Cesar dog food: advantages and nuances of choice

Feed ratings:

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Completeness of the composition

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3 reviews and comments

Main characteristics
Feed class: Economy
Manufacturer: Australia (canned food), Russia (pauchi)
  • Wet food Cesar 0.1 kg (bag (pouch) - from 25 rubles;
  • Wet food Cesar 0.1 kg canned (lamister) - from 59 rubles;

Manufacturer information

Cesar brand food is a product produced by the American company Mars. Headquartered in Virginia, the organization owns many world-renowned brands, primarily in human food, beverage and pet food products.

As for the Cesar brand, there is no information on which countries the production lines are located and where the raw materials are supplied from on the official website of this brand. The buyer can only familiarize himself with general information and see some advertising materials.

A number of online stores that offer Cesar pet food for sale notify customers that the products of this brand are manufactured using Australian technologies. Production is localized in Australia, as well as in Russia . The manufacturer is in no hurry to share information with consumers about the features of the production process and the quality of raw materials.

Advantages of ready-made canned food

Some dog breeders, out of habit or in order to save money, feed their pets with food from the common table - the dogs are offered soups, leftovers from the second meal, and sometimes even difficult-to-digest, unhealthy food. This diet is especially dangerous for purebred dogs, whose digestive system is more delicate and needs the right diet.

Ready-made canned food can solve a number of problems for dog breeders related to feeding their pet:

  • canned food for dogs has an attractive smell and taste, these are the factors that will ensure an excellent appetite for your pet;
  • saving time on food preparation;
  • you can choose food according to your wallet;
  • Thanks to portioned bags, it’s easy to diversify your pet’s diet and identify favorite and least favorite brands and flavors;
  • It’s easy to feed your pet on the go or outside the home;
  • they are better absorbed by dogs;
  • Due to the high humidity, pets do not develop urolithiasis when consuming them.

Despite all the advantages, canned food for dogs has its significant disadvantages.

Feed range

The entire line of Cesar brand food, according to many companies selling these products, is intended mainly for small dogs. For this reason, absolutely all produced varieties of wet food are packaged in small portions - 100 grams each. This amount of food is suitable for small dogs. On the packaging, pet owners can find information on how to correctly calculate the amount of food based on the parameters of the animal.

The Cesar brand supplies only wet food. They are positioned as exquisite “dog” delicacies that even picky people like. Of course, such a statement is largely a marketing ploy.

According to the company, the food contains various types of meat, as well as vegetables, herbs and vitamins. Cesar's assortment includes 4 flavors of wet canned food:

  1. beef with vegetables;
  2. lamb with vegetables;
  3. chicken with green vegetables;
  4. rabbit with beef and spinach.

The manufacturer also presents 5 varieties of pates:

  • lamb fricassee with vegetables and rosemary;
  • beef stroganoff with cheese and dill;
  • chicken with dried apricots;
  • beef pate with vegetable sauce;
  • chicken fillet with pumpkin and spinach.

The cost of these feeds, regardless of taste and ingredients, varies from 25 to 35 rubles per package of 100 grams of wet canned food and 59 – 69 rubles per 100 grams of canned pate.

What to choose from the Cesar brand range

Of course, such canned food, consisting of pieces of natural meat with various healthy and tasty additives, should not be given to the dog at every meal.
Dog handlers advise using them together with dry food of this brand, which, of course, will increase their attractiveness to animals and soften the granules. Canned food can also be added to porridge or boiled vegetables. Choose the types of meat that your dog prefers, and you can provide him with a good appetite without any problems. But remember that canned food should only be given occasionally or when you go on the road. Caesar food can be given to both puppies and adult dogs, but for aging dogs whose age exceeds 10 years, you need to choose a special food of this brand. It contains easily digestible ingredients, as well as organic selenium and fatty acids that inhibit the aging process. A special feature of this food is its high content of vitamins, proteins and amino acids, which facilitate the digestion process and increase the dog’s immunity.

Feed composition overview

The packaging of the food states that it is complete and does not contain preservatives or flavor enhancers. However, information about which specific ingredients and in what quantities are included in the formulation of this product is extremely scarce. As an example, let's take a look at the composition of wet food (pauchi) with lamb and vegetables.

The manufacturer is limited to listing the following seven components: meat, offal, vegetables, grains, fiber, vitamins, minerals. It is stated that the minimum content of meat products is 40%, while lamb is only 4%. This is exactly the same as vegetables, also 4%.

No more detailed information is provided to help breeders assess the quality of the feed.

