There are 9 species of owls. Here's how they differ from each other (10 photos)

Author: Dimon

23 February 2022 23:01

Community: Animals

Tags: interesting birds photo  



As you can imagine, getting an owl to pose for a photo is quite difficult. Even in captivity, these birds remain withdrawn and unsociable. Photographer Brad Wilson learned this first-hand when trying to coax owls at a nursery to turn their faces towards him. It took him many hours to take their portraits.


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“It's very difficult to get an animal to look at the camera,” he says. “That was the holy grail for me.” Wilson is a master of portraiture. His Affinity series features 65 species of animals, including the white rhinoceros, white tiger, arctic fox and vulture. But photographing owls is the most difficult and interesting for him. It takes years to build trust before an owl will allow a human to touch it, and “that privilege does not extend to other people,” according to Wilson. With his works, Whistleson wanted to emphasize the nobility and independence of each bird from its caretakers. For example, many of them had damaged wings, which is not visible in the photographs. Look what he came up with:


It is believed that the first owls appeared approximately 65 million years ago, during the Eocene period. However, the remains found indicate that their appearance was far from modern. The species of this bird that lived during that period of time are classified into separate genera: Eostrix, Strigogyps and others. They are now considered extinct. Modern owls evolved about a million years ago.

Their hunting method significantly influenced their evolution. Owls stand motionless, listening to the slightest rustles. They are able to accurately determine the position of the target and the distance to it. Having prepared itself, the predator takes off and grabs the prey with its claws. This is why owls switched to a nocturnal lifestyle, since it is easier to maintain the element of surprise. In the future, this was reflected in the appearance and characteristics of the body.
Interesting fact: Some species of owls can hunt during daylight hours. For example, these include individuals living in the Arctic, where the polar day can last more than 24 hours.

Legend bird

In folklore, especially in the Middle Ages, owls were surrounded with a mystical aura, whole legends were written around them, in which owls were credited with supernatural abilities. Therefore, in real life they were bypassed and experienced, at times, outright fear.

This is most likely simply due to the fact that the owl is a predator. Moreover, a predator that leads the most active part of its life at night, simply by its nature, in fact, brings many benefits to humanity by keeping the number of small rodents under control.

Now this bird is more perceived as a symbol of wisdom.


The color of most species contains dark tones, which allows them to remain unnoticed at night and makes hunting easier. Most species have gray, black and dark brown colors on their feathers. Moreover, almost always one shade is predominant, and the rest are present in the form of spots.

Owl head close up

The owl's head is large and round in shape. In the center there is a short beak, and on the sides of it there are large eyes. Due to the structural features of their necks, owls can turn their heads 270 degrees. The bird has a wide viewing angle, and thanks to its excellent vision, it is able to discern any details of the surrounding space. Owls see the world in black and white.

Interesting fact : owls' pupils always look forward, since the bird cannot rotate its eyes. But this is easily compensated for by the large angle of rotation of the neck.

The owl's body is massive, its front protrudes forward. The bird stands on thick paws, at the ends of which long claws protrude.

White-faced owl

This miniature beauty with large orange eyes against the background of a light facial disc framed by a dark circle can also confidently claim the status of the most beautiful owl in the world. It is worth noting that she stands out favorably for her elegance among all her close relatives. Small and neat feathered “ears” earned the bird the nickname “miniature eagle owl.”

The sophisticated appearance of the white-faced owl is achieved due to the snow-white fluff of the beak and gray plumage with many subtle strokes. In addition to its bright appearance, this bird can also boast of its natural cunning. A peculiarity of this species of birds is their defensive behavior, which consists in the ability to take a fighting position and change their size, focusing on the volume of the enemy’s body.

Finding themselves next to a small bird, they swell and spread their wings, increasing their size many times over, and when they see a massive enemy, white-faced owls shrink and become practically invisible among the vegetation. This feature gave the bird another name - “transformer owl”.

Owl sizes

Comparison of the sizes of different species of owls.
Eagle owls are considered the largest of the family. Their sizes reach up to 70 cm. In second place in terms of size is the white owl. Adults can stretch up to 65 cm. Small species include the elf owl. Its dimensions do not exceed 14 cm, and the moustache owl is 18 cm.

The average dimensions of other species are in the range from 35 to 45 cm. These sizes allow you to hunt small birds and animals without encountering serious resistance.

Representatives of small breeds

Having talked about the largest representatives of the family, it is worth mentioning separately about the small owls. Indeed, despite their modest size, many are very interesting birds.

Of course, the smallest owl is the Scops Owl. It weighs no more than 100 grams.

The only slightly larger variety of owls is the Ussuri owl.

The bobwhite owl has approximately the same size.

What’s interesting is that all three birds are migratory, preferring to spend the winter in Africa or South Asia.

