How to find out why a dog whines for no good reason

Animal lovers know that dogs can often whine. It's time to figure out the reasons and understand what needs to be done.

Dogs cannot communicate sadness to their owner using words. However, animals often try to attract the owner’s attention by whining. Sometimes dogs can whine just like that, for no particular reason, however, as a rule, there really is some kind of problem, for example, the dog is sick, hungry, stressed, and so on. Let's figure out together why a dog can whine, thereby disturbing the silence.

What does a dog's whining mean?

In the case of constant whining, the dog owner begins to feel anxious, because most often this means that the dog is sad or in pain. This behavior may be the cause or expression of:

  • manipulation - if a dog once tried to beg for food in this way and his attempt was successful, then this may well become a habit;
  • dreams - night whining is similar to human mumbling in sleep and is normal;
  • discomfort - in the absence of the owner, the dog experiences fear and expresses this by whining plaintively;
  • boredom - many owners do not understand why the dog runs around with a toy and whines. The answer is obvious - she is bored and wants to play;
  • sexual behavior - means that the bitch is approaching estrus;
  • hunting instinct - a picture is often observed when a dog sees a bird or other “prey” in the window and, realizing that it cannot be reached, whines in frustration.

In addition, the dog may experience a feeling of guilt or simply a lack of human attention.

The dog whines: reasons

A dog is considered a pack animal, and therefore the sounds that a dog can make are a way of expressing one’s own feelings, transmitting certain information to people. It turns out that the dog mainly begins to whine for fairly logical reasons. If you take care of your own pet, then never ignore his cheekbones.

With small puppies everything is quite clear. Pets, when they develop, need care, love, and attention from the owner. Puppies also need regular walks, food, and drink. If you do not monitor this, the puppy will constantly whine, squeak, and cry.


However, if an adult dog whines , then this may be a sign of some kind of problem. You will have to identify this problem in order to solve it immediately.

Health problems

If your dog whines , never panic. You just have to discover the reason why the dog is behaving this way. Don't ignore the sounds it makes. Initially, take the animal to the doctor. It is possible that your pet has health problems. Of course, this reason does not apply to those four-legged friends who whined from an early age. But if the dog starts whining unexpectedly, then you should be wary.

  • Try to monitor how the animal behaves so that it does not suffer from a serious illness. For example, if your pet has problems, he begins to limp, it is difficult for him to get up and take a lying position, then, most likely, the dog was injured. Perhaps your four-legged friend has problems with his paws.
  • The dog may also be concerned about: gums, teeth, injuries that have occurred in the oral cavity. It often happens that some sharp object causes discomfort to your pet. It can injure the gums or even break a tooth.
  • It is quite possible that problems have arisen in the reproductive or urinary system. And, if you do not pay due attention to your own pet and its health, the diseases that you develop will develop into more serious pathologies.
  • Your pet may have become infected with parasites. They can torment a pet, and therefore be one of the main reasons why a dog whines and constantly cries.
  • It is also possible that you are not feeding your dog the right food or are not monitoring his health. You should know that dogs can also very often be bothered by constipation, as a result of which they whine just like that.

Whining There
are also other possible factors associated with various diseases and injuries of your four-legged friend. They are the ones who force the pet to whine, just squeal, and cry.

You can independently determine at home the main reasons why your dog whines . However, there are situations when it is impossible to do without the help of a professional veterinarian. Carefully feel all the places where injury may occur. The dog will definitely react to your touch when you touch sore spots. If you have no idea what to do in such a situation, then be sure to take your dog to the doctor. He may discover the cause and begin comprehensive treatment.

Behavioral problems

There are individuals who have high nervousness, restlessness and anxiety, and therefore they constantly just whine. Such problems can greatly ruin people's lives, as animals whine and bark, even when a slight noise occurs.

Remember how many dogs whine when fireworks, firecrackers or other pyrotechnics explode. Your dog may whine if you leave the house or leave your pet alone for a long time.


