Constipation in dogs from bones: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Your dog just ate chicken bones and you don't know what to do? Almost all dogs have at some point eaten something they were not meant to eat and chicken bones are often one of those things.

In fact, this happens often and is not surprising. Chicken is one food that our canine friends seem to adore. But chicken bones can be extremely dangerous for dogs.

Cooked chicken can be part of your puppy's nutrient-dense diet. It pairs well with vegetables like zucchini, cooked sweet potatoes, or even bell peppers. Sometimes cooked chicken bones end up in your dog's food by accident, in which case they can be very dangerous.

If your dog has ingested chicken bones, you will need to call your veterinarian. We recommend that you take several steps, which we will discuss in detail below. So let's look at what to do if your dog has eaten chicken bones.

  • Steps to Take Immediately Step 1: Prevent further access to the bones
  • Step 2: Call your veterinarian
  • Step 3: Don't Self-Medicate Your Dog
  • However, this can be dangerous.
  • Step 4: Watch for the signs
  • FAQ
      Are chicken bones dangerous?
  • Can chicken bones kill dogs?
  • Can dogs eat raw chicken bones?
  • But has my dog ​​eaten chicken bones before?
  • Are chicken bones not a natural food for dogs?
  • Dog choked on a bone - first aid
  • When should I worry?
  • How long does it take for chicken bones to be digested and removed?
  • What other foods are not suitable for dogs?
  • Final thoughts
  • Articles on the topic “the dog ate”:
  • What bones can you feed your pet?

    • veal. Small, smooth, spongy ones that do not have sharp edges are suitable. Can be chopped so the dog can gnaw out the core. Cartilaginous veal ribs, which the dog can eat completely, are perfect for treats;
    • poultry - you can use chicken heads, having previously trimmed the beak so as not to injure the mouth and internal organs.

    The product is only available in raw form. The age of the killed animal matters, this mainly applies to cows - in the spongy substance of the skeleton, with age, many harmful substances accumulate that are harmful to the dog’s body.

    First aid for a pet

    If the dog feels well, it is mobile, the appetite is not impaired, in this case, with constipation, you can try to help it at home. Treatment for constipation begins if there is no stool for more than two days.

    At home you can do the following:

    1. Feed the animal with fermented milk products: yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt with the addition of any vegetable oil (no more than 1 tbsp.).
    2. Introduce grated vegetables into your diet: cabbage, broccoli, beets, pumpkin. A spoonful of olive oil is also added to them.
    3. At this time, refuse dry store-bought food or soak it in water.
    4. Double the walking time and let the dog off the leash so that he can move actively. This stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
    5. The animal should always have plenty of clean water in its bowl. A constipated dog drinks a lot and often. This helps liquefy the food bolus and make it easier to come out.

    First aid for constipation in dogs is Vaseline oil. It is injected into the animal's mouth using a syringe without a needle twice a day.

    Dosage: puppies - 0.5-1 tsp, adult dogs of small breeds - 1 tsp, medium-sized breeds - 1 tbsp. Large dogs are given up to 2 tbsp. l. oils in one go.

    Symptoms of constipation in dogs

    Constipation after bones can be determined by the following signs:

    1. Lack of stool for 24 hours or more (this symptom does not apply to older dogs; they may have stool once every 3 days).
    2. The dog pushes for several minutes, but to no avail.
    3. Severe bloating, rumbling.
    4. During a walk, the dog spins around its axis for a long time, choosing a convenient place to relieve itself.
    5. The dog has dry feces in the form of balls, there is not enough of it.
    6. The animal has a strong thirst.
    7. The dog becomes lethargic and reluctant to go for a walk.

    If vomiting and chills are added to these symptoms, and the dog refuses to eat, he should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. These are dangerous symptoms of the development of intestinal obstruction.

    Are bones good for dog teeth?

    Bone is a very hard substance, and dogs that chew on bones can sometimes suffer tooth fractures. The sharp edges of broken bones can cause bleeding gums and cuts in the mouth.

    Hollow bones can also cause problems if they get caught in a dog's teeth; sometimes this causes quite a lot of trauma and dogs may require anesthesia to remove the bone.

    Some people believe that bones can help keep your dog's teeth clean when he chews them, but there are other options for your pet's oral hygiene, including non-bone dental chewing and tooth brushing. Many of these options are also much safer.

    What objects are most often swallowed by dogs?

