Leopard drops on the withers, insectoacaricidal for dogs, pack. 4 pipettes

With the arrival of spring, dog owners begin to be tormented by one of their greatest fears: infection with ticks and the babesiosis they carry. To protect their pets, they use the best imported products, one more expensive than the other. And they throw away thousands of rubles in an attempt to protect their pet.

But there are inexpensive Russian drugs that work no worse, or even better, than foreign ones. One of them is Bars drops on the withers.

In the article I looked at how well Bars works, how it protects against fleas and ticks, how to use it and what side effects it can cause. He also provided a list of Russian and imported analogues and real user reviews. And at the end of the material you will find my recommendations for using and improving antiparasitic protection.

Release form and composition

Drops Bars (spot-on) – external antiparasitic against ticks and fleas. Produced by Russian.

There are 2 types of medicines - regular and Forte . Their composition and release forms differ:

Active ingredientsRegular formForte
Fipronil50 mg/ml50 mg/ml
Diflubenzuron1 mg/ml1 mg/ml
Dicarboximide (MGK-264)5 mg/ml
Citronella essential oil1 mg/ml

Regular drops are produced in 4 variations:

VolumeDog weightAverage price per pipette
1.4 ml2-10 kg115 rub.
2.8 ml10-20 kg180 rub.
4.2 ml20-30 kg210 rub.
5.0 mlover 30 kg130 rub.

The Forte subspecies for dogs is produced in 2 types:

VolumePurposeAverage cost per package of 4 pipettes
1.0 mlLeopard for puppies335 rub.
1.8 mlFor adult dogs350 rub.

Storage and disposal

When purchasing a drug, pay attention to its production date. If more than 24 months have passed since manufacture, do not buy the product. The active ingredients of the drug will no longer work.

If you buy drops for the future, study the rules for storing them. Keep the product in a dark and dry place at room temperature and do not allow it to cool below 0 degrees. Make sure that the drug does not fall into the hands of children.

After using Bars, do not store the empty pipette or use it for other purposes, but throw it away immediately.

Bars anti-flea drops have proven to be an effective, inexpensive remedy in the fight against skin parasites in pets. The method of applying the drug is simple and straightforward; the main thing is to choose the right product in the store in accordance with the type and age of the animal, and accurately calculate the dosage depending on its weight.

How it works

Regular spot-on and Bars Forte are combined insectoacaricidal preparations. Both are active against fleas, lice, lice, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks. The regular form also works against heilstiella.

A wide range of antiparasitic effects is due to the active substances included in the solution:

  1. Fipronil blocks GABA-dependent parasite receptors and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses.
  2. Diflubenzuron stops the reproduction of ectoparasites by disrupting the processes of molting, laying eggs and hatching larvae from them.
  3. Dicarboximide enhances the effect and increases the toxicity of the two previous components. Contained only in regular drops.

The synergism of the active ingredients stops the reproduction of parasites, causing paralysis of adults and larvae with their subsequent death.

After application, the solution is distributed over the dog’s skin and accumulates in the epidermis, sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The medication is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and its external effect lasts for 1-2 months.

Brief description of the drug

Leopard is used to exterminate fleas or ticks on animals. Refers to combined insectoacaricidal agents. It is produced in Russia and comes in various modifications (collars, tablets, shampoos, drops). The most popular are Bars drops for fleas. They are produced in the form of disposable plastic ampoules with different dosages, which depend on the age and type of animal.

Composition and purpose of Bars drops

Bars is able to output:

  • fleas;
  • skin helminths;
  • demadecosis parasites;
  • ticks;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters.

At the same time, the drug kills both adult insects and larvae.

Bars drops contain:

  • fipronil (main active ingredient);
  • dicarboximide;
  • diflubenzuron;
  • Excipients.

The leopard has an immediate effect on the parasite, paralyzing its nervous system, which leads to instant death. Additional substances increase the toxicity of the product and also disrupt the vital processes of parasites. The drops have a repellent effect, which allows them to be used for preventive purposes.

Active substance

The main active ingredient in Bars is the insecticide fipronil. The substance is widely used to destroy not only parasites on animals, but also household or garden pests. Long-term human use of fipronil as an insecticide proves that the product is truly effective. It is not susceptible to external factors and is resistant to washing off with water.

