Do-it-yourself clothes for Chihuahuas: patterns, diagrams, tips on choosing materials and sewing for boys and girls

Author of the article: Dmitry Boyko | Updated: 12-09-2020

Clothing for a Chihuahua is not a whim of the owner, not a fashion trend, but a vital necessity. Dogs of dwarf breeds feel uncomfortable while walking in rainy or windy weather, and they often suffer from infectious and viral diseases. The stores offer a wide range of different blouses, suits and overalls for dogs. However, the best option would be to make your own clothes for a Chihuahua, since the anatomical features of the body structure of a particular dog are taken into account during production.

What to dress a Chihuahua in

If previously a small dog in a suit caused surprise and tenderness, today it is an everyday reality. Demand creates supply - as a result, the range of clothing for animals is amazing in its diversity. There are things for daily wear, holiday outfits, and also items of clothing for some specialized event.

Let's see what a Chihuahua's basic wardrobe consists of:

  • knitted blanket for cool summer or spring-autumn period;
  • knitted sweater or blouse;
  • suit or overalls made of waterproof fabric for the rainy season;
  • an autumn-spring raincoat with a warm lining that will not only protect you from getting wet, but will also prevent your dog from freezing;
  • a winter suit or overalls with a fleece lining or with a synthetic padding layer;
  • one or two pairs of boots with waterproof soles.

The remaining elements of the wardrobe depend on the flight of fancy of the dog owner. These can be T-shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, shorts, Bermuda shorts, jeans, skirts and even dresses.

Warm knitted overalls: master class

Knitted mini overalls are an excellent universal option for walking your pet in the autumn or winter, especially for male dogs.

In order to knit a jumpsuit, it is recommended to buy yarn with a mohair to acrylic ratio of 40% to 60%. Also, for a more pleasant appearance, it is recommended to alternate white and gray yarn colors.

When knitting, you must proceed from the standard Chihuahua sizes (back 24, paws 18, neck 21). The recommended density of the overalls is 30 rows of 22 loops.

You should start with the hind legs; it is better to knit this part from gray yarn. The first parts of the overalls are knitted with an elastic band measuring two by two rows. Starting from the 12th row, they switch to the front stitch, after which 4 loops are sewn on the inside, and 10 loops on the outside. It will be a little different with the front paws. Here, 30 loops are cast on the knitting needles from two multi-colored balls. Knitting is carried out in rows: first, five rows are made with an elastic band, and the remaining ones are made with stockinette stitch.

After the body part and the hood are ready, they need to be assembled (sewn) together. To do this, four rows are knitted on the side of the hood along with an elastic band, which is sewn along the edge of the product. It is in this area that the hood is fastened to the main part. For convenient dressing and undressing of the Chihuahua, it is also advisable to sew in a lock.

Which material to choose

Making clothes for a Chihuahua with your own hands begins with taking measurements and choosing the appropriate material. We will talk about the first point a little later, but now we will focus on the choice of material.

Similar article: Who is better and which one to choose: Chihuahua or Toy Terrier

Are you planning to make clothes for your Chihuahua for cool summer evenings and early fall? Choose fabric with a high percentage of natural fibers. The best option is interlock fabric (thick cotton, which has good performance characteristics). As an alternative, you can try sewing things from linen or knitwear.

Do you want to make a warm wardrobe for your Chihuahua with your own hands? Distinguish between autumn and winter wardrobes. For autumn, you will need fabrics that are resistant to moisture (for example, bologna and raincoat fabric). For winter suits, take a closer look at warmer materials - it could be cashmere and drape. Also, do not forget about the intended purpose of such clothing - it should warm the animal’s small body. Therefore, take care of a warm lining layer. Despite the fact that natural fabrics are considered higher quality, durable and wear-resistant, synthetic materials retain heat better. The ideal material for lining is fleece. The fabric comes in thin, medium and thick thickness. Fleece warms well, but does not steam.

Do you crochet or knit and want to put your knowledge into practice by providing your pet with a knitted wardrobe? To knit a blouse, blanket or overalls for a Chihuahua, it is not necessary to create a pattern. Try on the item as you knit. Which yarn to choose? For summer clothes, buy mercerized cotton, for a spring-autumn wardrobe - a combination of cotton with acrylic or acrylic with a low percentage of wool, but for winter, wool or a combination of wool with bamboo thread is best.

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We are trying to study popular types of shoes for small breeds

In addition to clothing, in winter small breed dogs also need shoes to protect their paws from glass shards, debris and chemicals that are sprinkled on city streets. Shoes, like clothes, can easily be made from old things, such as a woolen jacket. The sole is usually made from genuine leather, suede or other waterproof materials. Winter shoes are usually lined with fur, padding polyester, fleece or other insulating materials. In order for the boots to stay securely on the paws, Velcro, buckles, and elastic bands are used.

As an example, I suggest looking at a few photos with shoe options for your pets, which you can make yourself:

Taking measurements from the dog

Some needlewomen do not like to take measurements, draw diagrams and make clothing patterns, guided by the principle “I’ll do it by eye.” The result of such needlework is deplorable: knitted or sewn items are unsuitable for wear, too large or, conversely, small for the dog.

