Yorkies are in heat: everything a dog owner needs to know

Estrus or, in other words, estrus in Yorkies is a sign of the animal’s puberty and readiness to reproduce. But the owner should not rush with a mating pet. If the Yorkshire Terrier is not planned for breeding, then you should think about sterilizing the dog in the future, weighing the pros and cons. In any case, the dog breeder must know the characteristics of the female dog’s heat and provide her with proper care.


You can independently determine the first heat of a Yorkshire Terrier by the following signs:

  • Behavior change . The dog begins to be overly active, restless or even aggressive. Sometimes the Yorkie, on the contrary, becomes too apathetic, not showing interest in his surroundings. The mood of a female dog in heat can change several times a day.
  • Decreased appetite or its complete absence . Yorkies sometimes refuse to eat completely. However, before the onset of estrus, the bitch’s appetite, on the contrary, may increase.
  • Swelling of the external genitalia and constant licking by the dog.
  • Discharge . After sleep, the owner may notice drops of blood on the bedding.
  • Frequent urination . York begins to mark his territory, both outside and inside the house, leaving puddles everywhere.
  • Attempts to run away from the owner or break off the leash in order to find a partner for mating.
  • Command execution failure . York stops obeying his owner (not always).

Sometimes Yorkies experience hidden sexual heat, which most often occurs during the first heat. In this case, the dog does not have any discharge, but is ready to mate. Droplets of blood may also be missing due to the cleanliness of the bitch, which immediately licks them off.

You can tell that your Yorkie is in heat by touching the bitch's rump with your hand (in the area of ​​the root of the tail). With such manipulations, a dog in heat, as a rule, falls on its front paws and moves its tail to the side; a wave of muscle contractions can pass along its back. These signs indicate that the Yorkshire Terrier is ready to mate.

Reasons for absence

First of all, you should find out whether this is really a delay.
Maybe the bitch was already in a bloodless heat, the onset or even completion of which was indicated by nothing except changes in the behavior of the pet?

You should not worry if we are talking about the first heat, which did not begin until one and a half years old. Now, if the first time the bitch does not leak even at two years old, this is a reason for concern and a visit to the veterinary clinic. The first heat can begin either at five months or after a year or even a year and a half - this is due to the individual characteristics of the animal and there is no need to worry about it.

In the cold season, it may linger a little longer than it does in summer or late spring and early autumn. This is due to the fact that in the wild habitat predators come to hunt only when the period of bearing and feeding offspring falls on a favorable season. In older bitches, periods of anestrus may lengthen - and this is also not a reason to worry. But if estrus has stopped completely, then this is a reason for immediate consultation with a veterinarian.

We can talk about delayed estrus or its absence only when we are talking about adult dogs with an already established cycle, which suddenly goes astray.

There may be no heat for the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • changes in diet;
  • change in conditions of detention;
  • previous illnesses;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system or other organs and systems in the Yorkie’s body;
  • congenital pathologies of the genital organs;
  • infections.

If there is no estrus at all or its delay is too long, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and conduct as complete an examination of the dog as possible.

How long does a Yorkshire Terrier go into heat?

Many sources indicate that the duration of sexual heat for Yorkies is from 20 to 30 days. This statement is not entirely true. The estrus itself lasts no more than 16 days. During the period of 3-4 weeks, the condition of the precursor is also established. After all, the symptoms of sexual heat appear already 10 days (proestrus phase) before its immediate onset.

For the first time in a Yorkie, the state of pre-heat and estrus together can last only 1 week.

Manifestations of estrus for more than a month indicate hormonal disorders and internal pathologies in the animal.

You can understand that a dog has entered a period of sexual rest by the behavior of the animal and the complete absence of discharge. The Yorkie becomes calm, eats well and does not allow males to approach him on walks.

How to avoid the difficulties of estrus

To cope with the symptoms of estrus in dogs, breeders and dog owners advise using drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Drugs from the CounterSex Neo brand are hormonal drugs for regulating sexual desire and preventing unwanted pregnancy in case of accidental mating.

