Interesting and simple clothing patterns for dogs: DIY sewing tips

With the arrival of autumn, the fur of our fluffy little tails needs protection from precipitation and bad weather. Therefore, a blanket for dogs will be an excellent way out of this situation. Depending on the purpose, blankets can be made of various materials: cotton, leather, fur, nylon, membrane fabric. A blanket can serve as both an independent item of your dog’s wardrobe and additional waterproof protection for warm clothes.

Unlike overalls, a walking blanket does not restrict movement, allowing your pet to enjoy active games while walking.

But for dogs prone to hypothermia and colds, pregnant dogs, as well as very tiny puppies, it is still better to purchase insulated overalls that completely protect the animal’s chest and paws.

If you have a seasoned short-haired dog that is difficult to force into wearing any protective clothing, then try making a very ordinary blanket!

In addition to the fact that it will be much easier for you to agree on how to dress your pet, blankets have many other advantages:

  • This is a universal form of clothing that is easy to pick up (or sew) without trying on.
  • It is enough to know only the length of the pet’s body from neck to tail.
  • The width of the blanket can be easily adjusted to fit the animal’s body circumference using straps or Velcro.
  • The blanket is easy to put on and take off.
  • It doesn't restrict movement.
  • A blanket made of waterproof materials perfectly protects the four-legged animal from precipitation. Easily washable and does not absorb dirt.

In general, a blanket for dogs is a universal form of clothing, borrowed by dog ​​handlers from horse breeders.

Of course, you don’t have to waste time, but just go and buy a blanket in the store. But, as a rule, in pet stores their prices are unreasonably inflated. And it is often difficult to choose the color of fabric that you like.

If you don’t want to bother making a dog blanket yourself, but want to buy inexpensive clothes for your pet, then the second option is a Chinese site. But there are also disadvantages here: firstly, the parcel will take a very long time; secondly, it may not reach you at all; and thirdly, the contents inside the parcel may be completely different from what you expected (size, quality).

By the way, at first I didn’t even think about sewing Jack’s blanket myself. I took the easy route and ordered it from China via the Internet. I was happy with everything: inexpensive, the style and colors were very nice. But there is only one “But”!

I ordered a blanket in April, and now it’s the end of August... And the package never reached me... And clouds began to appear in the sky more and more often. It rains almost every day!

Well, I decided: stop waiting for a miracle, it’s time to take up the needle and thread.

It turned out that everything was very simple. Even novice needlewomen can sew such a blanket. The Internet is full of patterns, you just need to choose the model you like and design it to the size of your pet. I took exactly this path.

And today I want to share my experience with you, tell and show you how easy it is to sew a blanket for a dog with your own hands.

Before you run to the store and buy fabric, I first advise you to make a blanket pattern for your dog. Based on the finished pattern, it will be easier for you to decide how much fabric you will need. In general, if you find it difficult to decide on the amount of fabric for a blanket, you can go straight to the store with this pattern, where the sellers will accurately measure out the required amount of the material you like.

Medical blanket

Used after abdominal surgery. Prevents wound contamination, animal gnawing of stitches, and secreted liquid from getting onto furniture and bedding. Almost all animals make attempts to lick the wound, which can lead to damage to the stitches. The blanket protects the damaged area of ​​the body from external influences.

Usually, after surgery, the doctor puts on the dog or cat the version that is available at the veterinary clinic. If there is a need to purchase, you should remember that a post-operative blanket for dogs must meet the following requirements:

  • The material of the product must be durable so that the animal cannot tear or chew it.
  • The fastening should be comfortable. Velcro allows you to quickly put on a blanket, but it is preferable to use them in the warm season. In the cold they hold in place worse than ties.
  • The material must allow air to pass through so that the wound does not dry out.
  • The product should not rub the skin.

Postoperative blankets for dogs are sold in pet stores and veterinary clinics.

Winter clothes for dogs

Warm clothes are necessary not only for small dogs who constantly shake (often this has nothing to do with the cold). Large short-haired dogs also need protection from frost. There are two ways to protect your pet from hypothermia and related diseases:

  • Reduce the walking time, which is unacceptable because it is harmful to the animal’s health. In addition, a dog that has not wasted energy outside may begin to do so at home. The clatter of a Great Dane rushing around the apartment is unlikely to please both its owners and their neighbors.
  • Buy a warm blanket.

Winter clothing for dogs differs in style. The overalls cover the animal from the tips of its paws to its neck. Some models have a fur collar or hood. This option protects well from frost, but hinders the pet’s movements. A warm blanket for a dog protects the body from the cold, leaving its paws bare. This option allows you to actively move, which is preferable to a warm but restrictive overalls. A running dog will not freeze. If you need to protect your paws, you can purchase special shoes for dogs, but you will have to spend time training your pet to wear them.

