The dignity of puppies is at risk if there is cryptorchidism

Cryptorchidism in dogs is a dangerous disease that mainly affects puppies. In dogs, the testes are initially located in the abdominal cavity and as soon as the embryo begins to mature, they descend into the scrotum, following the inguinal canal. This occurs approximately on the 10th day after birth. And if both testes do not enter the scrotum, this is considered cryptorchidism. Unfortunately, many pets suffer from this disease. Research shows that of all puppies born, there is a 0.4% chance of having this condition.

Symptoms of the disease

Before starting treatment in dogs, it is necessary to understand the nature of this disease. And first, dog owners should know that false cryptorchidism exists. This is when the puppy is scared of something, nervous or too excited, then the testicles can simply go into the inguinal canal.

This occurs in puppies that are not yet six months old. And this happens because the ligament on which the testes are located is very plastic. And therefore, it can shrink from any impact, like plasticine. In this case, veterinarians recommend waiting 6–7 months, and only then sounding the alarm if the symptoms are confirmed. Since at this age the inguinal canal is completely blocked and the testes should already be completely in the scrotum.

There are also cases that in an adult male dog, due to some unexplained reasons, the inguinal canal does not close and the testicular ligament still retains its elasticity. If there is nothing in the scrotum, then it is cryptorchidism. The problem with the disease is that this disease is inherited. And if it was detected in one of the purebred puppies, then he is not allowed to mate. But, if the problem can be cured using gentle methods, the dog remains able to mate.

How can it be diagnosed?

If the present pathology is suspected, the dog is usually prescribed the following tests:

  1. General examination, palpation of the scrotum. This test allows you to determine where the testicle is lodged.
  2. Ultrasound. Used if palpation does not allow finding the testicle. It is rarely used and is considered an unreliable method, since it does not provide the necessary information if the animal’s intestines are heavily polluted, the device is not working well, or the veterinarian is unqualified.
  3. Laparoscopy. More effective minimally invasive examination. Involves the introduction of a laparoscope into the pelvic area. This allows you to determine the exact location of the testicle.
  4. Gonadotropin test. Allows you to confirm or refute the diagnosis. It is done like this: the doctor measures testosterone levels before the hormone is administered, then after it. If the second analysis shows an increased level of gonadotropin in the blood, the diagnosis is confirmed.

Based on the results of these studies, the doctor will give a detailed conclusion on the animal’s condition, determine whether to perform surgery or not, and give appropriate recommendations.

Causes of the disease

The answer to the question: what is cryptorchidism in dogs? Any veterinarian will begin with the causes of this disease, and only then will he answer that, regardless of the causes, a distinction is made between embryonic cryptorchidism and postembryonic cryptorchidism. Depending on the stage at which the disease began to develop, you should start. And the nature of the disease directly depends on the following factors.

Anatomical features arise during the formation of the dog’s body. In this case, the spermatic cord and inguinal canal are too narrow to allow the testes to pass through. Disruption of the congenital folds at the base of the scrotum may also occur. There may also be very large testes in relation to the inguinal canal and an underdeveloped scrotum. Mechanical damage can cause a slowdown or inhibit the process of testicular descent.

Infectious diseases are often the cause of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. This greatly affects the development of the testes and serves as an obstacle to passage through the inguinal canal.

Hormonal disorders appear as a result of a lack of male hormones gonadotropin and testosterone (this disorder occurs during embryo development). This pathology becomes a problem and leads to incomplete contraction of the ligament.

What is orchitis and why is it dangerous?

Orchitis is a disease of the reproductive system of males, characterized by inflammation of the gonads - the testes. In males, the disease occurs predominantly in an acute form, less often in a chronic, more severe form. Dogs of all breeds and age groups are affected, but most often orchitis is diagnosed in dogs after 4-6 years of age.

In veterinary medicine, orchitis in males is classified into unilateral and bilateral. That is, the inflammatory process affects one or two testes. The disease is often accompanied by epididymitis (inflammation of the seminal appendages).

Important! Orchitis poses a particular danger to males who take part in breeding. If treatment is not started in time, this pathology will put an end to the reproductive life of the pet, leading to infertility.

Orchitis can cause sepsis, which most often leads to death. Acute inflammation turns into chronic, purulent. The disease is complicated by fistulas and abscesses in the scrotum. Purulent orchitis without proper treatment provokes tissue necrosis.

What types of disease are there?

The following types of cryptorchidism are distinguished in puppies:

  • a congenital species that developed during the embryonic period;
  • an acquired appearance that appeared due to some external factors (for example, illness or physical injury);
  • bilateral view, when not descended, both testes;
  • monolateral type, when one of the testes has not descended (this is unilateral cryptorchidism in dogs);
  • intra-abdominal – this is the abdominal type of the disease;
  • true - this is when the testis is located in the upper or lower part of the scrotum and cannot descend to the end;
  • raised testis - this symptom occurs when the growth of the spermatic cord is simply inhibited, when the testicle has already descended into the scrotum and the testis begins to rise again;

Classification of testes by palpation

  1. Retractile. The testes are located at the top of the scrotum and are constantly pulled up due to the fact that the muscle that elevates the testis is overactive.
  2. Ectopic. They can be found in places that are not typical for the testis.
  3. Undescended. These include absolutely all testes that are not located in the scrotum (exceptions are retractile and ectopic).

