Do female dogs become more aggressive during heat?

Our animals always surprise us with their sometimes strange behavior. And just when we think we have already seen everything, surprise us... this is, for example, a case of bitches ascending another woman.

Just like all other animals, dogs are also guided by their instincts, even if they were domesticated by us humans. that's why we view some of their behavior as inappropriate. However, there is always a logical explanation for this.

Climbing is not just an act of mating, but also shows something about the health of the animal . In females it can be noticed that they are already mounting other females or things as puppies at less than 6 months of age.

However, this is not a cause for despair, this behavior is normal in the wild and we will tell you why.

When one female climbs on another female, it may be to a certain level of stress, fear or indicate their sexual maturity . However, the first step as a dog owner is always to accept this behavior. Bitches will sometimes climb on other females, and this is not a cause for concern.

Proper nutrition in the fight for balance

Thousands of male dogs were lost, sent to shelters and even euthanized, and suffered in the fight for territory due to the fact that the owner was unable to wean the dog from rushing at dogs and running after girls. Close attention is paid to raising a guy, but the desired result is in no hurry to please the owner? Perhaps it’s worth reconsidering the four-legged fidget’s menu. We often hear from zoologists: “A dog is a predator, its diet should consist of 60% meat products.” And this is true, but it is important to understand that the meat product is not muscle meat, but also the internal organs of animals. In addition, pets do not always get enough exercise. Many people walk only 1-2 hours a day! Where can they spend the energy produced by the body in excess? Often, simply reducing protein in the diet has a greater effect than education and training. Therefore, before labeling your boyfriend as a sex maniac, consult an experienced veterinarian or nutritionist to decide together which diet will be most suitable for your pet.

Strange relationships between male dogs

You also cannot conclude that a dog is infected with intestinal parasites just because it is nervous.

The main way to identify intestinal parasites is to detect them in vomit. It is impossible to see worms in feces with the naked eye, since worm eggs and only occasionally adult worms emerge from the intestines. In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Let's look at some ways of infection.

The most common types of intestinal parasites are flatworms such as tapeworms and roundworms such as roundworms. Flatworms are carried by fleas that dogs eat. The predilection of fleas to locate themselves more readily in the back of the body can also explain the dog’s attempts to grab its own tail. Intestinal parasites cause itching in dogs. The tapeworm lays eggs, which, when released in the stool, remain around the anus, which leads to itching. It is no coincidence that a veterinarian, when fighting fleas, always prescribes anthelmintics.

Ridding a dog of roundworms is more difficult, sometimes even impossible. Roundworms are carried in the intestines of rodents. How do indoor dogs that live in clean conditions catch the infection? The fact is that very rarely do domestic dogs actually become infected - most are born sick, picking up parasites in the mother's womb. Those who manage to be born without worms acquire them in the first weeks of life through mother's milk. Each puppy receives its own “reserve” of parasites, some of which later turn into adult worms capable of laying eggs in the intestines. Together with the feces, the eggs are absorbed by small rodents, and then end up in the stomachs of other dogs, whose prey this feces becomes. Most parasites are embedded in the dog's muscles, from where it is no longer possible to remove them.

In females, the processes are more complicated, and sex hormones are to blame. During the period of estrus, the larvae in the body wake up, and some of them grow into adult worms. During pregnancy, puppies become infected through the blood. Therefore, before mating, bitches are subjected to deworming, the purpose of which is to rid the puppies of the prospect of infection or at least reduce the consequences of infection.

The third common type of parasite in dogs is Trichomonas - the most insidious and harmful parasite that penetrates the wall of the colon, causing bleeding that can be detected in excrement. Trichomonas does not need the help of carriers; the dog itself becomes infected through dirt. This is a very hardy non-intestinal parasite and should be treated over several days at a time.

The earth is a source of infection with another type of intestinal parasite: hookworm, which, when penetrating the body, causes skin inflammation. The diagnosis is made by analyzing the dog's stool.

Remember to check your dog regularly and even if the answer is negative, do not refuse deworming.

When you see the utensils of a deceased person, you understand how stupid it is to start all this. Things and things, things and things, magazines and magazines - everything was left, and a lot was thrown out into the street - went into the trash.

The heirs took the most valuable things, but they didn’t take these letters. Letters with blurred words. From the woman I love. And only a curious, sad guy like me will stand next to an open bag of garbage and sort through this other people’s ashes.

And then they bring me trousers and jackets from one auction, left over from the dead, for free. And I think about them for a long time. Then I change it, of course.

Of all my flower pickings, I remember one thing vividly - in the Koktebel mountains.

Early in the morning I left right after the rain to collect wild tulips. I got to the right place in the clouds and only in the gaps in the clouds did I manage to fish flowers out of the thick, dark, wet grass. He didn’t calm down until he had a tight, fresh sheaf in his hands. Was happy. There is no one in all Fopax. And you can barely see the path five steps away. Devil's Finger is a rock, also in the fog, as if it never existed.

