Note to the owner - how to measure a dog's temperature?

Animals, unlike people, cannot complain about feeling unwell or ask for help. Measuring a dog's temperature - an important procedure for monitoring her health.

In the article we will tell you how and how to measure the temperature of dogs, how often to do it, what standards exist for dogs of different breeds.

Is it possible to cope alone at home?

It is quite possible to measure a dog’s temperature at home, without resorting to the help of a veterinarian . Moreover, in the life of a four-legged friend there may be a number of moments when measurements simply need to be carried out daily or even several times a day. After all, its change may indicate changes in the pet’s health.

In the body of warm-blooded animals, heat is constantly generated with the help of muscles and liver. Heat is released especially intensely after a hearty meal, heavy physical activity, or during stress (for example, visiting a doctor).

All dog breeders have noticed how their pets lie down in the heat, stretching out to their full length, or breathe quickly, sticking out their tongues. A natural process of thermoregulation occurs.

And although the body temperature of dogs constantly changes, it remains within certain limits, homeostasis is maintained. It is important to understand that the process of heat formation is biochemical in nature, and heat transfer is physical .

The temperature can also rise in cases where heat transfer is physically impossible, for example, a pet is locked in a car on a hot day. It is important to create normal living conditions for the animal, and then the body of a healthy dog ​​will cope with thermoregulation on its own.

IMPORTANT! If you have a pregnant bitch, remember that a sharp decrease in her temperature by 2 degrees shortly before the expected birth indicates the imminent birth of puppies and is physiological.

Owners should be concerned about an increase or decrease not related to the listed factors . That is why every loving owner should be able to measure the temperature of their pet in order to react in time and inform the veterinarian.

It is advisable to accustom the animal to the procedure from a very young age. It is quite possible for one person to cope, even with a large dog, if the training from puppyhood went correctly.
ATTENTION! Many dog ​​owners are confident that they can accurately determine the temperature of their pets by touching their nose and it is not necessary to measure it with a thermometer.
Remember, this confidence can be dangerous, because the temperature of dogs is measured only rectally, and only this method is informative. For the procedure you will need a mercury or electronic thermometer, Vaseline or any other water-based lubricant . You may also need a table or stand on which you can comfortably place your dog while lying down. Over time, you can accustom the animal to measuring in a standing position and do it on the floor.

Normal temperature in dogs and cats

Temperature standards for humans and animals differ significantly. For four-legged creatures, these figures are 37.4 – 39.4 degrees. Everything that the thermometer shows in this range is normal. The greatest significance may be observed in puppies and kittens during childhood. With age, towards old age, animals experience a decrease in temperature. A decrease in temperature is also observed in animals that overeat and are overweight.

Veterinarians say that deviations from the norm of up to half a degree are not considered abnormal and should not cause any concern.

In all other cases, you must contact your veterinarian.

Choosing a thermometer

Regular mercury

For rectal measurements, a regular mercury thermometer, which people use to measure their temperature, is quite suitable. Only for the animal it is necessary to have its own separate device for hygiene purposes.

This thermometer is not without its drawbacks, but it has a serious advantage over its analogues - it is accurate . And among the disadvantages: fragility, the danger of being broken and injuring the pet and the owner, potentially dangerous mercury vapor, the need to keep it in the anus for a relatively long time.


It is quite possible to use an electronic thermometer for measurements, which must also be individual . Such a thermometer is safer, there is less risk of injuring the animal, there is no mercury, there is a sound signal and, often, there is a built-in memory of the last values.

Also, they take less time to measure temperature than mercury ones. But there are also disadvantages - often dog breeders note that the device is less accurate than a mercury one . The manufacturer of the thermometer and the price are of great importance (there is no need to save for accuracy), and it is also necessary to strictly follow the instructions for using the thermometer.

It should be noted that after measuring the rectal temperature, you should wash its tip with soap and your hands, and wipe the tip with alcohol.

Reference. In veterinary clinics, electronic thermometers are most often used, since often doctors do not have much time, and when the temperature of the patient you bring is taken, our other lesser friends are patiently waiting outside the door.

Why does high fever last for a long time?

In most observations, the temperature rises in response to the activity of foreign microorganisms.
A prolonged increase in temperature can be understood as hyperthermia, lasting several days during acute colds or infectious diseases, or chronic low-grade fever. In the first case, the cause usually lies either in the severe course of the disease or in improper treatment, when an incorrect diagnosis does not allow the cause of the fever to be eliminated. If the patient tolerates an elevated temperature normally, it is better not to bring it down - this will help the body cope with the infection faster.

