Types of Shepherd Dogs. Description, features, names and photos of types of shepherd dogs

Long-haired German Shepherds are beautiful, harmoniously built dogs with high intelligence and excellent service qualities. Although they differ from their standard counterparts only in the length of the guard hair, they were not recognized for a long time by leading cynological organizations and were mercilessly culled.

Now shaggy dogs shine at exhibitions along with those with short coats. Let's find out how long-haired German shepherds appeared and what features are hidden behind their spectacular exterior.

English Shepherd

The dogs that made up the breed arrived with settlers from England and Scotland to the New World. In the North American States there was rapid growth in the economy and agriculture, and the dog turned out to be very appropriate. About 120 years ago, the shepherd acquired its current appearance.

English Shepherds are versatile hard workers. They can herd livestock, guard the territory, drive away unwanted animals, and look after children. Englishwomen grow up to 58 cm, 27 kg - dogs don’t weigh more. High intelligence, devotion to the owner, desire and ability to independently work with a herd of sheep or goats are the main qualities of the breed.


Ekaterina, 48 years old The year before last, my beloved dwarf dachshund died from illness and old age. I could no longer imagine life without a dog. My daughter dreamed of a German Shepherd for a long time, but there were many concerns: size, nutrition, long walks, upbringing. I have heard more than once that there are big problems with socialization, you need a strong character. Completely by chance we got into conversation with our neighbors; they are shepherd breeders with 25 years of experience. They began to discuss, does it make sense? They are already in their fifth generation and work exclusively on government orders for the police. Two females remained unclaimed, but grown up, at the age of 10 months. We went, we looked, we met... And my heart immediately melted when I saw our future beauty Shakira. Stately, calm, measured. All concerns were immediately brushed aside. It is clear that we had a long way to socialize: to accustom us to the house, because... was brought up in an enclosure, pick up food, introduce her to a dog playground. To my surprise it only took 5 days. During this time, they began to master basic commands and get used to the city noise and bustle. About 3 months passed and the dog could not be recognized. Smart, intelligent, tactful Shakira has made friends and enemies, learned the walking route, and knows all the basic commands. Compared to the restless dachshund, he is an angel. She understands everything, but doesn't speak. Now if I ever get a new dog, it will be a German Shepherd. This is a real “person”, friend, ally.

Svetlana, 37 years old I live in a private country house. All his life, the territory was guarded by ordinary “door terriers”, but the last dog was poisoned and they tried to rob him. My husband and I sat down in the evening and began to choose a “security guard.” What was needed was a large dog, fearless, desperate, stately, ready to protect immediately. We deliberately focused on natural aggressiveness and were not mistaken. We purchased a Central Asian Shepherd. The puppy was named Alfred, although according to his passport it’s such a name that you can barely pronounce it. At 6 months he weighed over 30 kg. Satisfied with absolutely everything. Alik doesn’t let anyone through, he can easily break loose and bite, but to his family he looks like a cat. Cuddle up, loves treats, chew bones, and play. We only keep him on a chain, but it’s as if he’s waiting for it. The husband is categorically against castration, although there are problems. God forbid if a bitch in heat lives nearby. Howling and anxiety begin. In general, we are happy with the choice. Now he is a little over 3 years old. He grew into a huge dog. I like that you don’t need to comb it hard or take a lot of care. He lives in the courtyard, in a booth, which his husband calls the “Palace” because everything is arranged there for Alfred. He’s an excellent guard dog, I’m not scared at all with him.

Australian Shepherds

Two breeds of shepherd dogs are associated with the fifth continent:

  • Aussie or Ossie, sometimes simply Australian Shepherd. Bred in the States on the basis of dogs imported, including from Australia. The size of the animals is medium, up to 58 cm at the withers. The coat is five centimeters long with a remarkable marbled color. These hardworking and good-natured shepherds settled all over the world. They become old by the age of 13.

  • Kelpie. Star of the Australian canine world. It is considered the highest achievement of local breeders. Notable quality: they have a wide angle of view and can control large spaces. Kelpies grow up to 51 cm. They gain weight up to 20 kg. The color is dark: charcoal, chocolate, red-black. Life span up to 14 years.

general characteristics

Used for various purposes. She is brought in as a guard for a house or property, or as a guard for animals during grazing. The dog easily finds his way home after a walk in the mountains or in the forest, so it will also come in handy as a guide or assistant on a hunt. However, they are rarely brought in to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

It is recommended for various families, but if there is a child in the house who really likes to play with animals, this can become a problem. Himalayans are very sociable, but do not like excessive attention, they just get the job done. So children can throw them off balance.

According to the description, the dog’s height ranges from 51-66 cm at the withers, and its weight is 23-41 kg.

Anatolian Shepherd

Part of the Molosser group. Good guarding and herding qualities are the result of long-term natural selection. In Turkey, the name “Anatolian” is considered too general; they insist on the name “Turkish watchdog” or “Kangal”. The appearance of the breed dates back to the times of Babylon, that is, the Kangals are at least 24 centuries old.

It grows up to 80 cm. It does not look overly heavy, although it gains weight up to 65 kg. Looks quite elegant. Moves quickly and a lot. The coat is 3 centimeters long, straight, and covers the entire body. The color types of Shepherd dogs are predominantly black or brindle. A distinctive feature is a very strong maxillodental apparatus. Old age comes at 12-14 years.