When he returned, his beloved was still sleeping. He put the tulips in the water - in many vases - and lay down next to his beloved. It started to rain again... And all this, alas, has already happened...

Happiness is the state when you can love the present. Not the past, not the future - but the present.

There are things that you cannot remember and cannot describe in such a way that others understand. For example, hunger, that incredible insight of hunger that you reach if you have been in need for months and are undernourished.

A flaming bowl of chicken soup turns into a circle of sunshine, and you remember it for years afterward.

What wonderful and bloody horrors appear in hunger. What kind of executions and tortures do you come up with for the rich and well-fed, when you encounter them on the streets, when in fur coats and wisps of steam they come out of the brightly lit doors of restaurants. And what a pleasure, indescribable for a man on the street, for a man with hungry eyes, if he manages to fuck a rich girl. Meet someone by chance somewhere and fuck. “I’m a plebeian,” you think, “lumpen, but I’m fucking you!” Just fuck and fuck!”

This is the highest sex if you have a woman higher than yourself, clean, well-fed, belonging to someone else. Now that I have already reached the age, I often want to fuck a well-groomed lady from high society who is beginning to gain weight, a respectable mother and the wife of some gray-haired idiot.

Fuck her roughly, without regard for her, in a common way, without unnecessary foreplay and caresses. Freud,

Freud, Old Sigmund - when that heavy ass appears from her fragrant rags, I forget everything you taught me, and only revenge, revenge and revenge: “I am not rightfully fucking their woman, their woman!”

They say black men experience this when they possess a white woman. I'm not black, but I experience it.

Hormonal imbalance

Often the cause of sexual hyperactivity is the body's excessive or insufficient production of one or another hormone. You can talk for a long time about the influence of hormones on the behavior of male dogs, but such an educational program will be of little help to the average person. But who can help is a veterinarian. If, despite all efforts to re-educate the fidget, a male dog marks at home, behaves aggressively towards other animals, loses appetite and peace when a girl is in the neighborhood - take a test to determine the level of hormones in the blood. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, gonads and other glands is not only behavioral problems, but also a serious threat to the dog’s health. It may be necessary to castrate a male dog - do not refuse the operation only for moral and ethical reasons. When a veterinarian recommends castration, it is no longer about your views on the issue, but about the duration and quality of life of a living creature.

Insufficient loads as a reason for fixating on “one point”

To survive, an ordinary dog ​​or wolf in its natural habitat is forced to:

  • spend up to 15 hours a day on the move;
  • defend territory in a fight;
  • stalk prey for a long time, hunting for food;
  • fight for the opportunity to produce offspring;
  • spend energy on protecting the young and raising offspring.

The domestic dog spends most of the day lying in a cozy bed. She does not need to hunt - the owner regularly supplies food. He is not given the opportunity to fight within the pack; there is no reason or the owners do not allow him to fight with his fellow tribesmen outside the walls of the house. But the body of a domestic dog is not much different from the body of, for example, a wolf - energy is produced taking into account the needs listed above. It is not surprising that many dogs that do not receive enough physical and emotional stress become hyperactive sexually. This is an outlet where the body “drains” excess strength that simply does not fit in the body of a dog that is forced to spend most of its time lying on the sofa. Therefore, for comfortable coexistence with an uncastrated male dog, you need to accustom yourself to go for walks every day: either long exercise on foot, or active games with the owner or fellow tribesmen.

How to stop a dog from mounting its owner and things

By allowing a male dog to mount the owner's arms/legs or pieces of furniture, toys, etc., we allow him to establish himself as the leader of the pack. Even an untied male should not satisfy his needs using human body parts or interior items, and for uncastrated boys this is completely unacceptable. Today the pet uses the pillow as a partner, and tomorrow the male marks corners, shows aggression towards animals and people, and becomes generally less obedient: “Why on earth would I obey these two-legged animals when I was able to win the place of the alpha male?”


I hid, went into secret. I'm studying. I’m sitting in the kitchen in a millionaire’s house - the servant’s friend and lover - whoever notices me there, waiting for my time, when my 1917 will break out. Until then, I’ll wash the rooms, sometimes I’ll touch up the door, screw in a screw, sew a skirt, change the trousers—I feed myself. The lord’s wife, a guest from London, complimented me yesterday: “What beautiful boots you have.” I wanted to say in response: “What an insignificant face you have. And your queen too,” but remained silent. I will not, I think, offend in vain. What does she know about me?

This lady’s friend or lover, a famous architect, passing through the kitchen for another drink, glanced at my hands and was delighted: “You have the hands of a creative person,” he said. At this point I couldn’t deny myself the pleasure and with cautious malice, understandable only to me, I said: “Maybe a destructive personality, who knows?”