As for chronic low-grade fever, when a temperature of 37-38 C lasts for several weeks or longer, this condition is usually caused by the transition of an infectious disease from the acute to the chronic phase. This often happens as a result of improper treatment. For example, often a patient, not wanting to consult a doctor, follows the advice of friends who recommend “proven” antibacterial or sulfaniladmide drugs. However, often these drugs may simply not be suitable for the patient’s indications. As a result, the disease goes into remission for a short time in order to soon take a chronic course.

Important! If the temperature reaches febrile values ​​(38 C or higher) and lasts more than 4 days, you should consult an infectious disease doctor. Another common mistake in the treatment of infectious diseases is to stop taking antibiotics at the first signs of improvement, without completing the course.

This also contributes to the chronicity of the disease and may increase antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

Another common mistake in the treatment of infectious diseases is to stop taking antibiotics at the first signs of improvement, without completing the course. This also contributes to the chronicity of the disease, and can increase antibiotic resistance of bacteria.

The possibility of developing diseases of the endocrine system and autoimmune pathologies should also be taken into account. And sometimes a prolonged increase in temperature can be caused by head injuries, as a result of which the hypothalamus suffers.

Prolonged hyperthermia in the range of 37-38 C is often observed in the case of herpes viruses, which can masquerade as other diseases (from respiratory to diseases of the central nervous system). The most famous representative of this group of diseases is the Epstein-Barr virus.

Chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract during exacerbations can also cause an increase in temperature. In this case, they will be accompanied by symptoms characteristic of the disease that caused hyperthermia. For example, an increase in temperature during exacerbation of colitis will be accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, nausea and flatulence.

How to do this correctly?

Prepare the dog, talk to it gently, explain the essence of the procedure, the animal should not be afraid. Lay the dog on the table on its side, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline, lift and hold the tail with one hand, and with the other carefully insert the thermometer into the animal's anus to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm. Remember that if you do everything correctly, it will not hurt him.

Hold the thermometer for as long as required by the instructions for its use. If it is a mercury thermometer, 5 minutes is enough, if it is an electronic one, you can usually remove it after a sound signal. Veterinary clinics can measure the temperature by standing the dog up and lifting its tail. Over time, you can teach your pet to measure in the same way at home.

Tips for Adult Pets

Experienced dog breeders advise coming up with a separate “heal!” command. or “thermometer!”, you can call it whatever you like. The main thing that the dog must learn is that it will not hurt, and in the end the owner will reward it with a treat.

Having heard such a command, trained pets themselves lie down for the procedure, and those who have been trained to do this while standing stand up and raise their tail. Training and an integrated approach help the owner very well , both he and the animal are calm, and the result is when the dog is calm, more precisely.

After measuring, sanitize the thermometer, wash your hands, and enter the data into a free-form graph created.

For a puppy

Measuring a puppy's temperature is no different from this process in an adult animal. There is no need to be afraid to do this , small puppies are very vulnerable and timely information about changes in their temperature to the veterinarian can save their life.

If the puppies are very small breeds, insert the thermometer not as deep as an adult dog , focus on the ratio of the sizes of the tip and the dog.

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Measurement frequency

It is believed that the temperature of puppies should be measured regularly if the dog is sick or pregnant, before and after birth. In other cases, this should be done as needed.

So, pregnant bitches are recommended to do this weekly, and twice a day a week before the expected birth. For puppies, depending on age and condition after birth, from twice a day to once a week. A veterinarian will give more precise recommendations.

Important! It should be remembered that this procedure is harmless and painless. Therefore, if you have the slightest doubt about your pet’s health, do it without hesitation and repeat it as many times as necessary, not forgetting to write down the results.

Reasons for deviations

The causes of hyperthermia and hypothermia are different, but in both situations they are divided into benign and pathological.


Non-dangerous causes include the appearance of molars, recent food intake, vaccinations, stress, intense physical activity and too many degrees outside. In females, this condition occurs during estrus and shortly after the birth of puppies.

The most common pathological cause is infection: viral, bacterial or parasitic. Other reasons include allergies, oncology, poisoning, heart disease and endocrine system disease.


Heat production is disrupted due to anesthesia and shortly before birth. Chronic kidney and liver pathologies, worms, food poisoning and disorders accompanied by severe blood loss may also be to blame.

What value is considered normal?

The table shows temperature norms for animals of different ages and different types of breeds

For puppiesFor adults
Breed typeNormBreed typeNorm
small breeds38.6-39.3˚Сsmall breeds38.5-39.0˚С
medium breeds38.3-39.1˚Сmedium breeds37.5-39.0˚С
large breeds38.2-39.0˚Сlarge breeds37.4-38.3˚С

If the value is not within these limits, calmly analyze the situation, the presence of other symptoms and contact your doctor.