    Most often, a dog swallows foreign bodies while walking, so it is recommended not to leave it alone and watch what it picks up from the ground. At home, it is recommended to keep all dangerous objects that the animal may accidentally swallow out of reach. These simple rules will help you avoid dangerous situations.

    Items commonly swallowed by dogs:

    • socks,
    • rubber balls,
    • plastic bags,
    • stones,
    • hair bands,
    • bones,
    • sticks,
    • yarn and threads,
    • Christmas tinsel,
    • coins,
    • hairpins, etc.

    Veterinarians recommend carefully monitoring products that are used for preparing meat dishes, and therefore are imbued with the taste and smell of meat (sticks, baking bags, foil forms, etc.).

    How to make your dog vomit if necessary

    There are situations when it is necessary to induce vomiting in dogs, rather than stop it. Most often, this is required if the dog has swallowed a foreign object or some kind of poison, and the sooner the dog is freed from this, the better. This is easy to achieve using available means.

    For example, it is enough to sprinkle half a teaspoon of regular table salt on the tip of the dog’s tongue or let the dog drink a saline solution in the ratio of 4 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water (if the dog weighs more than 30 kg, the concentration can be increased slightly). As a rule, this causes an immediate gag reflex.

    You can also pour in regular warm water, but you will need quite a lot of it, which is technically difficult to do (only a very well-trained dog will tolerate this).

    Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio is also suitable as an emetic, but this remedy does not work instantly, but after about 5 minutes (3).

    It should be remembered that there are cases when it is absolutely forbidden to induce vomiting. For example, if an animal has swallowed an object with sharp parts, it can only be removed surgically, otherwise the esophagus will be injured. You should not provoke vomiting in pregnant bitches, or if the dog is unconscious or bleeding.

    Could there be constipation?

    When eating a large number of bones, especially tubular ones, the dog may have digestive problems.

    Internal organs are not able to digest this heavy product. It is compressed in the animal’s stomach into a thick mass, a tight lump of food that cannot come out.

    Chicken bones are dangerous not only because they cause constipation.
    They injure the walls of the stomach and intestines .
    Gnawing on the bird's skeleton parts, the dog crushes them into small sharp fragments. In this form they enter the animal’s esophagus. During the digestion process, small sharp fragments scratch the gastrointestinal mucosa.

    Boiled bones are even more dangerous for dogs. During heat treatment, the product softens, releasing a large amount of animal protein and collagen, which glues the bone contents together.

    Once in the stomach, the bone remains accumulate into a thick, heavy mass. By eating such a product, the dog is 100% likely to suffer from severe and prolonged insufficient bowel movements.

    When to contact a veterinarian

    The following factors may be reasons to contact a veterinarian:

    • the dog whines while eating food;
    • after going to the toilet, stool mixed with blood is discovered;
    • The dog refuses food and behaves restlessly.

    Visit to the veterinarian

    After swallowing bones, especially tubular ones, experts recommend taking an x-ray to make sure that the foreign object has not caused damage to the soft tissue. If there are scratches and wounds, treatment and a special diet are prescribed.

    Important! Bones that have damaged the intestine and cannot come out naturally on their own are removed by surgery.


    The consequences after eating bones can be different. Some large pets, after swallowing, digest a foreign object without harm to the body. However, there are often cases where bones damage the integrity of the digestive organs. In such cases, inflammation begins.

    What not to do

    If foreign objects are swallowed, the following actions are prohibited:

    • should not induce vomiting. This can lead to mechanical damage to the digestive organs;
    • do not use enemas or laxatives;
    • Do not give your pet solid food to push through a foreign object.

    It is forbidden to treat your pet yourself. Medicines should be used only after a doctor's prescription.

    How is foreign objects removed?

    Drug treatment . If a dog has swallowed a small object and it is in the esophagus, then emetics are used to remove it. They remove foreign bodies along with vomit. Vaseline oil is sometimes used to help push the object into the stomach. It is important that drug treatment is only suitable if the pet has swallowed a product with smooth edges (for example, a rubber ball).

    Surgery . If emetics do not help or emergency intervention is required (for example, in cases where the pet has swallowed a sharp object), surgery is necessary. It is performed by laparotomy. After surgery, your pet needs rehabilitation. To restore his health, veterinarians administer 2-3 droppers. They contain vitamins and microelements, therefore they contribute to the overall strengthening of the body and prevent dehydration.

    Steps to take immediately

    If your dog just ate cooked chicken bones, there are a few steps you need to take right away.