Coat and colors

The German Shepherd has coarse outer hair, feathering behind the ears, on the back of the forelimbs, on the hips and tail. The undercoat is very pronounced. The hair on the head, inner surface of the ears, front part of the limbs and paws is short.

Shepherd dogs without undercoat are not used in purebred breeding. Their hair is soft and somewhat wavy.

There are fringes on the ears and limbs. The neck and front part of the chest are rich in thick hair, which is divided into a parting on the back. The tail has a dewlap.

Black or fawn German Shepherd are the most commonly found colors. Cream and zoned are available. Light and white shades of coat are unacceptable. This is a genetic pathology. The hair on a shepherd's paws is usually red in color.

Atlas Shepherd

The breed has another name - Aidi. Originally from the Maghreb, North Africa. The Berbers drove their herds through the Atlas Mountains, with the aid of the Aidi. They skillfully handled livestock, worked as watchmen, participated in hunting and tracking animals.

The Atlas Shepherd grows up to 62 cm, weighs up to 30 kg. The coat is dense with high-quality undercoat. Most often it is painted in a light, almost white color. Guard instincts prevail over herding and hunting instincts. The dog is vigilant, devoted to its owner, and distrustful.

Which parents produce red puppies?

Red puppies can be produced by any German Shepherd parent, even if they do not have a tan color. The thing is that this shade of wool dominates over saddle, black and sable and tan. That is, the reddish color gene blocks the production of black, leaving a black tint only on the face, ears, tail and paws.

But sometimes it happens that completely red parents can give birth to black and zone-gray puppies. In this case, you need to look deeply into the genetics of these animals and look for the cause in the genotype. Zonary red puppies are very rare in their shade. Of all animals, approximately 3 to 5 percent are born with this shade.

Belgian Shepherd

Each state strives to develop a national dog breed. In 1891, breeding work on a new breed of shepherd began in the Kingdom of Belgium. Patriotic feelings worked - the Belgian Shepherd , in four versions:

  • Groenendael is a black dog;
  • Malinois - red dog;
  • Laekenois - red with black;
  • Tervuren - any color except black.

The height of the dogs is 66 cm, weight is 30 kg. These are the maximum parameters. All types of Belgian Shepherd are morphologically similar, only the color and length of the coat are different. Suitable for working with sheep herds, they can be watchmen, and thanks to their good sense of smell, they work as detectives in the police.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Welsh Corgi is one of the smallest shepherd dogs. According to the ICF classification, the breed belongs to the group of guard and racing dogs.

This is interesting. The Welsh Corgi's "competitor" in size is the Schipperke Shepherd, which is approximately the same height but weighs a little less.

Welsh Corgis are dwarf dogs. However, they were formed not as a result of breeding work, but through natural selection. Thanks to their small dimensions, animals easily maneuver and deftly dodge the blows of hooves. Also, their small size allows them to live in rather cramped apartments.

The Corgi is a squat, moderately elongated dog that stands firmly on short legs. Despite its compact size, the dog looks strong and resilient. According to experts, the breed should give the impression of "a big dog in a small package."

Bergamasco Shepherd

Another name for the breed is Bergamasco. The name was given after its place of origin - the province of Bergamo, located in Lombardy, northern Italy. A special look is given by wool curled into cords, dreadlocks or heavy flat tangles. The color of the cover is uniform, any gradations of gray are allowed.

A dog cannot be taller than 62 cm or heavier than 38 kg. Has a developed musculoskeletal system. Like any shepherd, she is viable and life-loving. The psyche is stable, the animal is friendly, non-aggressive. May be stubborn. Sheep farming in Italy is gradually disappearing. Bergamascos are moving from alpine pastures to apartments in Milan.

Interesting Facts

Relatively little is known about long-haired Germans in Russia, so it’s worth citing a few interesting facts:

  • They were registered as an independent breed relatively recently - at the end of 2010.
  • German dog lovers call them Langhaar, and their Russian colleagues call them Lokhmachi.
  • With the exception of the length of the coat, shaggy dogs are no different from their short- and medium-haired relatives - neither in character nor in living conditions.

So, you definitely shouldn’t underestimate such dogs - they are in no way inferior to their relatives who have a model appearance.

Bulgarian Shepherd

The oldest Balkan variety of shepherd dog . Formed by centuries of natural selection. It is part of the culture of the Karakachans, a Balkan (Greek) ethnic group living in several states of the peninsula. The main nurseries are established in Bulgaria.

The dog is serious, not lower than 65 cm, body weight is not specified by the regulations. The appearance of a dog suggests its purpose - protection of territories, animals, people, property. Character appropriate: the dog is not very trusting, but absolutely loyal.


Water is the basis of any dog’s health. It should always be in a bowl and at the same time clean and fresh. That is, it is advisable to change it at least twice a day.

The Himalayan Shepherd can eat both food and simple food. She has a good, strong stomach. But proteins (meat) should be a mandatory part of the diet, because for all shepherds this is very important. You can add vegetables and cereals to the proteins. The food should be “convenient” to eat, not hot, not cold, so that there are no large pieces that the animal cannot eat.

Welsh Corgi

Breed from Wales. Its appearance dates back to the 10th century. The breed includes two varieties: Pembroke and Cardigan. The differences between them are significant, but do not go beyond the scope of one breed. With a small stature (30 cm), these short-legged creatures perfectly manage herds of sheep and cows.

