Is frequent urination in dogs a reason to consult a veterinarian?

11/13/2021 123 531 Diseases and treatment of dogs

Author: Olga

Puddles on carpets are not surprising unless they are left by a small puppy. However, if you experience urinary incontinence in dogs, you may wonder if there is a problem. Naturally, conflict situations are possible when the pet defiantly relieves itself. But these are relationship problems.


Natural causes

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a sign of a problem. And they arise not only in old age. It should be understood that a pet is an emotional creature that lives guided by its instincts. In male dogs, the smell of urine is an indicator of dignity.

A pet can often pee for the following reasons: fear, stress, pain, threat, etc. In such a situation, treatment is not required. Simple adjustment needed

Behavioral features

If urinary incontinence in dogs is due to behavioral characteristics, kicking and screaming will not help the matter. Even treatment won't help. In such situations, you need to raise your pet, showing your patience and perseverance.

Males are capable of marking territory in this way. The dog most often pees in the corners. In such a situation, treatment involves sterilization, which will reduce the sexual instinct.

Age characteristics

Why does my dog ​​pee often? This may be due to age-related characteristics and weakening of smooth muscles. What to do in such a situation? Treatment will need to be maintained with medication.

The reasons why a dog begins to pee frequently may be due to being in heat. Quite often, a similar problem makes itself felt during the first “hunt” in young girls. Due to the presence of nagging pain, they often try to “empty” the bladder. Due to this, you can get rid of additional pressure.

Treatment is not required in this situation. You just need to go for walks with your girl more often. What you shouldn’t do is scold. She realizes that constantly wiping up puddles does not make you feel good. But she is unable to improve.

Perhaps the dog simply drinks a lot of water and cannot wait to go outside. But the need for large amounts of water can also indicate the presence of diseases.

Presence of deviations

True incontinence is very difficult to treat. This is due to the presence of congenital or acquired abnormalities, which are accompanied by weakness of the contractile muscles of the urethra. In such a situation, urine leaks regularly. Treatment will not completely eliminate this problem.

What to do in such a situation? It is important to contact a veterinarian immediately. If you “catch” the pathology at a very early stage, it can be cured. Incurable problems can be controlled in most cases.

Pet diet for cystitis

Treatment of cystitis in dogs must include the right menu. Diet also affects the healing process. When choosing a daily diet, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Do not give your dog fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • smoked meats and sausages are excluded from the diet;
  • you should avoid adding salt;
  • you need to give preference to high-quality feed;
  • the menu should include vegetables;
  • For some breeds, fermented milk products and cottage cheese are suitable;
  • Additionally, you can introduce vitamin complexes;
  • Access to drinking water must be ensured.

Your pet needs to be fed dietary foods because antibiotics are used to treat it. These medications negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system. A proper diet is a guarantee of successful treatment of cystitis.

Occurrence of diseases

Why did the dog start peeing often? This may indicate that some illness has occurred. And most often they are inflammatory in nature. It is difficult to determine the causes even if you undergo a clinical examination. What to do in such a situation?

Start writing down all the characteristic features of the keeping, describe the diet and nature of walks, tell us about the events that the pet has encountered, how much water it drinks. The more information the veterinarian is given, the faster the causes will be found.


Treatment involves the need for tests. A laboratory urine test can help in many situations. In some dogs, the causes of incontinence are hidden in the presence of cystitis. In case of extensive inflammation, urine begins to leak constantly. Also, a puppy or adult pet may defecate while sleeping.

The causes of cystitis mainly lie in hypothermia. Treatment involves taking antibiotics. Once therapy is started, clinical progress can be seen within a few days. If you do nothing, your puppy or adult pet will begin to urinate blood. Gradually, he will not be able to relieve himself at all.

It is imperative to carry out a full course of treatment. It is not recommended to stop treatment even if the symptoms have completely disappeared. Relapse is possible. The symptoms of cystitis will be discussed in more detail in the video.


The dog begins to pee frequently due to polydipsia. In such a situation, she drinks a lot of water, exceeding several times the daily norm. If the female drinks a lot of water, you should think about the presence of pyometra. In such a situation, an ultrasound is required. It is not recommended to treat your pet on your own.