So I walk among enemies, study, silently, quietly in a corner, I don’t open my mouth much, I listen more, I wait until I gain strength.

How to stop a dog from marking

Marking territory is a natural need of the entire canine tribe. For your pet, leaving a tag is the same as sending a letter. By the smell of urine, other dogs recognize the gender, age and health status of the dog that left the mark, its claims to territory, its desire to find a partner, and much more. Since marks are a means of communication, often our pets, when marking houses, try to convey something to us: “I’m bored, I’m sick, I want more attention, I’m stressed.” Only in a few cases are marks a consequence of sexual hyperactivity and a means to attract a partner. Therefore, when thinking about how to stop a dog from marking, do not go through the methods of training, but look for the reason for the unwanted behavior.

If a male dog marks corners, trying to attract attention, play and communicate with your pet more, talk to him more often. Let your dog know that he is loved and desired. If the marks are the result of insufficient exercise, increase the time spent outside the house. The boy will satisfy his need outside by marking the surrounding bushes and poles, and the furniture will remain intact (this is especially true for animals that relieve themselves in a litter box, since they are less likely to be taken for walks, forcing them to show their instincts indoors). If the marks are a consequence of any disease, only a veterinarian can help.

When it comes to improper training, it is important to explain to the dog that “spraying” at home is unacceptable! The main thing is to show your indignation directly at the moment of committing the “crime”. When you see that the male has raised his paw, go up to him and say in a threatening tone, looking into his eyes: “You can’t, you bad!” Then ignore the pet for about an hour, letting it know that you are unhappy and you are not interested in communicating with such a piglet. There is no need to rush towards the intruder, shouting threats and waving a slipper - this will only frighten the dog, which will run away in horror, not having time to figure out what actually happened. But on a walk, at the moment of “gushing” onto a pole or bush, you need to express approval: “Oh, well done, what a smart girl.” But you don’t need to overdo it, just casually note the correct behavior without reinforcing it with a treat, since your excessive enthusiasm can lead to unpleasant consequences - the pet will start marking at home, wanting to get a piece.


Traces of urine must be removed using a disinfectant (the male should not smell his own marks). If health is normal, the necessary amount of time has been devoted to upbringing, all approaches have been tried, but the problem could not be solved, temporarily “relocating” the guy to an enclosure will help. However, this option is only suitable if the marks are not really associated with lack of attention, stress, illness, etc. If there is a serious reason, punishment is ineffective and will even worsen the situation until the problem is fundamentally solved.

Dog cages - why do they do it?

One sunny warm day I watched a group of dogs frolicking in the park. Suddenly a woman's scream was heard, and then the tramp of human feet. It didn’t take long to look for the cause of the commotion; it was obvious: the dog had landed. People tend to interpret this kind of behavior unambiguously, but is it really so?

Dogs make landings on pillows and soft toys, the legs of people, dogs, cats and other animals - on many living and non-living objects in various situations. Each owner has a story about when his dog or his dog was mounted, and he always describes the context when it happened (guests arrived, played in the park, were at a competition). Most of these stories end with questions: “Why are they doing this? It's a game? Is this dominance? Is my dog ​​hypersexual?

Animal behavior researchers have a lot to say on this topic. When studying any behavior, we can turn to ethologist and Nobel Prize winner Niko Tinbergen for help. Tinbergen's Four Questions provide a reliable framework within which to understand why animals behave the way they do. Behavior does not fall from the sky onto the dog: bang, and voila! Ethologists have studied the behavior of dogs for a long time and noticed that cages, contrary to popular belief, relate not only to sexual behavior.

In the early 1970s, ethologist Marc Bekoff of the University of Colorado began studying the development of social behavior in dogs. Bekoff observed the interactions of young canids: 3-7 week old wolves, coyotes and dogs. In particular, in dog puppies, jumping, grasping, and pelvic movements first appeared in play, long before puberty. Dr. Sunil Kumar Pal of Katwu Bharati Bhaban in West Bengal, India, obtained similar results while studying the social behavior of young stray dogs. By 6 weeks, puppies of both sexes made cages during the romp. There are even breed differences: Bekoff observed cages in beagles at 27 days of age, while Dorit Feddersen-Petersen noted that bull terriers demonstrate this behavior as early as 18 days, and poodles only by 39 days.

Caging in puppy play is completely normal and natural. This does not mean at all that they are trying to have sex with other puppies, or that they are dominant. And if your puppy only mounts other males, this does not mean that he is gay.

“Yes, dogs do this. This is completely normal behavior,” says Carolyn Walsh, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at the University of Newfoundland who studies the nuances of dog behavior in dog parks. “Both males and females breed, regardless of whether they are intact or neutered.” After all, behavior is determined by more than just hormones.

Cages are a good example of how any behavior can have different motivations and should always be assessed in context. And that different concepts can lead to completely different interpretations of a dog's behavior.

