Why does a dog's teeth fall out and how to deal with it?

Every inexperienced dog breeder should understand what responsibility he takes upon himself when a pet appears in the house. A dog, unlike a person, cannot take care of its own health; this is the duty of the owner. It happens that a dog's teeth fall out as an adult. From the article you will learn why dogs lose teeth and at what age this is normal. Learn about the main oral diseases, their symptoms and treatment. Familiarize yourself with preventive measures that will help you avoid the loss of indigenous elements in the future.

In any case, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian in a timely manner. In Moscow, at the veterinary clinic #inGoodHands, you have the opportunity to call a specialist to your home, or come yourself at any time of the day. On the website https://goodhands.vet/ you can find out about services and prices, as well as get advice online.

How many teeth should a dog have?

A healthy dog ​​should have exactly 42 of them. Exactly 20 grow on the upper jaw, and 22 on the lower jaw. These include:

  • 4 fangs;
  • 10 molars;
  • 12 incisors;
  • 16 premolars.

The bite plays a big role in maintaining integrity. Minimal wear and tear is characteristic of the scissor style, which is the gold standard for most breeds.

Arrangement of living space

It is necessary to think as much as possible about how to arrange the patient’s home so that it is comfortable and, most importantly, safe. It is important to try to remove electrical and gas appliances, matches, and lighters from the access area. When leaving home, it is recommended to turn off the gas valve, as people with dementia have a habit of lighting the stove and leaving it, simply forgetting about it. You shouldn’t even try to ask why they are doing this - patients will deny everything, there will be deep resentment, tears, and possible hysterics.

At the initial stage of the disease, a person simply becomes forgetful, inattentive, and clumsy. As the disease progresses, he can no longer live alone: ​​someone close to him will have to experience for himself how to live with a person who has dementia. Piercing and cutting objects pose a danger to the patient. It is better to even choose dishes made of plastic, rather than from materials that can break into fragments. Knives, forks, scissors, household chemicals and medicines - all this needs to be removed from reach. Furniture should be arranged so that the patient does not risk getting hurt on sharp corners; it is advisable to provide room for movement. There should be anti-slip mats in the bathroom and toilet.

Normal Cases of Tooth Loss in Dogs

Tooth loss in dogs and puppies is accepted as normal only in 2 cases: when changing milk production and when old age sets in. In all other situations, the help of a veterinarian is required.

Changing teeth in puppies

On the x-ray you can see that all babies have as many as 2 rows of teeth. At the very bottom is the root one. It replaces the milk one after its roots have dissolved. Complete renewal is completed by the end of the first year of life.

The responsible process proceeds differently for everyone. Some puppies experience mild discomfort, suffering from itching and a slight fever. Others behave completely normally, so their owners notice the loss only during cleaning.

The help of a veterinarian in this situation is required only if there is a delay from the standard schedule - or if alarming symptoms appear. The most dangerous include the smell of rot, heavy bleeding and fainting.

The onset of old age

It is impossible to answer exactly at what age a dog’s teeth fall out due to old age. Everything here is very individual. Some pets manage to maintain the integrity of both jaws until death. In most cases, this is due to careful oral hygiene and good genetics.

In old age, the ligamentous apparatus that holds the dentition inside the sockets weakens, so it begins to loosen and fall out. Increased wearability also plays a significant role.

Sometimes breaking off occurs right at the root, leaving only a tiny fragment in the hole. In such situations, the pet should be taken to a veterinary clinic, since remaining particles can cause inflammation.


The stone is a hard deposit of brown, yellow or green color, with a rough surface. These deposits may be:

  • above the gum, at the base of the tooth - traumatizes the cheeks and lips;
  • under the gum, at the root - lifts the edge of the gum, a pocket is formed, which leads to infection and inflammation of the gums;
  • two types of stone can be combined at the same time.

If neglected, this can lead not only to inflammation of the soft tissues in the mouth, but also to inflammation of the bones, which can result in tooth loss.

No dog is immune from tartar formation, regardless of size and breed. The main reasons for its occurrence:

  • soft plaque that cannot be cleaned in time;
  • lack of oral hygiene;
  • feeding soft foods;
  • improper metabolism.

Tartar removal

This procedure is carried out in a veterinary clinic using a special metal scraper. It is painless, but if the dog is afraid and does not open its mouth, or is belligerent, then anesthesia may be used.

