Name Archie: meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, name day, famous people

Archie's nickname for the dog. The name Archie is well suited for Turkmen Alabais, American Akitas, American Staffordshire Terriers, American Foxhounds, English Bulldogs, English Toy Terriers, Appenzeller Mountain Dogs, Dogo Argentinos, White Swiss Shepherds, Beagles, Bichon Frize, Bobtails, Bologneses, Border Collies, Dogue de Bordeaux, Boston Terriers, Briards, Brussels Griffons, Bullmastiffs, Bull Terriers, Weimar Pointers, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Smooth Fox Terriers, Dalmatians, Jack Russell Terriers, Longhaired Collies, small breeds, Golden Retrievers , Yorkshire Terriers, Ca-de-Beau, Caucasian Shepherds, Cane Corsos, Karelian-Finnish Laikas, Chinese Cresteds, Labrador Retrievers, Italian Greyhounds, Miniature Schnauzers, Pugs, German Boxers, Great Danes, German Drahthaars, German Shepherds, German Spitz, Norwich -Terriers, Newfoundlands, Papillons, Parson Russell Terriers, Pomeranian Spitz, Prague Rat Dogs, poodles, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Rottweilers, Samoyed Laikas, Samoyed dogs, St. Bernards, Siberian Huskies, Central Asian Shepherds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Dachshunds, Tibetan Mastiffs, French Bulldogs , Miniature Schnauzers, Chihuahuas, Shar Peis, Swiss Mountain Dogs, Sheltie, Shih Tzu, Schipperke, Scottish Scotch Terriers, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, Estonian Hounds, Japanese Akita Inu, Japanese Shiba Inu dogs boys, as well as for all companion dogs of dog breeds

Translation, origin

The nickname came from Archie. This word is of English, Germanic origin. Translated as “brave”, “precious”. Other options are “brave leader”, “true courage”.

It is short for the Scandinavian human name Archibald. In turn, Archibald is a derivative of the German Archambault. It is a combination of two words:

  • "Ercan" - precious, dear.
  • "Bald" - bold, brave.

When it comes to dogs, there are several options:

According to another version, Archie is a derivative of “Archer”, which means “archer”.

Another origin option is fictional characters:

  • Archibald Alderton is the hero of the series of works about the young wizard Harry Potter. It was this character who “accidentally” blew up the village while preparing a magic cake.
  • Archibald Skiles is the hero of “Aelita” by Alexei Tolstoy.

There are many famous people with this name:

  • A. Geiki – geologist.
  • A. Johnston is a politician.
  • A. Cronin is a writer.
  • A. Clark Kerr - Baron.
  • A. Campbell - British General.
  • A. Khan is a track and field athlete.
  • A. Douglas – baron.

Romantic relationship

Guys named Archie have a special attitude towards sympathy and reverent feelings. Love for them is something vital, a daily necessity and a fundamental step in Maslow’s pyramid. They require attention, warmth and support. In return, they give tenderness and care, which are on the verge of an intrusive society and burdensome boundaries in relationships.

The Archibalds do not notice that they are crossing boundaries and taking away personal space from their partners. Expecting gratitude and happiness, they are unpleasantly surprised by insults and quarrels.

Archie stands out among guys for his vulnerability, suspiciousness and touchiness. They often get angry for no reason and make themselves feel negative.

Therefore, a strong marriage and a happy family life can only be created with those who accept and share such dedication and devotion. The best couple will be a girl named Anastasia, Polina, Alexandra, Taisiya, Natalia, Nicole or Veronica.


Archie is a trusting and even amorous animal. This is a dog who is wholeheartedly attached to people. The owners for her are the center of the Universe. Archie's society suits phlegmatic owners - this is a very calm animal, which is alien to excessive activity, stupid "chases" and "hunts". The bearer of the nickname is an ideal companion because of his devotion to people and patience.

Often the owners of the name are stubborn and willful, but they “melt” before a person’s kind treatment. Therefore, all training and educational activities take place in a friendly atmosphere - the best reward for such a pet will be affection, stroking, and ruffling behind the ears.

Most Archiks are representatives of indoor, dwarf, and miniature breeds. Archibald is more suitable for medium-sized, tall dogs. This is an excellent option for breeding animals - in the case when puppies of the same litter need to be given nicknames starting with the letter “A”.


Who is it suitable for?

Pet owners think Archie is a good pet:

  • noble;
  • cute;
  • inquisitive;
  • affectionate;
  • cute;
  • unusual;
  • funny.

As for puppies, the nickname is given to representatives of small, dwarf breeds. The serious Archibald is more suitable for large dogs. The owners of the name are very trusting, they become attached to people with all their hearts. But sometimes they do not forget to be stubborn and “delight” the owner with tricks and pranks.