From tail wagging to barking, dogs' behavior is imbued with nuance. A wagging tail can mean "I'm really scared" or "This is the best day of my life!" Like tail wagging, mating is a much more complex behavior than it may seem, and there is no one simple explanation. But there are several versions. Jean Donaldson explains sexual motivation for cages; other experts talk about the manifestation of dominance, biased activity, overexcitation or stress.

But why cages? Peter Bochelt, Ph.D., Certified Animal Behaviorist (CAAB) in New York City, reminds us that “dogs have many behaviors that are species-typical. This is what is inherent in them by nature and what they know how to do.”

Agitation, anxiety and stress

In most cases, mountings are associated with a surge of emotions, such as excitement or anxiety. Cages can be a response to frustration or stress, that is, represent a displaced activity, especially if they are directed towards people or objects. Stimuli can be in everyday situations: the arrival of a new person, meeting a new dog, or being alone at home for a long time. For example, a dog may mount a person simply because it is not sure how to interact with him. In this way the dog tries to relieve internal tension. A stressed state can be seen in a dog's body language and facial expressions.

However, people often unconsciously reinforce this behavior by paying too much attention to it, or even stimulating it in an attempt to calm the dog down. The best solution here would be to distract the dog at the moment when you notice that he is just about to mount. If the dog has already mounted, it must be removed without paying attention to it.

A dog may mount due to anxiety about punishment. For example, she may feel anxious about the scolding she received when her owners returned for going into the trash can a few hours earlier. The owner's anger is not clear to the dog, because... does not directly follow the “misconduct” behavior, but it is a source of anxiety, so a displaced behavior may be needed to relieve the anxiety.

Cages can be a projection of your stress. For example, when a dog sits on the leg of a mother-in-law who has come to visit. This is an example of how the dog reacts to your stress in this situation. Don't forget that dogs are very sensitive to our feelings and emotions. To prevent this unpleasant situation, take your dog to another room and offer him a treat-stuffed Kong toy.

Stress caused by worry and anxiety can turn into a compulsive disorder.

Play cages

Games for dogs are an important part of their social life. In them, dogs use many elements of behavior characteristic of other situations. For example, games often include elements of hunting behavior: tracking, stalking and attacking. In this case, the roles of the players often change. The same can be said about play cages, which can be used by participants in the process of communication.

In a recent study of dog behavior in parks, Carolyn Walsh and her student Lydia Ottenheimer Currier found that dogs do a lot of squatting during playtime. Walsh explains this by saying that “dog parks can be highly stimulating and arousing, so the behavior may occur more often. You observe sexual behavior, but it is devoid of context.”

What is a play cage? The dog places its head, paws or torso on the back of the playing partner, clasps it with its paws and can make movements with its pelvis, and this does not depend on the gender of the dog. Play cages can be done from behind, to the side, or even in front of the dog. Males tend to do them more often than females, and play cages usually do not involve erection and ejaculation.

In the case of friends, cages may refer to attention-seeking behavior to provoke interaction. As Becky Trisko, Ph.D., behaviorist and owner of Unleashed in Evanston, Illinois, explains, “For preferred play partners, cages can be a way of inviting play. The dog may make a playful bow, bark, and place a paw on the other dog. If the other dog does not respond to this, mounting may be one of the likely next steps.”

Social role

Trisko also suggested that cages may be about testing relationships. “Dogs may engage in potentially annoying behavior, such as mounting, to test the strength of the relationship. It's like saying, "What are you going to put up with?" or “How much do you really like me?” Thus, cages appear in affiliative, non-aggressive or status-related contexts, but act as a provocation.

At the same time, cages are not always associated with friendship. Aimee Moore, a certified trainer, of Dog's Best Friend Training in Madison, Wis., says, "I don't think there's one simple explanation, but in the case of unfamiliar dogs, or even owners, it can be quite rough or even associated with status."


Some owners attribute this behavior to dominance and a desire for control. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior defines dominance as “a relationship between animals based on the use of force/aggression and submission to determine who has priority access to resources such as food, resting place, and sexual partners.”

Indeed, dogs sometimes mount other dogs in order to establish or remind the other dog of its status. But this is not necessarily problematic behavior; if the other dog doesn't mind and allows him to be mounted, this is a normal form of social interaction.

It is important to study the situations in which this behavior occurs, as well as other interactions of its participants, to determine whether it is a gesture of dominance. Candidate of Biological Sciences and zoopsychologist Sofya Baskina describes the mounting of a male dog demonstrating superiority: “a male claiming a dominant position rests his chin on the withers of another male, then puts his paws on his back, makes a mounting on the opponent’s shoulder and makes movements with his pelvis, reminiscent of frictions during sexual mounting . With such a display of dominance, there is no erection, which is usual for sexual mounting.”