    When something terrible does happen, it is important to remain calm so you can do what you need to do. Don't discipline your dog immediately. You need to remain calm and not frighten the puppy. Below we provide step-by-step instructions on how to handle this difficult situation.

    Step 1: Prevent further access to the bones

    The first thing you need to do is make sure there is no other place for your dog to get the bones. It's also a good idea to make sure that no other animals in the house come across the bones and end up in the same situation. Close the dog quickly. Afterwards, quickly clean up any spilled bones to ensure there are no further hazards.

    Step 2: Call your veterinarian

    He can give you valuable advice on what to do and what not to do. They can also help you weigh the risks of leaving bones in place and advise you on your dog's situation based on his size, breed and other factors.

    There is a risk of bones getting stuck. Unless your dog is in distress, most veterinarians do not recommend inducing vomiting. Your veterinarian may ask you to feed your dog something to "soften" the bones and increase the likelihood that he will progress as far as possible, minimizing potential damage.

    It could be bread, pumpkin or even asparagus! Trust your veterinarian to advise you on the best course of action! Most veterinarians won't ask you to rush them. They should give you personalized advice to give your dog the best chance of passing chicken bones safely.

    Pumpkin recipes for dogs

    Step 3: Don't Self-Medicate Your Dog

    Many people panic. Some dog owners try to treat their dogs themselves. They may be concerned about the cost of going to the vet or may be reluctant to admit to the vet what happened.

    In any case, they quickly explore possible options and try to cope on their own.

    However, this can be dangerous.

    For example, you will often find instructions on how to induce vomiting in a pet. Chicken bones can get stuck moving back up. They can get stuck somewhere and cause more damage.

    They will also be difficult to remove on the way back. Some commonly recommended medications are not safe if your dog has eaten chicken bones. Following instructions from anyone other than your veterinarian can be dangerous. This is true even if the person giving the advice says that this is the course of action his veterinarian recommended.

    Step 4: Watch for the signs

    It is important to monitor your dog closely over the next 24-48 hours. You will need to watch closely for signs such as abdominal pain, lethargy, and black stools. You should also keep a close eye on any behavior that may seem unusual.

    Treatment options

    If an animal is prone to insufficient bowel movements after eating bones, slippery (red) elm bark powder is added to its diet. The product is given according to the instructions until the animal’s digestion improves.

    If the dog has eaten too much bones and suffers from constipation for more than 3 days, do an enema. For small breeds they use a syringe, for large dogs - an Esmarch mug. The container is filled with warm boiled water, and the animal’s intestines are washed.

    Treatment methods for severe constipation

    If no methods help, the animal becomes worse, you should contact a veterinarian. At the appointment, they accurately describe the situation, tell how long the animal has been constipated, how many bones it has eaten, and what help was provided at home.

    The clinic will conduct a full examination using x-rays. Based on the results, treatment is prescribed. If the intestinal blockage is serious, there are fragments stuck in the intestinal mucosa, abdominal surgery will be prescribed.

    The dog swallowed chicken bones

    Chicken bones for dogs can only be used from broiler chickens. Birds raised in poultry farms have weak bones that do not form sharp edges when bitten. However, if your dog has eaten a chicken bone from domestic chickens, you need to know what to do in such cases. Village birds have a strong skeletal system, so it can damage the intestines and lead to the death of the animal.

    Damage to bones for dogs


    Bones, especially boiled ones, are rich in collagen; when exposed to high temperatures, extractive substances that have adhesive properties are released.

    Once in the dog’s stomach, such food falls into a tight lump and sticks together. The intestines cannot push it out. The animal becomes severely constipated.

    Other causes of insufficient bowel movements in dogs when eating bones include:

    1. Including chicken bones in your pet's diet.
    2. Lack of grains and plant foods in the animal’s diet.
    3. Weak motor activity of the pet.
    4. Increased sensitivity of the animal's digestive system
    5. Untimely quenching of thirst.

    Experts advise against using bones in the diet of domestic dogs, even for the prevention of tartar . To remove plaque on dogs' teeth, they use special devices that are sold in pet stores.

    How to choose a chewing bone?

    Even a properly chosen meat and bone product can lead to unpleasant consequences; many owners refuse to give it to dogs, depriving them of a tasty treat and an additional source of nutrients. You should not deny your pet such a treat; there is an opportunity to choose chewing bones sold in specialized stores.

