How to help a puppy or teach him not to cry when he's locked up or outside

There is great joy in your home, you have a puppy! This is a truly important event, but also a considerable responsibility. When deciding to tame a puppy, you need to understand that from now on you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for this little creature. You must provide him with warmth, food, comfort and psychological peace. But this is not always possible, and the little puppy whines at night.

The fact is that a dog’s whole world after its birth is its mother, brothers and sisters. In an instant, the world around him changed - his mother was not around, and instead of his usual place of residence there was a new litter and owner. In this situation, not only the animal will whine, but also the person. However, in order to stop your baby from whining at night, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons why he may howl.

Why does a puppy whine at night?

  1. One of the most important reasons is that he misses his mother. Until recently, he slept under her warm side and did not worry about anything. And now he has to sleep alone on a cold mat. No matter how cruel it may sound, it will pass. Usually after 4-6 days the baby gets used to the new environment - this is normal.
  2. Sometimes your puppy may whine because his stomach hurts. This can be caused by overeating. If, after weaning from mother’s milk, you immediately started feeding him “adult” food, the baby’s body might not be ready for this. The transition from milk to solid foods should be gradual. And if you have separated your baby from breast milk, feed him cow's milk from a nipple for the first time.
  3. Sometimes a puppy cries because he is scared. Avoid harsh sounds at night, talk to him gently, calm him down.

how to train a puppy to use a leash and collar

Organization of a sleeping place

It is important that the place of sleep evokes positive emotions and attracts the puppy. There is no need to take your pet to a bed or send it to bed as punishment. This will cause stress when trying to put your puppy down. Make this place cozy, it should be comfortable, not cold and not hot. In winter, provide a warm soft blanket, in summer - dense cool material, set the optimal temperature in the room where the puppy sleeps. Allow him to take some kind of toy. Perhaps a softly turned on radio or a ticking clock nearby will help put the baby to sleep.

At first, if the puppy is overly anxious and does not want to be left alone, place his bed next to the bed where you sleep. Go to bed together and put your hand down, let it calm the puppy. Usually after 10 minutes he falls asleep. It is forbidden to take an animal into bed to calm it down! It will be difficult to wean him off in the future. Gradually move the couch further and further from the bed and move it closer to its permanent location. The pet will gradually get used to the changes and will soon begin to rest peacefully until the morning.

Sometimes dogs wake up at night to check that their owner is okay. This phenomenon is observed in both puppies and adult guard breeds. Having arrived in the master bedroom and making sure that he is sleeping peacefully, the dog will go on to sleep. If your pet has this habit, do not leave it indoors overnight.

Why does an adult dog whine all night?

Adult dogs usually won't whine or cry at night because they are used to you and your home. However, there are other reasons why an adult dog may whine at night. Let's look at the most common reasons why adult dogs cry or whine at night:

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  1. They call for your attention . The first reason they might whine is to call for you. They may be calling you for a variety of reasons: perhaps there is noise in the yard and they are warning you, or maybe they are hungry or need to go outside to relieve themselves. We should not ignore their calls because something may be wrong, but we need to get to the root of the problem so that this does not happen again in the future.
  2. They are depressed . If your dog has recently experienced a sudden change in his life, such as the death of a loved one or moving house, he may be suffering from depression. If this is the case, there are a few things you can do to help them, such as allowing them to sleep in your room so they don't feel lonely at night.
  3. They experience separation anxiety . As with depression, your dog may experience separation anxiety. This happens when your dog is used to being around you all the time, and when left alone, he becomes anxious and exhibits destructive behavior.
  4. They experience physical pain . Finally, your dog may be whining due to physical pain he is experiencing due to an underlying medical condition. If they are also experiencing other symptoms, you will need to take them to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Dogs are very dependent on their owners. This is especially true for small puppies. Impressionable little ones quickly remember prohibiting commands and obey their owners. If your shaggy friend is noisy or too annoying, it is acceptable to shush him. After this, the pet will probably calm down. With the right amount of patience, you can teach your baby the “Sleep” command.

Fidgets can be calmed down with the help of a newspaper. Roll it into a tube and tap it on the floor. Just don’t hit your pet under any circumstances! You cannot punish a child. Firstly, the baby simply will not understand what idea you want to convey. Mistrust will arise. Secondly, the night will begin to be associated with something bad. The puppy may resist and resist even more due to emerging fears.