Botchelt says it can be a problem to label a dog that does crapping as "dominant." “If you perceive a dog as dominant because it mounts, you feel that you need to take steps to prevent the dog from being dominant over you, by preventing it from sniffing, running, and socializing with other dogs, or by using punishment or intimidation to stop the dog.” behaved decently." However, this may have negative consequences for your relationship."

As Botchelt, who has worked with canine behavior problems for over 30 years, notes, “Caging can be part of a range of behaviors associated with aggression, such as resource guarding, direct gaze, tense high stance, threatening and looming. But the cages themselves are not a sign of clarification of status.”

“Cages represent one type of behavior that has no specific meaning,” Bochelt and Bekoff explain. “This is complex behavior, and we cannot say that it means this and that always and everywhere. What we are learning about animal behavior tells us that we must be very careful in how we interpret it. Dogs don't always greet each other by sniffing the anogenital area, and they don't always spin around before lying down."

When can we still talk about sexual behavior?

Of course, male dogs mount bitches during the breeding season. However, sexual behavior in dogs is not limited to cages. The grooming ritual includes licking the lips, muzzle, eyes, ears, bowing, nuzzling, and licking the bitch's genitals and urinary marks.

Scott and Fuller provide evidence that incomplete pelvic thrusting was observed in puppies as early as 3-4 weeks of age. According to available data, 50% of males at the age of 5.5 months are already breeding. While the male dog has no sexual experience, a whole range of different stimuli can lead to sexual arousal: a new unusual smell or something shaped to be grasped with the front paws. Many experts believe that the function of this behavior is training for future sexual encounters.

Puberty in males occurs at the age of 6-12 months, while the level of testosterone in the blood increases. During this period, the male learns to distinguish a bitch in heat, and learns the entire range of sexual behavior characteristic of his species. However, generalization of the stimulus occurs only after several matings, and external stimuli are also imprinted: the situation, the presence of people and their help, etc. Some male dogs may subsequently refuse to breed a female dog in an unfamiliar environment or without the owner's help.

During the hunt, bitches can also mount males or other females themselves, especially if they are also in heat. Homosexuality in male dogs is not a common occurrence; in the vast majority of cases, same-sex matings occur due to the inexperience of both partners and the absence of relatives of the opposite sex. Castrated males can also make sexual intercourse, have an erection and ejaculate (in this case, the discharge will not contain sperm, but only the secretion of the glands).

Masturbation is also a normal behavior of all social mammals. This activity appears to be enjoyable, and may also be a way for young animals to learn about their own sexual responses. For this purpose, dogs most often use pillows or soft toys. Moreover, human thought (and the pet industry) has moved further by offering “sexy” toys to dogs.

People cages

In addition to the reasons listed above, cages can be an attempt to obsessively attract attention or a way to combat boredom. Coupled with bad manners, lack of attention and physical activity, this can become a real problem for owners.

Regarding the nature of human cages, expert opinions are divided. Yolanta Benal, a certified dog trainer from Brooklyn, believes that they have nothing to do with sexual behavior, citing stress and excitement as the main causes. Sofia Baskina suggests that “dogs are able to direct sexual behavior towards a person because they imprint the owner at an early age along with other living creatures from their environment: dogs, cats, etc.”, since “a male dog usually starts by licking his hands , captures them in his mouth, biting lightly, then his movements become more active and purposeful, and he makes a landing.”

Some people themselves allow their dogs to perch, even encourage it, for example, in the USA there is the competition “The Humpy Awards”:

Other reasons

Some diseases and disorders can affect the behavior of dogs. In the case of cages, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, priapism (persistent, often painful erection), changes in hormonal status, allergies and dermatitis should be excluded. Dogs with these pathologies may spend a lot of time licking their genitals and mating. If you notice that your dog has started to behave this way or do it more often than usual, you should consult a veterinarian.

What to do?

Among owners, you can often hear “I’m very ashamed of him for doing cages,” “I feel like I’m being judged for this and I need to stop this behavior of his.” These feelings are understandable because for many, a dog is a family member and best friend. But dogs are dogs, and they behave like dogs; our moral standards are alien to them.

People react to this in very different ways: they punish their dogs, scream, apologize and take their dog away. “I think shame is misplaced here,” Walsh notes, “given that cratering is part of a dog’s normal repertoire of behavior.” “To understand why it happens, become an observer: take a pen and paper and write down everything that happens before and after the landing,” Bekoff advises. This will help you determine when the behavior is unwanted and when it's just fun.

If the dog sits rarely (no more than 1-2 times a day) and it does not interfere with you, other people or dogs, such behavior does not need to be corrected. If it bothers you, try distracting the dog. You can get her attention before she mounts. After watching your dog for a little while, you will notice the telltale signs that it may mount: the dog is chasing, licking someone or something, panting or whining, putting its paws or head on the dog or person. In this case, distract the dog with a toy or ask him to perform a command that he knows well. It makes sense to introduce a voice marker “no” or “ugh” to prevent this behavior.