We offer you some top tips:

  • Of course, in order to rid your dog of fears, you will have to be patient and time. For example, your dog is very afraid of thunderstorms, and therefore he howls and whines. Play the sounds of wind, rain, and various natural disasters more often. Also don’t forget about the sounds of thunderstorms and sea waves. Or you can play a calm melody for your pet in his own language. However, initially turn on the sounds quietly, then over time you can increase them. When the music plays, pet the dog, tell your pet that the thunderstorm is not so scary at all, it does not threaten his life at all. You will definitely see results if you turn on sounds regularly. Over time, the pet will get used to these sounds and will no longer whine or cry so often.
  • A dog whines when her puppies are taken away from her. She wants to “say” in this way that her children will be returned to her, that she misses them, is sad and worried. In addition, dogs may whine regularly if they are in heat - this is considered normal.
  • Sometimes it happens that boy dogs whine because they recognize the leadership of the other dog, and therefore beg him to reconcile.
  • A dog may also whine if the owner punishes him for a certain offense. This is how the pet tries to show that he admits his own guilt, agrees that it is his owner who is considered the main one. The whining will disappear very quickly when you pet your pet.
  • A small dog whines if he wants to play a little. It often happens that a dog whines if it lacks human attention. This suggests that the pet simply misses its owner. You can say some kind words to your pet. Go up to him, scratch behind his ears, pat his withers. This will all be appropriate, but do not forget to give the dog some kind of treat after your petting, for example, a bone or meat.

The instincts of a true hunter

It is the hunter's instincts that make the dog whine . Basically, in dogs they occur when they detect prey, for example, a fox, which they simply cannot get. Another target for dogs can be a squirrel, a bird or a cat in a tree. It will be difficult for you to correct such a problem, since it is in the genes of dogs. However, you will still be able to do something.

Your task is to calm the dog down and distract it from its prey. Take your pet away from the place where he saw the target or even bring him indoors if the situation occurred at home. If the dog saw prey on the street while being in the house, then close the windows with curtains or lower the blinds. You need to make sure your pet calms down.


A dog may whine if it is very worried, it is overexcited and nervous. Fighting dogs sometimes whine if a fight awaits them. This is not because the pet is insecure, afraid, anxious or confused. Most likely, he just can’t wait to get to the fight as quickly as possible.

Dogs are not like cats. They are laid-back, very emotional. A large number of feelings can accumulate inside animals that they simply cannot contain.

Lack of owner attention

Every pet likes when its owner is attentive to it. And, in order to attract the attention of their owner, furry pets begin to whine, even howl. You should not ignore this behavior, as the whining will not end there. A dog can behave this way for a long time.

Other reasons

In some cases, dogs whine even when they are sleeping. Scientists say that pets also have dreams, which, as a rule, can relate to injuries, running, chasing, and pursuit. You, too, have probably noticed similar behavior in your pet. But you should know that if your dog whines or pant quickly while sleeping, this can cause shortness of breath and failure of the respiratory system. This should definitely make you wary. Don’t waste time, take your pet to the vet immediately.

  • Remember, your dog is asking you for something with his whining. For example, she wants to go for a walk in order to quickly relieve herself if the pet can no longer stand it. Whining often occurs when the dog is lonely. If you go, for example, to work or to the store, and the animal is left alone, then it may begin to whine because it feels unwanted. Be attentive to your pet in such situations.
  • Sometimes it happens that the pet is simply being cunning, and therefore whines. Thus he begs for something. Perhaps he wants more attention or an additional portion of food - this behavior can be considered manipulation. But, if the dog is not whining because he wants to go outside, or because he does not have enough water or food, then simply ignore this behavior. When your pet realizes that it is unable to attract your attention, it will stop behaving this way.

If your dog whines and wags its tail, it means that it is in a great, joyful mood. This conclusion is considered erroneous, and therefore you must understand it differently. For example, on the street a pet notices its own brother, he begins to wag his tail and whine. Believe me, the dog is not at all happy about this meeting, it is not friendly. This is just excitement, which sometimes leads to serious consequences. If you let your pet off the leash just a little, he will immediately show his own aggression.

There are many reasons for whining

Whining can be a sign of pain . This statement is also incorrect, since dogs, as a rule, groan and scream in pain. If you accidentally step on your pet's paw, he will only squeal, but after a couple of seconds he will fall silent, although the pain will still bother him.

Sometimes dogs whine to spite their owners . You can't think like that because dogs are not as cunning as people. In addition, whining is only a certain communication, a chance to convey some information to the owner.

