Dachshunds are in heat - when does it start, how long does it last, what to do during this period, caring for the dog on heat days

Every owner of a female dachshund should understand even at the stage of choosing a pet that very soon his dog will turn from a funny clumsy baby into an elegant young “lady”.

Of course, the process of a pet growing up cannot but please a caring owner.

But along with a feeling of pride, every female dachshund owner also experiences excitement. After all, the time of the first heat is approaching, indicating that the dog has become quite an adult.

How to avoid mistakes and what should you do during a dachshund's heat? When does it start and how long does it last?

Stages of heat

Despite the fact that the period of sexual hunting occurs for each taxi driver according to an individual scenario, the whole process is divided into four stages or phases:

  1. The first stage is proestrus. During this period, it is not yet possible to breed a girl.
  2. The second is estrus. The optimal moment to breed a dachshund. But it is better to loop the dog not in the first, but in the third or subsequent sexual heats. The fact is that during the first emptying, the dog is not yet fully ready for pregnancy and childbirth. There is a high risk of complications, including fatal ones. During the first estrus in a dachshund's life, it is important to surround her with attention, often treat her with “snacks” and caress her.
  3. The third is metestrus. Knitting during this period is almost pointless, since the percentage of successful conception is minimal.
  4. The fourth is anestrus. The last stage, which is characterized by the complete disappearance of previously occurring symptoms.

Some tips for male dog owners

To properly breed a purebred dog, it is important to know not only about the female, but also about the male. Stud dogs are divided into several types: experienced, moderate temperament, difficult to breed, uninterested.

It is very important for further breeding activities to properly untie, and for this it is necessary to select a non-aggressive bitch, preferably an experienced one. Mating should be done on the dog’s territory so that he feels confident .

When a person chooses a pet, he pays attention to the breed in accordance with his taste. Small, loyal and friendly dachshunds have captured many human hearts. This breed is easy to breed and care for, but the owner needs to know the dog's characteristics.

When does a dachshund's first heat start?

The dachshund's first heat occurs at the age of eight months. But a slightly earlier (at 7 months) or later (at 14-15 months) onset of sexual heat is also not a deviation from the norm. If this happens too early or, conversely, too late, you need to visit a veterinarian. He will examine the dog and rule out or confirm the presence of one or another pathology.

The timing of the first “critical days” for a dachshund depends on:

  • heredity;
  • growing and maintenance conditions;
  • diet;
  • transferred diseases.

Preparing a dachshund for breeding

Before breeding a dog, you should consult with a specialist. When planning to breed, the dachshund must be prepared.

Depending on your health status, your veterinarian may recommend:

  1. Vitamin therapy.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Moderate physical activity.

If the owner plans to breed, treatment for fleas, ticks, worms and vaccinations are carried out about a month before the onset of estrus.

Signs of pregnancy

Fertilization in dogs does not occur immediately. Usually 2-3 matings are required. Pregnancy in a dachshund can be determined by certain signs:

  1. There are no external changes for the first 25–30 days. Only some minor “deviations” from the norm are possible - changes in taste preferences or emotional state.
  2. At 35 days you can show the dog to the veterinarian. A specialist can use palpation to determine whether the dog is pregnant.
  3. At the same time, the dachshund’s nipples begin to enlarge and the belly becomes rounder. The skin on the abdomen becomes lighter.
  4. By 5 weeks, the dog may begin to suffer from toxicosis - vomiting, loose stools, whims in food.
  5. By 40 days, discharge may appear from the vulva. If they are bloody or have a musty smell, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Important! During the first or small pregnancy, the dachshund may not have a strongly rounded abdomen.

Signs of false pregnancy

It happens that an animal shows signs of pregnancy, but in fact fertilization has not occurred. In this case, we can talk about a false pregnancy in a dachshund.

The condition occurs due to an imbalance of hormones. They are produced during estrus and prepare the animal’s body for labor.

False pregnancy begins 40–45 days after estrus. A dachshund owner may notice the following symptoms in a dog:

  1. Lethargic state of the animal, attempts to remain alone.
  2. Refusal to eat or increased appetite.
  3. The dachshund stops obeying and shows aggression.
  4. Mood swings. A dog can play happily and suddenly immediately give up on entertainment and become sad.
  5. Swelling of the nipples, secretion of milk from them.