Character and lifestyle

Each species of owl has individual habits and characteristics. Some live in one territory all their lives and leave it only on rare occasions. One of these is the eagle owl. But certain species periodically migrate to other lands, for example, in winter the snowy owl flies from the tundra to the south.

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Owls in the nest

In most cases, birds live in pairs or groups. The greatest activity occurs at night. During the day, owls rest and gain strength, and at nightfall they go hunting.

Interesting fact : snowy owls are able to be active both at night and during the day. During daylight hours, they also hunt well and patrol territories.

Owls are lazy birds. In most cases, they do not build nests, but occupy the homes of other species.

Rabbit owl

Representatives of the genus of owls have long gained fame as the most photogenic birds. This status is due to their charisma, varied facial expressions and unique gait style, making them a real find for photographers.

The rabbit owl, thanks to its funny behavior, including the habit of craning its neck to explore the surroundings and its flight characteristics, has long won the hearts of millions of users of the World Wide Web and was universally recognized as the cutest creature on earth. Despite the name, this representative of owls and rabbits are united only by a love of living in small colonies and living in burrows that can be left by other animals or dug by the owls themselves.

In addition, this bird differs from other relatives in its preference for an active daytime lifestyle, spending most of its time on the ground. At a young age, rabbit owls are able to make sounds similar to the crackling of rattlesnakes, and thereby involuntarily protect themselves from the approach of enemies.

How long does he live?

The average life expectancy of owls in natural conditions ranges from 5 to 15 years. This wide variation is due to many factors. The bird is forced to get its own food, and also periodically encounter larger predators. Because of this, the animal’s body gradually wears out, and many individuals do not even live to be 10 years old.

Owls quickly adapt to artificial habitats

Interesting fact : Eagle owls live longer than other types of owls. The world record belongs to an individual who lived for 24 years and 9 months in the natural environment.

In an artificial environment, the life expectancy of owls increases significantly. Because people care for them, birds do not need to expose themselves to danger and physical stress. In such conditions, their lifespan is extended to 30-40 years.

Adaptation to a new home

After arriving home, you need to put the box near the place set up for the pet, open it and leave the room. Let the owl fly out of it on its own, calmly look around and get used to the situation. After two hours, you can offer your pet water and food. Little owlets do not yet know how to tear apart mouse carcasses on their own, so it is better to chop them up in advance. At first, it is better not to pick up your pet, not to make loud sounds or make sudden movements. The next day, food can be offered by hand so that the pet gets used to the owner faster. About 10 hours after eating, the owl should regurgitate the undigested skin and bones of its prey. If this does not happen, you should be wary - the bird may have digestive problems. It is also necessary to check whether there is blood in the regurgitated mass or in the stool. In a healthy owl, it is a black solid content surrounded by a white liquid. If the droppings have a foul odor or an unnatural color, it is worth checking with a veterinarian.

What does it eat?

Since owls live in many territories, their diet is extensive. Large predators hunt small birds, rodents, lizards and fish. Individuals with small dimensions can get by only on insects. Owls drink little water, since the supply of fluid in the body is replenished when eating food. If necessary, birds are able to fly to ponds and puddles.

Owl preparing to grab prey

Snowy owls can even attack young foxes. And species living in polar regions mainly prefer voles and hares. Little owls hunt rodents in agricultural areas, which greatly helps humans.

Interesting fact : owls do not eat carrion. They are always on the lookout for live prey, and store food in their nests for the winter.

Little owl

This species got its name from its habit of choosing human buildings as a place to live. And recently, the bird has become popular as an object for domestication. This is facilitated by its small size, which makes it possible to create suitable living conditions without significant difficulties, as well as the inherent peacefulness of the feathered miracle. However, the little owl, as befits a true predator, will not tolerate unkind treatment and, if threatened, can use its beak or claws for protection.

During the breeding season, the male attracts the attention of the lady he likes, using special gestures and performing a mating dance. When such “courtship” is not enough, other methods are used, including food being presented to the female as gifts. The created feathered unions usually last for several years.

Habitat - where owls live

Habitat of the snowy owl
Different species of owls live all over the planet, with the exception of Antarctica. They are found in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and other lands. The bird lives in mountainous areas, steppes, deserts, near water bodies, and can also be found in populated areas.

Since during the hunt, owls try to watch for prey and create the effect of surprise, they rarely live in open areas. They require that occupied lands must have trees, large stones and other objects behind which they can hide while waiting for prey.

To build a nest, the bird chooses a hard-to-reach place where larger predators will not find it. Preference is given to crevices and tree hollows. There have been cases when owls huddle in the attics of abandoned buildings. They are also capable of occupying the nests of other birds, driving out the previous inhabitants.