Classification of testes according to the type of non-palpable species:

  1. Canalicular. They may be located in the inguinal canal and cannot be palpated.
  2. Intra-abdominal. Found in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Developing. These are those types of testes that have not developed and because of this cannot be identified physically.
  4. Absent. Atrophied or agenesis testes (i.e. their complete absence).

Is cryptorchidism dangerous?

Not every owner knows the consequences for his pet if he refuses treatment for cryptorchidism. Clinical studies have shown that such testes are prone to degeneration. The probability of the formation of seminomas and sertoliomas in cryptorchids increases by 10-14 times compared to healthy individuals. The high-risk area is dogs over 5 years of age. This is the reason for the urgent recommendations of veterinarians to decide on a treatment method as early as possible.

You should also know that cryptorchids tend to be sterile. If both testes of an animal have not descended into the scrotum, then such an animal will most likely be sterile. The testicles are located in an inappropriate temperature regime, which inevitably leads to the death of sperm. If only one testicle has not descended, then such a dog in most cases can have offspring. But among puppies, the likelihood of being born with cryptorchids will be very high.

Diagnosis of the disease

Experienced dog breeders recommend not searching on the Internet for an answer to the question: “what is cryptorchid in dogs,” but rather contacting a veterinary clinic to have your puppy diagnosed for the disease.

Anamnesis. First of all, the veterinary clinic collects all the necessary data. To accurately determine the diagnosis, you need a medical history. Therefore, the doctor must observe the location of the testes over time.

Inspection. The puppy must be examined in its natural environment so that the animal does not become nervous. Therefore, if going to the clinic is stressful for him, examining the retractile testis will be very difficult. It would be best to examine the development of the scrotum from the side where the testis is most likely absent.

Palpation. This is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing the disease. And to do this, you first need to check whether there is a testis in the scrotum. And then you need to palpate the places from the inguinal canal to the scrotum. And if the testis ends up in the inguinal canal, they immediately try to artificially lower it into the scrotum.

Ultrasound. When palpation methods do not work. This method is questionable, but there is still some chance of detecting the problem. And it is done exclusively in a veterinary clinic.

Studying testosterone levels using gonadotropin. In this case, the dog's testosterone level is measured before the gonadotropin injection and one hour after the injection. And if after the injection the testosterone level is elevated, then the pet has cryptorchidism.

Laparoscopy is considered the most accurate method for detecting cryptorchidism in dogs. An endoscope is inserted into the abdominal cavity, which examines the inguinal canal for the presence (or absence) of testes.


Usually the disease proceeds without causing any discomfort to the individual. There are symptoms that help determine the presence of the disease:

  • absence of a testis in the scrotum during visual examination;
  • when palpated, the scrotum appears empty;
  • abnormal development of the penis often accompanies cryptorchid;
  • abdominal pain may indicate that the spermatic cord is twisted;
  • swelling and redness of the scrotum indicate inflammation;
  • from the location of the defective testis, hair loss may occur;
  • the external genitalia are darker in color.

Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound. With it, the picture of the disease becomes more clear.


There are several types of treatment for this disease, and the methods depend on the severity of the disease.

The therapeutic method of treatment is based on the effect on the dog’s body. And for this, the pet is prescribed massage and hormone therapy. It is best to start treatment at the age of 6 – 7 months. Then there is a greater chance that the testes will be able to fall into place. Because when the inguinal canal is closed, the chances of success are reduced. Massage also helps if the testis itself can be felt. But if it is not felt, then other methods must be used.

Hormone therapy is prescribed when the level of male hormones in a male dog is low. The drugs provoke the production of luteotropic hormone, which affects the descent of the testicle. But, if the problem lies in other reasons, then this method is ineffective.

Orchiopexy is a surgical operation in which the testis is retracted down and secured in the scrotum artificially. In practice, this method is tantamount to castration, since it is very traumatic. This is interference with natural processes that can cause complications. The body can then experience severe stress. Therefore, in many countries, including Russia, this operation is prohibited.

Castration is an operation to remove the testes. Unlike the previous method, this approach is considered more humane and practical. But castration is the last method in treating this disease. Roughly speaking, if nothing else helps, or the disease has become advanced, the veterinarian may prescribe such an operation. And it is done under general anesthesia, where sedatives and painkillers are used. In this case, the operation itself may have several options. It all depends on the type of disease.

List of drugs and antibiotics

The frequency of the course and dosage of medications is prescribed by the attending veterinarian.

List of drugs and antibiotics:

  • streptomycin;
  • penicillin;
  • ofloxacin;
  • neopen;
  • cobactan;
  • gentamicin sulfate;
  • intramycin;
  • analgin;
  • amidopyrine;
  • choriogonadropin (hormones);
  • Traumeel-gel;
  • Syntomycin, baxin ointment.

