Note to the owner: what ear drops will help your dog?


Hygiene practices such as cleaning your dog's ears are of utmost importance. Proper care prevents the occurrence of diseases at any age. Among all the necessary products, ear drops for dogs are among those medications that should be in every first aid kit. There are other products, such as cleansing wipes, antimicrobial sprays, ointments and lotions, that are very effective in caring for the ear. Ear drops for dogs are used not only in the treatment of diseases, but also as a preventive measure for otitis media and ear mites, which are very dangerous for your pet.

When are ear drops needed?

Ear products are divided into hygienic (for cleaning and care) and medicinal.

Hygienic products are always needed when it comes to caring for a dog’s hearing organs. Such preparations well soften dirt and earwax that accumulate in the external auditory canal, which makes it easy and painless to remove them. And this is very important, because the more dirt, the better the conditions for the proliferation of pathogens and parasites. But hygienic care is not enough. And then you will need antibacterial and/or anti-inflammatory ear drops for dogs. It is important not to waste time and pay attention to symptoms that require seeing a doctor.

Erythematous-ceruminous otitis externa

Erythematous-ceruminous external otitis (in 80% of cases in dogs, in 90% of cases in cats). With this form of otitis, erythema, as a rule, accompanies excessive formation of earwax, and there is constant itching. This form is observed with tick-borne otitis (brownish earwax, severe itching), with infection with staphylococci and Malassezia pachydermatis (light brown earwax, with a “wet blotting paper” appearance, moderate itching); Typically, these symptoms are secondary to other causes, such as allergic skin diseases that cause inflammation. Erythematous-ceruminous external otitis is often bilateral, but the degree of manifestation of symptoms can be asymmetrical.

Signs indicating an ear problem

Such diseases are usually quickly detected, as they have many “external” signs, such as:

  • the unusual nature of the discharge, which is easy to notice when cleaning the external auditory canal and ears;
  • unpleasant odor from the ears, hyperemia of the auricle, yelping of the dog when cleaning the ears;
  • changes in the animal’s behavior (the dog becomes restless and irritable when its head is touched, scratching its ears with its paws);
  • an increase in body temperature while maintaining normal stools, the absence of symptoms of respiratory diseases, etc.;
  • the appearance of dandruff, scales, small wounds, etc. on the ears.

Even one of the listed symptoms is a reason to immediately show the dog to a doctor. After assessing the condition of the ears and making a diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe ear drops with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, insectoacaricidal or combined effects.

Diagnosis of otitis media

Basic diagnostic methods

  • inspection
  • otoscopy (visual examination of the vertical auditory canal using a special device - an otoscope)
  • cytological examination is an examination of a specially stained smear from the external auditory canal, which allows one to assess which cells and in what quantity are present in the exudate, as well as identify parasites, bacteria, and opportunistic fungi. This study may be required every 2-3 weeks to monitor treatment and response to therapy.

Additional diagnostic methods

  • bacteriological examination (culture, determines the sensitivity of flora to antibiotics)
  • endoscopic examination of the deep structures of the auditory canal (horizontal part) and eardrum (myringoscopy) - the study is carried out under general anesthesia.
  • radiography of the tympanic cavity - as a rule, for a high-quality image, complete immobility of the animal and symmetrical positioning are necessary, which is only possible under sedation.
  • MRI (under general anesthesia).

Benefits of ear drops

Such drugs are classified as products for topical use. Their key advantage is that they have very little or no effect on the body as a whole, since the active substances enter directly into the pathological focus. Thanks to this, the range of contraindications is significantly narrowed. As a rule, ear drops for dogs can be used even in weakened animals, pregnant and lactating females, if this is dictated by an objective need (for example, severe otodectosis or the threat of perforation of the eardrum due to suppuration). In addition, the use of this form of release of the product is painless for the animal. This is especially true for dogs with an overly “categorical” attitude towards any medical procedures. Convenient dispensers allow you to accurately and quickly measure the required amount of the drug, so no special tools or skills are required.