How to stop a puppy from whining at night and during the day? Tips from dog handlers

A child or an adult dog does not whine without a reason. Having determined the reason why the pet is whining, we select the appropriate way to eliminate the problem:

  • To stop a puppy from whining at night, it is worth setting up a sleeping place next to the owner so that the dog does not feel lonely. Move to a permanent place in two or three days.
  • Place a heating pad wrapped in a blanket next to the puppy.
  • For the first couple of weeks, devote a lot of time to your pet, walk, play, and arrange a normal life emotionally.
  • If the baby continues to whine, use the command “”, “No” every time the howling starts. Young dogs learn quickly, the effect is visible after 3-4 days.
  • You can stop your puppy from whining when he is left alone using consistent actions. Let the animal know where its place is and leave it alone for about 5 minutes. Every day, increase the intervals, and if the baby resists in every possible way, return him to his place and repeat the command in a calm, firm voice. Before the training process, take your dog for a walk. When the puppy does everything correctly, do not forget to praise and treat him with a treat.

There is no need to punish physically or shout, as this will only upset the animal’s psyche. Don’t babysit and don’t run at the first call, don’t fulfill every whim, don’t take the puppy to bed, show who’s boss in the house, otherwise it’s much more difficult to cope with the upbringing.

It happens that the baby begins to whine after 3-5 weeks of staying in a new place. He should be shown to a veterinarian; there may be health problems.

What to do before bed

  • Feed When training to sleep at night, observe the correct time of the last meal. Feed dinner at least three hours before your dog falls asleep. This way his body will digest the food. If you feed your pet later, then at night he will get up to do his business. The same goes for water. To prevent your baby from waking up for natural needs, give him something to drink at least two hours before going to bed. If your puppy is teething, give him something to chew at night. The chewing process has a calming effect. Place a chewable treat or toy (not a squeaky one) next to your sleeping baby. When he wakes up at night, he will be able to occupy himself without disturbing you. Perhaps chewing will easily put him to sleep.
  • Take a walk This point follows from the previous one. The key to a good night's sleep is a walk. Be sure to take your pet for a walk every day. Let this become a useful habit to ensure nightly peace for your household. If the puppy does not constantly do things during walks, do not cancel them.
  • Play Fun games are a way to burn off energy and, accordingly, get tired. Due to natural fatigue, he will be more willing to go to bed. Play at home or on a walk, the main thing is a maximum of two hours before going to bed. Before going to bed, do not let your pet play around, stop any activity. Puppies can wake up at night to play. The best tactic is to ignore. Do not pet him, do not say his name, do not give in to attempts to involve the owner in the game. If the puppy is playfully attacking you, then gently push him away with your foot, but not with your hands. The animal will understand that no attention is paid at night, and the desire to play at this time will disappear.

The dog whines in the absence of its owners

There is nothing worse when a dog howls or whines under the doors, throws tantrums when he is left alone at home. The problem needs to be solved gradually.

To begin with, you can teach him to lock the dog in one of the rooms. Close the door and don't pay attention if he scratches the door or whines. After a while, open the door, scold your pet and give the forbidden command in a stern tone. You can lightly lift your pet by the scruff of the neck and slap him on the rump with a newspaper.

Once the dog calms down, praise him. Don't constantly run to your dog when he starts to tantrum and don't teach him to reward him with treats. The dog will quickly understand that whining is an effective means of attracting attention and getting treats. Repeat the exercise several times a day, increasing the time amplitude until you achieve results. If the dog starts whining as soon as you leave the house, come back and scold the dog. Give the command “Get in place!” and take him to the litter.

Advice! Do not let your dog out of the house or enclosure for a walk if the dog begins to howl. Don't open the door if he scratches or whines. Don't follow the animal's lead.

Do the same when leaving home. So that the dog doesn't get bored:

  • Leave a bone, toys, teeth sharpeners.
  • Before leaving, organize a long active walk and engage in training.
  • Feed before leaving. A tired and well-fed dog will sleep and rest when you leave home.
  • When leaving the dog alone, give the command “Place”. As soon as your pet goes to his bed, reward him.

How do dogs' dreams differ from human dreams?

With the advent of technology that allows one to monitor brain activity during sleep, experiments on dogs were continued. With their help, it was possible to prove that dog dreams are different from human dreams. They are brighter, more dynamic, and quickly replace each other. Thus, the deep sleep phase in a person can last about one and a half hours. During this time, he manages to view the whole story. In dogs, it takes on average 20-25 minutes, and the dream consists of 2-3 pictures that quickly replace each other.

Interesting! In small breeds of dogs, sleep phases alternate more often than in adults. So, in a toy terrier this can happen every 10 minutes, in a Great Dane - every hour.