Polydipsia is a formidable symptom. And his main problem is not that the dog constantly requires water and pees more often. Polydipsia indicates the possibility of diabetes, genitourinary infection, kidney failure and other serious diseases. And if your dog is noticed to be drinking a lot of water, contact your veterinarian immediately.


The dog is able to pee more often due to spinal injuries. This case is accompanied by damage to the nerve endings or the spinal canal. It is difficult to completely get rid of the problem. Most often it occurs in dogs that have an elongated spine, such as dachshunds.

During labor or after the puppy is born, your dog may experience pinched nerves. This disease is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, a sickly appearance, and abandonment of one’s puppy. The veterinarian will determine how to treat the dog when he conducts a comprehensive examination.

If your veterinarian suggests surgery, tests and treatment are recommended first.


A puppy or dog can suffer from increased urination due to the presence of ectopia. This is a congenital disease. Quite often observed in females. The disease is diagnosed at a young age. The diagnosis is based on anamnesis.

If any problems arise during the diagnosis, a visual examination and urography are performed. The disease can be corrected through surgery.

The dog urinates often: how to treat it, what to do?

Of course, no matter how long a dog suffers from frequent urination, it should be seen by a veterinarian . Effective assistance in such and many other cases is provided by veterinarians at the YA-VET Center for Veterinary Care for Animals.

If the problem arose, for example, after sterilization, then the doctor, after a thorough examination, may prescribe corrective hormone therapy. For any diseases, and also after a thorough examination, comprehensive and effective treatment will be prescribed.

Well, if the problem arose not after sterilization, but generally out of nowhere, then animal psychologists to correct behavior and normalize reflexes .

Basic treatment recommendations

Treatment should begin first by identifying the problem (drinking a lot of water, whining, blood in the urine, etc.).

If the pathology was caused by disturbances in the contractility of the sphincter, hormonal drugs should be used. A similar problem occurs quite often in spayed or neutered pets. It is associated with a lack of hormones.

If there are other problems, medications that are part of the group of tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They are aimed at relaxing the bladder muscles. However, this also causes the sphincter to contract. This is exactly what is required.

The above remedies have a potent effect. Side effects often occur after taking them. It is recommended to use after consultation with a doctor. It is he who must choose the exact dosage.

If a puppy pees

If a small puppy urinates frequently, know that he will learn to control this process when he is 3-4 months old. The period will depend on how correctly the owner is able to explain what the puppy should do. We need to suggest where he should relieve himself.

It should be understood that it is extremely rare for a puppy to start urinating just like that. In many situations, this is accompanied by the presence of congenital pathologies. And the puppy will be able to return to normal life only after surgical intervention.

Preventive actions

Prevention allows you to eliminate dangerous complications of cystitis in a dog. Simple actions are aimed at maintaining the health of your pet. Prevention includes the following precautions:

  • When caring for your dog, use the principles of proper nutrition;
  • give your pet only clean water;
  • the dog should not drink water from unknown sources or from puddles;
  • provide your pet with a warm and comfortable place to sleep;
  • take your dog for a walk in any weather 2-3 times a day;
  • Only proven animals are suitable for mating.

A routine examination will help avoid problems with your dog’s health. It is necessary to make an appointment for your pet to see an experienced veterinarian. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment regimen.

Cystitis in dogs is one of the common diseases. The pathology occurs in representatives of different breeds. The disease can be quickly dealt with when the first symptoms are detected. The main cause of cystitis is considered to be infection, but the disease occurs due to hypothermia and other pathologies. Antibiotics are used to properly treat cystitis. Complex therapy is complemented by medications from other groups. When treating the disease, it is necessary to monitor the pet’s diet.

Video "Reasons"

Does your dog drink a lot of water, pee often, or experience pain when he relieves himself? The video talks about the reasons why bitches have problems with frequent urination.

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Psychology of communication with a pet

The training technique revealed by the famous physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is applicable to any dog. It is called the “carrot and stick” method. You shouldn't use a whip, of course. This is just a metaphor. But you can punish an animal. This should be done with the words “fu” or “impossible.” The intonation itself will explain to the dog your attitude towards his behavior. And this is already a punishment. As for the “carrot”, here you can use both rewards with a treat and phrases such as “well done”, “clever girl”.


