French bulldog puppies (photo): care, education, feeding

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Dogs of the French bulldog breed bear little resemblance to the clumsy and phlegmatic English bulldogs .

Compact and agile, with straight paws and expressive dark eyes, Frenchie puppies are very inquisitive and friendly.

The desire to purchase a snub-nosed miracle as a pet is quite understandable, especially since representatives of this breed feel great even in the smallest apartment.

But the potential owner of a French bulldog must know the basics of choosing, raising and raising a pet, so that a true friend can live next to him for ten or more years.

Baby sleeps sweetly with his favorite teddy bear

  • 2 Accustoming to neatness
  • 3 Feeding a French Bulldog puppy
  • 4 Caring for a French Bulldog Puppy
  • 5 Raising a puppy
  • 6 Vaccinations

Gallery: French bulldog puppies (25 photos)


The French bulldog is a miniature sniffling creature that causes attacks of emotion in those around him. But it is important to understand that this is not only a funny animal.

The baby is not suitable for those who:

  • looking for a dog for active sports (running, swimming);
  • I’m not ready to pay much attention to my pet because I’m so busy;
  • is not going to provide the dog with thorough daily care and feeding;
  • looking for a guard dog;
  • I prepared a booth for the little “Frenchie” in the fresh air.

A loyal and loving bulldog is another child in the house - cheerful and playful.

Distinctive features of the pet

French bulldogs are peaceful and friendly. Thanks to their unique appearance, they have become the favorites of many people. In general, they are fairly calm dogs, so raising a French Bulldog will not be difficult. They are even a little lazy, but at the same time they know from an early age how to behave in any situation.

French Bulldog is a short-haired breed

The puppy loves to play with his owner. Other pets are also suitable for games. This continues in adults - they will also be very active. They need attention, so don't deny them games and walks.

The dog gets along well with the whole family. She will feel comfortable with both adults and small children. It’s easy to leave preschool children with a dog - they will play well, and the pet will also keep an eye on the baby. By the way, children also usually love this breed due to its cute appearance, playfulness, affectionate and phlegmatic character.

French Bulldogs are a fairly intelligent breed. They react quickly and correctly to the situation. If his human family dislikes any guest, the dog will understand this and will feel the same.

French Bulldogs are not cowardly. They will rush into battle without delay if there is danger. And they will fight to the end, even if the opponent is much stronger and taller. This must be taken into account when walking. It is best to avoid such situations.

For many people, the biggest drawback of this breed is snoring. This is due to the structure of the muzzle and head. But if this is not important, then the dog will become a faithful friend in the family.

By nature, the dogs are very friendly, despite their serious expression on their faces. Raising a puppy is quite simple, as dogs of this breed are easy to train. But there are also quite stubborn individuals, with whom it will be somewhat more difficult. In this case, you need to prove to the dog that the person in charge in the house is the person.

Another feature of this breed is that they are very difficult to breed. Usually there are up to 3-4 puppies in a litter. By the way, French bulldogs are city dogs, so too long walks are not for them. Only at home, near people, they feel great. By the way, due to the fact that the coat is short and there is no fluff at all, bulldogs are very susceptible to weather conditions - they do not tolerate heat or frost well.

Factors influencing development

A puppy can develop behind or ahead of the average. This is due to the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition. There is a high probability that large parents will have rather large bulldog children. Small mothers and fathers rarely give birth to animals of impressive size.
  • Gender. Female French Bulldogs are traditionally smaller than males.
  • Individual characteristics. Just like people, dogs can be prone to being overweight or having a dystrophic, lean physique.
  • Nutrition. Animals that eat in a timely manner and have a good appetite rarely lag behind their peers in development. They grow faster and become large representatives of the breed.
  • Birth defects, hormonal diseases. Lagging behind or overtaking fellow developmental peers may have pathological reasons. A veterinarian can determine them based on laboratory tests and the results of complex diagnostics.

The puppy’s development is affected not only by the period of feeding with mother’s milk, but also by the correct diet in the new home. Feeding a puppy more often, more in the hope of raising a large bulldog, is wrong. This dog is prone to gaining excess weight - without proper physical activity, what he eats will not do any good, but will be deposited in fatty tissues.

Selection of puppies

Caring for a French bulldog puppy at home is not at all difficult. It is best to pick up a puppy from a breeder when it is 2 months old. At this time, mental instability manifests itself, and the puppy becomes hyperactive. Experts advise starting training immediately.

There is no need to be embarrassed to ask the breeder about the pet’s pedigree. You also need to find out what health problems the baby’s parents had. This is especially important to know if the pet will participate in competitions in the future.

When purchasing a puppy, you need to check its health. It is recommended to ensure that it is completely healthy. To do this, you need to check the skin, fur, belly and eyes. The coat should shine. The abdomen should be firm and soft. There should be no blemishes on the skin. If pus comes out of the eyes, this is a sign of bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. You definitely need to check the baby's mouth too. The mucous membrane should have a bright pink tint. If it is too pale, then this indicates anemia.