Scientists are also inclined to believe that during sleep, animals can not only see and hear, but also smell. This is evidenced by the fact that they often twitch their nose in their sleep, as if sniffing at something.

In small breeds of dogs, sleep phases alternate more often than in adults

Why does your puppy whine all night?

Your puppy may cry or whine at night - this is normal. This is because they are used to another home where they sleep with their mother and siblings. Now they are in a new place alone and with strangers. It is understandable for them that they were a little shy and afraid on the first night. With that said, here are the most common reasons why puppies cry or whine at night:

  1. They are lonely and scared . The first and most common reason is that your dog is lonely and scared. The first couple of days in a new home with new people and away from family can be a big challenge for a puppy. They may cry at night because they know their family, you, or simply because they are sad.
  2. They are hungry or thirsty . Another reason your puppy may whine or cry all night is because he is hungry or thirsty. A puppy's diet is slightly different from an adult dog's, so you need to make sure they are consuming enough calories and the right nutritious foods so they can grow up healthy.
  3. They are in pain . Finally, your puppy may be crying because he is in pain due to an illness. If they are also showing other symptoms of dog illness, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. Remember that puppies may be more vulnerable to certain diseases and may not be able to cope with symptoms for long.

How to help a puppy or teach him not to cry when he's locked up or outside

I've encountered this. It's been a long time, really. The puppy cried terribly the first day, I gave him my old rabbit fur hat. He probably thought it was still a puppy and didn’t cry anymore. Maybe I should give him something fur too? :))

Let's try to find some kind of fur trap.

You can also try leaving for a few minutes and returning, each time increasing the time of absence - so that he understands that you are not leaving him and will definitely come soon. Absolutely right. Or - get dressed and NOT leave. Lock yourself away from him in the room/kitchen, scold him if he cries, scratch him, praise him if he was silent and didn’t ask. Praise + treat if you were silent for at least a minute or two. Then increase the time. Everything else is also an option, try it.

The puppy promises when he sits in another room

If the puppy has become accustomed to you and its new habitat, but continues to disturb you or makes heart-rending sounds when locked in another room, you need to be strict in your upbringing. If you constantly indulge in such behavior, pity or calm the dog, whining will become a habit, and the dog will howl for any reason.

You can ignore whining if this is how your pet attracts attention. Over time, the dog will understand that such behavior only displeases the owners. If the whining really bothers you, open the door. In a stern tone, send the dog to its place, give the command “Fu.” Repeat similar actions until the dog calms down. If all else fails, the dog continues to howl as soon as you close the door, increase the punishment, find a method that will achieve results.

What do animals dream about?

So far no one has been able to “spy” on the dreams of animals. However, scientists have reason to believe that they are more diverse than we might imagine. Definitely, often a dream is a reflection of what has been experienced. Therefore, the central part of the plot is usually the owner, who is the center of the universe for the dog. Often dogs in which the “blue spot” was neutralized, in the active phase of sleep, did everything the same as during the day: played, followed commands, ran.

However, studies have shown that it is during sleep that ancient instincts manifest themselves in animals. Thus, even trained dogs, whose ancestors served humans for many generations, can begin to howl like wolves during the deep phase. And under the influence of drugs, they completely demonstrated original behavior: even decorative dogs could “go hunting” and demonstrate behavior characteristic of their ancestors in the pack.

When a dog whines for no reason

Dog handlers agree that a dog cannot whine without a reason. This is always an expression of well-being, one’s own emotions or a way of communication. If you notice that your pet has begun to whine without any provoking factors, you should check his health (examine the oral cavity, change the temperature, take him to an appointment).

It is especially dangerous if the dog, at the same time as whining, is breathing heavily, shaking his head with his tongue hanging out, or pacing around in the apartment. If these symptoms occur, you should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

When should you not worry?

If your puppy twitches in his sleep, this is completely normal! It is also normal that the baby’s eyes are not completely closed; look closely - the mucous membrane is protected by a transparent film of the third eyelid. It will be interesting for you to watch how the awakened puppy tries to do what he saw in the dream. However, most often, owners notice the opposite situation, like the baby running around in his sleep. The dog lies on its side, its paws twitch, the baby may whine or even yelp. Some puppies bark so loudly that they wake themselves up.

When a puppy is active during sleep, he is in the REM phase. If the dog did not wake up and was not awakened ahead of time, after awakening, the ward will not remember the dream. If the baby wakes himself up, he can jump up and continue doing what he did in the dream - this is the norm. The younger the puppy, the longer the REM sleep phase. In babies 2–4 months old, dreaming can occupy up to 90% of the total sleep time.