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So, in order for the suit to fit well, do not be lazy to take your measurements correctly. We bring to your attention a detailed list of mandatory measurements required for sewing or knitting clothes for an animal:

  • head circumference - the measurement is taken along the frontal part of the head and captures the widest part of the ear from below;
  • muzzle coverage - measured at the widest point, while the animal’s mouth must be closed;
  • neck coverage – corresponds to the size of the collar;
  • chest circumference - coverage just behind the front paws;
  • chest width - measured from shoulder to shoulder along the front side of the body;
  • abdominal circumference - directly in front of the hind legs;
  • length of limbs (front and rear) - from joints to floor;
  • length along the back - from the withers or neck to the beginning of the tail;
  • the length along the stomach - in girls it almost completely corresponds to the back (less by 1-2 cm), in boys - from the neck to the genitals.

Take measurements with a soft measuring tape. During this time, the dog should be in a calm state.

As dog breeders recommend, to take measurements it is better to choose the pre-lunch time or the period after dinner, when the animal is tired and sleepy. Keep in mind that when crocheting or knitting, clothes stretch.

How to sew and knit clothes for a Chihuahua with your own hands?

04.01.2018 11 460

The small body of a Chihuahua requires protection from the scorching rays of the sun in hot weather and additional heating in cold weather. Therefore, Chihuahua babies are more likely to wear clothes than without them. Manufacturers of pet supplies have taken note of this trend; items for dogs are manufactured and sold in a variety of styles and colors in pet stores. But what to do if you want something exclusive for your pet? Clothing for a Chihuahua made to individual measurements will be more comfortable than an average product for general consumption.

  1. When indoors, the Chihuahua wears a T-shirt or robe made of thin stretchy fabric, such as knitted fabric. This achieves two goals - the dog does not lose hair, and it does not freeze.
  2. For walking, it is preferable to choose overalls (for winter) or a raincoat (for off-season slush). It is more convenient if the sleeves are long, reaching the wrist joint. The advantages of such clothes are that it is easier for the owner to remove and wash outdoor clothes than to wash and dry the dog’s paws and belly.
  3. For a winter suit, use thick, water-repellent fabric so that dried dirt can be easily brushed off. As insulation, you need a padding polyester of suitable thickness. For the lining, a soft fabric such as a flannel is chosen, or what is better for long-haired dogs that roll their fur with overalls - a slippery fabric such as silk or satin.
  4. Summer overalls can be made from lightweight fabric that is breathable but protects from dust. The raincoat fabric should be light, water-repellent, easy to wash and dry quickly.
  5. In dry, cold weather, the Chihuahua can be dressed in knitted clothes: a sweater, blouse, dress and hat with or without ear slits. The yarn for knitting should be soft and non-allergenic, for example mohair. Can be knitted or crocheted.
  6. Modern dogs also wear shoes. The presence of this accessory is especially important in megacities, where snow and ice are abundantly covered with reagents. In other weather conditions, limb protection is a great time saver. It is much easier to wipe the soles of sandals than to thoroughly wash and dry your feet.

For products that are planned to be manufactured, measurements are taken:

  • neck circumference;
  • back length;
  • chest circumference;
  • hind paw circumference.

Leave 3-5 cm for allowances and a loose fit. To measure the circumference of the neck, put on the collar without tightening it too tightly. The length of the back is marked from the collar to the base of the tail. The chest is measured behind the elbows. The girth of the hind leg is calculated at the widest part of the thigh, with allowance for free movement.

For simple knitted items, such as a sweater, two measurements are enough - neck girth and chest depth (author of Magic Family video).

Sewing instructions

It should be noted that models for boys and girls differ according to their anatomical features: in girls with small breasts, the stomach is completely closed, in boys it is open up to the beginning of the chest. This allows girls to keep warm and boys not to get their clothes dirty.

For male dogs, a large pant leg width is designed to allow unhindered lifting of the paw. It is better to place zippers and fasteners on the back, this makes it easier to dress and undress your pet.

If the product is intended for a puppy, then the pattern should be increased by several sizes.


To make a jumpsuit for a mini Chihuahua, first make a life-size pattern on paper. For beginners, it is better to take a ready-made pattern.

  1. We take additional measurements: paw length, wrist and waist circumference.
  2. We clarify the parameters of our dog and transfer it to paper.
    Overalls pattern for a Chihuahua
  3. We copy the resulting details onto the fabric, cut them out and baste them.
  4. For girls, the abdominal parts are sewn together, and for boys, a cutout is left for the urethra.
  5. We try it on and adjust it.
  6. Then we sew the main parts and attach the small ones.
  7. We sew a zipper from the inside of the product.
  8. The neckline and cutouts for the tail and genitals can be finished with bias tape or gathered with an inserted elastic band.
  9. We turn up the trouser legs and stitch them.
  10. We make decorative stitching and the jumpsuit is ready.