Many breeders and dog owners use CounterSex Neo for the following reasons:

  1. High efficiency. With the help of CounterSex Neo drugs, it is possible to effectively correct a dog’s behavior, solve problems of aggression, marks in dogs during heat; prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Safety. CounterSex Neo is a new generation bihormonal drug. The drug is safe due to the minimal content of 2 modern active ingredients.
  3. Convenience. The drug CounterSex Neo is available in the form of drops and tablets. Each owner can choose the most comfortable form of the drug for his dog, in which it will be convenient for him to give the drug to the animal.

Estrus phases and duration

The estrous cycle in Yorkies includes only 4 phases:

  • Proestrus . During the pre-heat period, the Yorkie's loop becomes swollen and tense. Bloody discharge appears. Despite the characteristic symptoms, the dog does not allow males to approach it. But at the same time, she can flirt with them while walking. The proestrus phase lasts 7-10 days.
  • Estrus is estrus itself. The Yorkshire Terrier female is ready for mating and allows males to approach her. The discharge changes from dark red to yellow or light pink. The loop increases even more, but at the same time becomes sluggish. The first time Yorkies come into heat lasts 2-4 days. When the second or third estrous cycle occurs, the duration can range from 9 to 16 days.
  • Metaestrus . During this period, the Yorkie's sexual activity dies down. The post-estrus state is characterized by a lack of interest and an aggressive attitude towards males. But at the same time, she can still attract the opposite sex. The post-heat lasts from 2 to 3 months.
  • Anestrus . The period of sexual rest lasts from 3 to 5 months, after which the sexual cycle resumes.

The duration of a particular phase of estrus largely depends on the length of daylight hours, age, health, nutrition and care of the Yorkie.

The very first

Most Yorkshire Terrier bitches reach sexual maturity at around nine or ten months of age. And their first heat, as a rule, also begins at the same time. But in some dogs it may start earlier or later. The owner of a Yorkie does not need to be alarmed if the first heat begins much earlier: in some dogs it can be as early as five months of age.

The early onset of the first heat depends on many reasons, such as housing conditions, diet, physical condition or heredity. The first heat in bitches, as a rule, ends earlier than subsequent ones and there is less discharge during it. It happens that it goes unnoticed by the dog’s owners, who later may even begin to think that their pet has suffered a delay.

The fact that a dog has shed for the first time does not mean that it can already bear and give birth to full-fledged offspring.

It is unacceptable to breed a Yorkie during her first heat, and her owners need to be especially careful to prevent accidental mating while walking with their pet.

How many times a year is there a heat?

The Yorkshire Terrier goes into heat 1 to 2 times in the first year of life. The further frequency of its manifestation is from 6 to 8 months between each. The absence of a second heat for more than 9-10 months is considered a deviation from the norm. The dog needs to be shown to a doctor.

The number of heats per year also depends on the health of the pet, conditions of maintenance and care, and the use of certain medications. For example, the use of contraceptives may delay the onset of the next sexual cycle.

If signs of estrus recur every 3-4 months, your Yorkie should also be examined by a veterinarian.

Frequent estrus is the first sign of a hormonal imbalance in a pet or the presence of pathologies associated with the reproductive system.

Possible problems

In addition to the unpleasant odor of the dog from the marks, the owners experience discomfort due to the behavior of their terrier. York, always kind and cheerful, eager to have fun all day long, becomes passive or hyperactive, disobedient and even aggressive.

The girl constantly strives to sneak away from a person in order to find a groom among the local mongrels.

Walking with your Yorkie during discharge can even become dangerous. With her scent, the girl attracts dogs, which can be much larger than her in size, and it is difficult to fight them off.

If possible, leave the dog without a walk during the “dangerous time” by installing a tray in the apartment or using a diaper.

If the owner does not want to breed a Yorkie in the future to produce offspring, then it is better to sterilize the pet. The unfertilized body experiences constant stress, against which various diseases can develop, including cancer of the reproductive organs.

