, there are other symptoms of the disease, or the situation recurs. He will conduct diagnostics to determine what the animal is sick with and how to help it.

Disease Symptoms Treatment Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: unsteady gait; lameness; tremors in the limbs. Painkillers or analgesics are prescribed: Ricarfa, Rimadyl, Indomethacin, Piroxicam. Muscle weakness, trembling in the limbs; difficulty climbing stairs; frequent rest while walking. The disease has no cure. Maintenance therapy is carried out with the drugs “Physostigmine”, “Prozerin”, “Ezerin” to support muscle tissue. Corticosteroids Prednisolone or Methylprednisolone are prescribed to relieve inflammation in the muscles. Ligament damage, injuries, paw tremors, lameness, tightening of the paw. You may need surgery and fusion of bones or ligaments. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed as mandatory support. Viral and infectious diseases fever; lethargy; discharge from the eyes and nose; loss of appetite; tremors; cough. Antibiotics will be recommended if it is a bacterial infection. These are “Ceftriaxone”, “Tsiprovet” and others. If it’s viral, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs “Carprofen”, “Deracoxib”, etc. are prescribed. Additionally, medications are recommended to relieve symptoms: expectorants, isotonic solutions to combat dehydration. An attack of epilepsy; convulsions; loss of consciousness; spasm; muscle twitching; salivation. You will need medications to control seizures. This is Phenobarbital or Potassium Bromide. Poisoning: vomiting; diarrhea; blood in stool; lethargy; loss of appetite; excessive salivation; arrhythmia. If the poisoning occurred less than an hour ago, then you need to induce vomiting. To do this, prepare a saline solution (1 dl. salt per 250 ml of water). If more time has passed, then a sorbent is given to collect the unabsorbed poison and remove it from the body: “Activated carbon”, “Enterosgel”. Allergy: discharge from the eyes; rapid breathing; itching; swelling of the mucous membranes; sneezing. To relieve inflammation, you will need anti-inflammatory drugs - Simaldex, Rimadyl. To reduce itching - immune modulators "Salmozan", "Gamavit-forte" and corticosteroids "Prednisolone", "Metypred". Also, to relieve an allergic attack, sometimes you need the antihistamine drug “Diazolin”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”. Hypokalemia weakness; unusual gait; reluctance to walk or move; difficulty breathing. Intravenous injections of "Potassium Chloride" to stabilize the heartbeat and eliminate paralysis of the respiratory muscles. And then medications will be recommended that increase potassium levels, but are taken orally. Hypothyroidism; excess weight; hair loss; trembling; shortness of breath; vasoconstriction. Drugs are prescribed for life that will restore the level of missing hormones in the body. This could be Levothyroxine or L-thyroxine. An attack of hypoglycemia; muscle twitching; loss of appetite; trembling; uncoordinated movements. To relieve an attack, you need to give something sweet. For example, drink honey water or give cookies. You can rub glucose into your gums. If more intensive therapy is needed, the veterinarian will prescribe an intravenous infusion of an isotonic solution with concentrated dextrose to restore blood sugar levels. In the future, he needs to identify the root cause and begin to treat it.

Important! If a dog has severe tremors that do not respond to drug therapy, then a surgical solution may be offered. In this case, the patient is implanted with electrodes that will help transmit high-frequency electrical signals.

Each case of tremor is individual. Therefore, you need to identify the cause, get a prescription from a veterinarian and follow it. This will not only save your dog from unnecessary suffering or complications, but will also speed up recovery.

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Other causes of tremor.

  • hormonal surge. More common in males than females. If a male dog smells a female dog during heat, he becomes uncontrollable. Shakes, does not obey commands, whines.
  • change of climate zone. Acclimatization is needed not only for the human body. While the toy terrier gets used to different temperature conditions and air humidity levels, such an amount of adrenaline will enter his blood that it will be easy for you to hear a rapid heartbeat against the background of trembling.
  • motion sickness This is an individual feature that does not happen to all toys. But it happens. Therefore, to safely transport an animal in transport, give the dog a sedative.
  • dream. If your toy is active and excitable during daylight hours, he will continue to experience the same strong emotions during sleep.

Psychological aspects of tremor.

If we consider the Toy Terrier breed from a psychological point of view, amazing facts will be revealed. Small terriers are overly emotional dogs. Maybe this is a price for miniature? Easily excitable animals begin to shake from:

  • fear. Be prepared for the fact that your dog, although fearless in appearance, is afraid of almost everything. You can even cause fear in your four-legged friend if you suddenly turn on the light in the room. And what can we say about noisy guests, the roar of fireworks, the explosion of firecrackers during the New Year holidays. Loud delight, splashes of hands with which your friends express joy for the first time when they see your toy terrier, instantly instill panic in the dog’s soul. True, it is worth saying that such emotional outbursts only occur during the first meeting of a miniature dog with events, situations or people. As soon as the pet adapts to the environment, the perception becomes calm and the trembling disappears.