Whining when sick

The most dangerous cause of whining is pain. This is a symptom of any disease. If you notice other signs that your pet is not feeling well, take him to the vet immediately.

The most common cases of why a dog whines when sick are:

  • ear infection - the pet often shakes its head or scratches behind the ears;
  • gastrointestinal upset – if you hear such sounds immediately after eating, most likely you need to balance your dog’s diet;
  • worms – with parasitic infection, vomiting, nausea, signs of diarrhea, and general weakness are observed;
  • diseases of the excretory or genitourinary system - characteristic sounds are heard during bowel movements.

If a dog, in addition to whining, has a fever, chills, severe weakness, diarrhea and salivation, this is most likely severe poisoning with food, poisons, or medications.

There are many more reasons why a dog whines and whines, so the most important thing is for the owner to understand his pet. It is necessary to devote more time to it and observe further manifestations of this phenomenon.

Disease Prevention

Prevention of diseases that cause frequent urination in a dog should be based on the prevention of inflammatory processes in the bladder. Don't let your dog get a cold in the bladder. To do this, in your apartment, do not let it lie on the tiled floor, in a draft, under an air conditioner or fan. Regularly check “girls” at your veterinary clinic for the presence of gynecological diseases, and if detected, treat them promptly. During heat, do not walk your bitches in areas where stray dogs roam. Conduct mating only with an examined partner. Follow the hygiene rules for keeping dogs. Monitor your dog's urine while urinating. Walk your dog three times a day. Carry out medical examinations at your veterinary clinic. Vaccinate your dogs against infectious diseases common in your region.

Ways to eradicate whining as a bad habit

If you have made sure that the dog is fed, goes to the toilet as usual, has been walked and has met its usual needs, but is still whining and whining, then you need to nip this behavior in the bud, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do this in the future.

It is possible to do this on your own or turn to specialists. For those who don’t know how to stop a dog from whining, here are a few simple recommendations:

  • provide the dog with new, interesting toys;
  • when manipulating, make sure that she does not get what she seeks. This requirement must be met by all family members;
  • when whining in the absence of the owner, you should leave the room for a couple of minutes; if the dog behaves calmly during this time, then praise him and treat him well, but if whining is heard, then sternly shout to him “Ugh!” (of course, it is advisable to teach the dog this command in advance).

Try to keep your pet busy as much as possible and distract him. Before you stop your dog from whining without a reason, find out what activity is most interesting for him. This most often involves running, training, various games, etc.

If your dog eats feces

Dogs may eat feces for a variety of reasons; this can be a completely normal phenomenon (no matter how unpleasant it may seem to us). Puppies may see their mother licking them (and as a result ingesting feces) and try to imitate her actions. Even fear can cause a dog to eat its own stool if it is afraid of being punished. Again, the dog may simply be curious. She may smell certain smells in the stool and wonder what they taste like.

Eating feces can also be a natural response to nutritional deficiencies. You should feed your dog a complete food, such as Hill's Science Plan, so that poor nutrition can be completely eliminated from the list of reasons why your dog eats poop. Contact your veterinarian, especially if your dog is losing weight at the same time.

Longing and need

Blues, natural needs are those reasons for a dog’s whining that, if desired, can be prevented:

  • Gloomy melancholy mood. Wanders around the rooms, not finding anything to do, or lies, not taking his eyes off one point. This happens when the pet is left alone in the apartment or lacks attention from people.
  • Hungry, wants to drink or go to the toilet, or maybe cold.

Advice: Maximum exercise will help improve your mood: active and long walks, indoor games, training. In other words, the dog requires attention and help from a person to teach it to remain alone while everyone else is busy outside the house.

A walking schedule, feeding schedule, and the presence of water in the bowl will forever eliminate whining due to natural needs. But what you don’t need to react to is when a dog in a neighboring apartment or on the street also whines.

General information

A dog is a pack animal; it does not perceive life alone. Whining for a dog is the same linguistic signal as barking. Whining performs several functions:

  • physical;
  • mental;
  • emotional.

ATTENTION ! Whining itself is normal. With the help of this sound, the pet informs its owner about its mood, desires, and problems. If whining precedes a change in the dog’s behavior, the dog behaves chaotically and does not listen to commands, it is important to find out exactly the reason for this phenomenon.