False pregnancy lasts from 8 to 12 weeks. Usually this condition is not dangerous to health, and nothing needs to be done, you just need to understand and care for the dachshund.

However, if after 2 months the signs of pregnancy do not go away, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. It may be necessary to introduce special medications.

Important! If breeding offspring is not planned, then in case of repeated cases of false pregnancy, it is better to sterilize the dog.

Main symptoms in a bitch

The main symptom of estrus in dachshunds is bloody discharge, which later changes color to yellowish or colorless.

Frequent symptoms and duration of each stage of estrus in a taxi dog:

  1. Proestrus. Initial symptoms of proestrus: bloody discharge from the dog's loop, decreased interest in male dogs. After just a couple of days, the female’s behavior changes in the opposite direction: there is less blood in the discharge, and interest in male dogs increases. It lasts from 1 to 9 days.
  2. Estrus. Duration – 14 days or less. Symptoms of estrus are a change in the color of the discharge (they become yellowish or colorless), a slight downward movement of the loop.
  3. Metestrus. At this stage, the swelling of the loop subsides, and the abundance of discharge also decreases.
  4. Anestrus. Complete disappearance of symptoms.

How does the cycle work?

The estrus cycle consists of several stages.

Proestrus takes eight to nine days. The discharge begins to become more active, the dog begins to lick itself, and experiences an increased urge to urinate. The appetite improves, the mood is positive, the bitch becomes more playful and affectionate towards the person, and strives to spend more time in the company of the owner. At this time she is especially intrusive. You need to walk your pet - the craving for freedom makes you want to run away. The dachshund may break loose from the reins and not be picked up. The female does not allow males to approach and responds to attempts at contact with aggression.

Behavior changes during the estrus stage. The period begins on the ninth day of the cycle and lasts about eight days. In the middle of estrus, ovulation occurs. Matings are carried out at this time, only at this time pregnancy is possible. Behavior becomes less aggressive, the bitch attracts male dogs, allows them to make contact, and favorably accepts advances. During estrus, the female releases pheromones that attract males and provoke the onset of estrus in other females.

By the end of the third week of the cycle, metestrus occurs. During this period, the animal stops allowing males to approach, and aggressive behavior returns. The period lasts a couple of months, after which it passes into anestrus. For six months the animal behaves calmly.

Reasons for absence or delay

The reasons for the complete absence of “critical days” in a dachshund or delay may be the following factors:

  • unsuitable conditions for keeping the taxi;
  • inadequate diet, significant errors in nutrition;
  • hormonal imbalances in the dog’s body;
  • congenital pathologies leading to dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • benign or malignant formation in the pelvic area, on the ovaries.
  • inflammation in the uterus.

All of these factors can provoke a delay in the “critical days” of a dachshund. With timely contact with a veterinarian and a full diagnosis, the problem can be quickly resolved.

What to do when a female dog is on her period?

Dachshund menstruation is the period when you can find out the degree of obedience of your dog. Now most of the basic commands will have to be executed. For example, if a taxi girl does not obey the command “Come to me!” and runs away from the owner during a walk, then she will cause a lot of problems.

Of course, commands alone cannot suppress a dog’s reproductive instinct. Veterinarians recommend special sprays that are sprayed onto the female’s loop. This drowns out the aroma that drives the male dogs and the girl herself crazy.

When walking, it is very important to remove the dachshund from the male dogs in a timely manner. Moreover, every second counts: during the period of sexual heat, dachshunds are in an excited state and can easily break off the leash. If a dachshund walks without owner supervision, it will cause a lot of problems.

There are also special hormonal pills and injections with hormones that prevent a dog from becoming pregnant. But before giving your dog such drugs, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.

How is pregnancy progressing?

The development of pregnancy follows a certain scenario:

  1. From the 1st to the 4th day after mating, fertilization occurs.
  2. From the 5th to the 11th day, the egg descends into the uterine cavity.
  3. From the 12th to the 14th day, the egg cell attaches.
  4. On the 15th day, the size of the embryos reaches 1 mm.
  5. From the 17th day, the formation of the central nervous system, head, spine, and torso occurs.
  6. At 18–19 days, the embryo reaches 4 mm, its internal organs are formed.
  7. On the 20th–21st day, the placenta begins to form, the embryo grows to 5 mm.
  8. From the 22nd to the 24th day, the organs of hearing and vision, jaws, and liver are formed. The embryo increases to 1 cm.
  9. From the 25th to the 29th day, puppies begin to develop limbs and teeth. They reach 1.5 cm.
  10. On the 31st day, the puppies grow their first hairs.
  11. At 33 days, the embryos reach 2.7 cm.
  12. By the 40th day, the size of future babies reaches 6.5 cm, and the formation of organs ends.
  13. By the 47th day, the fruits grow to 9 cm.
  14. By the 51st day, colostrum begins to be released from the dachshund's nipples.
  15. From the 58th day, the female begins to prepare for childbirth.
  16. On the 63rd–65th day, the dog’s body temperature drops, the expectant mother refuses to eat, and she is ready to give birth.