  1. We put 10 loops on the knitting needles and knit several rows.
  2. Using a ruler, measure the area of ​​the resulting probe. According to the dog’s measurements, we calculate the number of neck loops.
  3. For a better fit, it is better to knit the neckline with an elastic band (two purl loops, two knit stitches).
  4. We knit to shoulder level, add the required number of loops with a yarn over, and remove the loops on the back so that there is no “hump.”
  5. We form the slots for the paws by closing the required number of loops symmetrically.
  6. It is better to make the armhole larger, since an opening that is too narrow will cause constrained movements and chafe the skin of the armpit.
  7. We knit enough from the armhole to cover the area of ​​the body up to the groin fold.
  8. We finish the blouse with a knitted elastic band.
  9. We knit the placket, taking into account the slots for the buttons. A detailed knitting pattern for a blouse or sweater is shown in the photo below.
Schemes and patterns

1 2

Knitted sweater

It is knitted similarly to a blouse, but can be knitted from one piece - in the round. On the lower back, you can lengthen the product by continuing the rows.

Shoes for Chihuahuas

  1. We measure the hind and front legs separately on a standing dog. The first dimension is from the pad to the claws of the central fingers. We make allowance for movement and allowance for seams. The second measurement is taken from the foot to the carpal (on the front paw) and to the hock (on the back paw) joints. Add seam allowances.
  2. The pattern is made in the shape of a large circle (the area up to the hock joint), the sole is a small circle (the area of ​​the foot).
  3. The fabric is durable, not wet and not slippery. If desired, you can strengthen the foot area by gluing a circle of thicker or rubberized fabric to the outside.
  4. Place the dog's paw in the center of the circle, lift the fabric and crimp the paw. We collect excess fabric into darts. We stitch and trim off the excess. It is better to make the seams external to avoid chafing.
  5. Shoes must be secured to the paws above the feet. This can be achieved by making holes in the fabric and threading ribbons through, or by sewing Velcro into the same area.

The dog should walk as freely with shoes on as without them.

Have you ever made your own clothes for your pet?

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Video “Clothes for small dogs”

Magic Family will tell you about the outfits of your pet in the next video.

Building a pattern

Don't know how to make patterns with your own hands? Use one of the options offered in handicraft stores or found on the Internet. Modern patterns are often supplemented with instructions on how to correctly adapt the pattern to the individual measurements of the dog.

Using the example of a jumpsuit pattern, let’s look at how to properly sew clothes for a lap dog:

  1. We choose a pattern or draw it ourselves, taking into account the size of the pet.
  2. We transfer the diagram onto graph paper and cut it out. If the diagram assumes several separate elements, then we cut them out separately from each other.
  3. We apply the finished pattern pieces to the fabric, evenly laid out on a flat surface. We fix it with needles and pins. Use chalk or a special fabric marker to cut out the fabric. Remember to leave 1-2 cm at the seam joints.
  4. We sew all the details of the overalls.
  5. We process the seams of the sleeves and neck. Add decorative elements and fasteners.
  6. The Chihuahua overalls are ready for use.

Related article: Pros and cons of spaying and neutering a Chihuahua

This will be needed to make a vest.

Since I decided to make Jack an insulated vest, I decided to use the following materials:

  • Lining stitch (lining fabric on padding polyester).
  • Water-repellent, breathable membrane fabric.
  • Lightning (according to option No. 2, it is equal to the length of the back from the collar to the tail, according to option No. 1 - a little longer, as I already described above).

Tips for sewing things

Don't know how to knit or sew clothes for a toy dog? Listen to the advice of craftswomen and experienced dog breeders:

  • think over your dog’s entire wardrobe in advance;
  • carefully take your measurements (if you are doing this for the first time, then double-check yourself again to ensure that the measurements taken are correct);
  • choose materials that not only look beautiful, but also have excellent performance characteristics;
  • prepare all the necessary materials and tools;
  • when cutting and sewing clothes, do not forget that the items are intended for walking dogs on the street - do not forget to leave holes so that the animal, if necessary, can relieve its physiological needs;
  • Keep an eye on dog fashion to ensure your Chihuahua is dressed according to the latest fashion trends.

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Determining the size of the dog

To create outfits for your Chihuahua, you need to determine the size of the dog. You should not sew items “by eye” : if the clothes are not the right size, they will not fit nicely on your figure. The dog will not look good in this outfit. There is a special algorithm for determining the size: you need to measure, first of all, the length of the back. This is a key parameter when creating overalls.

For blouses, you should focus on chest volume and neck circumference. A special table of clothing sizes for Chihuahuas is presented below:

Sometimes there are non-standard shapes. In this case, the pattern diagrams must be individual so that the item is suitable for your dog.

Warm sweater for cold autumn

A sweater is a universal garment for a Chihuahua and yarn with a wool to acrylic ratio of 50%/50% is best suited for it. For tying decorative patterns, brown or gray yarn is used, the main one is most often chosen in a light shade.

First, the main white yarn of 60 loops is cast on the knitting needles. It's also worth adding a couple of edge loops. After which the decorative part is knitted in a different color in two rows. In this way, the main color alternates with the additional color every 60 rows. Near the neck and on the “skirt” the rows can be knitted more tightly or an elastic band can be sewn in so that when dressing and undressing frequently the sweater does not stretch out at the edges.

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