Cleansing preparations and their types.

The most popular cleaning product is veterinary ear drops. They are produced in glass or plastic containers with a small volume dispenser. Be sure to be sealed. Designed for the treatment and prevention of ear diseases, and also prevents the occurrence of otodecosis. There are complex preparations, such as ear drops for Bars dogs. They contain not only the active substance, but also components for destroying bacteria and microbes, as well as additives that help relieve inflammation and heal wounds.

Ear drops for dogs with otitis media are used as the main treatment for the disease at all its stages. Otitis media causes unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the animal - it can nervously shake its head and constantly scratch its ears, tearing them until they bleed. It most often occurs in those breeds of dogs that have floppy ears. The drug relieves pain and itching sensations well. Used in a course of 5 days. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the dog.

Ear ointment for dogs helps speed up the healing process for ear diseases. After cleaning the sink, ointment is applied to the surface. Treatment should be carried out over a course of up to 10 days; if necessary, it can be repeated up to 3 times. The ointment has a number of contraindications, for example sensitivity to the components. It is also not used for small puppies, pregnant or lactating bitches.

Ear lotion for dogs is used for hygiene procedures. It cannot be used as a remedy, since it does not contain active antifungal substances. It does not contain harmful additives and is therefore absolutely harmless to your pet. It has a pleasant smell and refreshes the ear for a long time.

In order to choose the right product, we recommend that you first become fully familiar with the assortment of the pet store, and then choose the most suitable product. We offer to purchase all the necessary products of the highest quality at the most affordable prices.

In our online store you can purchase the following products:

Types of ear drops

Preparations for auricular application are distinguished by composition and, accordingly, action.


This group of drugs is intended for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria or occurring with bacterial complications. As a rule, modern ear drops use broad-spectrum antibiotics that are highly active against most pathogens.


Such drugs are used in the treatment of non-infectious inflammation of the ears as an independent remedy, as well as in combination with other medicinal substances (for example, antibacterial ones). Anti-inflammatory drugs reduce itching and swelling in the pathological focus, promote the healing of wounds and other tissue damage.


Contains fungicides that attack microscopic fungi such as candida and malassezia. These microorganisms often colonize the inner surface of the ear.


Such drops are used in the treatment of otodectosis and other ear diseases caused by parasites.


Drugs in this group are effective for ear diseases caused or complicated by different types of pathogens. Thus, Anandin Plus drops from AVZ have an insectoacaricidal effect, suppress the inflammatory process, and are distinguished by antimicrobial and antifungal activity.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

In most cases, topical corticosteroids are used to treat otitis media in dogs. In some cases, they are especially necessary, for example, in acute erythematous otitis (especially with atopy), or ceruminous otitis, to reduce the amount of earwax and a breeding ground for microbes. Topical glucocorticoids reduce itching, pain, and proliferative reactions, but they do not slow down the healing process of ulcers (except those caused by other autoimmune disorders).

The following glucocorticoids are commonly used in anti-otitis agents: prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone, mometasone furoate and hydrocortisone aceponate.

Hydrocortisone aceponate belongs to a new class of non-halogenated glucocorticoids, diesters, which are used in medical dermatology. Diesters are lipophilic compounds that, after topical application, quickly penetrate the stratum corneum of the epidermis and exert their effect directly in the skin. They are first activated in the epidermis by skin esterases and have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Subsequently, losing the ester group in the internal structures of the skin, they decompose to simple hydrocortisone, which is eliminated in the same way as endogenous cortisol in low doses and with low bioavailability (which reduces systemic side effects). Therefore, they have a high therapeutic index.

In chronic cases, with severe hyperplasia of the walls of the ear canal, short-acting systemic glucocorticoids can be prescribed in the absence of contraindications to their use. This reduces ear canal obstruction and facilitates local treatment.