Fipronil does not enter the pet's blood, but accumulates in the secretion glands and hair follicles, due to which the effect of the drug lasts for a long time.

Advantages of the drug

Leopard has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the fight against parasites living on pets. The positive properties of Leopard also include:

  • minimal toxicity of the substance towards animals;
  • the possibility of the drug affecting not only fleas, but also other pests;
  • high efficiency achieved thanks to the complex composition of the product;
  • a wide range of release forms suitable for animals of various breeds and ages;
  • ease of use;
  • long-term effect (1–2 months).

Instructions for use and dosage

The solution is applied by spot application to dry, undamaged skin, free of scabs, dirt and crusts. Methods of use differ depending on the purpose:

  1. To prevent infection by fleas, lice, ticks, and to destroy them, the solution is dripped into places that are inaccessible for licking: on the withers, at the base of the skull, between the shoulder blades. It is important that the product gets on the skin: to do this, push the fur apart with two fingers.
  2. To treat otodectosis (ear scabies), 4-6 drops are instilled into each ear. Then they are folded and massaged. The remainder of the product is applied to the withers. The method is not used when the eardrum is perforated.
  3. To detach attached ixodid ticks, 1 drop is applied to it and 1 drop is applied to the place of its attachment. After 20-30 minutes it should fall off on its own. If this does not happen, the parasite is pulled out: the body is grabbed with tweezers as close to the skin as possible, the tool is twisted counterclockwise and at the same time pulled up.

Use Bars as needed, but not more than once a month. At the same time, clean the bedding and beds with any antiparasitic solution. If there is a large infestation of fleas and lice-eaters, the entire apartment is disinfected with insectoacaricides. Inexpensive and popular means for treating premises: Neostomazan, Butox, Agita (the last 2 are toxic to animals).

The dosages of the regular form and Forte are different. So, simple drops are used in the following doses:

Dosages for Forte:

If the dog weighs more than 30 kg, use a combination of pipettes at the rate of: 0.1 ml per kg for the regular solution and 0.18 ml per kg for Forte.

How to use Bars for fleas

The treatment and prevention scheme is very simple. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage of the substance and perform a couple of simple steps.

Calculation of drop dosage

First of all, calculate how much product you will need to treat your animal. To do this, you need to weigh your pet in advance, and then, based on the results obtained, calculate how much substance is needed for treatment.

The table will help you understand this issue.

Pet weightCatsDogs
Up to 1 kg0.3 ml
From 1 to 3 kg0.6 ml
More than 3 kg1 ml
From 2 to 10 kg1.4 ml
From 10 to 20 kg2.8 ml
From 20 to 30 kg4.2 ml
More than 30 kg5 ml.

If the pet's weight exceeds the specified corresponding weight, use the formula for calculation: 0.1 ml of substance per 1 kg of animal weight.

Removal of parasites

Start exterminating parasites with thorough preparation. To do this, do not bathe the animal at least 3 days before the procedure.

The principle of distribution of the product is based on applying drops to parts of the body that the animal cannot reach to lick the drug. These places include the withers and the upper part of the spine. Also note that the skin at the application sites must be dry, clean and free of abrasions or scratches.


  • Spread the fur on the withers and upper back along the spine.
  • Squeeze the required amount of Bars onto the skin.
  • Do not bathe your pet for 3-4 days after the procedure.
  • Do not let your dog or cat out for a walk for the next 4-6 hours if it is snowing or raining outside.
  • Do not use shampoo for bathing for approximately 3-4 weeks after treatment.

Before the procedure, read the instructions in the package, and be sure to follow safety precautions during processing.

For preventive purposes, carry out treatment approximately once every 1–2 months.

Treatment of ear scabies

When an animal is infected with ear mites, the disease otodectosis develops. To combat the disease, special drops Bars have been released for ear scabies.

To treat otodectosis, follow these steps:

  • Apply Bars drops to the withers in a dosage calculated according to the pet’s weight.
  • Clean the ears of your cat or dog from dirt, earwax and purulent discharge.
  • Place 3-4 drops in each ear, even if only one is infected.
  • Press the upper part of the ear against the ear canal with your hand and massage to distribute the drug evenly.

If you want to use drops only for preventive purposes, they do not need to be dripped into your ears. It is enough just to apply the required amount of product to the withers.