As for cats, this name is given to active, affectionate, pretty and respectable pets. Most of its owners include black and white, red, black, smoky and cream animals. As for breeds, Archie includes mixed breeds, Maine Coons, Scottish Folds and Bengal cats.

The nickname is perfect for a small Maine Coon:

Dog name secrets

A name is not just a collection of sounds. Each nickname has a certain meaning, a secret meaning. That is why the owner needs to know what this or that option means.

The nickname for a pet is very important, he must definitely like it

Mysticism in the name of an animal

When considering nicknames for dogs with meaning, you need to take into account that the name of an animal can influence its character. For example, a German Shepherd named Fifi will not reach his full potential to become a good service dog. And for a Chihuahua, the name Goliath sounds like a mockery and can provoke causeless aggression in the pet.

Note! Each letter in a dog's nickname is important, as well as their combined meaning.

Names-royal titles

Options for nicknames for male puppies:

  • Amir (ruler in Afghanistan);
  • Baron;
  • Chief;
  • Dauphine;
  • Doge (magistrate in Venice);
  • Duke;
  • Earl;
  • Kaiser;
  • King;
  • Knife;
  • Kral ("royal" in Azerbaijani);
  • Laird (Scottish nobleman);
  • Mikado (Japanese Emperor);
  • Oba (chief among the Yoruba);
  • Pharaoh;
  • Prince;
  • Rex;
  • Sultan;
  • Emperor (emperor).

Chihuahua named Kral:

Royal titles-names for female puppies:

  • Edle (German noblewoman);
  • Empress (empress);
  • Hara (Queen of the Philippines);
  • Lady;
  • Laren ("queen" in Haitian Creole);
  • Maharishi (wife of the Maharaja);
  • Malika (Arab queen);
  • Marquise;
  • Princess;
  • Raina (Galician);
  • Rani (Hindu);
  • Regalia;
  • Regina (Italian);
  • Rioga (Irish);
  • Sultana.

Dear Malika:

The relationship between nickname and character

When choosing a nickname, you need to take into account the character and behavioral characteristics of the puppy. For example, a hyperdynamic, restless girl can be called a Torpedo or a Squirrel. But you should remember about feedback: a nickname can influence a pet’s personality traits in a certain way. An animal can be programmed for a certain behavior model by giving it a corresponding “nickname”. For example, a representative of traditionally angry and aggressive breeds such as a Doberman, pit bull or staffor can be affectionately called “Mouse” or “Lucy”, this will balance their negative qualities.

The right nickname can erase the sharp edges of a pet’s character

Selection rules

When considering options for names for dogs with meaning, you should consider the following selection guidelines:

  • The name should consist of 2-3 syllables. If it is longer, you will need to come up with a shortened home version.
  • It is important that the owner likes the name and that the pet responds well to it.
  • You cannot use incorrect options like Terrorist Attack, Smallpox, Plague. While walking in the dog park, hearing such words is unpleasant for those around you.
  • The name should have meaning and correspond to the dog’s appearance, behavior, and disposition.

Video “Which name to choose for a puppy?”

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The meaning of popular dog names

When compiling a list of suggested names, you can start by researching the meanings of the most common nicknames.

Origin, interpretation and meaning of the name Archie

A beautiful, sonorous nickname of foreign origin will allow the dog to stand out from the crowd. The meaning of the name Archie for a dog is this: brave, courageous, little leader. Perfect for both a large, powerful dog with swift movements, and a small dog whose courage is not related to its compact size.

Archie is a name for a dog that came from Germany, where it was used in its full form, Archibald. The dog, which is so named, will inevitably become the center of the universe for the owner and his family. This is what the nickname Archie means for a dog - he is active, dynamic, playful and cheerful, he will not let you get bored and is always ready to improve your mood. In addition, translated from German “arch” means “devotion”, “loyalty”.

A typical Archie is a cheerful, cheerful, active dog who knows a lot about fun.

Gray: dog name, which means

The easiest option is to use this name for gray dogs, since the word means "gray" in English. However, when considering what the nickname Gray means for dogs, the following shades of semantics should be identified:

  • Eternal youth;
  • dynamism, mobility;
  • good nature, sociability.

Any Gray is such an affectionate animal that sometimes it tires the owner with an excessive desire to cuddle. The nickname is well suited for Great Danes, Mastiffs, and zonal “German” boys.

Meaning of the name Bertha for a dog

This is a very sonorous and beautiful nickname, which contains ringing consonant sounds. This suggests that the animal will quickly remember its name.

This is the meaning of the name Bertha for a dog: “bright”, “brilliant”, “unique”. This option is perfect for a representative of the hunting field and will help emphasize the leadership qualities of your pet. In addition, this can be called a German Shepherd.