How long does pregnancy last

Dachshund pregnancy lasts on average 60 days. Viable puppies can be born between 53 and 71 days.

How many puppies do dachshunds give birth to?

The Dachshund is a fairly prolific breed. Each female can give birth to up to 12 puppies. The weight of each baby is 180–250 g.

On what day can you breed a dachshund girl?

The optimal mating time for a dachshund is 12-14 days from the start of heat. This indicator is rather indicative, because the mating period for each dachshund must be determined individually.

You can find out when a female is ready for mating by the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the loop becomes yellowish or colorless;
  • the loop becomes soft;
  • the girl changes her attitude towards male dogs. That is, she no longer snaps, but, on the contrary, allows them to approach her;
  • when the loop is touched, the female stands in a characteristic pose and moves her tail to the side. The same thing is observed if the owner puts his hand on the dog’s rump.

First stage

During the second period, the amount of discharge decreases and its color changes to brown.

The bitch begins to lift her tail up and move it to the side, indicating that she is ready for mating. The owner’s oversight and inattention may later cost him a new addition to the family.

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Caring for a dog during critical days

When a dachshund is in heat, it can leave bloody spots on furniture, carpets and other things in the apartment. Therefore, diapers or absorbent panties are sold in veterinary stores or pharmacies especially for dogs in heat. You can sew these panties yourself. It is necessary that the diapers fit snugly on the dog, but do not squeeze or restrict its movement.

Starting from the fifth day of estrus, the owner needs to carefully monitor the dog, preventing it from escaping. During a sexual hunt, a dachshund can easily run away from its owner and go in search of a male. Therefore, taxi dogs living in a private house need even more careful supervision.

When taking a taxi dog in heat for a walk, you must not let him off the leash and allow the female to come into contact with the male. Even if the dog has already been mated to a male, you cannot stop monitoring it. She may re-mate with an unsuitable male, resulting in the culling of future offspring.

In addition, vaccination and treatment of the dog against endo- and ectoparasites must be completed before its “critical days” begin.

Main features

The main sign that a dog has begun to have a dog is the appearance of bloody discharge, which over time changes its color to a lighter and yellowish color.

In addition, the onset of estrus is also indicated by the fact that the dog behaves differently than usual. Previously affectionate bitches may begin to snap at their owner, become stubborn and disobey. And the previously reserved and serious “young ladies” suddenly become unusually playful and fawn over their owner.

The dachshund's appetite also changes. Often dogs that were previously not known for their lack of appetite begin to refuse food or eat, but reluctantly. The opposite is also possible - the dachshund suddenly begins to absorb food from its bowl at an incredible speed, and then actively bites, begging for more.


Showing interest in a bitch on the part of male dogs is a sure sign of the onset of heat.

As a rule, it is this interest that makes it possible to determine that the dog has begun to estrus, even if for some reason she does not have bleeding, which sometimes happens, especially during the first heat.

No longer a puppy

Sexual hunting is a natural process that is not a disease or any pathology. This is an inevitable period inherent in dogs by nature. If you strictly follow all the conditions for caring for and maintaining a dachshund during the “heat” time, then there will be no problems with the dog. The importance of emotional support for tachets cannot be underestimated. It is unacceptable to shout, scold, and especially hit a dog. It’s also not worth training or giving strict instructions to the dog just yet. As soon as the heat is over, the taxi will immediately become the same as before.

Sterilization of Dachshund dogs

This procedure can be performed at any age, but it is recommended to do it in males up to 1 year old and in females before their first heat .
Usually this operation is performed to prevent the dog from reproducing, but, contrary to misconceptions, problems with eliminating the need in the apartment and aggression are not solved after it (these troubles can only be eliminated by complete castration). Therefore, you must first consider in detail whether to make such a decision.

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