A blanket is much faster and easier to put on than a jumpsuit. The animal does not get confused in cuffs, it is easier to learn and is more relaxed about this type of clothing. In addition, it is easy to remove. This is especially convenient when your pet gets dirty in the mud. It is more practical and convenient for both the animal and its owner. Winter dog blankets usually have a waterproof top and a warm fleece or fur lining.

What do we need

As I already wrote, the choice of materials depends on the purpose of the blanket. But today we are not looking at a warm winter blanket for a dog, but a light raincoat for cloudy weather.

So, to make a raincoat blanket we will need the following materials:

  • Water-repellent, lightweight, breathable membrane fabric.
  • Lining fabric.
  • Velcro, buttons or strap for fastening (your choice).

Today we will sew a lightweight blanket. But if you want to sew a more closed, more insulated winter blanket for your pet, on our blog there are TWO more master classes on sewing a blanket for a dog with your own hands. These are two completely different models. These are as shown in the photo below.

If you like these particular styles, follow the link: Comfortable blanket for dogs. In the article you will find patterns for both blankets and detailed video master classes on how to make them.

Raincoat for dogs

Insulated winter blanket

Demi-season models

In spring and autumn, dog owners have a lot of troubles associated with cleaning their animals. It is not at all necessary for the dog to run around in the mud or splash in every puddle. It is enough to walk along a wet road or melted snow, and all the pet’s paws and belly are covered with mud.

If the dog is small, you can either wash it entirely in a basin or bucket, or take it to the shower without dirtying the floor, and clean it up there. It’s more difficult with large pets: their weight doesn’t allow you to pick them up, and taking a dirty dog ​​to the bathroom means washing the floors after every walk. Paws can be cleaned in a basin or bucket by the front door. If the pet's belly is protected from dirt, then you can limit yourself to only washing the limbs.

Blankets for large dogs protect them from dirt and splashes, making cleaning easier for the owner. As a rule, they are sewn from waterproof material without lining. Options with reflective stripes are especially convenient in spring and autumn, when it gets dark outside early.


A do-it-yourself dog costume is made from several parts, otherwise it can be complemented with accessories and decorations.

You will need:

  1. Fabric membrane. This is a surface material that protects the dog from rain or snow. It is necessary, since the slightest getting wet in cold weather can lead to illness. For example, clothes for a Toy Terrier should be warmer, since they have little fat and hair.
  2. Lining. Both synthetic and natural materials can be used as lining. Sintepon is universal. Inexpensive, but hypoallergenic insulation that does not cause allergies or irritation in dogs. An incorrectly chosen lining can even cause fur shedding. Felt or fluff is also acceptable, but only if the dog can easily tolerate them.
  3. Clasps. These can be buttons, snaps, Velcro. But it is preferable to use a regular zipper. Buttons do not tear out wool, but at the same time it is not always convenient to fasten them. The buttons may open if the dog is active or overweight. Velcro quickly becomes clogged with hair and dirt, so they need to be cleaned constantly. The zipper allows you to fasten your clothes tightly and quickly. The only thing is that it can pinch the wool, so it is better to sew 2 pieces of fabric under it.

Additionally, you can sew in various accessories. Often, a dog costume for a boy is sewn by hand with an additional collar. This way it doesn’t get lost and is always on the pet.

Patterns for dogs of small breeds, especially those with smooth hair, should preferably be used with powerful insulation. Synthetic winterizer is not always suitable; here it is better to choose Alpolux. For the off-season, a single-layer fabric is suitable. In this case, you need 2 types of clothing: natural fabric and water-repellent. With them you can not be afraid of heat and rain.

Cooling blankets

Overheating is deadly for dogs. Models that can cool a pet are a good help for owners. They are made from special materials and begin to function after getting wet. Their cost is higher than their warm counterparts, but these blankets can perform two tasks: cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.

This option is relevant for dogs with thick hair, as well as brachycephalics - animals with a shortened muzzle. They suffer greatly in the heat and often die from overheating. Despite the obvious benefits, cooling blankets for dogs are not yet in great demand among Russian dog breeders, so you can purchase them online or order them in pet stores that offer this service.

Where to start making blankets

The stores offer a large selection of clothing for dogs, but many prefer homemade items, especially since they are often not inferior in quality to store-bought ones, but are unique.