When the cause of stress is stress, it is necessary to determine its source. Consider what you can do to reduce its effects. If you can't reduce stress, you can manage the situation to help your dog. Trainers and animal psychologists can use desensitization (reducing sensitivity) and counterconditioning (replacing negative reactions with positive ones) to help cope with a problem, for example, in the case of a dog who begins to crouch after the arrival of a newborn baby.

Training and interaction with the owner can help a cage-loving dog develop friendly relationships with dogs and people. Moore offers a variety of teaching methods. “I will work on obedience so that I can get my dog's attention when he starts focusing on another dog. I will also work on calling - letting her greet and sniff another dog, and then calling him and reinforcing that behavior. This way you can catch her before she starts to jump.” Cages are also often associated with high levels of arousal, so Moore recommends using relaxation protocols or training in alternative behaviors.

It is better to remove or throw away objects on which the dog sits, otherwise over time the pet may begin to defend them, especially if he tends to guard his food or favorite toys. In addition, they maintain the habit of such behavior.

Time-outs can be useful to deal with bullying. If the dog tries to mount, say “no!” and take her to another room for 1-3 minutes. (Make sure your dog has no toys or other things to keep him occupied.) When the time-out is over, release your dog and act as if nothing happened. It may take several repetitions for the dog to understand the connection between the time-out and his behavior.

Active walks and exercise are recommended for dogs who mount due to boredom and excess pent-up energy, but may aggravate the problem if it is caused by stress or extreme excitement when meeting other dogs and people.

Some experts recommend neutering male dogs that tend to breed frequently. However, castration does not always solve the cage problem. According to Laurie Bergman, castration reduces the frequency of mating by 50% in 70% of cases, regardless of the age at which the operation is performed. In this context, life experience is important - the later a male dog exhibiting similar behavior is castrated, the more important the acquired habit is compared to the effect of hormones. Hormonal factors contribute to the accumulation of experience that accelerates the formation of skills of this kind, but, after a certain point, they become much less important than habits acquired in this way.

Sometimes you can just let your dog relieve stress in this way. The process of making such a decision must include consideration of three questions: Is she harming herself? Is she causing conflict with the other dog? Is this situation unacceptable for people? If in all three cases the answer is “no”, then it is quite possible to allow the dog to mount. Dogs have the right to relieve stress on their own (remember, this has nothing to do with sex!). Imagine if someone told you when you've had a really hard day that you can't eat chocolate or drink wine! So why don't you give your dog this opportunity?


  1. H*MPING. Why do they do it? — Julie Hecht
  2. Why Does My Dog Hump Everything?
  3. Mounting and Masturbation
  4. Canine Mounting: An Overview - Laurie Bergman
  5. Why Dogs Hump? There isn't a single reason behind this normal behavior — Marc Bekoff
  6. What to Do About Your Humping Dog – Jolanta Benal
  7. Indecent behavior - Sofia Baskina
  8. K. Overall Clinical methods for correcting the behavior of dogs and cats. M., Sofion - 2005.
  9. Mechtild Kaufer Canine Play Behavior. The Science of Dogs at Play. Dogwise Publishing, 2013.

This article is on the Zooinform portal.

See also:

  • The sad truth about dogs and depression
  • When the nose doesn't know: how health, living conditions, training and microbiota affect a dog's sense of smell
  • Jaws of Death: How Predator Fangs Evolved
  • Are dog nose prints really unique?
  • Old dogs and new research
  • How did a T. rex make your dog colorblind?
  • A dog's eye on optical illusions
  • To cut or not to cut: what do we know about the properties of fur and thermoregulation in dogs
  • How to evaluate a dog's intelligence?
  • Dogs shouldn't be afraid of fireworks
  • 74
  • 57
  • 17

How to stop a dog from lunging at dogs?

Aggression directed at fellow dogs is not always the result of a male dog’s sexual activity. The desire to measure strength with everyone you meet can be a consequence of:

  • fear, excessive nervousness (up to serious phobias that require treatment under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian and dog handler);
  • insufficient social adaptation;
  • improper behavior of the owner when a strange dog approaches;
  • defending territory;
  • insufficient physical activity.

It follows from this that it is quite difficult to stop a dog from throwing itself at dogs. Or rather, it is difficult to determine the reason, and without knowing the motivations, teaching a bully to remain calm when he sees his fellow tribesmen is very difficult. However, there are several general recommendations that will improve the situation:

  • at the moment when you approach a strange dog, behave as calmly and naturally as possible;
  • watch your pet, talk to him affectionately until the second when he starts barking, growling or rushing at someone else’s dog. As soon as this happens, tell the dog in a mocking (but not affectionate, not praising!) tone: “Well, you’re a fool! Such a grown boy, and yet you behave so badly!” and so on. Don't yell at the dog. By raising your voice, you aggravate the situation - the bully may decide that you are supporting him, along with him, as a real pack, attacking a stranger. Or he will think that you are unhappy with his insufficiently active actions, your cry will sound like: “Come on! Atu, Atu! You're trying hard! Be meaner!”;
  • your pet should be standing on all fours. Do not pull the leash towards yourself, forcing the dog to lean on its hind legs, becoming taller, visually increasing in height - this is how you force him to take a fighting pose, to be even more aggressive;
  • Don’t constantly tug on the leash, trying to reason with the aggressor. This is how you cause pain to the dog by pressing the collar on the throat. The bully connects pain with the sight of someone else's dog, an unwanted connection is formed: “I see a dog, now I will certainly be hurt. We must attack first, because a peaceful resolution to the situation is still not in sight.”

