How to tame a dog: from the street or to a new owner

How to make friends with a stray dog?

How to make friends with a stray dog

  1. Be calm but careful.
  2. Remember that stray dogs can be wild and often have little experience with people. Observe the dog's behavior. If they seem aggressive, don't approach. ...
  3. Avoid eye contact and move slowly.
  4. Reach out.
  5. Crouching.
  6. Getting their attention.
  7. Caresses.
  8. The path to the lost heart.

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Features of a street animal

A stray dog ​​differs from a domestic dog in having more developed instincts, due to the habit of living in constant fear and distrust of people. Once in a new family, he will be extremely careful at first. If the behavior of the owner or other pets is not to their liking, then aggression may even occur. To establish contact, the owner must take into account the pet’s character.

Love and care will help you tame a street dog

A street animal has the following qualities:

  • alertness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • timidity.

Most often, these qualities are expressed in dogs that have encountered human aggression. For example, a dingo dog does not tolerate the use of force.

In the enclosure, animals whose home used to be the street try to show their leadership. In addition, a stray dog ​​more often suffers from the presence of parasites, for example, fleas, as well as digestive system disorders.

Important! Before you take your pet home, you must show it to a veterinarian.

The process of dog adaptation to a new owner can last about a month

Who are mongrels?

This is the most numerous order, whose representatives are called “complex polyhybrid” by experts, and people simply call them mongrels. Pedigree dogs have been bred for decades, collecting the best qualities in each offspring. For some, flair is of paramount importance, for others - strength and endurance. Any puppy from a purebred dog is predictable - it is always known in advance what will grow out of it. For example, spaniels can only produce a spaniel and not any other breed.

Mongrel puppies are the result of free crossing, so neither appearance nor character traits are fixed at the genetic level. A small fluffy ball can grow into a charming and intelligent dog, although it is possible that it will not live up to expectations either in its external qualities or in its intelligence. This, however, happens very rarely. Most owners of mongrels would not exchange their pet for any dog, even the most beautiful purebred one. It is very difficult to classify mongrels, they are so diverse.


It is not known for certain how exactly domestication occurred - there are no written sources left, and archeology is poor in such details. Apparently domestication was preceded by a period of domestication. It was not yet a dog, but a wolf (jackal, fox, hyena, depending on the area of ​​habitat), which came to a person’s home, seduced by the smell of food. Fed individuals could constantly visit the person, who soon found benefit in a dangerous neighborhood. The man began to catch wolves and take puppies from the den. When they grew old and died, he caught new ones. At some point, this method became inconvenient. Firstly, it is unknown when the “dog” will die, and secondly, new wolf cubs must first be found, and then raised and taught not to attack their own. But any delay is fraught - “man is a wolf to man.” This is where the idea to start breeding obviously came. They began to keep several “dogs” in the family, which ensured a change of generations without interruption.

Features of addiction

It is very important to help your pet bond with its new owner. It should be taken into account that the dog will try to escape from unfamiliar territory, so it is not recommended to leave it unattended. The pet needs to be made to understand that there is a place for it in the new home, and a space should be created where the puppy will feel safe.

A space equipped for it will help your dog get used to its new home.

The training process should be started gradually, because commands will be better followed when the owner begins to instill confidence in the pet. As for the diet, a sudden change in diet due to stress can lead to diarrhea. Therefore, new products should be introduced gradually, especially if the dog previously lived on the street.

Important! The process of getting used to it can last a week or even a month, so it is important to be patient, because, for example, a husky has a hard time getting used to its new owners.

Adaptation of a puppy in a new home

For a quick adaptation process, the dog needs to be introduced to the new place where he will live, no matter whether it is a booth, an apartment or a plot. He needs to be allowed to sniff everything and even taste it. It is imperative to show the puppy where the tray and place for eating and resting will be. In addition, you need to show him affection, and then the question of how to tame a puppy will not cause any particular difficulties.

How to accustom an adult dog to a new name

It is necessary to explain to all household members that an adult dog that has become a member of the family must be addressed by its new name. Each time you address your pet, you should say its new name. If he reacts to it, then reward it with a treat.

How to train your nails to be trimmed

You should not start cutting nails right away, because your four-legged pet may get scared. One day you need to sit him down and examine his nails. As a reward, if the pet does not leave, you can give a treat.

To avoid stress, you need to train your pet to cut his nails consistently.

The next day, sit the dog in front of you and slowly touch each nail with scissors. If the dog is not scared, then you can start cutting, but carefully so as not to damage the pulp.

Washing in the bathroom

The owner needs to call the pet to the bathroom, then after completing the command, treat it with a tasty product. The next day, you should call him into the bathroom and hold him in it for a couple of minutes, but without drawing water. When the dog gets used to the procedure, you can fill it with water and gradually accustom it to bathing. But you should draw a bath carefully, because, for example, the dachshund does not like a lot of water.

Over time, the washing procedure will delight the dog.

Teeth cleaning

It is necessary to call the pet, sit it next to it, raise its upper lip, and examine the oral cavity. If the dog behaved calmly and did not attempt to run away, reward it with a treat.