Possible pathologies

A mandatory examination by a veterinarian is required at the moment when an adult dog’s molars begin to fall out. If her age is far from elderly, then the cause of the disorder lies in pathology.

Oral diseases

Dental diseases affect soft mucous or hard bone tissue. The most common diseases include the following:

  • caries

    – putrefactive destruction of hard tissues, often complicated by periodontitis and pulpitis;

  • periodontitis

    – an inflammatory process involving the connective tissue between the hole and the root;

  • pulpitis

    – inflammation of internal tissues, including nerves and blood vessels;

  • stomatitis

    – damage to the oral mucosa;

  • gingivitis

    – an inflammatory process that covers exclusively the gums and does not affect external soft tissues;

  • periodontitis

    – a complication of gingivitis that affects all surrounding tissues.

All these diseases require mandatory treatment, since very often they are complicated by secondary infections. Also, when the process is running, the likelihood of losing not only part, but the entire dentition increases.

Bacterial and viral infections

Bacteria and viruses that enter the mouth directly or from neighboring organs are usually to blame for the occurrence of the pathologies discussed. Their waste products cause acute intoxication. The body uses an inflammatory response to destroy the pathogen.

Improper feeding

When feeding exclusively soft foods, the gums soften, causing premature loosening. There is also a rapid accumulation of plaque, which gradually hardens into stone. The quality of enamel deteriorates, causing the development of caries.

Eating tubular bones is no less dangerous. They injure soft tissues, opening the way for pathogens.

Injuries and tumors

The cause of the problem can be severe maxillofacial injuries associated with mechanical damage. In this case, the animal loses its snow-white smile immediately upon being hit or bruised.

It is also recommended to check the dog for the presence of tumors. Malignant tumors have a destructive effect on the mucous membranes.

When an elderly relative ceases to be adequate...

If a loved one has senile dementia, what should relatives do, and how can they understand that this is a disease and not ordinary whims? Most often, dementia begins quite harmlessly. A person may complain to relatives and neighbors that they are not feeding him, they are watching him, they are trying to kidnap him, or they are letting some substances or gases into his room or apartment. This might seem funny if it weren't so sad. The disease progresses quite quickly, and over time, older people stop recognizing family members, accuse them of theft or violence, bring home garbage from the landfill, and literally fight with anyone who tries to throw it away. Some people think that dementia will not affect those who have been engaged in active mental activity all their lives. The disease does not choose, and even a doctor of science or an honored leader can be found in a garbage dump, enthusiastically digging through waste.

There is no need to think that the patient is doing this on purpose, just to mock and laugh at his loved ones. This disease destroys the brain, and the patient is not even aware of his actions. The person loses the ability to absorb or process information. He becomes very sensitive to criticism: any remark or attempt to explain something leads to protest and a new attack. How to deal with a person with dementia? Relatives will have to show maximum patience and attention, not contradict, or explain something gently and unpersistently. If the patient feels aggression, he will begin to perceive his family as enemies, and it will be very difficult to establish contact with him.

Associated symptoms that help determine the cause of the problem

If your dog has loose teeth, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. It is from them that you can make a preliminary diagnosis and understand how dire the current situation is:

  • unpleasant odor, small holes, brown or black spots on the enamel – caries;
  • sharp pain when biting, the presence of fistulas, swelling of the gums and muzzle - periodontitis;
  • pain on palpation, chewing strictly on one side and refusal of cold food - pulpitis;
  • increased salivation, redness of the mucous membranes and a brown-white coating on the tongue - stomatitis;
  • bleeding during meals, the presence of small ulcers in the mouth - gingivitis;
  • exposure of roots, leakage of pus and inflammation of the submandibular nodes - periodontitis;
  • curvature of the bite, swelling and the appearance of blood from the mouth and nose - injury;
  • the presence of suspicious growths in the oral cavity, sudden weight loss, oral bleeding - malignant neoplasms.

If you notice these symptoms, be sure to seek help. Tests will be required to determine the exact cause. Until this moment, you can only alleviate the pet’s condition by revising its diet to a more gentle one.

Symptoms of changing baby teeth to permanent ones

Often during this difficult period the puppy develops not very pleasant symptoms:

  • general malaise and lethargy;
  • stomach upset;
  • poor appetite;
  • salivation;
  • redness of the gums;
  • stomatitis;
  • temperature increase.

If you notice at least one of the listed signs, you should take your puppy to a veterinarian.