“Indecent behavior”: jumping on, mounting, imitation of copulation, masturbation

Imitation of copulation, or jumping and mounting on relatives, and especially on people, other animals or inanimate objects, is regarded by most of us as unacceptable, socially unacceptable behavior that causes a feeling of awkwardness. Meanwhile, there is probably no owner who could say: “My dog ​​never does THIS!” The cages are shown by dogs of both sexes (although most often males), both neutered and intact.

Owners tend to explain the “indecent behavior” of their pets by hypersexuality and increased levels of sex hormones during puberty, however, as a rule, we hear a categorical diagnosis: “dominance.” Is it so?

In fact, cages are a component of normal, natural sexual behavior for dogs, which has quite a lot of motivations and is often determined by several factors at once.

1.Sexual motivation . Usually associated with the onset of puberty and stimulated by the hormonal status of the animal and the sexual odors surrounding it. It is typical for sexually mature males (especially in the presence of the smell of a bitch in heat or in the absence of sexual intercourse for a long time) and for females in heat (they mount and imitate copulation with dogs of both sexes, with other animals and with inanimate objects).
2.A game . Games provide the basis for many behaviors. In essence, puppy games are preparation and training for various situations in “real” life. Game tracking, pursuit and attack are hunting and obtaining food; biting, fussing and pinning to the ground - this is a fight, a struggle for resources; mating and simulated mating are sexual behaviors that are the most important for an animal from an evolutionary point of view. For puppies, “sexy” games with peers and adult dogs are vital, as they teach correct sexual behavior. Insufficient socialization of the puppy and deprivation of the opportunity to exhibit playful sexual behavior in the period before the onset of puberty creates conditions for inappropriate sexual behavior in the dog in the future. Dogs that are prohibited from play cages and even punished for this will not be able to communicate correctly with relatives of the opposite sex; breeding animals may have problems during mating.
3.Status . Contrary to popular belief, dogs almost never use crates to enhance or demonstrate status. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, “sexual harassment” of our pets has nothing to do with building hierarchical relationships. It would be strange to look for signs of status aspirations in the behavior of a dog that “dominates” its owner’s leg, a cat, a teddy bear, or a neighbor’s dachshund with equal zeal. Socially conditioned cages are indeed possible among dogs living in the same household, and they can become a real problem if there is insufficient control on the part of the owner if they are shown too often and are accompanied by aggression.
4.Stress , anxiety. Many dogs with high levels of anxiety easily move into a state of arousal, which, in turn, is resolved by mounting with imitation of copulation (the so-called replacement, or redirected behavior). A dog experiencing fear or internal conflict may scratch, lick, sniff, dig... or imitate sexual behavior to relieve tension. With this motivation, objects that carry the owner’s scent (clothing, pillow, towel) often become the object.
5.Excess energy , excitement . When a dog's emotions reach the highest level, it is necessary to find a way out for them. Some dogs express their delight by running around in circles at breakneck speed, others bark, and others imitate copulation. Insufficient physical activity and lack of external stimuli can also result in uncontrolled sex and masturbation.
6.Inadequate imprinting (the so-called “imprinting” - strengthening the animal’s memory in a certain, very short, early period of life).

How to train a male dog not to react to bitches ready for mating?

A male who does not know what mating is loses interest in active females at about the age of 3-4 years. The boy becomes completely domestic, affectionate, sexual activity gradually fades away, giving way to a strong attachment to a person. But before this age, it is important to prevent a casual relationship, since, having got involved once, a guy will remember for the rest of his life what girls are for. So, the first thing that needs to be done is to teach the dog the “Come to me!” command, which must always be performed, under any circumstances and in any conditions. This is extremely important! A huge number of male dogs get lost and die, following the trail of a bitch ready for mating, ignoring the owner’s commands.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the guy’s behavior when meeting a girl in heat. It is hardly worthwhile to completely exclude such communication - the forbidden fruit is sweet for dogs too. Let the guy know that such girls sometimes come across on the way, but they are no more interesting than other dogs. When you meet a lady on a walk, let the guy sniff her to satisfy his curiosity. But when he tries to mount, act as written above - throw him off the bitch and say “No”, looking intently straight into the eyes. Since the boy does not yet know why this delicious-smelling dog is actually needed, he will be afraid to anger his “leader” and will give up trying to jump on the bitch. Be carefull! Don't be distracted for a second, as especially smart boys need only a few seconds to enter adulthood. It is absolutely impossible to scold for attempts to cage males who are planned to be used for breeding in the future. Such boys can only be walked on leashes, completely eliminating contact with ready-made bitches (except for the moment of planned mating, of course).