    They contain: rawhide or starch base, vitamins and minerals, useful substances. Such a delicacy toy will completely satisfy the need for chewing rough food, clean the mouth, massage the gums and will not cause harm. When choosing a delicacy similar to natural, consider:

    • dog size. Treats that are too small can get stuck in the throat and cause choking and suffocation. You should not give a huge treat to a large dog; a medium size will do;
    • taste - they focus on the preferences of the pet itself, giving several types;
    • texture: hard, soft, special chewy. Focus on the animal’s age, dental condition and preferences;
    • additives: calcium, from tendons (for allergy sufferers), gelatin (source of collagen, vitamins, suitable for pregnant bitches), chicken (complete analogue without unpleasant consequences).

    Do not leave your puppy alone with such a tasty treat - his jaws are still poorly developed and will not be able to cope with the product.

    Types of poisoning

    Depending on the way toxic substances that can cause poisoning enter the dog’s body, as well as the type of substances that cause intoxication in the dog, poisoning is divided into:

    • Food poisoning - toxic substances enter the dog's body through the mouth. The source of food poisoning can be spoiled food, medicines, and household chemicals. Sometimes poisoning in a dog can occur as a result of licking highly toxic drugs from its fur.
    • Non-food poisoning - bites of poisonous snakes (the dog was bitten by a snake) or insects (the dog was bitten by a bee or wasp, what to do?). Poisoning from household chemicals, rodent baits, carbon monoxide or gasoline fumes. Overdose of medicinal substances when treating a dog for worms and fleas.

    Treatment of poisoning in a veterinary clinic

    Upon admission to the veterinary clinic, veterinary specialists will collect a history of poisoning from the dog owner and conduct a clinical examination of the poisoned animal. To identify the type of toxin and assess the general condition of the dog, tests will be taken for research.

    Treatment for a poisoned dog will include:

    • Gastric lavage.
    • Performing an enema to cleanse the intestines.
    • The use of diuretics to accelerate the elimination of poisons that have entered the body.
    • Administration of the appropriate antidote.
    • For intoxication of microbial origin - antibiotics.
    • To relieve seizures - anticonvulsants.
    • Medicines to normalize breathing.
    • Drugs to support the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart.

    Medicines used by the clinic’s veterinary specialists for dog poisoning during intensive detoxification and rehabilitation therapy:

    • For drip administration - Ringer-Locke solution, 40% glucose solution, Trisol, Nelit.
    • Heart medications - caffeine, cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine.
    • Antishock drugs – prednisolone, dexamethasone.
    • Hepatoprotectors – intravenous administration of Essentiale.
    • Antiemetic - cerucal.
    • Antispasmodics – no-spa, baralgin.
    • To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver - Liarsin, Verocal, Hepatoject.
    • Antipyretic mixture – analgin with diphenhydramine.


    An appointment with a veterinarian begins with an examination of the pet. Often, long objects (for example, ropes) are wound around the root of the tongue, so they can be immediately removed from the mouth, preventing further consequences.

    Otherwise, in order to determine whether a dog has swallowed a foreign object and in which part it is located, the following methods are used:

    • X-ray examination . An X-ray can reveal abnormal expansion, which indicates the presence of foreign objects in the digestive system, but only if they are radiopaque (for example, metal or wood). It is much more difficult to identify polyethylene or rubber products.
    • Ultrasonography . It allows you to identify obstruction caused by external factors. Using an ultrasound machine, it is possible to determine the movement of a foreign body if the motor functions of the intestines and digestive system are completely preserved.
    • Esophagogastroscopy . This is the most objective diagnostic method, allowing you to determine not only the presence of a foreign body, but also the consequences to which it led. Additionally, esophagogastroscopy helps to assess the condition of the mucous membranes in order, if necessary, to prescribe treatment to restore them.

    Only after diagnosis, a veterinarian in Moscow prescribes treatment. It is selected individually for each pet, because it largely depends on its general condition and degree of dehydration.

    Constipation in a puppy: treatment features

    Puppies under 6 months of age are not given bone products. After six months, large breed dog cubs can be given large beef bones that they cannot chew.

    If the puppy has eaten tubular bones, you should find out how much of the product got into his stomach. If a little, the animal is given plenty of water and wait until the puppy has emptied.

    An act of defecation should occur within 24 hours.

    If the animal has eaten a large number of bones, you should give it Vaseline oil (0.5-1 tsp of the product 2 times a day). The puppy should defecate during the day. If this does not happen, the animal becomes worse and needs help from a veterinarian.

    Constipation in a puppy is not observed for more than a day, since the pet’s digestive system is very weak, and it can die within a day.

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