Nowadays, Welsh Corgis are in demand as companion dogs. This is facilitated by the dog’s developed intelligence, the ability to predict the owner’s wishes, love of life and gentle character. Moderate dimensions contribute to living in city apartments. Welsh Corgis live up to 13 years.

Hungarian Shepherd

The breed boasts centuries-old roots and an intricate pedigree. Probably a hybrid of indigenous Black Sea dogs and a wolf. Has not been subjected to artificial selection. The breed has a second name - Commander. Probably comes from the Italian phrase cane commodore, which can be translated as command dog, main dog, king of dogs.

The animal is tall: up to 80 cm. But it weighs a little for its size: up to 60 kg. The dog has a lightweight bone structure, which makes it mobile and easy to climb. The Komondor's coat is thick and long, curling into cords and dreadlocks. The dog is calm, well trained, and devoted to its owner.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any breed has its advantages and disadvantages. Books, encyclopedias, and reference materials indicate both the positive and negative aspects of a shepherd dog. Among the positive points are the following:

  • developed intelligence compared to other breeds;
  • genetically formed sense of protection of territory, property, owner;
  • getting along with other pets;
  • flexible character, which makes parenting a more enjoyable process;
  • attentiveness, responsiveness, understanding of human words.

The negative sides are:

  • shedding in breeds with medium and long hair, when combing is mandatory;
  • aggressive attitude towards strangers at the level of instincts;
  • the need for great physical activity in the form of long walks, intense exercise;
  • Aboriginal breeds are difficult to train;
  • compulsory general training course for basic commands.

Some breeds will require training with a professional dog handler. It will help you cope with behavioral deviations and prepare you for performances.

East European Shepherd

Purposefully bred as a service dog in the USSR. The first breeding experiments occurred in the 1930s. Pedigree shepherd dogs were exported from Germany, and a new breed was created on their basis. The original and created types of shepherd dogs in the photo are quite different.

The dog grows up to 70 cm and gains weight up to 60 kg. Females are noticeably lighter and smaller than males. As a result of selection, a balanced, active, assertive character with a fair amount of distrust was formed.

Dogs are used mainly as service dogs. In this role they were widely used in the USSR. They were engaged in border protection and search activities. They guarded the people's property and the peace of citizens.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Shepherds are a large group of dogs whose original purpose is to help humans.
  2. Being “shepherds,” their goal is to serve as a guard for livestock and protect them from attacks by wild animals.
  3. Each breed is named after the area where it appeared.
  4. Among them there are authentic, ancient dogs that have not been subjected to selection for many centuries and millennia.
  5. Most breeds are the result of crossbreeding, depending on the goals of the owners.
  6. There are large, medium-sized and small-sized shepherd dogs. Each has its own purpose.
  7. There are about 60 breeds in total. Most of them are officially registered.
  8. The group is considered popular among dog handlers due to its intellectual characteristics, inclinations, and learning ability.
  9. Instinctively, they are always close to a person, quickly master basic commands, and take part in competitions and exhibitions.
  10. When choosing a puppy, you need to focus on genetics, health, appearance of the dog and the reputation of the breeder.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The ancestors of this dog are ancient, large dogs - Molossians. Before the new era, the harsh Assyrian army used these dogs as fighting dogs. The breed was finally formed in the 1920s. Breeders began to improve what nature gave the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

A height of 75 cm is the norm for this shepherd; it can weigh up to 100 kg or more. The coat is thick with abundant undercoat. The dog looks very serious. A breed with a decisive character, it requires attention and quality training.

Intelligence and training

The Germans are capable of performing complex tasks. Fluffy pets accompany the blind, participate in rescue operations, and guard important objects.

By the way! Shepherd dogs with beautiful long hair are not inferior in intelligence to either the poodle or the collie, which are considered the smartest dogs.

You need to educate an animal from an early age, and this can be done by the owner, whom the dog will mistake for the leader. You cannot allow a puppy to ignore prohibitions or turn a blind eye to disobedience; you must prohibit the dog from:

  • lying on the sofa;
  • ask for food from the table;
  • climb into a chair.

From a month on, you should train your pet to respond to a nickname, from two months - not to bark at others for no reason, from four months - to the commands “Near”, “Lie down”, encouraging with treats and games. If the dog is planned to be used to perform search functions, the training should be entrusted to a dog handler. Training should be carried out regularly, otherwise the puppy will forget the commands, and it is very difficult to retrain it, but dog breeders do not recommend overloading the pet with physical exercises for up to a year, since the animal’s muscles have not yet had time to get stronger.

German Shepherd

The dog's homeland is southern Germany. The breed is formed as a hybrid of many German herding dogs. Selection work ended 120 years ago. The main task of obtaining a dog that skillfully guards and herds herds was completely accomplished.

There are long-haired and short-haired types of German Shepherds Both versions are medium sized. Weight no more than 40 kg, height - 65 cm. Over time, shepherd tasks disappeared. The dog, thanks to its qualities, began to perform search and security service. She became an excellent companion.

Caring for puppies

Long-haired German Shepherd puppies require just as much attention as puppies with standard coats. After moving to a new home, they are given a little time to get used to the changed conditions, and then gradually accustom them to the rules of behavior and hygiene procedures.