And that terrier is terribly afraid of punishment that he trembles like an aspen leaf. Well, of course, I went to the toilet as always on the tray, and then I “accidentally” relieved myself in the wrong place. He knows what he did was wrong, that's why he's shaking. As soon as you pick your dog up or speak to him in a familiar, gentle voice, notice that the trembling will immediately disappear. Because, in addition to hypersensitivity, the toy terrier has an amazing ability to manipulate its owners.

  • scared. Most often, toy terriers are afraid of large animals that they encounter while walking. Therefore, trembling is like an SOS cry. If you communicate at the dog park with owners of large dogs, then do not insist on quickly getting to know your pets; everything should happen gradually. Well, it’s better to walk with your own kind.
  • excitement. Anticipating the treat that he is about to receive, the toy terrier begins to worry, betraying himself by trembling. You can distinguish the excitement caused by a feeling of joy by the fact that in addition to trembling, the dog begins to dance.
  • lack of attention. Returning to the topic of manipulations characteristic of this breed, the Toy Terrier can deliberately tremble. A sharp reduction in the time of communication with pets is not in vain. The dog can even feign illness. And all so that your attention to him does not decrease.

Over time, you will learn to recognize the types of tremors in your toy terrier. And get used to the fact that your pet is a very vulnerable, sensitive, touching creature.


Epilepsy is a condition that causes repeated seizures. Seizures occur when abnormal electrical activity occurs in the brain. Focal seizures occur in one side of the brain. They cause facial twitching, head shaking, dilated pupils, and unexplained fearful behavior. On the other hand, generalized seizures affect both hemispheres of the brain. These seizures may be tonic, clonic, tonic-clonic, or myoclonic. In most common seizures, your puppy will lose consciousness and experience involuntary motor movements throughout the body. Not all seizures are related to a shaking puppy. Your puppy may also have non-convulsive atonic seizures, also called drop attacks. This results in a sudden loss of muscle tone, causing the puppy to become unconscious.

If your puppy has a seizure, remain calm. Most seizures are short-lived and your puppy most likely is not even aware of the seizures. Move furniture out of the way to avoid injuring your pet. Under no circumstances should you put any objects, including your hands, into your puppy's mouth. If you can, note the duration of the seizure and write down the symptoms to show your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may put your puppy on antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy for the rest of his life. These drugs include phenobarbital, potassium bromide, levetiracetam, and zonisamide. While an AED may not completely stop your puppy's seizures, most owners find that their puppies' seizures are reduced by 50 percent.


Hypomyelination is more commonly known as shaken puppy syndrome (SPS). SPS is an inherited defect that causes delayed myelination of nerves. Myelin is a substance that covers nerve cells. This is important for fine muscle control. At birth, puppies with SPS appear normal. The disease usually appears when puppies are one to two weeks old. Puppies with SPS exhibit tremors, especially in the hind legs. In more severe cases, affected puppies have difficulty feeding due to tremors.

Diagnosis involves ruling out all possible explanations. This may include CT scan, electromyography, MRI or myelography. The only way to truly confirm SPS is by microscopic examination of the puppy's spinal cord after death, if it occurs. There is no specific treatment for SPS. Fortunately, most puppies with SPS eventually recover by the age of one year. In milder cases, puppies may recover by three to four months of age. Despite recovery, most puppies with SPS will have mild tremors in their hind legs for the rest of their lives.

Disease indicator

The puppy may be shaky and lethargic. Puppies that have not yet had all their vaccinations sometimes begin to shake as a result of illness. Distemper is one of the most common causes caused by a virus. Because a puppy's ears are not fully formed at birth, they can be susceptible to ear infections, which can cause the puppy to shake not only his head, but his entire body. You may also notice that your puppy shakes after the injections. Just like people, puppies may shiver when they have a fever. Seizure disorders can also result in jerking and shaking.

Distemper in puppies

Canine distemper is a viral disease. Puppies between three and six months of age are especially vulnerable to distemper. Caused by a single-stranded RNA virus, canine distemper affects multiple body systems in puppies. It attacks the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, the spinal cord and even the brain. As a result, symptoms of this disease include runny nose, high fever, eye inflammation, difficulty breathing, vomiting and lethargy. CNS signs include muscle twitching, spasms, chewing, and circling. As the condition progresses, the attacks progress to grand mal convulsions. Puppies that survive this virus usually experience slight twitching or tics.


Before vomiting, some puppies become anxious and may tremble. If your puppy is vomiting and shaking due to emotional distress, he needs time to calm down. Your puppy may also experience nausea and tremors due to motion sickness, certain medications, or liver or kidney disease. Other signs of nausea in your puppy include lip smacking, swallowing, yawning, and drooling. When these signs of nausea appear, puppies almost always vomit.

Treatment for nausea in puppies depends on the cause. If you can't find the cause at home, it's best to take your puppy to the vet to diagnose any health problems. Conversely, nausea can also be caused by sudden changes in diet or stomach upset. This includes table scraps.

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