It is unknown what the mass fraction of a particular component is in the product, and there is no detailed information about the raw materials. Thus, it is not specified which by-products are present in the feed and what quality they are. But it is the protein they supply that is the basis of dog food.

It is impossible to determine the source of fats, therefore it is not possible to understand how they satisfy the requirements. The same can be said about carbohydrates. They are present in cereals, but it is impossible to judge their quantity and quality.

However, the meat and offal content of 40% is a completely acceptable amount for the price category of this food. Most indicators of the nutritional value of the product are normal, with the exception of the amount of proteins. Their share is 9%, which is below the normal value.

Price range

Prices for canned Caesar:

  1. A package of soft food in the form of a pate weighing 150 g costs 72–95 rubles.
  2. Assorted pouch weighing 100 g - 27–30 rubles.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

Each pack of Caesar canned food contains the composition and recommendations for feeding the animal, as well as the energy value (so that the owner understands how much to give the pet) and storage conditions. Canned food and Caesar pouches are a great lunch for small dogs. Reward your beloved pets for their boundless devotion with such a tasty treat.

Author Alla Shmeleva Reading time 6 min. Published 01/02/2020

Not all dogs can be switched to dry food. For some, dry granules are contraindicated for health reasons, while others refuse to eat them. Spiders and canned food can come to the rescue. Such ready-made diets for dogs are natural, do not require additional water and are very popular with animals. In this article we will talk about high-quality dog ​​food Cesar, look at what it consists of, and find out the opinions of experts and dog lovers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among animal owners who have fed their pets pauchi or pates under the Cesar brand, there are different opinions about its pros and cons.


The advantages of this product include:

  1. general availability, the ability to purchase in most pet stores;
  2. good appearance of feed;
  3. attractive to dogs who eat the offered canned food with appetite.


There are also a number of obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • the manufacturer does not provide customers with detailed information about the ingredients included in the feed;
  • Some breeders, due to the strong odor, talk about the presence of a large number of flavors in the product;
  • The recipe does not take into account the age and breed characteristics of dogs.

Owner reviews

Marina K.

I have a big dog - almost 25 kg. While she was little, we treated her with bags of Caesar food. Now she would be happy to eat it, but it turns out to be too expensive. According to the norm, our dog needs about 15 sachets per day. Use it as a simple treat. Our Lyma is on a natural diet, according to the rule introduced by the veterinarian - we give a treat in the form of a pouch or pate 8 hours after a full lunch.

Irina S.

I have a West Highland White Terrier - Bonnie. Exactly the breed shown on the package. The little one was fed with special food, now I buy Caesar. We switched to pates after an allergy to Perfect Fit. In addition, while drying, the dog drank a lot, and his kidneys suffered.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

  • Review of Cesar dog food from Valeria :

“My dog ​​eats spiders with great pleasure. But her weight is almost 20 kilograms. If I calculate the amount of this food that my dog ​​should eat every day, it turns out that she needs at least 15 bags every day. It turns out to be very expensive. You can pamper Caesar from time to time or take it with you on the road, but it is not suitable for daily feeding of large dogs. We will look for more economical feed.”

  • Review of Cesar dog food from Victoria :

“I am the happy owner of a purebred poodle. On the advice of the veterinarian, we switched from another food to lamb with vegetables from Cesar, since dogs are almost never allergic to lamb. The food looks appetizing, and the dog liked it. But she needs 2–3 packs of food per day, for 65–100 rubles. This is a lot for food that has very little benefit. Contains only 4% lamb and vegetables. Vitamins and minerals seem to be out of the question. And there are definitely odor enhancers, the aroma of the food hits the nose.”

Veterinarians also express their opinions about the Cesar .

  • Maxim Krasilnikov, veterinarian:

“If we consider Caesar food as the main source of nutrition for dogs, then I would not recommend it. The reason is that the content of proteins and other nutrients is too low. Food can be given as a treat, but only with caution. There is no confidence that the manufacturer does not add preservatives or flavors to it. The food looks and smells too attractive.”

There are many positive and negative opinions on the Internet regarding the quality of Cesar products:

Advantages and disadvantages

Dog owners note the following benefits of Caesar food:

  1. Dogs eat wet food readily.
  2. There are more positive reviews than negative ones.
  3. Food is available everywhere.

Consumers also note disadvantages:

  1. The food smells unpleasant, which indicates the use of an unknown flavoring additive.
  2. Opacity of the composition.
  3. Lack of a line of dry food.
  4. High cost of pates.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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