To prevent the adaptation process from being complicated by indigestion, the little shaggy dog ​​is initially fed what he ate from the breeder. The diet is gradually supplemented with new products. The number of meals depends on the age of the puppy:

  • 8-12 weeks – 5 times a day;
  • 4-6 months – 4 times a day;
  • 7-10 months – 3 times a day.

From the age of 10 months, the German Longhair is fed twice a day.

Central asian shepherd dog

Two native species - Alabai and Tobet - can be classified as this breed. The breed is the result of natural selection. It evolved over the centuries as a hybrid of various herding and fighting dogs. In Turkmenistan, alabai are considered the property of the nation.

The dogs are powerful with strong bones. They weigh 50 kg, height 70 cm. Bitches are somewhat smaller. In places where dogs are bred, their fighting form is maintained. In the recent past, perhaps even now, fights of these wolfhounds are held in order to determine their breed qualities.

Character and behavior

The long-haired German Shepherd is a strong and efficient dog with a stable psyche and excellent intuition. She has developed security qualities and is always ready to use them if necessary. A properly trained dog of this breed will never damage the owner's property or bark for no reason.

Close human contact is very important for the long-haired German Shepherd. A dog at an early age chooses one owner, but is equally friendly to all family members. The shaggy-haired German is wary of strangers at first, and when he realizes that strangers do not pose a threat, he becomes indifferent.

Breed and children

Long-haired German Shepherds are loyal to children. They get along especially well with teenagers who understand how to treat animals.

Old English Sheepdog

It has coexisted alongside British farmers since time immemorial. In the past, in England, dogs were taxed based on the length of their tail. To save money, these shepherd dogs had their tails cut off, hence the second name - bobtail. The breed gained recognition in the Victorian era.

The dog is stocky, not very tall: up to 54 cm. Covered with rough hair with a thick undercoat. Abundant coat visually makes the dog larger. Like all dogs that have been cooperating with humans for centuries, bobtails have developed intelligence and a loyal character. he can act as a protector and even a nanny.

How to choose the best puppy

When buying a dog, there are points that you should pay special attention to. They will help you avoid fatal mistakes and further problems with upbringing and training.

  1. Nursery, breeders. Must have a reliable reputation and many years of experience working with dogs. The worst sign is if different breeds are sold in one place. This cannot be allowed, these are clearly scammers and resellers. You should interview your friends, chat on forums, and carefully study the topic of selling puppies. Only after this make a deal.
  2. Documentation. Each puppy must have a veterinary passport with notes on initial vaccinations and date of birth. Additionally, a pedigree is drawn up indicating parents, grandparents, and branches of genetic lines. Usually purchased at an additional cost. The winners of exhibitions and showrooms always have awards that they are proud of. Ask the seller to show them so that the evidence of the purity of the breed is not unfounded.
  3. Visual inspection. Regardless of the breed, the dog must stand firmly on its limbs. Their paws are strong, strong, with large “growth bumps” just above the front carpus. In smooth-haired dogs, the axial hairs lie tightly, do not bristle, and shine in the light. In medium- and long-haired dogs, puppy “fluff” remains for a long time, which will eventually develop into an undercoat. The dog should not have an unpleasant odor. If there is no discharge from the eyes or genital openings, then everything is in order.
  4. Behavior. A good puppy is always playful, cheerful, mischievous and reckless. He will happily run up to a stranger, begin to lick and bite. A cowardly dog ​​shows signs of fear: loud barking, howling, raising of fur at the withers, near the pelvic joints. Regardless of the breed, in puppyhood all are initially friendly to humans. As it grows, it should react sensitively to strangers by barking.

By following simple rules, you are guaranteed to get a puppy that will grow into a beautiful, stately, caring dog - a reliable companion.

French Shepherd

The French have 14 breeds that are directly related to the country. The most famous of the French Shepherds is the Briard. For many centuries she guarded sheep in alpine meadows. The first documents describing briards date back to the 12th century. At the end of the 19th century, the first official breed standard was agreed upon.

The dog grows up to 68 cm. The weight is not specified by the standard. The main thing is that the animal looks harmonious. Long hair with a soft undercoat covers the entire body, from nose to tail. The shepherd's appearance is very impressive thanks to its fur. The dog is calm, obedient, and well trained. Can be a shepherd, watchman, companion, guide.

Communication of the long-haired breed with children

Germans with long hair, when properly raised, become real guardians of small children. Even if the baby annoys the dog and pulls its tail, it does not snap back, but simply leaves and hides. The most preferable option is when a child is born in the house and a puppy is purchased at the same time, but you should weigh your strengths and exert maximum attention so that in casual interactions the baby is not injured by the still clumsy pet. When choosing a sex, you should take into account that females are softer and calmer than males, who strive with all their might to dominate.

In most cases, dogs treat children with love and tolerance, but their communication should still take place under the supervision of adults.

Swiss White Shepherd

In the last century, white shepherd dogs became popular in North America. From there they came to Europe, where white shepherd dogs began to be intensively bred. Despite its American origin, the breed is registered in the FCI association as a Swiss Shepherd.

Dogs reach 67 cm at the withers, 40 kg is the maximum weight. On average, animals are somewhat shorter and lighter. The standard recognizes short-haired and long-haired types of Shepherd Dogs . But the cover can only have one color - white. The dogs are versatile, non-aggressive, smart and well trained. They live up to 13 years.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

Longhaired Germans are strong dogs. They live on average up to 10-14 years.