If the disease is advanced and severe, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Rules for use against ixodid ticks

As a rule, when your pet regularly visits the street, the likelihood of it becoming infected with ixodid ticks increases. Start preventive treatment from the period of first tick activity, namely from mid-March. Repeat the procedure once a month, until cold weather, approximately until mid-October. The application scheme and calculation of the dosage of drops are the same as for flea treatment.

If your pet does catch a tick, don’t panic; Bars drops will help you easily remove the parasite.


  • Open up the affected area of ​​skin by spreading the fur.
  • Apply 1 drop of Bars directly to the parasite and wait about half an hour.
  • After 20–30 minutes, the tick will die and fall off.

In rare cases, the tick does not fall off on its own. To remove it, arm yourself with tweezers and put gloves on your hands. Grab the body and very carefully, so as not to tear the body away from the head, remove the parasite using a counterclockwise twisting motion.

In difficult cases, when the body does separate, but the head remains in the pet’s skin, contact a veterinarian to rule out tissue inflammation.

Prevention for kittens and puppies

The smallest pets can also be treated with Bars drops. To do this, buy a special drug for puppies or kittens at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Despite the fact that the product is produced for small animals, when processing, keep in mind that:

  • For puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age, the product is prohibited;
  • the dosage is calculated only in strict accordance with the instructions; if a small pet weighs less than 1 kg, it is allowed to use no more than 0.18 ml of the substance (about 4 drops);
  • It is not prohibited to bathe animals even with shampoo.

The procedure for using drops on puppies and kittens is no different from treating adult pets.

Treatment of pregnant cats and kittens

Bars flea drops are not recommended for use on pregnant or lactating cats or dogs, or on the skin of kittens under 8 weeks of age. However, if the situation is critical and fleas or ticks need to be treated immediately, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will conduct an examination and recommend treatment. Treat animals with extreme caution and ensure that the substance does not enter the digestive or circulatory system.

Contraindications and side effects

The solution belongs to moderately dangerous medications (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). At the indicated doses in healthy animals it does not cause side effects. However, in case of overdose or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the following are possible:

  • hypersalivation - increased salivation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle tremors;
  • lacrimation.

When these symptoms appear, the drops are washed off with soap and water and symptomatic therapy is prescribed (usually antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).

Keep in mind that the drug irritates the mucous membranes and eyes. Therefore, do not allow it to come into contact with these areas.

The medication is prohibited from use:

  • puppies up to 2 months;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • pets weighing less than 2 kg (up to 1 kg for Forte);
  • weakened, exhausted animals and those suffering from infectious pathologies;
  • dogs with allergies to the components of the drug;
  • simultaneously with other insectoacaricides;
  • near fish and rabbits - the solution is toxic for them.

Contraindications to the use of Bars drops

Despite the fact that the product is not toxic to animals, it is prohibited to use:

  • pregnant or lactating cats and dogs;
  • puppies and kittens under eight months of age;
  • convalescent pets;
  • animals infected with various infectious diseases;
  • dwarf breeds whose weight does not exceed 2 kg;
  • in combination with other drugs.

Please note that rabbits, turtles and fish should not be allowed to come into contact with the drug. Contact of fipronil on their skin and organ systems causes instant death.

Analogues of the drug

Although there are no complete analogues of Bars drops, there are many anti-tick drops with a similar composition and effect. The best ones:

AnalogueDifferencesaverage price
Inspector Total SAlso contains fipronil. Additionally, it eliminates roundworms and microfilariae larvae. Less likely to cause side effects. 450 rub.
AdvantixContains other active ingredients – imidacloprid, permethrin. Has a repellent effect against flies, mosquitoes and midges. 460 rub.
CelandineThe action of fipronil is supplemented with permethrin. Does not work against demodectic mites. 140 rub.
Frontline Spot OnFipronil based drops. The concentration of the active substance is 2 times higher than that of Bars. In addition to fleas and ticks, it destroys mosquitoes. 500 rub.
Dana Spot-OnContains only fipronil (5%). The effect is worse. The drug is prohibited for kittens up to 12 weeks. 130 rub.
Pract-ticMedicine based on pyriprole (12.5%). Does not help against sarcoptic and otodectic mites. 420 rub.
Rolf Club 3DThe effect of fipronil is enhanced by D-cyphenothrin and pyriproxyfen. Additionally, it has a repellent effect on blood-sucking insects. Eliminates parasites caught on the fur faster – in 2 minutes. Prohibited for puppies under 3 months. 300 rub.
Mister BrunoIn addition to fipronil, it contains pyriproxyfen. Suitable for dogs older than 3 months. For younger puppies, there is a herbal preparation with oils of wormwood, neem, cloves and citronella. The drug is less common. 220 rub.
BlochNetIn addition to fipronil, it contains benzyl benzoate and diethyltoluamide. Additional effect: repels mosquitoes. It has a pleasant scent, but the bottle is not convenient to use. Allowed from 10 weeks. 115 rub.