Infections are more serious during heat, so why put your dog in danger when you can just spay it.

Why is there no heat

Puberty in a Yorkie may occur later, even at one and a half years. But if at two years the terrier has not yet reached maturity, you need to show him to a specialist. Perhaps the first cycle passed without changes in behavior, and there was little discharge, and the dog licked it without a trace.

It’s another matter when an already adult dog goes into heat or comes, but with long delays. The reason for this change may be the following factors:

  • stress experienced or still experienced;
  • exhaustion;
  • changes in diet and diet;
  • previous operations;
  • excessively heavy loads.

If none of the described factors contributed to the delay, then you need to show your Yorkie to the veterinarian. Perhaps the terrier is developing a tumor, there have been changes in the hormonal background. The doctor will conduct the necessary tests, identify the reason for the absence of estrus and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The beginning, duration and frequency of the cycle in the Yorkshire Terrier is an individual matter and depends on the health, maintenance and genetics of the dog. But such important points cannot be ignored, and any violation should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Why there is no heat and what to do

The absence of heat in a Yorkshire Terrier may be due to the following reasons:

  • Age . In Yorkies under 10 months of age, absence of estrus is considered normal. Dogs older than this age should be taken to the vet.
  • Stress . Exhibitions, moving to a new place of residence, changing owners, and grooming are stressful factors for a Yorkie that can affect his estrous cycle.
  • Overweight . One of the causes of hormonal imbalance in dogs, which leads to a delay or complete absence of estrus.
  • Internal pathologies . Hypothyroidism, ovarian hypoplasia, and neoplasms are often the reason why a Yorkie is not in heat.

Lack of estrus may also be due to the use of hormonal medications and recent surgery.

Regardless of the reason that caused the disruption in the estrous cycle, the Yorkshire Terrier needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

What to do?

Often the absence of estrus is confused with a condition when it occurs without red discharge, or it is so scanty and pale that the dog manages to lick it before the owner has time to notice. This is especially true for mini Yorkshire terriers. This condition is normal. The time frame for mating is calculated together with a specialist.

If stress is suspected as the cause of the absence of a cycle, the dog is kept quiet and observed. Other actions depend on the root cause:

  • if the dog was found on the street or was purchased as an adult, it may have undergone sterilization surgery;
  • the presence of a cyst - hormonal therapy or surgery;
  • oncology - radio and chemotherapy in the early stages of detection, surgery;
  • endometritis, purulent inflammation - antibiotics, antimicrobials;
  • pyometra - removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Important: any treatment, from hormonal to antibiotics, requires strict veterinary supervision.

Unreasonable self-diagnosis and selection of medications on the Internet are the path to worsening your pet’s condition. Deaths are also possible.

How to care for a Yorkie in heat

When a Yorkshire Terrier bitch goes into heat, the pet requires increased attention and care.

The dog is protected from drafts and is not allowed to lie on the cold floor or ground. Long walks in cool, wet weather are contraindicated.

During the period of heat, the Yorkie should not swim in open water. Washing the bitch is also prohibited, as this may irritate the loop.

To prevent your Yorkie from leaving traces of discharge everywhere when in heat, special underpants are used.

It is recommended to wear diapers on your dog during walks. This will protect your Yorkie from unplanned mating and reduce the risk of infections entering the genital tract, which becomes most vulnerable during estrus.

You can combat marks in the wrong place by walking your pet more often.

Before a walk, the dog’s fur is treated with a special spray that neutralizes the specific odor that attracts male dogs (No Love, etc.).

The owner must carefully observe how the pet is in heat and record any changes in mental or physiological terms. For any deviations from the norm, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

During the period of estrus, any training and training, visiting exhibitions, and long journeys are stopped.

Dog care

During the period of sexual desire, the Yorkie's body works hard. Therefore, it is necessary to mark the beginning of each cycle to provide full information to the veterinarian in case of complications. We must not forget about proper walking: the baby is taken outside only on a leash. This will help avoid unwanted relationships and the birth of unplanned puppies.