The nickname Bertha is an excellent option for a “German” girl

Isa: the meaning of a dog's nickname

This beautiful poetic name has Tatar roots and when translated it sounds like “golden moon”. The nickname Isa will give the animal the following qualities:

  • Obedience, ability to train, wisdom beyond his years.
  • Loyalty to the owner.
  • Love for children, willingness to always play with them.

This beautiful universal name is suitable for a dog of any breed.

Charlie: dog name, meaning

This is a very popular option that is used by many owners who are deciding what to name their pet. Suitable for an energetic dog who is constantly busy with his canine affairs, plays a lot, frolics, adores his owner and strives to spend as much time with him as possible.

Note! The meaning of the name Charlie is “reliability”, “readiness to help”.

Other popular names

Here are some more options for dog names with meaning:

  • Dick - “wild” (in the Slavic interpretation) is suitable for a mongrel.
  • Mukhtar means “exquisite” in Arabic.
  • Ralph means “wolf king” in German and is suitable for a purebred puppy with well-developed muscles.
  • Gin means "silver" in Japanese.
  • Dango means “sweet bun” in Korean.

Using these options, you can name your pet beautifully, emphasize your love for it and its importance in the owner’s life.

Gin or “silver” is an excellent choice for a Weimaraner.

Best qualities of the breed

  • Easy to learn. This breed ranks 7th in its ability to quickly learn commands. And these are not just reflexes, the dog has intelligence! She does not understand commands, but penetrates into the essence of a person. That is why she can increasingly be found in police service. Labradors are able to distinguish a criminal from a person who is simply afraid of dogs, recognizing not only the adrenaline secreted in a person, but also sensing its energy.
  • Companion dog. The ancestors of this breed were excellent helpers for their owners: they helped to fish, pull out nets, and went hunting with them as gun dogs. Now they are assistants to the disabled and faithful nannies for children. The dog also demonstrates devotion to man in the film: when Archie Andrews, hiding his relationship with Geraldine, enlists the support of Vegas and the dog plays along with his owner, providing him with an alibi.
  • Therapy dog. Sometimes the retriever is compared to a dolphin. He can sense cancer, warns of the onset of an epileptic attack, and is able to smell what hurts his owner. Most often, with their energy, dogs push people to fight the disease. Gentle but strong paws make an excellent massage. The dog is happy and sad with its owner, supports in difficult times (remember how Vegas runs after Archie on the boy’s first day of school or saves him from death with the power of his own thoughts). Labradors are wonderful psychotherapists. This quality is used when working with autistic children.

  • Hard work. Endurance and irrepressible energy - this distinguishes retrievers from other breeds. They can endure heavy loads and can run for a long time, which is used in hunting. Labradors are excellent swimmers. Considering the irrepressible energy of this breed, you should not get a dog in an apartment. She needs space.

The meaning of the letters in the name

A nickname can have a serious impact on the formation of a pet's personality. First of all, you need to find out the meaning of each of its constituent letters:

  • A – the dog will be obedient and disciplined.
  • B – the animal loves long walks.
  • B – the name will give the pet intelligence.
  • G – capriciousness.
  • D – timidity.
  • E – leadership potential.
  • F – cleanliness.
  • Z – demanding attention.
  • And - good-natured disposition.
  • Y – cowardice.
  • K – perseverance bordering on stubbornness.
  • L – the dog will appreciate the comfort of home.
  • M – curiosity.
  • N – fidelity.
  • O – tenderness.
  • P – hyperactivity.
  • P – developed protective qualities.
  • C – originality.
  • T – mobility.
  • F – independence.
  • X – sincere affection for the owner and members of his family.
  • C – ability to understand.
  • Ш – rationalism.
  • E is a voracious dog, it is important to control his diet.
  • Yu – adores the owner.
  • I am self-esteem.

Decoding the name in the pedigree

Purebred animals, for example, huskies, purchased from a nursery, already have their own names, which cannot be changed. If the owner does not like the option chosen by the breeder, you can come up with a pet nickname.

Names for dogs with pedigree consist of several words

Here's how dog names are deciphered in pedigrees:

  1. The letter of the name indicates the litter. For example, the puppies of the first litter of a particular bitch will all be named A, the second - B.
  2. The second word is the name of the nursery.

Example: Bertha Sunshine is a second litter dog from the Sunshine kennel. The name of the nursery often consists of two or more words; the too long version is shortened.

Mistakes when choosing a nickname

You cannot name a pet after an animal that has already died. No one will replace the old friend, and the new one will be unfairly deprived, because the owner will not see him as an independent person. A beautiful name for a pet should be sonorous and meaningful. You should not choose too long options, they are difficult for the animal to perceive, and the owner will not be able to quickly contact his ward during training. An abundance of hissing sounds is also not the best option; dogs do not remember these sounds well; sonorous options are much easier for them.