Unfortunately, if the dog is already untied, any reaction you make will most likely go unnoticed. Untied male dogs, especially decorative breeds, simply “switch off their brains” at the sight of a ready-made bitch - in such a situation, you can only take the guy in your arms and leave.

A warm heart beats for good only together with a cool head. Please do not attribute feelings to dogs that they do not experience. Don't humanize your pets. Act based on their interests, without being led by your own emotions and principles. Only then will you be able to become the best owner for your four-legged friend, who will live a long and carefree life.

When should you visit the vet?

Every owner should closely monitor the health of his bitch and, in particular, her behavior during estrus. If certain circumstances occur and certain uncharacteristic symptoms are identified, the animal must be shown to a doctor. In particular, there is no need to postpone a visit to the veterinarian if:

  1. A female dog's estrus is irregular or occurs systematically at intervals of 3-4 months, or the interval between it is 9 months or more - this may indicate problems with the animal's health, the development of tumors, or a hormonal imbalance.
  2. The very first heat occurred before 6-7 months or later than a year and a half, and its duration was less than 10-12 days or more than a month.

Important conditions of detention during this period are:

  • keeping the bitch in a warm room, dry and without drafts;
  • reduce the duration of walks in the cold season or in rainy times when it snows;
  • do not allow the animal to sit or lie for a long time on damp ground or a wet and damp floor - this can provoke an inflammatory process in the uterus and, as a result, the development of complications, including infertility.

How to wean a decorative dog from “loving” its owner’s foot?

One of the negative properties of male dogs (including male dogs of decorative breeds) is their desire to imitate sexual intercourse by “landing” on various objects, for example, soft toys or the owner’s leg.

Most dog owners and veterinarians do not consider something as lewd as masturbation with an object to be a problem. However, some difficulties still exist, and, as a rule, they are not at all related to the dog’s sexual health.

Firstly, some owners are simply not happy that their pet's sexual acts become a spectacle for children.

Secondly, such sexual behavior is often characteristic of male dogs who begin to dominate. By jumping on the owner or objects, the dog tries to demonstrate its dominance.

Thirdly, frequent imitation of sexual acts may indicate that the animal relieves stress in this way.

If you are annoyed by your male dog's desire to masturbate with your help, we can recommend using several ways to wean him from pestering his owner's leg or hand.

1. Try the splatter method. As soon as your dog, having played too much, begins to jump on you, spray water in his face with the command “No!” or “Ugh!”

2. If the “sprinkler” doesn’t help, then if they try to “rape” you, move the animal away and immediately stop playing with it, and generally interrupt any communication. If you do this several times, the dog will very quickly understand that it is necessary to behave this way, because communication with the owner for him is an important manifestation of the communicative principle in the pack.

3. If your pet has a desire to show his “love” for another person or animal, then it is necessary to practice prohibiting commands. The command “No!” or “Ugh!” must be applied as soon as you notice the dog’s desire to display obscene behavior. Be sure to reward your dog with a treat as soon as he follows the command.

Rules of conduct for the owner during a bitch's heat

At the very beginning, it is worth monitoring the behavior of the pet itself. If before the heat you walked the animal without a leash, then it is not recommended to do this during this period, since unwanted landing of the male and fertilization is possible. Along with this, it is not recommended to take an unfertilized, as dog breeders say, uncovered bitch during the period of heat to exhibitions and any competitions.

If an event is planned and participation in it is mandatory, and the bitch is not pregnant, the owner should use special cosmetics that help neutralize the smell of a dog in heat. But even in this case, you should not leave your pet outside unattended.

During estrus, you should not let your dog swim in rivers and lakes - the purity of the water in them leaves much to be desired, and the animal’s genital tract is maximally open during this period and it is very likely to catch an infection at this moment. Also, you should not let the animal lie for a long time on a wet and cold surface during estrus - this can also cause a cold, which is very undesirable.

The biggest inconvenience during estrus for many owners is caused by bloody discharge - for some it may be insignificant and quite light, for others it is more abundant and bright.

Of course, the bitch licks her loop, but this is not enough to avoid leaving marks on the floor and furniture. In such a situation, veterinarians recommend putting special underpants on the dog - hygienic and comfortable ones, they are sold in many pet stores or veterinary clinics. The main thing is to choose the appropriate size. In addition to hygiene, such panties can protect the bitch when walking on the street from unwanted males and, accordingly, mating and pregnancy.

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