When starting to make this item of dog wardrobe, you should remember the basic rules:

  • The item should be comfortable. It depends on the measurements taken correctly, the type of material and cut.
  • You should not choose a style that will restrict your pet’s movements.
  • It is necessary to choose a fixation method that is convenient for both the dog and the owner.
  • An animal fulfills its natural needs on the street, and clothing should not interfere with this.

The first thing you need to do is determine the size of the blanket for your dog.

Video “How to sew a blanket for a Russian spaniel”

This video tells and shows how you can sew a comfortable and lightweight blanket for a small dog.

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How to take measurements

All dogs are individual. Even among representatives of the same breed it is impossible to find two absolutely identical animals. Therefore, a product made according to a pattern for a Rhodesian Ridgeback may turn out to be inconvenient for an individual dog.

When you decide to make clothes for your pet, you should take his measurements. The following parameters are measured:

  • Neck circumference.
  • Chest circumference.
  • The length of the back is measured from the withers to the tail.
  • The length of the abdomen is measured from the front to the hind legs or to the last rib (in males).
  • Waist.
  • The distance between the front legs at the narrowest point.
  • The distance from the neck to the hind legs is measured from the abdomen.

For simpler options, you can do without some measurements.

What types of blankets are there for dogs?

Dog blankets can be cooling for the summer, warm for the winter, or post-surgery. This clothing does not restrict the dog’s movements, but at the same time copes well with its protective function in snow, rain, and heat.

Due to the simplicity of the design, the blanket can be purchased even without preliminary fitting. It is enough to first measure the length of your dog’s body (from neck to tail) and decide on the type of fabric. Also, before purchasing, you should check the reliability of fasteners, belts, zippers, make sure that all the seams are even, there are no threads sticking out anywhere, and there are no tears in the fabric.

Warm for winter walks

Warm blankets for winter walks will be relevant for both large breeds of dogs and small “pocket” dogs. It is desirable that the top layer be made of a breathable, windproof and wear-resistant material. The lining can be made of fleece or staple. Such a vest will perfectly protect your pet from cold and bad weather, will not restrict its movement, and will allow you to have plenty of fun on the street, not paying attention to the bad weather.

Cooling for walks in the heat

Our four-legged friends suffer from the heat just as much as we do. Overheating is especially dangerous for short-haired breeds, aging or, conversely, very young dogs. To avoid having to shorten your walking time in the summer season and avoid making frequent stops for water and water treatments, you should buy a cooling blanket or vest. This cape is moistened with cold water and maintains a temperature of approximately +24-25 degrees C for an hour.


In rainy weather, a waterproof blanket can protect your pet from jets of water. However, it is worth remembering that such vests for both large dogs and small breeds leave the belly and paws exposed. Therefore, if you walk along asphalt paths or a lawn, such a vest will come in handy, and if your walks take place in a park or forest, then you should think about a more protective overall.


Very often, after surgery, dogs try to lick, or, conversely, scratch the healing wound. Of course, there are legends about the healing effect of dog saliva, however, this will not protect against infection in the wound. Therefore, after surgery or injury with open wounds, the dog should be wearing a special postoperative blanket.

You can buy it at a special veterinary pharmacy, or sew it yourself. Such a bandage or vest is made from light, but strong and absorbent fabrics such as chintz, cotton, poplin, calico. The postoperative blanket should fit snugly around the animal's body, but not squeeze the skin or press down on the sutures. It is recommended to have a second one on shift.

How to make a blanket

Using the previously taken measurements, a pattern is drawn and transferred to the fabric, taking into account the seam allowance. It should be noted the places where the fasteners will be located. If you are making an insulated blanket for dogs, you can sew a lining on the wrong side. The belt is made separately and sewn to the finished product. You can insert an elastic band into it for a tighter fit. The belt is located just behind the front paws, in the middle of the chest.

The simplest option for winter clothing for a dog is to remake it from the owner’s jacket, sweater or T-shirt. It is enough to adjust it in length, make cutouts in the right places and sew on a belt.

Knitted patterns

Dogs in knitted clothes look stylish and attractive. Making such a new thing is not difficult: using the measurements taken, the number of loops corresponding to the circumference of the neck is calculated (manufacturing begins with the collar). Approximately 5 cm is knitted with an elastic band (the width depends on the desired size of the collar). Next, a number of loops equal to 1/3 of the neck circumference are closed, and the back is knitted.

Depending on the measurements taken, additions are made using yarn overs until the width of the back is equal to 2/3 of the chest circumference. Next, the dog blanket is knitted in a straight line without any additions.