Like any other breed, they are predisposed to certain health problems. The most common pathologies found in long-haired German Shepherds are:

  • arthritis;
  • allergy;
  • volvulus;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints.

In order not to expose the dog to the risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases, it is regularly vaccinated against rabies, leptospirosis, canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis. The first vaccination for a long-haired German Shepherd puppy is given at 8-9 weeks, with a mandatory repetition after 21 days.

In the future, the dog is vaccinated once a year. Before vaccination, the shaggy German is treated for external and internal parasites.


Part of the collie breed group. Comes from northern England, Scotland. The Scottish Sheepdog is one of the five most popular breeds. Information about these shepherd dogs can be found in documents from the 14th century. By the 17th century, the breed was fully formed. There are 2 recognized types of dogs: long-haired and short-haired.

The Scottish Sheepdog is not a very large animal. Maximum height - 61 cm, weight - 30 kg. Scottish collies still herd sheep in many countries, and other herding breeds have evolved from them. But, thanks to their intelligence and gentle nature, they more often began to play the role of companions.

Other varieties

Sheepdog is the general name for a group that includes more than 50 different species. And almost all of them are classified as shepherd dogs: they were bred specifically to help herd sheep and other livestock. Shepherd dogs can be roughly divided into 2 groups: cattle dogs and guard dogs. There are also less popular species that are common only in their homeland. Some, for some reason, are not even officially recognized, but this does not prevent them from showing excellent results in their work. Rare types of shepherd dogs:

  • Alentege;
  • American tundra;
  • Atlas;
  • Basque;
  • Bergamo;
  • Belarusian;
  • Bukovinian;
  • Bohemian or gypsy;
  • Hungarian shepherd;
  • Greek;
  • Groenendael;
  • Dutch;
  • Egyptian;
  • Italian;
  • Catalan;
  • Laekenois;
  • major;
  • Maremmo-Abruzzese;
  • Mongolian;
  • Picardy;
  • Polish lowland and Podhala;
  • Siberian;
  • Tervuren;
  • black Romanian;
  • Estrela.

There are indeed many shepherd dogs, but the characteristics of all of them are sometimes different. Now the shepherd is a reliable companion, who is not afraid to entrust home security, police service or the work of a guide. SUPERPET, a species-typical food for dogs according to the BARF system, will help maintain your pet’s health. It replicates the diet of predators in nature: 98% consists of raw meat without heat treatment, flavor enhancers and preservatives.

Getting a shepherd, even a friendly one, for family walks and playing with a child is not the best idea. Still, such a dog must work, even if not in pasture or dangerous tasks. She needs constant movement, a strong shoulder of the owner and a special approach.

South Russian Shepherd

The breed was bred by the Russian German Friedrich Falz-Fein. Selection work was carried out in the Askania-Nova nature reserve, which he founded. By 1945, only a few specimens remained of the entire population. By the end of the century, the number was restored.

Parameters: weight - 40 kg, height - 65 cm. Females are 5 cm shorter than males. The bones are strong, but not heavy. The fur is evenly distributed over the body. The length of the coat is at least 9 cm. Thick undercoat. The dog looks menacing. He does guard work professionally.

Size and weight

The height of the male reaches 60 cm, in some specimens - 65, the female is 5 centimeters lower than the male. The body weight of a furry pet does not exceed 40 kilograms, girls weigh from 22 to 30. The purity of the breed is determined by standard characteristics:

Body partsDescription
Headfolded proportionally, widens in the skull area, narrows towards the nose
Ears (erect)have a triangle shape, set high
Eyescolored brown or black, almond-shaped
Neckpowerful and muscular
Pawsstraight with developed joints, the front ones are parallel to each other, the rear ones are slightly apart
Backelongated, strong

The chest of a fluffy shepherd with pronounced withers is deep and oval in shape. The animal's saber-shaped tail is covered with dense fluffy vegetation.

The purity of the breed is indicated by the black color of the wet lobe, the presence of a correct bite, and the presence of a formula consisting of 42 teeth.

Rare breeds of shepherd dogs

In many regions, pasture-based methods of raising livestock have become unpopular. Following this, shepherd dogs found themselves unclaimed. Characteristics of temperament or size did not allow everyone to change their profession, as a result, many types of shepherd dogs became rare.

  • Alentege Shepherd Dog. A large dog that originated in Portugal in the Middle Ages.

  • Afghan Shepherd or Koche. A breed of large, herding dogs. Their main place of work is the mountain pastures of the Iranian Plateau and Afghanistan.

  • Basque Shepherd Dog. Helps shepherds in northern Spain. The breed is believed to be a natural hybrid of various Central European Shepherds.

  • Bohemian Shepherd. Aboriginal breed of western Bohemia. Currently intensively bred by Czech breeders. Received preliminary recognition from the international dog handlers organization.
  • Buryat Shepherd Dog. A breed of natural selection. Known since time immemorial. The Buryat name is bankhar. In the last century it disappeared almost completely.
  • Mudi, a herding dog from Hungary. The first descriptions of the Mudi breed appeared in the Middle Ages. In the last century it experienced a period of decline. Now the population of this brave dog is being restored.

  • Herder, Dutch Shepherd. Honored breed. Officially recognized back in the 19th century. According to the length and quality of wool, it is divided into 3 varieties.