Risk group by breed

The risk group includes small representatives of decorative breeds. With a normal dentition size, their jaw is more compact in size and has thin bone. Such animals include:

  • Spitz;
  • toy terriers;
  • chihuahua;
  • Yorkies;
  • Pekingese;
  • Japanese chins.

In addition to the genetic predisposition to the listed pathologies, such pets often suffer from persistence - an unusual anomaly in which both dentitions are preserved. This problem can only be solved surgically.

Diet and daily routine

One of the most important aspects of caring for an elderly person suffering from dementia is organizing a clear and established daily routine. The patient should not be allowed to sleep too long in the morning. An alarm clock will help you get up at the same time. The specific time of waking up also determines what time the patient goes to bed in the evening. If he wakes up at 6-7 am, he will need to go to bed no later than 10 pm. The night will pass peacefully, and relatives will have the opportunity to sleep. You also need to go for a walk at the same time.

Despite the unstable mental state, the patient does not need to be isolated from society. Communication with others, especially at an early stage, will help delay and slightly delay the development of the disease. If possible, you can ensure that you attend hobby groups or clubs. Mental stress can prevent the rapid death of cells.

Caring for a person with dementia at home involves changing their diet. You will have to exclude fried, spicy, smoked foods from your diet, focusing on boiled or steamed foods. Fruits, nuts, fish and seafood are excellent natural antioxidants; they are extremely useful for all brain diseases and nervous disorders.

What to do if your dog's teeth fall out

Methods for treating the resulting pathology directly depend on the root cause. It can only be determined after diagnosis.

Passing diagnostics

In addition to a visual examination, the four-legged pet will need to undergo an x-ray and a Schiller-Pisarev test. The first research method determines the degree of damage to bone tissue, and the second determines the presence of an inflammatory process.

Depending on the diagnosis, the animal undergoes ultrasonic sanitation (cleaning) of the oral cavity, splinting, or removal of the problem organ. Additionally, a number of drugs are prescribed to treat the root cause and eliminate its consequences.

Drug treatment of the underlying cause

Antibiotics and antiviral drugs are used to destroy bacteria and viruses. The duration of such therapy takes about 10 days.

In addition to the main treatment, symptomatic treatment is also used. Depending on the clinical picture, the four-legged patient may be recommended the following medications:

  • antiseptics;
  • enzyme agents that improve the digestion process;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulators.

Tumors are treated based on their degree of malignancy and type. Anti-blastoma drugs and chemotherapy are used to suppress their growth. But the most effective way remains their excision, used strictly before the appearance of metastases.

Prescribing a special diet

First of all, you should avoid sugar-containing products that are on the prohibited list. Many owners commit the sin of feeding from the table, but this bad habit needs to be gotten rid of.

During treatment, the pet is fed wet food or ground natural products. Solid foods necessary for bone health are introduced only after the root cause has been eliminated and the condition of the oral cavity has normalized. Cartilage, dry biscuits, carrots and spongy bones cope well with the resulting plaque.


This method is used to prevent loosening and strengthen the remaining teeth. Under general anesthesia, the four-legged patient is given a wire or fiberglass that connects the damaged organs to the healthy ones.

Such a prosthesis is inserted for injuries and periodontitis. Its shelf life ranges from 1 month to several years. After this time, the outdated design is replaced.

How to determine the cause

Determining the cause of the disease is the first step towards recovery.

This may require the following procedures:

  1. Examination by a veterinarian-dentist.
  2. X-ray. It will help determine how badly the bone tissue is destroyed and prescribe the necessary therapy.
  3. Schiller-Pisarev tests. The gums are lubricated with a special solution. In the presence of gingivitis, the gums become brown in color.
  4. Sanitation of the oral cavity. It involves removing deposits from teeth and polishing their surfaces.
  5. Removal of dead teeth.

Did you know? The dog considers its owner to be the leader of the pack. Before any action, he instinctively demands approval of his actions from the owner.

What happens if your pet loses teeth?

Even a significant loss affects the chewing process. In addition to unpleasant sensations and a high probability of complications in neighboring tissues, periodic problems from the gastrointestinal tract are observed. The whole point is that the food that gets there is poorly ground. Because of this, the stomach and intestines require more strength to digest it.

As a result of massive loss of teeth, the animal's bite is disturbed, which makes it unsuitable for participation in exhibitions. Such a pet has to be switched to soft and liquid food, which can cause new complications from the gums.