Nepalese eagle owl

Due to the presence of a specific multi-colored pattern on the abdomen, this bird is also called the spotted eagle owl, and for its voice, reminiscent of the sounds of human speech, it is also popularly nicknamed “the devil in the flesh” or “the devil’s bird.” Most often, the sounds made by the Nepalese eagle owl are identified with howling, crying or buzzing, and their night cackle has given rise to many legends about kikimors and goblins living in the forest.

The “muttering” of the bird has always terrified people, so these feathered predators have become the target of destruction and today their population in the world has decreased significantly.

According to one legend, the Nepalese eagle owl is a woman who committed suicide, and its cry is a harbinger of trouble.

Reproduction and offspring

Owls are capable of producing offspring throughout the year. The time between clutches depends only on the amount of food. At one time, the bird lays from 3 to 10 eggs. They have a white color without any shades, and are also round in shape.

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Owls emerging from the nest

After the female lays her eggs, she incubates them. When the chicks are born, the male is responsible for feeding them. He brings food and feeds each owlet. At the same time, chicks from different clutches can grow and develop in the same nest. In this case, during feeding, older cubs are given priority, and the male gives them food first.

If there is not enough food in the nest, the chicks can eat each other, starting with the weakest.

Great Gray Owl

This majestic beauty, with a wingspan of up to one and a half meters, enchants with its noble smoky gray or brownish color with an abundance of dark stripes. What makes this species unusual is the concentric circles around the eyes and the dark “beard” spot below the beak, to which it owes its name.

Like all owls, the great gray owl has loose plumage that dampens the sound of air currents, making its powerful flight absolutely silent. It is worth noting that this bird, unlike many of its relatives, when it finds its mate, remains faithful to it throughout its life. At the same time, she shows herself worthily in everyday life, improving and renewing her nest with the help of pine needles, moss and pieces of bark.

Natural enemies

The golden eagle is a predator capable of attacking owls.
Natural enemies of owls include larger birds that lead a predatory lifestyle. Among them are golden eagles, hawks and eagles. Thanks to their massive body and sharp beak, they easily win the fight and eat their prey.

Interesting fact : the main problem for a predator is not enemies, but the lack of food. In many areas, there are not enough animals and birds that are part of the owls’ diet, so approximately 25% of them go to the next world due to hunger.

Chicks have their own natural enemies. If an owlet falls out of its nest, it is likely to be eaten by a carnivore living in these areas. These include fox, raccoon and ferret.

Humans have a detrimental effect on owls. Every year large volumes of forests are cut down, which is why different species are forced to leave their usual territories and go in search of new ones. The gradual deterioration of the environmental situation also has a detrimental effect on the bird population. And in some regions, different types of owls are even hunted.

Common eagle owl

The feathered king of the taiga forests, despite his rather stern appearance, may also well join the ranks of the most beautiful owls. The scarecrow's exquisite variegated plumage and huge orange eyes, which seem to be bottomless, give the scarecrow a special elegance. And additional feather tufts form “ears” and create a particularly wise and heavy look.

At the same time, it is considered the largest bird of the owl family - its weight can reach up to four kilograms, and its wingspan can reach two meters. The size of the common scarecrow is surpassed only by its relative, the fish owl. The dimensions of this predator are especially visible during flight, while the bird flies almost silently due to its thick brown plumage, which, together with the snow-white spot on its neck, also gives it an aristocratic appearance.

Types of owls

There are a large number of species of owls living in the world. Scientists have repeatedly tried to count them, but this is not so easy due to the inaccessibility of their habitats.

Interesting fact : more than 200 species of owls are officially registered, living on different continents and having unique characteristics.


Southern Owl
A common species of owls living in Asia, America, Europe and other lands. The main feature of the bird is its small size. The cutworms grow up to 25 cm in length. Their body is gray-brown in color, with black and white spots on it. The bird's head is round, with small ears located above the eyes.

Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl
The size of an adult individual ranges from 38 to 51 cm. It is nocturnal and is famous for its ferocity. The head is disk-shaped and there are black rings around the eyes. The color is gray with brown tints. The neck is white, but a black stripe runs through it from the beak.


Eagle owl
Large birds capable of hunting even large animals. They have excellent eyesight and hearing, which makes them excellent hunters. The predator has a round body, an oval head, and thick eyebrows at the very top. Among the eagle owls, there are 19 subspecies with unique appearance and habitats.

polar owl

Polar owl
A species of bird living in areas with a lot of snow. Snowy owls are white with black spots, which allows them to hide in surrounding areas and watch for prey. Most individuals have a black beak and yellow-orange eyes.

Neotropical owl

Neotropical owl
Live in South and North America, most individuals grow to 40-45 cm. Savannas, coffee plantations, and forests are chosen as habitats. It is also important for neotropical owls to have a source of fresh water nearby. Individuals have a light brown color, the head may be black with white areas on the head. Despite its small size, the predator is not afraid to attack large animals, such as skunks and opossums. The long claws on its paws give it an advantage in battle.

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