Control of the primary inflammatory skin disease is fundamental in the treatment of otitis externa. The use of powerful topical corticosteroids can successfully combat the manifestations of clinical symptoms of inflammation of the outer ear.

How to use ear drops correctly

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to follow several rules:

  • Before you put drops in your dog's ears, you need to clean them thoroughly. To do this, you can use antiseptic ear drops, which are usually used for hygienic purposes. After this, softened dirt, scabs, etc. must be carefully removed using a cotton swab or pad.
  • The required number of drops is applied to each ear. After this, you should close the ear canal with the free edges of drooping ears or bring the edges of the ears together if they are erect. And lightly massage the ears at the base so that the solution is better distributed over the inner surface.
  • If the dog tries to shake its head after the procedure, it must be restrained from doing so for several minutes. Otherwise, she may shake the medicinal solution out of her ears.
  • During the cold season, you should not take your dog out for a walk until the ears are dry.

These simple rules will help make the course of treatment more effective and speed up your pet’s recovery.

Instructions for use

Before use, you need to clean the outer ear of dirt and hair. It is necessary to remove crusts and exudate.

The drops must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that the liquid is at room temperature. Shake the bottle before instilling. After administering the medicine, you need to massage the auricle.

The number of drops depends on the animal’s body weight:

  • less than 2 kg – 2 drops. in each ear 1 time per day;
  • from 2 to 15 kg – 4 drops;
  • 15 kg or more – 8 drops.

The duration of treatment is 1 week.

Why is it important to treat ear diseases?

Often, a red ear or minor discharge does not appear to be a serious problem. But as pathogens, parasites or fungi continue to wreak havoc, the situation takes a turn for the worse. The inflammatory process can spread deeper along the ear canal, involve the middle ear and, in severe cases, cause perforation of the eardrum, and in critical cases, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis). Also, the consequences of advanced otitis media can be deformation of the auricle and narrowing of the ear canal. But well-chosen treatment can eliminate both unpleasant symptoms and threats to your pet’s health within a few days.

Attention! When treating ear diseases, a differential diagnosis is necessary.

The cause of the problem may be parasitic mites, bacteria or fungi. Identifying the causative agent is very important because it is critical to choosing the right therapy. For example, Anandin Plus or Bars ear drops are successfully used to treat parasitic otitis, and Bars Forte ear drops should be used to treat microbial or mycotic otitis.

You should not treat ear diseases without consulting a veterinarian.



Elena, 42 years old, veterinarian, Ryazan:

“Posatex are effective drops whose active ingredients destroy different types of bacteria that cause inflammation in the ear. The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise there will be no positive result. You should not increase the course of treatment on your own.”

Nikolay, 37 years old, veterinarian, Nizhny Novgorod:

“Posatex is an effective drop for otitis media. They can be prescribed in complex treatment for dogs of different breeds, both in adulthood and in puppyhood. The medication does not cause negative consequences and is well tolerated by animals.”


Alina, 25 years old, St. Petersburg:

“My dog ​​often suffers from otitis media. In the first case, the vet prescribed Posatex for us. The drug quickly helped us, so we decided to always keep it in our home medicine cabinet. I apply the drops strictly according to the instructions, but it only takes 2-3 days to cure; if the situation improves, I use the medicine for another 1 day.”

Alexey, 30 years old, Novosibirsk:

“We read about effective Posatex ear drops on the Internet when the dog’s otitis media did not go away for a long time. The veterinarian prescribed us medications, but they didn’t help, they only improved the situation a little. Then we decided to treat ourselves and found these drops. The otitis media went away in 2 days, and the same amount of drops were added to consolidate the result.”

Vasily, 46 years old, Ekaterinburg:

“Our pet dog has already been treated for ear inflammation several times using Posatex drops. We were always pleased with the result. The dog reacts normally to the drug and has never had any side effects.”

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