  • Chapendois, Dutch Shepherd. A herding breed of ancient origin. In the last century it practically ceased to exist. A small population is maintained by enthusiasts.
  • Greek Shepherd. Endurance and other physical characteristics are excellent, but prone to aggression. This is one of the reasons for the decline in the number of these animals.

  • Nagazi. Georgian mountain dog. Archaic breed. The time of its appearance dates back to the pre-Christian era. The dog is large (up to 75 kg), with a predominant guarding behavior.
  • Armant. Egyptian Shepherd. The appearance of the breed is associated with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. The French shepherds that arrived with the troops mixed with the aboriginal dogs - an unrecognized Armant breed appeared.

  • Icelandic Sheepdog. Looks like a Finnish Spitz. Localized in Iceland. In addition to herding duties, he often serves as a companion.

  • Italian Shepherd. Bred in the Maremma and Abruzzo regions of Italy. A breed with a history that dates back centuries. It was fully formed only towards the end of the 19th century. Exterior and character of a typical herding dog.

  • Catalan Shepherd. Appeared and formed in the Pyrenees. In Spain it is considered a national breed.
  • Crash Sheepdog. By the will of fate, large Molosser dogs ended up in Slovenia, near the Krasskie Mountains. Molossians make excellent shepherds. The breed was officially recognized in 1939.

  • Hottosho, Mongolian Shepherd. Part of the Mongolian, Buryat culture. The origin is surrounded by legends. Found in Mongolia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Buryatia. Powerful animal. Recognized by the Russian Association of Cynologists.

  • Norwegian Buhund. Farm dog, known since the 17th century. The breed is often called the Norwegian Shepherd or Laika. Its shape is similar to other northern huskies.

  • Croatian Shepherd. The first information about these shepherd dogs appeared in the 14th century. Despite its long history, it has not received distribution. It is practically not found outside Croatia. The animal is energetic, in good health and very unpretentious.

Types of Shepherd Dogs according to the FCI International Standard

There are many varieties of shepherd dogs in the world. They differ in size, coat length and coat color. Let's look at species that are officially recognized by the FCI or recognized on a provisional basis. For convenience, we will arrange them in alphabetical order.

Shepherd dog varieties recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale:

  1. Australian
  2. Australian Kelpie
  3. White Swiss
  4. Belgian
  5. Bergamo
  6. Border Collie
  7. Bearded Collie
  8. Beauceron
  9. Briard
  10. Welsh Corgi Cardigan
  11. Welsh Corgi Pembroke
  12. Dutch
  13. Dutch schapendus
  14. Komondor
  15. Catalan
  16. Kuvasz
  17. Maremma-Abruzzi
  18. Major Cattle Dog
  19. Moody
  20. German
  21. Picardy
  22. Pyrenean (longhair and shorthair)
  23. Polish lowland
  24. Polish Podgalianskaya
  25. Portuguese Shepherd
  26. Bullets
  27. Pumi
  28. Romanian Carpathian
  29. Romanian Shepherd Dog Mioritic (Mioritic)
  30. Slovak dude
  31. Schipperke
  32. Old English (Bobtail)
  33. Croatian
  34. Sheltie (Shetland)
  35. South Russian

Types of Shepherd Dogs provisionally recognized by the FCI:

  1. American miniature
  2. Bohemian
  3. Lancashire Heeler

Important: Not recognized by the FCI, but one of the most popular breeds in our country is the East European Shepherd. The breed was bred in the USSR on the basis of the German Shepherd for military service and work in the national economy.

Shepherd dogs classified by the FCI in the Molosser group:

  1. Caucasian
  2. Kangal (Kangalese)
  3. Central Asian

Australian Shepherd

The name of the breed can mislead uninformed people. In fact, this type of shepherd was bred in the United States by emigrants from Australia. The second name of this species is Aussie. The dogs are admired for their exterior, extraordinary intelligence and highly developed herding instincts. Today, the Aussie is a family companion dog that is capable of unsurpassed devotion to its family.

Australian Kelpie

The homeland of this active, beautiful shepherd is Australia. A dog with an ideal harmonious physique is distinguished by intelligence and a gentle character. Kelpies have good working characteristics and can be trusted with a large flock. The innate herding instinct makes this breed an excellent watchdog. Dogs are loyal to their owners and respond to care with loyalty.

White Swiss Shepherd

The breed was bred in Switzerland, its second name is the American-Canadian White Shepherd. The dog has a friendly, cheerful disposition, is very attentive and friendly towards children. Easy to train, can become an excellent watchdog. Beautiful snow-white fur is her calling card. There are two varieties: long-haired and short-haired.

Belgian Shepherd

According to the FCI standard, this shepherd breed has the following types: Laekenois, Groenendael, Tervuren and Malinois. Each species has its own unique appearance; they cannot be confused with each other. All four varieties are versatile working dogs with high performance characteristics. Some standards consider these species to be different breeds of shepherd dogs.

Bergamasco Shepherd

The dog, completely unlike a shepherd, was bred in Italy. This is a fairly large animal covered with hair that rolls into large tangles. The peculiarity of the coat helps dogs protect themselves from wolf bites and bad weather. The second name of the breed is Bergamasco. Shepherd dogs are unpretentious and well adapted to harsh living conditions. The breed is distinguished by its good nature and easy-going nature.