Review of 20 flea and tick medications for dogs

Are there analogues of Bars for fleas?

If the pet store does not have Bars drops in its assortment, and you need the drug urgently, you can choose similar drugs that differ from Bars in cost, composition and principle of action. These include drops:

  • Frontline;
  • Practitioner;
  • Dana;
  • Rolf Club;
  • Mr. Bruno;
  • Advantix;
  • Celandine.

Before purchasing an analogue, read the instructions for use, paying attention to contraindications and side effects.

Owner reviews

Elena: “I used to take expensive products: the dog is allergic, and the drops have to be chosen carefully. But it was to imported medicines that I became allergic. Then she spat and switched to Bars. There are no side effects, it repels ticks right away. A couple of times over the summer I found parasites on my body, but they didn’t dig in, they just crawled like plagues through my fur. I give it to the dog 3 times a season: the animal tolerates it well and doesn’t worry.”

Egor: “I always use Bars drops - they work great, I’ve never had a problem.” When we go to the forest to pick mushrooms, I additionally take a spray of the same brand: after returning home, about a hundred ticks crawl out of the dog, but none of them bite. This means the product works, but you can’t stop parasites from crawling on your fur.”

Nina: “The drops are not bad, but they worked better before. Dogs tolerate them normally, only the Chinese Crested itches on the sofa for about 5 minutes: it’s clear that the skin is irritated. Unfortunately, the product does not last as long as stated in the instructions - a maximum of 2 weeks, and only if you do not bathe often. I wouldn’t have noticed, but there are a lot of ticks in our area: I’ve picked them off my pets a couple of times. But it’s better with Bars than without.”

Other drugs Bars

In addition to Bars drops for fleas, you will find other drugs on sale. Their variety and principle of operation can be found in the table.

MeansMethod of influence
CollarPresented in the form of a rubber collar impregnated with a special substance. The action is more aimed at repelling rather than destroying parasites, since there is no direct contact with the skin. Excellent for consolidating the result and further prevention after using drops or spray.
ShampoosSuitable for quickly killing parasites. The composition contains only natural ingredients, so the product can be used for animals of different ages. Due to the absence of a toxic insecticide, it has a short-term effect.
SprayMade for complete treatment of the animal's skin and fur in all areas of the body, as well as for disinfecting the pet's sleeping area or bedding.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to bathe a dog before and after using the drops?

It is forbidden to wash animals and allow them to swim in bodies of water for 3 days before and after applying the solution. Bathing washes away the lipid layer in which the medication accumulates and weakens its effect.

Is Bars safe for people?

The drug is moderately toxic. When using it, follow standard precautions: do not smoke, do not eat or drink, and wash your hands with soap after handling. If the solution gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them with running water. In case of accidental ingestion, seek immediate medical attention.

Can cats use the drops?

No. There is a separate release form for cats: it contains different concentrations of active components and volume of solution. The use of Barsa for dogs by cats will lead to an overdose with subsequent intoxication.

Popularity in comparison with analogues

Bars drops are bought by every second cat or dog owner, despite the fact that various manufacturers of veterinary drugs offer a huge selection of products.

Advantages of Bars:

  • Reasonable price and availability. You will spend no more than 250 rubles on a package of Bars for fleas, and you can buy it at any pet store, veterinary pharmacy or in the pet department.
  • Wide spectrum of action. Leopard is capable of destroying parasites at any stage of development.
  • Ease of use. There is no need to carry out complex calculations for the dosage of the drug or prepare a special composition in advance.
  • The substance lasts for 6–8 weeks.
  • The risk of infecting your pet is minimal due to the specific application.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • There are no guarantees of complete safety of the product in relation to animals. If the pet does reach the substance and it enters the digestive system, intoxication of the body and other side effects are possible.
  • Individual characteristics of the animal. If the body is intolerant to any components of the substance, allergic reactions are possible.