Soft coating

Plaque on teeth occurs due to improper feeding of the dog. If most of the portion is porridge, if there is little meat, it is finely chopped and cooked for a long time, then this food is very soft for the dog. You can notice that the dog does not chew such food, but swallows it. This leads to:

  • there is no natural mechanical cleaning of tooth enamel during chewing;
  • food remains between the dog's teeth and behind the cheeks.

With such nutrition, after some time, a soft plaque forms at the base of the tooth crown and on the edge of the gum. It can be yellow, brown, and sometimes has a greenish tint. This plaque contains bacteria that have a negative effect on the enamel and gum tissue.

Occurs on the molars and canines, on the lips and cheeks. There is almost no plaque on the incisors.

This problem is most often observed in small breeds or dogs with a short muzzle.

Plaque does not cause your dog's teeth to fall out, but it can cause gum disease, and plaque that is not cleaned in time turns into tartar.

Plaque removal

Soft plaque in the initial stage can be easily removed even at home. A soft brush and toothpaste for dogs will help with this. You can use baking soda, which should be poured onto the brush and cleansed without pressing hard on the gums.

Prevention and oral hygiene

To avoid problems with the oral cavity, it is necessary to regularly examine its integrity and pay attention to hygiene. It is recommended that dogs at risk be taken to the dentist for examination every six months in order not to miss the development of disorders.

When changing teeth in puppies

If your puppy's teeth are falling out, buy him a teether. By cooling the water it contains, itching and inflammation can be significantly reduced.

A beautiful and healthy bite requires a lot of calcium and phosphorus, so be sure to add the following products to your weekly menu:

  • raw carrots;
  • cheese, cottage cheese, kefir and other low-fat fermented milk products;
  • boiled cartilage;
  • veal;
  • fish oil and sea fish;
  • beef liver;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

It is better to discuss the introduction of ready-made vitamin complexes with your veterinarian. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of hypervitaminosis.


Preventive measures must be taken regularly to avoid plaque formation, inflammatory diseases and tooth loss:

  • proper nutrition, which 2/3 should consist of lightly boiled meat, cut into pieces of such a size that the dog needs to chew;
  • dry food must be of high quality;
  • to clean plaque, you should give special toys made of gelatin or tendons, which the dog will chew and gnaw with zeal;
  • once a week it is necessary to clean the tooth enamel with a special paste;
  • if your pet is fed natural food, it needs complex vitamins to strengthen teeth and bones;
  • Plaque can be removed using a special spray.

Aggression in dementia

Experts often say that people with dementia live in their own universe. They have their own rules and laws. Often a calm, balanced person throughout his life becomes embittered and aggressive under the influence of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to leave small children in the same room with elderly people suffering from dementia. They are not aware of their actions and can harm a child who is unable to defend himself.

The most surprising thing is that aggression can appear suddenly; at any moment, loved ones must be prepared for an outbreak. Patients make scandals, rush into fights, throw objects, break dishes, may bite, pinch or grab

the hair of the person nearby. It is very difficult for loved ones to maintain emotional contact with such patients. All attachments and feelings for a loved one are erased under the influence of constant inappropriate behavior. What to do with aggression in senile dementia, and how to explain to neighbors that no one is bullying an elderly relative?

First of all, you need to remember that aggression can be a signal of some kind of discomfort that the patient is experiencing. These could be problems with physical well-being, psychological trauma, or everyday inconveniences. A man screams and fights to get attention. Anger often manifests itself while taking medications. In this case, you need to consult your doctor and discuss the possibility of replacing the drug with an analogue.

As for neighbors, there is no need to hide the diagnosis of a loved one from them. During walks or short visits, they themselves will be able to assess the patient’s condition and understand that relatives are not mocking him, but are themselves victims of his inadequate condition.

Basic rules of behavior when a patient has an outburst of anger:

  • Don't show fear;
  • Take a step back (move away as much as possible, but so as to see the patient);
  • Listen and try to calmly console;
  • Transfer his attention to another issue;
  • Do not respond with anger and do not punish the patient.

There is no need to keep negativity to yourself. If there is someone who is able to listen and give advice, it is better to call such a person and talk it out. Internal tension that does not find relief will lead to problems of a psychosomatic nature.