After some time, the inspection time should be increased. When the dog gets used to the procedure, use a soft brush to brush its teeth. At first it must be done quickly, then you can increase the time. To make the procedure enjoyable for your pet, use a special toothpaste with a pleasant aroma and taste.

Brushing your teeth is the basis for caring for your four-legged friend.

How to train a puppy to sit

There should be a diaper in the place provided for the pet. Every time the puppy goes to rest, he must be taken to the lounger and then the command “Place” must be said, while the owner’s hand must point to the lounger.

If the puppy tries to escape, it is necessary to hold it on the mat, constantly saying the command out loud. After he calms down, you need to give him a treat and pet him.

How to teach a dog a command near

The dog should be taught to carry out this command only after he gets used to walking on a leash. You need to take the dog on a leash and collar and start moving forward with it. Then give the command “Near” and walk your pet a few steps. If he follows the command correctly, he needs to be rewarded. If he doesn’t listen, then you need to repeat the exercise again and again.

How to accustom a puppy to clothes and shoes

To make it easy to get used to, the process needs to be turned into a game. When dressing your pet, he should be distracted with games, and if he is anxious, then calmed down with affection. At first, the animal will be capricious, because the puppy will experience discomfort due to being unaccustomed to wearing clothes. To make it easier to get used to, you can pamper him with treats.

How to accustom a puppy to a daily routine

Having brought a new animal into the house, the owner needs to observe its daily routine, remembering at what time it sleeps, eats and wants to relieve itself. Based on the data obtained, the daily routine should be formed.

The puppy should be fed at the same time and taken for a walk 10-15 minutes after eating. The new regime will help him adapt faster.

Important! If the puppy lives in a kennel near the house, then he needs to be taught to feed by the hour. If his home was previously a shelter, you should ask the breeders about his preferences.

The need for leash training

According to the law, an adult and large dog must be walked only on a leash. Of course, the dog must be accustomed to it and, for this purpose, put on a leash several times a day. When the animal stops paying attention to the leash, they pick it up and begin short walks. During the walk, your four-legged friend will be rewarded with food for good behavior.

It is illegal to take your dog out without a leash.

How to teach a dog to give paw

The owner needs to take a comfortable position and sit him opposite his four-legged friend. Next, extend your fist in front of him with the food squeezed inside, so that the dog can smell it. The dog will certainly try to get the food with his tongue, but as soon as the attempt is unsuccessful, he will instinctively hit the hand with his paw. The owner needs to hold the paw with his free hand and say the command “Give me the paw”, after which he gives the food held in the other hand.

The exercise must be performed several times for the dog to master the process of executing the command.

Easy training of commands will provide reward for their execution with treats

Any dog, even the most aggressive one, can be tamed with love and affection. You just have to show the dog your positive disposition, and he will reciprocate.

The difference between "You can't" and "Ugh"

Both commands are prohibitive, but still have certain differences.

  1. “Fu” - more related to the educational process, does not entail any reward for execution.

They master it from a young age. The order requires a complete stop to unwanted actions: pampering, biting fingers, chewing shoes, etc. During the Skoda, they gently but strictly make it clear to the animal that something cannot be done. In this case, punishment is carried out exclusively at the time the crime is committed, and not after a long period of time. The order should sound as strictly and clearly as possible.

In such cases, the technique of distraction works well. For example, if an animal chews on slippers, the action is stopped with a ban and a click on the nose, the shoes are taken away, and a toy is offered in return.

  1. What does the “No” command mean?

A temporary injunction that is lifted by filing another order. More often it is used when practicing endurance, when the animal tries to break it. The skill disciplines the dog, making it obedient.

Ancient centers of domestication

The question of where the first domestication took place also remains open. Previously it was believed that the oldest centers were East Asia and the Middle East. But in connection with new, earlier findings related to domestication, scientists from the University of Turku, led by Olaf Thalmann, decided to reconsider the generally accepted point of view. Mitochondrial genes were taken as a basis from the remains of representatives of ancient wolves, 18 ancient dogs, which were compared with the genes of 148 modern animals, including 49 wolves, 77 dogs and 4 coyotes. Genetic analysis showed that the dog’s probable homeland was Europe, not India. According to scientists, the closest relatives of the modern dog are found among some groups of European wolves.

Trapping rules

For catching, it is best to call specially trained people who work in the service for catching stray animals. They are prohibited from harming dogs. Therefore, the catch is carried out carefully and without injuring the dog. If necessary, service personnel can shoot the animal with a dart containing a sleeping pill.

If you need to adopt a street puppy, then you need to give the animal time to get used to you. It is better to lure him with a treat. After this, it should be wrapped in cloth and taken to the veterinarian. An initial examination of the animal will identify any health problems. If necessary, you can take additional tests. Also, the veterinarian can immediately vaccinate against the most dangerous diseases and create a vaccination schedule for the future.

If the new owner wishes, the dog can be castrated or sterilized at the veterinary clinic. Thanks to this, aggressive instincts will be suppressed. Such a pet will become calm and safer for others.

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