She also needs to buy special panties. They will prevent soiling of furniture and carpets. If the dog is used to wearing clothes, this makes the task easier. Otherwise, the owners will have to suffer for some time, constantly putting panties on the dog. In addition, it is not recommended to buy clothes with small details or ruffles: your Yorkie may tear them off and swallow them. Panties are very comfortable on public transport. They will protect the genitals from dirt and the development of infections.

Is it possible to bathe a Yorkie during heat? The dog must not be bathed in open or public bodies of water. The microorganisms living there are the source of dangerous diseases. But you need to wash your Yorkie. The main thing is to follow all precautions. It is recommended to wash your pet after each walk using special antibacterial agents.

When to breed a dog

The first heat in Yorkshire Terrier dogs occurs on average at 9-10 months. But at this age, the bitch is not yet ready for mating, either psychologically or physically.

It is recommended to breed Yorkies no earlier than the onset of 2 or even 3 heats. At this point, the dog reaches two years of age. It is not recommended to breed a bitch under 1.5 years old. Early pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the bitch and her offspring.

During the Yorkie's first heat, the dog breeder needs to keep a diary in which he will note the beginning and end of estrus. This will allow you not to miss the moment when the bitch can be paired with a male.

The ideal time for mating Yorkies is from 10 to 14 days from the moment signs of heat appear.

You can check whether the dog is ready for mating by running your finger along the skin of the perineum or directly along the loop. If the Yorkie bitch stands with her legs spread wide apart, her tail moves to the side, and the loop twitches, she is ready for mating

Another method of determination is the use of human test strips (Uriglyuk, Diaglyuk) to detect glucose in urine. Apply a drop of vaginal discharge to the test strip or gently insert an object directly into the dog's vagina. If after some time the stripe turns green, then the bitch is ready for mating.

A dog weighing 2-3 kg can be allowed for mating, if it is not a mini Yorkie. In any case, a pet weighing less than 1.5 kg is not ready to mate for physiological reasons. With a low weight, childbirth in a Yorkie usually ends in a caesarean section.

The first pregnancy is planned for no older than 4 years of age of the Yorkshire Terrier. Delayed gestation and birth for the first time can lead to serious health complications for the pet.

Stages of the cycle

This breed goes into heat for about 4 weeks. It consists of 3 stages, after which the fourth begins - a pause, during which the animal’s condition becomes more stable:

  • Proestrus lasts about weeks, accompanied by swelling of the genital loop and the appearance of bloody discharge. The bitch is disobedient, shows interest in other animals, but does not allow contact, especially with males. May fight or run away.
  • Estrus is ovulation, the dog is ready to conceive offspring. Lasts about a week, the discharge is without blood, scanty and transparent. The behavior is benevolent, aggression towards females remains, but it allows males, mating is possible.
  • Metaestrus lasts a little over a week. The discharge ends, the hormonal levels stabilize, the animal is calmer, but it stops letting males in.
  • Anestrus is a pause between cycles, which can take from five to seven months, on average - six months. Stable behavior, normal hormonal levels, no discharge.

All these stages take 3 and a half to 4 weeks. If the cycle is longer than a month, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian to check for inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. Cycle failures, too much or too little discharge are all reasons to visit a specialist.

Delay and interruption of estrus

If you do not plan to produce offspring from your Yorkie, the best solution would be to sterilize the dog. The drugs are used in breeding bitches starting from the second heat. During the first estrus, contraceptives are contraindicated.


Yorkies are sterilized before the first estrus begins or 2 months after its end. Surgery is not recommended for children under 7 months of age.

Before the surgical procedure, your Yorkie will undergo a full examination, including hormone testing and vaginal swabs.

Sterilization of a non-breeding female will prevent the development of pathologies of the reproductive system, eliminate marks in the apartment and have a positive effect on the psychological health of the pet.