Bite problems

Malocclusion refers to the incorrect relationship of teeth to each other and to other structures in the oral cavity. Malocclusion can be either minor or seriously detrimental to a dog’s health, including tooth loss. To identify a malocclusion, it is important to see a veterinarian who knows what a normal bite is, the classification and terms used to describe a malocclusion, and can evaluate treatment options. Types of malocclusions:


In this case, the lower jaw is longer than the upper jaw. The reasons for this anomaly may be:

● Incorrect skull structure;

● Head injuries;

● Genetic abnormalities;

● Lack of vitamins and minerals, poor diet;

● Incorrect loads on the puppy’s jaws.

Snacking is not a pathology in some dog breeds, such as German Boxers. In other cases, the problem requires correction.


The upper jaw is longer than the lower jaw. The reasons for the development of underbite are similar to the reasons for overbite.

Straight bite

The dog's mouth cannot close tightly due to the fact that the lower incisors rest against the upper ones. This type of bite is also called pincer bite.

Jaw distortion

The dental arch is displaced relative to the longitudinal axis of the dog's body.


Missing one or more teeth. It is a pathology in dogs older than 12 months.


The problem of extra teeth is more common in dogs of miniature breeds, when permanent teeth have begun to grow, but the milk teeth have not yet fallen out. If your pet has not gotten rid of temporary teeth before 8 months, then there is a reason to contact your veterinarian so that the doctor can remove the extra tooth before it leads to inflammation and malocclusion.

Signs of a healthy grin

A complete bite is represented by a set of 42 teeth. Deviations in quantity, up or down, are a pathology of genetic development. Twenty-two pieces are located on the lower jaw and another 20 on the upper jaw.

In puppies, the enamel color is white, but in adults it gradually turns yellowish - this is normal. Bite development is determined according to breed standards. A sign of a correct grin is considered to be moderate grinding of the teeth, which does not interfere with eating.

Large dog breeds, such as Rottweilers and Shepherds, often grow a pair of extra canines. This is recognized as the norm. Short-faced dogs have a lack of teeth, which is not a defect.

How to prolong the life of a person with dementia?

Dementia is an irreversible process. According to medical studies, patients can live with this diagnosis for up to 10 years. Relatives are faced with a task: if mom, dad, grandma or grandpa has senile dementia, how can they help their loved one and try to preserve the remnants of their intellect?

In the initial stages of the disease, you need to intensively train the brain: solve crossword puzzles with the patient, solve problems from the school curriculum, watch TV quiz shows and offer your own answers. It is recommended to engage in gentle physical exercise and walk more in the fresh air. There are special simple exercises for dementia for the elderly; they are easy to perform, but they require concentration, which is very useful for such patients.

Communication with well-known people is welcome. Conversations, discussions, telephone conversations are useful. Despite the manifestations of the disease, relatives need to remember that in front of them is the same beloved and close person whom they are accustomed to knowing all their lives. All changes in character occur not by his will, but under the influence of an incurable disease. Dementia cannot be cured, but its progression can be delayed and delayed.


Treatment of a small chip on the enamel of a tooth (front or back) should be started as early as possible. If the broken fragment is too small, it may not cause any discomfort, only aesthetic. This does not mean that you should neglect a visit to the doctor, since very soon the problem will grow to much more serious proportions, and therapy will be long and expensive.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • visible cracks on the surface;
  • loss of filling;
  • exposed nerve endings;
  • violation of the integrity of the coronal part;
  • increased sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • pain syndrome, especially at night.


Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after a complete diagnosis, since there are many causes and they are copied in different ways.

If it has already reached the point of tooth loss, surgical intervention will be required.

It may be that the dental pockets will simply be cleaned, or some teeth may have to be removed to stop the inflammation.

There is no way to return a dog’s teeth that have already fallen out, but if there is a threat of the remaining teeth falling out, there is a way out - splinting. This is a procedure to mechanically strengthen loose teeth.

In any case, your dog will be prescribed:

  • Special diet . While dental problems are being resolved, the dog’s diet will consist of wet food. If the accompanying problems are associated with a violation of organ systems (the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys suffer), then the food should be of a therapeutic line, in accordance with the disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory . If a tooth falls out, then inflammation and swelling always remain on the gums, the whole thing is very painful. Do not attempt to coat your dog's gums with human dental gels. You can make the situation worse by self-medicating. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Antibiotic therapy . The oral cavity is the most bacteria-contaminated part of the body, especially in animals (carnivores). Damage to the oral mucosa always leads to the entry of bacteria into the body, so antibiotics are necessary. But again, the drug must be prescribed by a veterinarian. It is especially important to correctly calculate the dosage.
  • Antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.