The belt is a separate part, which is made with an elastic band. This knitting method gives it elasticity. The width can be any, and the length should be equal to 1/3 of the chest circumference. You can add 1-2 cm to the fastener. Since knitted clothes are usually worn in spring and autumn, when there is no frost, you can fasten them with Velcro. If a winter option is intended, it is better to use buttons.

Handicraft lessons

It is not always possible to purchase an original vest or blanket for your pet. Also, postoperative blankets are not always available. However, if you have at least minimal skills in using a needle, sewing machine or crocheted knitting needles, there is always the opportunity to make (sew or knit) original clothes for your pet with your own hands.

How to sew a blanket with your own hands?

The lightest option for a blanket would be a regular cape of a rectangular or triangular shape. The rectangular blanket is secured around the neck with buttons or Velcro. In a triangular cape, two corners of the long side are passed between the dog’s paws and fixed on the back. You can also use buttons, Velcro or beautiful brooches. For convenience, you can make a loop at the base for the tail to hold the blanket tighter.

For those who love and know how to sew, you can complicate the design a little. And sew a full-fledged warm or summer vest, decorating it with a collar or hood. To make such a product, you first need to take measurements of your dog.

Sewing instructions

Required measurements:

  • DI – length from neck to tail;
  • ОШ – volume of the neck at the base;
  • OG - chest circumference;
  • SHI is the width of the product (this is optional, you can make it long, up to the elbows, or short, covering only the back).

Using the measurements taken, we draw a pattern:

Pattern for sewing blankets

To ensure that the product does not gather in folds after trying on, we mark the places of the undercuts, and in order to hold it better, we sew a belt or an elastic strip with an elastic band inside from below, across the chest. A collar or hood can be sewn on to protect the neck or head.

For a winter cape, you should use warm fabrics: fleece, felt, cashmere, for a postoperative cape - chintz, cotton, poplin, calico. To make a waterproof one, you can purchase a regular cooling bed and use it to sew a dog vest for the summer using a pattern.

How to knit a vest for a dog?

If you know how to knit or crochet, you can knit a warm blanket for the autumn-winter period with your own hands. The easiest ones will be the rectangular and triangular versions with a hole already knitted for the tail.

If mastery of knitting needles or crochet allows you to knit more complex things, then you can knit a vest according to the following pattern, where:

  1. ОШ (neck circumference).
  2. DI (product length).
  3. Distance from the collar to the middle of the product.
  4. The width of the belly bar (an arbitrary value, varies depending on the size and breed of the dog).
  5. 2/3 OR.
  6. 2/3 OG (chest circumference).
  7. 1/3 OG +1-2 cm.
  8. The width of the collar (an arbitrary value, varies depending on the size and breed of the dog);
  9. Element for fastening 2-4 cm.

Pattern for a knitted blanket

Knitting instructions

We start knitting from the collar. We cast on the required number of loops (we do the calculation according to the pattern) equal to the OR. We knit the collar with a regular 2x2 or 1x1 elastic band or any other one you like. The width of the collar is arbitrary and depends on how large your dog is.

We close the number of loops equal to a third of the stitches and begin to knit the back. If you wish, you can knit it with a pattern; if not, then we knit a regular fabric with knit stitches, then the back can be decorated with embroidery. Along the edges of every second row, you need to make one yarn over to create a trapezoid.

When the width of the already knitted product becomes equal to two-thirds of the OG, we continue knitting without double crochets. 10-12 cm before the end of the product, we begin to decrease the loops, tying them in two at the end of every second row. If you want the blanket to be more rectangular, you don’t have to make any reduction.

The belt is knitted separately. It can be knitted with the same elastic band as the collar, or it can be knitted with a regular face fabric. As well as the fastener element numbered 9. The belt and fastener element are sewn on the sides of the product. To secure the belt and collar, you can choose buttons or Velcro.

Whatever breed the dog is, large or “pocket”, you always want your pet to be protected in any weather. And if the prices for “dog” clothes in stores are steep, you can always be creative and sew or knit a beautiful blanket with your own hands.

Blanket for small dogs

Small dogs need protection from adverse weather conditions much more than their larger counterparts. For such kids, there is a huge selection of clothes and shoes, which are not only practical, but also decorative.

Blankets made in the style of “biker jackets” with stripes, flight jackets or Adidas suits are, first of all, a means of self-expression for the dog owner, which is not always useful for the pet. For a small dog, every pocket, badge or chevron sewn on clothing weighs heavily, so it’s best to choose items based on your pet’s needs.

When choosing clothes for a dog, you should evaluate its practicality, so that walks with your pet bring joy to both him and the owner.

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