The disadvantages of castration include excess weight gain in Yorkies. The problem is solved by correcting the diet by switching the animal to food for sterilized dogs.


To interrupt estrus, hormonal drugs are used to promote the extinction of reproductive instincts:

  • Ex-5;
  • Sex Barrier;
  • CounterSex;
  • SexControl;
  • Contrik.

Contraceptives reduce aggressiveness, increased excitability, and weaken the tendency to mark territory.

The drug should be given no later than the second day after the onset of the first symptoms of estrus. Duration of use – from 5 to 7 days.

Sex barrier products are contraindicated for Yorkies with pathologies of the reproductive system (metritis, pyometra, endometritis, etc.), neoplasms in the mammary glands, diabetes mellitus and urolithiasis.

Methods to prevent estrus

Yorkies are a decorative breed, the cost of puppies can be high. Currently, many owners purchase representatives of the breed to make them simple home companions, without the purpose of breeding. In this case, you can apply some measures that will avoid periodic estrus.


If the animal was purchased without the purpose of breeding, it is worth performing an operation to stop the reproductive function. In this case, hormones will be produced, mating will remain possible, but fertilization of the egg will not occur.

Tips for conducting:

  • You can sterilize your Yorkie before the first heat, or two months after the next one;
  • before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a full examination with tests, ultrasound examinations of organs, etc.;
  • If possible, you should contact a clinic that has equipment for laparoscopic intervention.

The whole process takes about 30 minutes, recovery is fast. The main problem: caring for the Yorkie during recovery from anesthesia, caring for sutures if the intervention was carried out with incisions.


There is an opinion that the difference between castration and sterilization lies in the gender of the patients: females are spayed, and males are castrated. This is wrong. During the process, the bitch's uterus and ovaries will be removed. The operation can be performed for medical reasons or at the request of the owner.

Sexual heat of even such a small dog as a Yorkie is a test for the owner. The dog needs constant supervision, clothes and furniture are dirty everywhere, the pet itself is nervous or sits lethargically.


  • the procedure is carried out before the onset of the first heat (5-6 months);
  • A complete examination of the dog is necessary - castration has a number of contraindications. If available, replace with sterilization.

Castration cancels further production of hormones and their effects on the body, and can:

  • reduce the risk of cancer: breast cancer, transmissible sarcoma;
  • prevent pyometra, endometritis;
  • stabilize the dog’s nervous system;
  • extend the life cycle of the animal.

Of course, any manipulations of this kind must be carried out in the sterile conditions of a veterinary clinic by experienced specialists. During the period of recovery from anesthesia, it is better to leave the bitch in the hospital so that, if necessary, she can be provided with adequate assistance. The incisions from surgery are so small that they are practically invisible on the dog’s body. Self-absorbing sutures are applied unless there are contraindications.

Contraceptive drugs

Modern veterinary pharmacology has a wide range of multidirectional agents: preventing ovulation, normalizing hormonal explosion, reducing odor during estrus, etc. They can be used urgently or if there are contraindications to surgical interventions.

Types of drugs:

  • injection. Injections appeared relatively recently and still cause a lot of controversy. This method is effective (interrupts estrus), but has a lot of contraindications. Its effect on the body causes great harm;
  • tablets - contain a dose of artificially synthesized hormones that inhibit the activity of the ovaries or create a background of false pregnancy. Feature - application is effective only in the period before the onset of estrus. During the period of ovulation there will be no benefit, only harm;
  • drops on the tongue - interruption or delay of ovulation. Apply only before the start of the cycle;
  • drops on the withers - interrupt ovulation at the initial stage. In addition, they stabilize the psyche, removing aggression and anxiety.

It would seem that these are convenient products that can always be bought at a veterinary pharmacy; there is no need to take the animal for surgery. But each of the listed types has a large list of serious contraindications. In addition, owners often prescribe drugs on their own, without taking into account physiology, age and day of the cycle.