History of the breed

It is difficult to say exactly where the homeland of French bulldogs is. Two countries at once claim that dogs of this breed appeared there: France and England. Dog scientists recognized the ancestors of the animals as Molossian Great Danes (used for bull baiting), which came from Ancient Greece to England. Gradually the appearance of these large dogs changed, they became stronger.

In the 19th century, dog fights were held. But then the spectacles were banned. Unemployment hit the country; citizens, along with their dogs, left for money in France.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In the 19th century, there were many rats in the country, but there were few cats. Therefore, bulldogs were used to hunt rodents.

The dogs were crossed with the English dwarf bulldog, pug, and terrier. Finally, the breed was fully formed. However, only poor people possessed it, using it for hunting and protection.

Everything changed thanks to one incident. At that time, France was famous for its courtesans. The girls took a photo with the dog for a postcard. Cute animals began to be associated with something indecent. But the rich citizens of the country became interested in the breed.

From that moment on, the price of dogs flew up; the buyers of the breed were exclusively rich. People began to consider funny dogs as charming, beautiful and interesting. Men gave chubby French terrier puppies to ladies to win their hearts.

At the end of the 19th century, a breed club was formed, and later standards were approved. In 1904, the bulldog was returned to England, where they continued to improve the species.

Puppy care

From the first days of acquaintance, you need to tame the puppy so that it trusts its owner. If you accustom him to human hands, this will greatly simplify care in the future. It is recommended to choose a nickname with a small number of syllables. There must be voiced consonants.

Puppies are very active and curious. Sometimes they can even show aggression, so you need to immediately show them who is boss in the house. They must learn to obey. This is especially important for puppies 1.5 months old. Usually, from the age of 3 months, the dog understands the owner’s requirements well.

In general, care is very simple. You just need to brush the fur periodically. Daily walks are also mandatory. If the weather was damp outside, then after a walk you should definitely dry your pet with a terry towel. It is not recommended to bathe a dog with short hair too often. It will be enough to wipe it with a damp towel. Experts advise carrying out full bath procedures about three times a month. When bathing, use a special shampoo. Be sure to pay attention to the folds on the face, claws and ears. If they become very dirty, they should be wiped.

French bulldogs do not tolerate heat or cold well. In winter, it is better to put warm clothes on your dog. You shouldn't walk for too long so that your dog doesn't get cold. In summer, it is better to walk only in the morning or evening, when there are no scorching sun rays. Be sure to keep a small bottle of cool, clean water with you so that if necessary, you can give your dog something to drink or simply water it to cool it down.

You can feed your French Bulldog puppy both natural food and dry food (but it must be of very high quality). The best natural foods are meat, milk, chopped fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Corn, potatoes and legumes are prohibited for Bulldogs. They are difficult to digest and can even provoke vomiting attacks. Be sure to chop all food. Dry food should be filled with water - this will make it easier to digest. Experts advise feeding meat in the evening. If a dog refuses any food, then you cannot force him to eat it.

Puppies under 2 months of age should be fed small portions 6 times a day. Then gradually the number of meals should be reduced to 4 times. At 4 months, feed the puppy 3 times a day, and when he is already six months old, then only 2 times a day. Adult dogs can be fed once a day. You must stick to a schedule, that is, feed your pet at the same time every day.


If you don’t brush your pet’s teeth at all, by the age of 2-3 years he will have: Tartar, tooth damage, gum disease, periodontitis and much more.

Brush your teeth 1-2 times a week, and then this will have a positive effect on the condition of your pet’s teeth. Use a comfortable, soft brush recommended by veterinarians.

Dog training

Training French Bulldogs is not difficult, but it requires special training. Even a child can do this, so you can safely leave the dog and baby together.

A young dog needs to be taught to accept commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “front”, “place”, “near”, “give”.

The French Bulldog is an amazing dog. She is very smart, but also loves to play and have fun. You definitely won't get bored with such a puppy. But with proper care, he grows into a worthy dog. Before purchasing a dog, it is recommended to read special literature to know how to care for, feed and train it.


“This is an exclusively apartment breed; it cannot be kept in an enclosure - the baby freezes quickly. At home, the bulldog produces a lot of drool and fine hair. The dog is not a guard, he loves to play with children and entertain guests.”

“The bulldog grunts cutely in his sleep. It's impossible not to fall in love with a funny face. When guests arrive, all attention is paid to the “Frenchman”. The dog's temperament is stubborn, but it can be taught commands. The main thing is to gain authority and sympathy from this creature.”

“A loving miracle, he prefers to sleep with his owner in the same bed. You don’t have to walk your dog for a long time; 10 minutes is enough. The bulldog likes to jump in the snow, but does not tolerate frost well. Sleeping on a warm bed or chewing on toys is his favorite thing.”

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The health of French bulldogs cannot be called strong, although with good care many problems can be avoided. The special anatomical structure of the nose, eyes, and body is associated with typical diseases of dogs:

  • food allergies;
  • dermatitis;
  • obesity;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • myositis;
  • hip dysplasia.

When the French Bulldog breed's paws fail, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian. Missed time for treatment threatens the dog with a complete loss of the ability to walk. Vaccinations and preventive examinations will prevent the development of serious diseases. Despite certain difficulties in caring for pets, owners never regret the time and effort spent communicating with their wonderful four-legged friend.

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