Border Collie

Border Collies were bred on the border between Scotland and Great Britain. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by incredible grace, memorable appearance, strength and endurance. A beautiful big dog is also a shepherd breed. This breed is considered to be one of the smartest dogs. Her intelligence is comparable to the development of a three-year-old child.

Bearded Collie

Shepherd dogs are different - the shaggy bearded collie is completely different from its relatives in the group. This rare and ancient breed from Scotland still herds cattle and sheep flocks in its historical homeland. The bearded man's character is docile, without signs of aggression. Dogs have a high level of sociability and enjoy communicating with children.


The second generally accepted name of the breed is the French Shepherd. There is still no reliable information about how this type of dog appeared. It is only known that the breed appeared several centuries ago, its exterior changed naturally during evolution. Externally, the dogs resemble Doberman Pinschers and are sometimes confused with this breed. Beaucerons are hardworking, courageous and self-confident. They are not easy to train – the dogs are stubborn.


Another breed that is classified as a French Shepherd. Dogs have long coats. A characteristic feature of their exterior is the bangs hanging over the eyes. Briards have a cheerful and playful temperament. They are agile and easy to train, so animals are often used in various areas of dog sports.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The only breed smaller than this small shepherd is the Welsh Corgi-Pembroke. The small, squat dog resembles a fox. The main distinguishing feature of the exterior is short legs. Despite this, they are excellent shepherds, they are nimble and easily avoid blows from horns and hooves. Cardigan Welsh Corgis are intelligent, active and non-aggressive. They are often chosen as companion pets due to their calm and even temperament.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The name of another breed of mini-shepherd is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. This variety was bred in Great Britain. Short dogs have a strong build, they are active and determined. Pembroke Welsh Corgis do not show nervousness, are balanced and friendly.

Dutch Shepherd

The birthplace of this breed is the Netherlands. The second name of the breed is Herder. The dog is quite large. There are several varieties: wire-haired, long-haired, short-haired. The breed is very smart, attentive, and easy to train. Dogs are often used as guide dogs and guards.

Dutch schapendus

Another representative of the Netherlands is the Dutch Schapendus. Chapendois, Chapendoes - this is also often called this breed of shepherd dog. Hardy, active dogs with thick wavy hair cope well with herding duties. They are able to develop great speed and have good jumping ability - this helps them in their work.


The Hungarian Shepherd (Komondor) is a large dog of impressive size with a powerful body. A distinctive feature of the commander is his ivory-colored coat. Shepherd dogs have long, thick hair that is curled into cords. These are reliable guards. No creature will be able to enter the area entrusted to the commander. Dogs attack silently and bravely.

Catalan Shepherd

The breed is also called the Pyrenean, as its homeland is the Catalan Pyrenees Mountains. But this is a mistaken name - the Pyrenean Shepherd Dog is included in the FCI standard as an independent species. There, dogs were shepherds' assistants, driving flocks of sheep to mountain pastures. This is an excellent family breed that is patient with children. He is wary of strangers.


The Hungarian Shepherd Dog (Kuvasz) continues our list, which contains all breeds of shepherd dogs. Representatives of the breed cope well with various types of service. They protect property, guard houses, work as security guards and bodyguards, and are used in search activities. Kuvasz has a complex character, but with proper training you can find a common language with him.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

The complex name of this ancient Italian breed is not usually used. The dogs are called Maremma. A distinctive feature of this species is its beautiful snow-white coat. Dogs are courageous, decisive and know how to make independent decisions. These characteristics help Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dogs protect herds and flocks from predators.

Major Cattle Dog

The birthplace of this breed is Italy. A beautiful black dog with a noble exterior is distinguished by its nobility and loyalty to its owner. Like all shepherd dogs in the world, the Major Cattle Dog is smart and quick-witted. The peculiarity of the breed is excessive sentimentality and boundless devotion. Affectionate and obedient dogs with their family do not react at all to commands from strangers.


Another Hungarian breed. The dog is distinguished by its universal working characteristics. They are used: for hunting, as shepherds and guards, for searching for drugs and other prohibited substances. Mudi easily adapt to any conditions. They can make excellent home companions. It is believed that the ancestors of the breed were German shepherd dogs - one of the varieties of German shepherds.

German Shepherd

The generally recognized leader in the family of herding dogs and the most frequently used dog in service is the German Shepherd about the species, which we will now talk about.

Types of German Shepherd according to coat structure:

  • shorthair – guard hair with undercoat;
  • long-haired – long guard hair with undercoat.

Varieties of German Shepherds by functional use:

  • show (exterior) dogs – purebred club animals not used for service;
  • service (working) dogs - used in the army, police, drug control, customs activities and search. They work as guides, in canitherapy, and guard houses, warehouses, and enterprises.

All types of German Shepherds must have breed characteristics: courage, loyalty, bravery, devotion to humans, and high performance. These are smart and non-aggressive animals.

Important: on the Internet you can often find the name “American German Shepherd”. In fact, there is no such variety of German Shepherd in the breed standards!

Read about which shepherd dogs have their ears cropped

Picardy Shepherd

French breed with ancient roots. They are medium-sized dogs with a strong, muscular body and elegant body lines. They are distinguished by increased endurance, vigilance and attentiveness. Work is all these energetic and hardworking dogs need. With the proper level of socialization, shepherd dogs can become family pets.