It is worth noting that Bars drops are practically no different from analogues with a similar composition and principle of action. Other drugs containing substances also cannot guarantee the complete absence of the risk of side effects. Bars, in turn, has established itself as an accessible and inexpensive, truly effective remedy.

Possible reactions, contraindications

Not all animals can easily tolerate the effects of the chemical components of Bars drops against fleas and ticks for cats. The medicine is contraindicated:

  • cats during lactation;
  • pregnant individuals;
  • kittens under 2 months old;
  • sick animals;
  • cats that have irritation or damage to the epidermis;
  • animals with individual intolerance to the drug;
  • cats with perforated eardrums (if drops are used in the ears).

Important! If several cats live at home, treatment for parasites is carried out simultaneously for all animals.

Practice shows that Bars rarely disrupts the normal well-being of pets. However, in some cases, a cat may develop:

  • skin irritation;
  • lacrimation;
  • muscle tremors;
  • nausea.

As a rule, these individual reactions of the body are caused by intolerance to any of the components of the product. To avoid allergic manifestations, a special test is performed during the initial use of Bars. Apply 1 drop of the drug to the cat’s skin (on the withers) and leave for 12 hours. If no reactions occur, the product can be used.

general characteristics

Drops are a combined insectoacaricidal agent. Thanks to its convenient dosing, the drug is used to treat animals weighing up to 30 kg.

Properties, forms and effects

Over ten years of work, he has developed a large assortment of these medicines in liquid form. The dosage is calculated precisely, and if it is followed, safety is guaranteed.

Drops for dogs contain fipronil, diflubenzuron, dicarboximide as the main substance. The principle of action of the drug is to block GABA-dependent receptors of ectoparasites and change the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of the parasite. Diflubenzuron affects the viability of parasite larvae and their reproduction - it destroys eggs, pupae and flea larvae. The young pest dies without moving to a new stage. Fipronil causes paralysis of fleas and ticks. Dicarboximide enhances the properties of the first two components.

Drops “Bars” have a paralytic effect on insects

Drops for cats and dogs have identical composition, but their percentage is different, so you cannot use dog drops for cats and vice versa.

After application to the skin, the active substances are not absorbed into the blood, but are distributed over the surface of the body, accumulate in sebaceous pores and protect the animal from parasites for a long time.

Bars drop shapes:

  1. Leopard for dogs. For external control of ticks and dog fleas.
  2. Bars Forte for dogs. It is characterized by mild toxicity and is approved for use in growing animals, pregnant and lactating bitches. Allowed for treating weakened dogs.
  3. Bars Forte for puppies. Prescribed from ten weeks, sold in the form of small pipettes.
  4. Bars Forte ear drops. Sold in the form of a bottle with a pipette.

Each package of the drug contains instructions for use with a dosage table provided.

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From this video you will learn about flea drops for dogs “Bars”:


Bars anti-flea and tick drops are classified as moderately dangerous substances in terms of their effect on the body; in prescribed quantities they do not have a toxic or irritating effect. In case of accidental contact with mucous membranes, it causes irritation. The medicine is well tolerated by dogs and cats of various breeds and ages, but is dangerous and destructive for rabbits and fish.

The product fights the following parasites:

  • fleas;
  • skin helminths;
  • mites;
  • demodectic parasites;
  • lice eater

Store the pipettes of “Bars” drops in a dark and cool place.
Bars against fleas and ticks is a clear, oily, light yellow liquid. The product is packaged in bottles, tubes with a pipette, and tubes of various sizes. The instructions for Bars drops against ticks for dogs indicate the rules of administration, dosage regimen and storage methods.

Principles of use

Bars drops against fleas and ticks are recommended for dogs and cats from 8 weeks of life. The product prevents or gets rid of parasite infections. According to the instructions, Bars for dogs is applied in drops to dry skin without damage. The antiparasitic effect lasts for two months. There is no need to bathe or wash your pet for 3 days before and after treatment, and you do not need to apply Bars flea remedy to wet and damaged skin.