  • hormonal contraception cannot be used during the first estrus, lactation, or pregnancy;
  • in the presence of compactions in the mammary glands;
  • in the presence of any type of tumors or neoplasms on the body;
  • cannot be used when the bitch begins puberty;
  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Many experts advise using drugs only in exceptional cases, after consultation and examination of the dog.

Possible side effects:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, heart muscle;
  • inflammation of the uterus and mammary glands;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infertility;
  • increased aggression while taking hormones.

Please note that Yorkies have low body weight and it is difficult for them to calculate the dose of any type of drug. An allergic reaction to any component may occur. Hormonal effects can cause more harm to health than the benefits of regulating sexual activity.

False pregnancy in a Biewer Yorkie

False pregnancy is a condition in which a female dog shows all signs of pregnancy without being fertilized. The mammary glands change color and enlarge, the belly grows, milk may appear, the dog builds a “nest” and selflessly “feeds” toys.

It is necessary to remove all toys that could be mistaken for “puppies” and distract the dog. It would be a good idea to contact a specialist.

A frivolous attitude towards false pregnancy is unacceptable, because it can be a sign of serious illness.

Sterilization significantly reduces the risk of developing a false pregnancy.

Estrus after childbirth

When a dog goes into heat after giving birth, owners need to be especially observant. Any changes during this process should be a reason to contact your veterinarian.

Usually, a bitch that has given birth resumes estrus about six months after she whelps. Recovery after childbirth and feeding the offspring with milk should not disrupt the estrus process. It should be absolutely the same as that of a young nulliparous female.

Please note that it is not advisable to breed immediately during the first heat after birth. The dog's body is still very weak, it is not ready to bear offspring again. In addition, this can affect the health of the puppies and the expectant mother.

Then the question arises, when a dog goes into heat, how long after giving birth can it happen again. It is recommended to contact your veterinarian for the answer to this question. He will examine your dog and, after assessing the state of his health and reproductive system, will tell you when it is best to breed him again.

If your dog gave birth without complications, and she recovered quickly enough from it, then you can breed her after waiting out only one heat. That is, it turns out a year after giving birth.

Duration of estrus

The estrus period for a female dog lasts approximately 20-22 days. All this time can be divided into components.

The first period is called proestrus. It lasts on average 8 days. At this time, the bitch experiences bloody discharge in a fairly large volume. The dog cannot be bred at this time. In terms of care, it is better to use special underwear or limit her movements.

The next period is estrus itself. Over the course of a week, the bitch experiences increased sexual activity. This is the time when you need to knit the animal.

The last period of estrus is called diestrus. Its duration is several days. At this time, the dog is no longer bred, since it is passive and does not strive to mate.

When the female is not in heat, this period is called anestrus. Normally, young individuals estrus 2 times a year, and older individuals estrus once a year.

Choosing between mating and sterilization

Some owners do not intend to breed their dogs and use drugs that suppress the reproductive instinct (their constant use is harmful to the health of the pet). It is better to have the dog sterilized at a specialized veterinary clinic, so that it will never be able to have puppies.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

It is recommended to carry out the sterilization procedure after the final decision. If mating is possible in the future, then it is advisable to limit yourself to medication.

Walking a dog during heat

During heat, the dog should only be walked on a leash, as many animals tend to run away from the owner in order to find a male dog. Meeting and mating with a stray animal can result not only in unwanted pregnancy, but also in life-threatening diseases, one of which is venereal sarcoma.

You should not visit public walking areas with a dog in heat, as the smell of such a bitch will provoke serious clashes between male dogs. If you need to attend a show, keep your animal away from other dogs. Bitches in heat are the last to be allowed into the ring.

It is recommended to avoid any bodies of water during estrus, since the animal’s genital tract is open, and any infection from the water can easily penetrate into it.

Estrus or emptying is a natural physiological process. It proceeds differently from menstruation in women and has its own characteristics. If an animal's heat is accompanied by a false pregnancy, heavy bleeding or other uncharacteristic phenomena, it is recommended to sterilize the dog.

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