Pyrenean Shepherd (long-haired and short-haired)

Another representative of France is the Pyrenean Shepherd. There are two varieties: long-haired and short-haired. Both are small shepherd dogs with a bright temperament. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its high mobility and activity. Cunning, wary, mistrustful dogs are not like shepherd dogs.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The homeland of this subspecies is Poland. These are animals of medium height with thick, long hair. Compact, muscular dogs have a lively temperament. They are characterized by vigilance, intelligence, insight and excellent memory. Dogs easily adapt to adverse weather conditions.

Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog

Another Polish breed. Strong dogs give the impression of being very hardy animals. Shepherds are very active and energetic. If we evaluate the exterior of the breed, we can say that these are dogs that are not similar to the German Shepherd. They have white fur, medium size and no characteristic features by which one can immediately recognize this breed.

Portuguese Shepherd

Continuing the conversation about what breeds of shepherd dogs there are, we cannot help but mention the Portuguese. She was nicknamed the “monkey dog” for her funny appearance. Indeed, the animal's face is similar to the face of a monkey. Despite this, dogs cope well with the role of a shepherd. They are hardy and tolerate temperature changes well.


The birthplace of the breed is Hungary. Puli are dogs of medium size and strong build. Their thick fur curls into long cords. This type of coat can be observed in another Hungarian breed, the Commander. Due to the abundance of hair, the dog's head resembles a round ball of fur, and parts of the body cannot be seen individually. The Puli has a lively temperament and the breed gets along well with children.


This representative of Hungary has a similar name to the previous breed, but is completely different from it. Representatives of the breed are not similar to the German Shepherd. The only breed that has a similar exterior to the pumi is the terrier. Medium-sized dogs have funny erect ears, the tip of which curves forward. Dogs hold their necks high because they are constantly in a state of full combat readiness.

Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog

The Romanian shepherds' dog, which has been herding sheep in the Carpathians for centuries, today copes well with its guard function. The head of a shepherd dog is shaped like a wolf's. The breed is distinguished by its large size, high level of energy, and agility. Dogs have a balanced temperament and serve their master loyally.

Romanian Shepherd Dog Mioritic (Mioritic)

Another representative of Romania is completely different from the previous breed. Shepherds have long, thick, coarse hair that is white or gray in color. Mioritic is an incorruptible watchman, a professional shepherd, an effective guard against predators and an excellent companion. Dogs love children and are wary of strangers.

Slovak dude

The second name of the breed is Tatra Chuvach. This large dog with an impressive exterior was bred in Slovakia. Shepherd dogs have a lively temperament, are sensitive, incredibly vigilant and fearless. The dude is not afraid of large predators (wolves, bears), and bravely defends his territory, property, herd and family. He is distinguished by his boundless devotion to man.

Schipperke (Schipperke)

The name of the Belgian breed is translated as “shepherd boy” or “little boatman”. This is perhaps the smallest shepherd breed. The Belgian shepherd is completely different from other species. He has a fox face, a frill collar, a ring tail and funny wool pants. But his appearance is deceiving. The dogs are very energetic, sensitive, and vigilant. They can bite a stranger who approaches an object protected by the Schipperke.

Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail)

Great Britain is considered the birthplace of this species. The compact-sized dog has a thick coat that helps it withstand bad weather. Friendly temperament and intelligence do not prevent shepherd dogs from scaring off ill-wishers with a menacing voice. Bobtail barks have a special intonation.

Croatian Shepherd

The birthplace of this breed is Croatia. This shepherd breed is the smallest among medium-sized dogs. The dogs have short black hair and pointed triangular ears. Croatian Shepherds are obedient and easy to train and train. A lively mind, attentiveness to what is happening and natural alertness make them good guards.

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

A very beautiful dog with a memorable, spectacular exterior was bred in the UK. The Sheltie is a professional herder and family companion dog. Affectionate dogs are attentive and intelligent towards members of their family. They behave warily with strangers.

South Russian Shepherd

There is an erroneous name for the breed - Ukrainian. This is a large dog, taller than average, with a lot of thick hair. The animal has confidence and independence, but is devoted to its owner. Dogs of this breed make good protectors and guards.

American Miniature Shepherd

American Shepherds were bred in the USA. They are included in the American standards, but these American Shepherds are currently recognized on a provisional basis by the Federation Cynologique Internationale. The dogs are distinguished by their expressive exterior and interesting colors. This miniature breed has strong herding and guarding instincts. Dogs are easy to train and can make good family companions.

Important: the name “American German Shepherd” is often found in open sources. Remember that there is no such breed of Shepherd, it has nothing in common with the American Miniature Shepherd.

Bohemian Shepherd

Another breed that has been provisionally recognized. The exterior of this species is very similar to the German Longhaired Shepherd. Large shaggy dogs of black and red color attract attention and inspire respect. The homeland of these beauties is the Czech Republic. This is a versatile working breed. Dogs are used in various types of service. They are easy to train, loyal and obedient.

Lancashire Heeler

This little dog has not yet achieved FCI recognition either, but he still has a long way to go. The breed originated somewhere in the British Isles. A small black and tan dog with short legs and a fox-like face, she used to tend herds. Nowadays, dogs are most often used as domestic companions. This species has terrier blood in its blood, so the heeler's temperament is more similar to terriers.

This is our review on the topic of types of shepherd dogs. We think that this information is enough to understand for yourself and decide on the breed that is right for you. Good luck!

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