“Bars” drops are also used as a preventive measure to prevent the appearance of parasites on the animal’s skin.

Part the fur and drop the medicine onto dry skin in an area inaccessible to licking - on the back, neck, between the shoulder blades and at the withers. When treating large dogs (weighing over 30 kg), Leopard is dosed at the rate of 0.1 ml/kg, using pipettes of different volumes. Repeated procedures are performed as directed or necessary, but not more than once a month.

When applied to the withers, the liquid product permeates the hair and penetrates the upper layers of the skin, hair follicles and subcutaneous sebaceous glands. The product acts against parasites externally without harming the pet. A tick that gets onto the fur will not be able to spray out poisonous saliva due to paralysis and rapid death.

The drug has a similar effect on fleas, but the larvae do not die immediately. They need to mature until they molt, and then due to the blockade of chitinous membrane synthesis they will die.

Doses of the drug for dogs depending on body weight (in 1.4 ml pipettes):

  • 2−10 kg - 1 pc.;
  • 10−20 kg - 2 pcs.;
  • 20−30 kg - 3 pcs.;
  • From 30 kg and above - 4−7 pcs.

Protection with drops occurs for one month against ticks and 2 months against fleas. Repeated application of the medicine earlier than after a month is not recommended.

Limitations during the procedure

Do not instill the drug Bars against fleas into the ear if the eardrum is damaged. When the dose is increased or the drug gets into the mouth, the animal experiences excessive salivation, muscle spasms, trembling of the limbs, nausea and vomiting. The drug is completely washed off the coat with soap and water.

The drug “Bars” should be applied to the skin of a healthy animal, otherwise you may harm your pet


  • sensitivity to the composition;
  • sick, weakened animal;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • dogs weighing less than 2 kg.

There are no side effects if the recommended doses are followed. It is not recommended to violate the treatment regimen in the future: this will reduce the effectiveness of the drug. There is no data on the incompatibility of the drug with other drugs. Bars drops are not approved for use in productive livestock.

When working with drops, follow the rules of general hygiene and safety. You cannot smoke, drink or eat. Upon completion of work, you must wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap, and avoid contact between the animal and children for 24 hours.

People with sensitivity to the composition of Bars should avoid direct contact with the product. Used containers of the drug must be destroyed with household waste.

Terms of use

The drug is applied pointwise to healthy areas of the animal’s epidermis, to the interscapular area, the back line and the neck area on the back side of the animal’s body. Kittens that have reached 2 months can already use this protection, as well as get rid of already acquired parasites and ear mites.

For a one-time treatment of small animals that weigh less than 1 kg, 10 drops from 1 pipette (1 ml volume) are sufficient; 2–3 kg – 20 drops from the same pipette.

To treat a 3–5 kg cat for parasites, you will need to use up the entire contents of 1 pipette (1 ml). It is better to discuss additional amounts of the drug for heavier animals in advance with your veterinarian.

3 days before treatment of the animal (before using the product) and for 3 days after treatment, the cat is not bathed. Do not drip the medicine onto your pet's wet skin. Before using the drug, you should make sure that the epidermis is in a suitable condition; to do this, you need to part the animal’s fur in the areas of intended treatment. Flea drops protect your pet for about 50–60 days.

Repeated treatments with drops or spray are performed only in consultation with a medical specialist.

The drug has proven itself as a cure for ear mites. You can use either drops or a spray. But before treating otodectosis in a cat, the animal’s ears must be cleaned. Only after this can drops be instilled into them (5-6 in each).

When using the spray, you need to make sure that the product does not get into your pet’s eyes. After administering the drug, the cat's ear needs to be massaged. This will distribute the medicine more evenly.

Important! If a pet develops advanced otodectosis, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the animal, and the time for repeated use of the drug Bars determines taking into account the age and health status of the cat.

Operating principle

Bars drops for fleas are a low-toxic product that does not pose a threat to the health of humans and warm-blooded animals. When the medicine is applied to the skin, it lingers in the top layer and also penetrates the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The active components of the drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore they are not capable of harming the pet. The effect of the drops begins 24 hours after application and lasts for 4 weeks.

The medicine initially causes paralysis of adult parasites, and then death due to circulatory problems. Also, the active components of the drugs penetrate the protective shell of the larvae, which leads to a stop in their development and death.

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