The main reasons that a pet begins to whine are fear of loneliness, emotions (joy or sadness), a sense of danger, the influence of the moon and poor health. A dry nose, glassy eyes, lethargy and whining are dangerous symptoms that require consultation with a veterinarian.

Why does your puppy whine all night?

Your puppy may cry or whine at night - this is normal. This is because they are used to another home where they sleep with their mother and siblings. Now they are in a new place alone and with strangers. It is understandable for them that they were a little shy and afraid on the first night. With that said, here are the most common reasons why puppies cry or whine at night:

  1. They are lonely and scared . The first and most common reason is that your dog is lonely and scared. The first couple of days in a new home with new people and away from family can be a big challenge for a puppy. They may cry at night because they know their family, you, or simply because they are sad.
  2. They are hungry or thirsty . Another reason your puppy may whine or cry all night is because he is hungry or thirsty. A puppy's diet is slightly different from an adult dog's, so you need to make sure they are consuming enough calories and the right nutritious foods so they can grow up healthy.
  3. They are in pain . Finally, your puppy may be crying because he is in pain due to an illness. If they are also showing other symptoms of dog illness, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. Remember that puppies may be more vulnerable to certain diseases and may not be able to cope with symptoms for long.

If your dog scratches his anus on the ground

Have you ever noticed how your dog... rolls his butt across the floor? This can look very funny (or unpleasant). But such actions, which are called "anal scratching," may indicate that the dog is experiencing irritation in the anal area. Your puppy's anal sacs may be full and need to be emptied.

If the problem is not anal sacs that are full, your dog may be experiencing irritation for another reason. This may be a sign of an allergy. Although it is often customary to blame worms for such manifestations, they are very rarely the cause. Talk to your veterinarian to make sure your pet is on a proper parasite prevention program.

Finally, a dog who likes to eat grass outside or lick various objects in the house may be irritated by blades of grass or hairs stuck in the anus, which he scratches on the ground to get rid of these sensations. This is the most innocent of the reasons for such actions of a dog, which will be easy for you to deal with.

Manipulation and blackmail

A dog does not whine without a reason, even when it manipulates its owner. This is how the animal begs for a tasty morsel or wants to play. Apparently, the owner did not learn how to control his pet when he appeared in the house as a puppy.

He gave in to emotions and always reacted to his quiet barking or whining. Meanwhile, the baby was happy, spinning in place and wagging his tail, teaching the owner to give in to everything.

Advice: Dog handlers recommend ignoring whining if it is a means of manipulation. Do not approach or notice the pet until it changes its behavior.

It also happens with a manipulator that the owner shows interest in him, but not for long. Then the dog raises his voice, expressing dissatisfaction and anger with this behavior. And this is exactly the moment when blackmail began, which only an educational team or punishment can stop.

If the dog is breathing heavily

Dogs remove most of the heat from their bodies through the mouth. If a dog is panting, it is most likely too hot and is trying to regulate its body temperature in this way. However, it is important to pay attention to shortness of breath, as it may be caused by pain. Help your pet regulate his body temperature and make sure he's well-hydrated before any physical activity—especially when it's hot outside. If your dog is injured, take him to a veterinarian immediately. Shortness of breath can also be a symptom of some other health problems, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian.

If your dog constantly sits at or on your feet

This behavior is often confused with possessiveness, but is more often a sign of anxiety or nervousness. It's unlikely that the problem is a desire to dominate - most likely, your dog just wants to feel safe.

Dealing with anxiety is rarely the responsibility of a professional dog trainer, so discuss these behaviors with your veterinarian and decide with your veterinarian whether your dog would benefit from seeing a behavior specialist.

How to get your puppy to stop whining at night

Now that we've explained the most common reasons why your puppy may cry and whine all night, let's take a look at what you can do to help. Here are our simple tips to help your puppy feel better:

  1. To rule out any medical problems, take them to your veterinarian for an examination.
  2. Make sure they eat enough throughout the day.
  3. Place his bed in your room, at least for the first few weeks.
  4. Make sure your room is puppy-friendly and comfortable for sleeping.
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