This is interesting! Experiments have confirmed that puppies see their first dreams even before they are born.

What to do in the first nights with a puppy

If you decide to buy a dog, choose one and a half month old puppies. Considering that they are used to being with their mother all the time, you will have to replace her. Stroke the puppies constantly if they become anxious or whine. You can massage the tummy and praise him if he behaves diligently.

For the first few days, place your dog bed next to your bed. Gradually move it away and bring it closer to the place where the grown dog will always be. To facilitate adaptation, you can use an object familiar to your pet.

Ask if the breeder can give you bedding from the bed on which the bitch and her puppies slept. A toy or cardboard will also work.

Place the selected item next to the dog bed. Thanks to this, the baby will calm down and gain confidence in safety. You can place a bottle of warm water or a heating pad in your dog’s bed. This will create an imitation of the fact that mom is nearby.

Older pets who are already accustomed to their new family may also whine. Turning on the light or a compact night light will help correct the situation. If the animal "cries" due to boredom, place a new toy, imitation bone, or other entertainment next to it.

At a moment of boredom, the dog will entertain itself, which will allow it to calm down and fall asleep. After a few weeks, begin training and education.

Diagnosis and further treatment

The first thing to do in such a situation is to determine the cause. To do this, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary tests:

  • general blood test - to detect signs of inflammation;
  • glucose level - to exclude hypoglycemia;
  • biochemical blood test - determination of electrolyte levels;
  • determination of hormone levels - with hypothyroidism, the level of T3 and T4 decreases.

After examination and diagnosis, you can begin treatment. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the cause of the trembling:

  1. For hypothyroidism, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed - Levothyroxine. During treatment, the level of thyroid hormones is examined and the dose of the drug is selected depending on this.
  2. For insulinoma, surgery is indicated to remove the tumor. If hypoglycemia occurs during treatment of diabetes mellitus, the insulin dose must be carefully adjusted.
  3. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to give sorbents, for example Enterosgel or activated carbon. Sometimes the administration of antidotes is justified.

If shaking is a natural reaction of the body to cold, stress or hormonal surge, then treatment is not required. It is enough to calm the pet and warm it up.

General information

A dog is a pack animal; it does not perceive life alone. Whining for a dog is the same linguistic signal as barking. Whining performs several functions:

  • physical;
  • mental;
  • emotional.

ATTENTION ! Whining itself is normal. With the help of this sound, the pet informs its owner about its mood, desires, and problems. If whining precedes a change in the dog’s behavior, the dog behaves chaotically and does not listen to commands, it is important to find out exactly the reason for this phenomenon.

The main reasons that a pet begins to whine are fear of loneliness, emotions (joy or sadness), a sense of danger, the influence of the moon and poor health. A dry nose, glassy eyes, lethargy and whining are dangerous symptoms that require consultation with a veterinarian.

How not to lose sight of the disease?

You need to be able to distinguish cramps from natural twitching during sleep. When in doubt, wake up the dog. A pet who feels well will quickly regain consciousness; you will not be able to influence the seizures without medication. Do you notice that your pet feels unwell after waking up, drops its head, cannot swallow saliva completely, or has difficulty getting to its feet? Contact your doctor and don't delay. Severe weakness indicates a previous seizure , which may have stopped when you suddenly spoke loudly to the dog or pushed it to the side in an attempt to wake it up.

Important! If your dog gets up or jumps up and runs in his sleep, you need to analyze the level of stress that the pet is experiencing. Small twitches are normal, but strong paw kicks indicate a disturbance in the central nervous system.

Should you wake your dog during deep sleep?

Waking up in the stage of light sleep, the dog does not remember what it dreamed. However, if you wake her up during the deep stage, she will not immediately wake up from sleep. Most likely, in this case, you will look around for several seconds, as if not understanding where you are.

However, such an awakening can also be dangerous. A dog that “chased” enemies in a dream may growl, snap, or even bite its owner. This does not indicate hidden aggression, but only proves that in a dream, pets remember their instincts.

If nervous twitching and whining bother the owner, you can wake up the dog. However, you should not touch it. It's much safer to call her by name.

How does a dog behave while sleeping?

In a dog with an excitable nervous system, movements during sleep extend not only to the muscles of the face. In the deep sleep phase, she begins to quickly move her paws as if she were running somewhere; it looks very funny and is reminiscent of how dogs run in old cartoons. Sometimes the dog can even howl or bark dully without waking up.

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