The period of peak activity, when the bitch is ready for mating. She not only shows interest in male dogs, but is also ready to let them approach her. The estrus phase lasts 6–9 days, depending on the breed (as we remember, the duration of estrus in large, medium and small breeds of dogs can vary, which also affects the phases). And at this time, the discharge takes on a translucent appearance with a pink tint. This is the best period for mating. The dog often whines, squats, constantly lies on its stomach, and moves its tail to the side.

How to properly control the behavior of a bitch and a dog

What to do and how to properly walk a current dog? First of all, carefully ensure that your pet is always nearby. Try not to let your dog off the leash without a reason and call him constantly. Keep in mind that the dog’s behavior has changed; the dog is weakly able to listen to commands.

A well-mannered pet rarely ignores the owner's commands. If we talk about a male dog, the dog must obey its owners unquestioningly. But on a walk you meet a lot of mongrels.

Veterinarians strongly discourage the use of special medications and pills to prevent pregnancy. Oncological diseases often occur, and the risk of hormonal imbalance in the body is extremely high.

If you're worried about the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, just remain extremely careful. Knowing the duration of the process, owners can control the process and protect the pet from attacks from strangers.


How long does a dog's heat last?

There are no serious differences of opinion regarding the duration of this sexual phenomenon - regardless of the breed and other signs and circumstances, the duration of estrus is traditionally 20–22 days.

It is impossible to predetermine exactly how many days a dog’s heat lasts. Each dog has this feature individually. The duration of this process is influenced by the physiological state of the animal, breed type, hormonal levels, age and some other factors. The duration is also affected by the state of the dog’s reproductive system.

In some cases, in dogs that are too young or with minor pathologies of the reproductive system, the number of days during which the dog is in heat reaches 28.

The duration of the cycle can sometimes be a little longer - up to 25–28 days during estrus in large breeds. And the duration of estrus in dogs of medium and small breeds is a little less—about 20–25 days.

These indicators completely stabilize with the onset of physiological maturity. On average, estrus lasts as long as it takes for the body to produce hormones and fertilize. But you shouldn’t kill your dog at the first sign. She will be completely ready to conceive only by the 8th–9th day. Until then, attempts by male dogs will be rejected. The peak will occur approximately on the 10th–17th day of estrus. And by the 22–23rd day of this cycle, the female again becomes indifferent to her gentlemen.

Having figured out how long estrus lasts in dogs, let's move on to its frequency.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

  • Under no circumstances use insults or brute physical force towards the dog; if the dog is guilty, you can lightly spank him on the rump;
  • The dog began to shit at home for certain reasons. So consider why this might happen. Don't be impatient or dissatisfied;
  • Punish your pet only for those puddles that she made in your presence. If you find the matter later, the dog may not understand why you are yelling at him. But there really is no point in poking one’s nose. This may offend the pet. Then he will become even more naughty.


This is the initial stage, during which the first signs of the dog’s readiness for contact with the opposite sex are just emerging. At this time, the bitch begins to be interested in males, but when they try to establish intimacy, she shows aggression or runs away. The dog often tries to sit on its tail, obeys its owner poorly, and is reluctant to follow commands. Proestrus lasts from 1 to 7–10 days, depending on the characteristics of the breed, age and hormonal levels. On the 3rd–4th day of this stage of estrus, bloody discharge begins to appear.


Dogs do not tolerate stress well. For example, if a dog is afraid of thunder and is alone at home, then from fear it may wet itself or make a pile.

If the stressful situation is prolonged, for example, the owner leaves or another pet appears in the house, then the stress becomes chronic and this is noticeable in the dog’s behavior. Periods of apathy are replaced by excessive excitability, the dog begins to gnaw at its paws and the root of its tail, lick and bite itself. In this state, she can defiantly shit in the middle of the room in front of everyone.

Presence of deviations

Incontinence is difficult to treat, since all abnormalities, acquired or congenital, are associated with contraction of weakened urethral muscles. In such a situation, urine will leak, even despite the use of medications or some other aids.

What to do then? First of all, it is advised to contact a veterinarian. If pathology is detected early, it is still treatable. However, the problems may not be curable. However, this does not mean that they cannot be controlled.

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