Complications after chipping

Restoring a chipped front tooth or a chipped molar (what to do in the case of different types of damage is discussed above) should be mandatory. Firstly, the aesthetic component suffers. A smile looks ugly, a person develops complexes, he is always afraid that others will notice the defect. Secondly, if you neglect medical intervention, you cannot avoid negative consequences (sometimes irreversible). These are problems such as:

  • malocclusion;
  • curvature of roots;
  • increased sensitivity to external stimuli (cold, hot, sour, sweet);
  • pulpitis, periodontitis and other diseases.

All of these conditions are considered very serious. Most of them often lead to the loss of units and affect the health of neighboring elements.

Oral diseases affect other organs. For example, if a large piece of a back tooth breaks off and the remaining fragment or the entire row hurts, this can later be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, and urinary system. Even microcracks can lead to such complications. Thus, unpleasant consequences can only be avoided with the help of timely intervention by a dentist.

How to make life easier for a “toothless” pet: tips

But how can you make life easier for a “toothless” pet, if for some reason the dog has lost some (or even all) of its teeth? Veterinarians and experienced breeders give the following advice:

  • You will have to completely reconsider your diet. No bones, dry food or other variations of hard food. Of course, the severity of this restriction is inversely proportional to the number of teeth remaining in the animal. Simply put, if a dog has lost two premolars, then there is nothing wrong with that; the diet can be left practically unchanged. But if 1/3 or more of your teeth fall out, it will have to be completely revised.
  • High-quality canned food becomes the main source of nutrition. If the animal is already aged, the ideal solution would be specialized veterinary holistic services for old dogs.
  • To minimize the risk of digestive problems, it is necessary to use probiotics or foods with dietary fiber from time to time.

Types of damage

There are several types of dental injuries with fractures. The classification sign is the depth and degree of injury.

Enamel chip or microcrack

In this case, the integrity of the upper layer of hard tissue is compromised - it cracks, or a small fragment separates. Usually such problems are invisible and do not cause discomfort. These are minor defects that can be quickly treated, but people do not rush to the dentist with them, which is a serious mistake.

What to do if part of a front tooth or a piece of a back tooth chips or falls out? It is important to visit a dental clinic as soon as possible. Damaged structures will become a place for the spread of pathogenic microflora, which will provoke the development of caries and other diseases. In addition, the load when chewing food will increase significantly, so half of the crown may fall off at any moment.

Chip with dentin fracture

Dentists classify this type of damage as moderate. Symptoms may be pronounced or completely absent. If the dentin layer is not restored, the unit will gradually crumble and soon fall apart. In addition, the smile will become unattractive, especially if a piece of an incisor is missing.

Deep fracture to the pulp tissue with exposure of the nerve

This is a severe injury with serious symptoms such as bleeding and severe pain. Even strong painkillers help dull unbearable sensations only for a short time. The crown may be missing half or more. If you are late with medical intervention, the risk of infection, inflammation and other pathological processes that are difficult to treat increases significantly.

How to preserve your own psyche?

It is very difficult for any person to get used to the fact that his loved one is developing senile dementia. Some people fall into despair: mom or dad has dementia,

what to do, how to help them? After despair comes anger, then powerlessness and apathy. You should not allow problems with your own health to arise against the background of a loved one’s illness. Caregivers often make mistakes in care, performing seemingly natural actions. Psychologists give a number of recommendations on what needs to be done and what points are strictly prohibited:

  • Relatives must simply come to terms with the illness of their loved one;
  • At the first symptoms of dementia, you should consult a doctor;
  • You cannot prescribe treatment yourself;
  • You cannot trust the care of minor family members;
  • There is no need to forcibly pull the patient out of his imaginary world, you will have to learn to lie for the greater good;
  • Do not try to cure a relative using unconventional methods;
  • You cannot focus on caring for the sick while ignoring your own needs. If possible, you need to change with someone close to you, give yourself rest and emotional relief;
  • It is recommended to use the help of specialists: professional caregivers or volunteers. Anyone who tries to cope with patient care alone very quickly burns out and becomes depressed from a hopeless situation.

The main condition is that you don’t need to expect gratitude from your sick relative. Due to the specifics of the disease, he will not appreciate all the efforts, and even on the contrary, he may accuse his family of inattention, anger and cruelty.

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