For purulent orchitis, antibiotics are used in combination with sulfonamides and infusion therapy. Any medications for the treatment of testicular inflammation in male dogs are prescribed on an individual basis.

Stages of the operation

  1. First, the doctor examines the animal.
  2. The next step is to get tested to prevent the risk of negative consequences from anesthetics. A blood test is done, as well as a biochemical analysis if the animal is healthy. And urine, X-ray, EchoCG, biochemical blood test, OBC - for sick animals.
  3. The puppy must be vaccinated 20-30 days before surgery.
  4. Deworming should also be carried out 10 to 14 days before vaccination.
  5. The pet must be washed the day before surgery.
  6. And for 10 - 12 hours, the dog must be on a strict diet and reduced fluid intake for 6 hours.

After the operation, the dog is admitted to the hospital, where it regains consciousness. This takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on how powerful the anesthesia was, what drugs were used on the dog, etc. It can take 6 to 12 hours for the medications to completely leave the body.

During this rehabilitation period, you can leave the dog in the hospital, but usually this is not necessary. You can also take care of your pet at home. And for this it is necessary to treat the sutures with antiseptic substances 1 – 2 times a day (for each case, the veterinarian prescribes different drugs). If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial agents and painkillers. To prevent your dog from licking or untying the seams, you need to wear an Elizabethan collar. The sutures are removed by a veterinarian 10–14 days after surgery.

Consequences of the disease

If the owner starts cryptorchidism in dogs, the consequences can be very sad. The disease should be diagnosed and treatment should begin at 6–7 months from birth. Then the inguinal canal is not yet closed and the testes can be lowered into place with minimal risk for the dog. But if the disease is neglected, then the failed testes in the scrotum can cause a malignant tumor. This will become a real problem, since even castration will not save the dog.

Treatment regimen for testicular inflammation in dogs

The treatment regimen for testicular inflammation in dogs depends on the cause, form, and stage of the inflammatory process. Prescribed by a veterinarian based on diagnostic results, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the animal.

The following are used in the treatment of orchitis:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics in injections, tablets for orchitis of infectious etiology, fluoroquinols, cephalosporins. The course of antibiotic therapy takes from 5-7 days to 2-3 weeks.
  • Etiotropic therapy (specific therapy), hyperimmune serum at the beginning of the disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Painkillers.
  • Hormones.
  • Novocaine blockades.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Tissue therapy.
  • Antifungal medications for orchitis caused by mycoses.
  • Cooling, warm wet compresses.

Important! In case of acute inflammation, irritating ointments (ichthyol) should not be used, since the skin of the scrotum is delicate and thin, so eczema can develop.

Additionally, immunostimulants and hepatoprotectors are used in therapy for long-term antibiotic therapy. Droppers may be prescribed to relieve intoxication. For autoimmune orchitis, immunosuppressants (medicines that suppress immune responses) are used.

Disease prevention

Despite the fact that this problem affects male puppies, the disease can only be prevented when their mother is pregnant. And for this, the expectant mother needs to be given a balanced diet, a normal content of all vitamins and microelements. Avoid any medications and monitor your dog’s health.

Newborn puppies also need care. To prevent inflammatory processes from developing, you need to provide them with warm bedding (preferably heated). And during feeding, it is best to walk the bitch alone to eliminate the risk of contracting viral diseases. It is necessary to ensure that puppies do not develop injuries in the groin area, and begin treatment while the disease is in its early stages.

Cryptorchidism in dogs is a very unpleasant disease. And the biggest problem is that a puppy who suffers from this disease can pass this disease on to the next generation. Therefore, the dog has to be neutered. It is best to identify this disease at an early age in order to treat it with therapeutic methods.

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When a diagnosis of cryptorchidism is made and surgical treatment of this pathology is performed, both castration and orchiopexy are possible. In terms of trauma, anesthetic risk and postoperative care, these surgical interventions are identical.

It is imperative to educate owners about the various treatment options for cryptorchidism. If it is possible to preserve a functioning organ and the owners of the animal do not plan castration, then orchiopexy is the optimal method of choosing treatment. In case of complete or partial loss of the testis, they resort to prosthetic artificial testis.


The unnatural location of the testes can pose a risk to your pet's health. There are several reasons why you need to get rid of cryptorchidism in time:

  1. Decreased reproductive function and risk of tumor formation. For normal spermatogenesis in a male dog, the temperature of the testes should be 2–4°C lower than the dog’s body temperature. Overheating of the testicles leads to the extinction of the process of sperm formation and the risk of tumor degeneration. Semenomas, sertoliomas or leydigomas can often develop at a fairly early age. The dog is in danger of death.
  2. The occurrence of tumors leads to hormonal imbalance, the production of estrogen. This provokes hyperplasia of the anal glands, cystic prostatitis and decreased bone marrow activity in the dog.
  3. Cryptorchid males also need to remove the stuck testicle because spermatic cord torsion may develop. This pathology is accompanied by the symptom of “acute abdomen” and requires separate treatment.

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