Actions in case of increased or decreased

ATTENTION! If the animal has a fever, never use emergency measures to cool it, such as dousing it with ice or ice water. This can lead to heart attack, stroke and even death of the animal.

also not give your dog antipyretic medications for humans , such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin and the like. Uncontrolled use of these drugs can be dangerous and even tragic for the animal.

If the temperature is above 40 degrees, you need to call a doctor or go to him urgently. It is acceptable to use the following home reduction methods:

  • drink a little water or chamomile decoction at room temperature
  • apply cooling wet compresses to the dog’s sides and back, repeat when the towel becomes warm
  • wrap ice in a bag and rags and apply to the occipital protuberance and paws
  • fill plastic bottles with cold water and place them next to the pet, if she wants, she will lie down next to them

If the temperature is low, place a blanket next to the dog or unobtrusively wrap it up . If she needs it, she will lie wrapped up, but if not, don’t insist.

What to do if there are deviations?

Having figured out how to measure a dog’s temperature, it remains to understand how to help it if deviations occur. Allowable actions depend on the final value.

Actions for hyperthermia

A cold compress will be needed to relieve the fever. It is applied to the forehead, ears and paw pads. Use a damp towel or ice as a compress. In the second case, the source of cold will have to be wrapped in thick cloth to prevent frostbite of the skin.

It is recommended to move the pet itself to a cool place. Open the windows in the room to create a draft, and be sure to place a comfortable lounger under the four-legged body.

Make sure your dog drinks enough water. If he refuses to drink on his own, use a syringe or a damp sponge. Please note that the liquid should be cold, but not icy.

If there is no change for the better within a couple of hours, be sure to contact the veterinary clinic - and under no circumstances resort to using antipyretics from your own first aid kit. Aspirin, Nurofen and Paracetamol are toxic to animals and can be fatal if taken.

Fever: a protective reaction or a pathological process?

Most often, the blood “boils” in response to the action of pyrogens:

  • particles of infectious pathogens;
  • components of necrotic tissue formed during tumor disintegration or injury;
  • allergens to which the dog has an individual sensitivity.

Sometimes during the inflammatory process these provoking factors are combined. An increase in temperature during a dog's heat (or a month later) to 41°C indicates a tandem of bacteria with destroyed cells in the uterine cavity.

The onset of an infectious disease includes the body's defense mechanism:

  • heat transfer is reduced;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • antibodies and interferon are synthesized;
  • conditions are created that are unfavorable for the proliferation of microbes;
  • the global “defense capacity” of the body is strengthened.

But a prolonged fever can do more harm than good:

  • the number one target is the brain: its nutrition is disrupted, inhibition of reactions occurs, depression occurs, the threat of fainting and hallucinations increases;
  • the load on internal organs increases sharply, breathing and heart rate increase greatly;
  • malfunctions occur in the digestive system: the secretion of the pancreas and salivary glands decreases; the amount of bile is reduced; intestinal peristalsis stalls, causing bloating and constipation.
  • the mechanism of water-salt metabolism is disordered: fluid is retained in the tissues; a large volume of urine is released;
  • dehydration leads to pathological changes in the composition of the blood.


How do allergy symptoms manifest in dogs and what to do to relieve them?

To interrupt the destructive chain reaction in the body, immediate medical intervention is required.


The normal temperature in dogs ranges from 37.5-39 degrees. As the temperature rises, it is unlikely that your pet will remain cheerful and playful. The thermometry procedure does not take much time and only requires a thermometer. Any human thermometer will do. The procedure is performed rectally. Be very careful with the mercury thermometer and always secure it so as not to break it.

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Nikitin Sergey

I write about dogs based on the experience and knowledge gained during my studies as a veterinarian, work in my specialty, and simply from observing my pets.

Infrared contactless

Having overcome all the disadvantages of the above thermometers, to the delight of people there are non-contact infrared thermometers. The principle of their operation is that the thermometer sensor detects infrared waves emanating from the human body, from objects, food, etc.


  • safety (does not contain glass and mercury, is not a carrier of infections),
  • measurement time – several seconds,
  • the built-in memory in the thermometer allows you to track temperature dynamics,
  • ease of use – even a child or an elderly person can understand the measurement rules,
  • a wide range of measured temperatures, which allows you to measure the temperature of other objects (food, drinks, water in the bath, air in the room, animal),
  • The backlight allows you to measure body temperature even in the dark (for example, a child without waking him up, since it does not require contact with the skin).
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