These are the meanings of the main names for dogs and tips for choosing. If you choose the right name, it will have a positive impact on the pet's character.


Celebrities named Archibald

  1. Archibald, George Adams - Canadian politician
  2. Archibald, Steve - Scottish footballer
  3. Archibald, Edward - track and field athlete from Canada.

Today we will talk about choosing a nickname for dogs. One of the main questions that faces the future owner of a puppy is the name for the dog. The matter is not easy and very responsible. The nickname should sound good, please the owner and show the pet’s character. A well-chosen nickname means good care on the part of the owner, characterizing him as a responsible and serious person.

Buying a dog changes a person’s life for the better, because a dog can not only guard the house, but be a best friend. A dog can live next to a person for up to 25 years, and always remains devoted to him. With good care, the pet will spend many years with its owner. The dog's name will be heard very often in the house, so it should sound beautiful, be easy to pronounce and be remembered.

Why is it important to know the meaning of a dog's name?

Experts believe that every spoken word is charged with a certain type of energy. The vibration effect affects humans and pets equally. The more often a pet hears a certain set of sounds, the more it resembles what they say about it.

An attempt to name an animal with a beautiful and mysterious name can have two scenarios: it will become cute and obedient or angry and aggressive. The theory about the meaning of the nickname and subsequent character traits is conditional and has not been proven by scientific experience, but most breeders are confident that the connection is obvious and inextricable.

How does a nickname affect a dog's character?

When choosing a suitable nickname, the owner must take into account the behavior and character of the dog. Fast and restless girls can be called Torpedoes or Squirrels, but before approving a permanent name, one must not forget about the influence of the sound on the pet’s personality.

There is a statement that dogs are easily “programmed” into an individual model of behavior when they receive a certain nickname. If representatives of fighting breeds are affectionately called Baby, Mouse or Bunny, then the name will balance out the negative characteristic qualities of doggies.

Traditional options

Traditional nicknames for Malamutes emphasize their bright appearance or behavioral characteristics. For example:

  • Chernysh.
  • Belukha.
  • Buddy.
  • Nipper.
  • Daredevil.
  • Bandit.
  • Volcano.
  • Warrior.
  • Thunder.
  • Cupid.
  • Robber.

Considering the color, you can give names:

  1. Ryzhik.
  2. Sable.
  3. Thunder.
  4. Black.
  5. Gray.
  6. Dark.

Animals of large shape and serious character are often given names:

  • Volume.
  • Svyatopolk.
  • Balto.
  • Jack.
  • Scott.
  • Thor.
  • Buran.
  • Teddy.

Small breeds are called:

  1. Mosya.
  2. Pusya.
  3. Kitty.
  4. Baby.

For proud but gentle females:

  • Eve.
  • Bark.
  • Lizzie.
  • Stephanie.
  • Chara.
  • Vaiona.
  • Rachel.
  • Yucca.
  • Sleeve.
  • Jess.
  • Giselle.
  • Lady.
  • Margot.

If a dog is not accustomed to a nickname in childhood, then later the pet may not respond even to a short name.

There is also a practice that takes into account the personalities of the parents by titling the pedigree. If the mother's name was Liselotte and the father's name was Viscount, then the puppy could be given the nickname Willie.

Sometimes dogs are called like heroes of favorite films, books, cartoons:

  • Rex.
  • Mukhtar.
  • Shaggy.
  • Napoleon.
  • Shrek.
  • Edison.
  • Charles.
  • Dale.
  • Jack.
  • Bagheera.
  • Gadget.
  • Juliet.
  • Scooby.
  • Snoopy.
  • Hachiko.
  • Jerry.

For convenience, choose nicknames that are easy to pronounce and remember.

Tips for choosing a dog name

When searching for a suitable nickname, the owner must focus on certain rules. Dog handlers recommend adhering to the following requirements:

  • the name should not have more than three syllables - with a longer version, you will have to come up with a shortened version for permanent use;
  • it must please not only the owner and family members, but also the animal itself - otherwise it will not respond to it;
  • you should not use negative words with a negative semantic meaning - the call of Smallpox, Cholera, Terrorist Attack, War will cause unpleasant sensations among others, which will activate aggression in the pet;
  • The nickname must correspond to the appearance, behavior and character traits of the dog.


The meaning of the name Archie is revealed through the prism of magic numbers. So, his life number is nine. Nines are distinguished by high spiritual organization and the ability to let go of grievances. Endowed with subtle instincts, empathy, the ability to empathize and creative thinking.

Such individuals easily realize their own ideas in art and science. They do not need attention because they receive it in abundance from others.

Other symbolic moments include:

  1. The suitable color scheme is red.
  2. Lucky numbers are eighteen, two, seven.
  3. Alluring planets are Mars and Jupiter.
  4. Happy day of the week is Tuesday.

The very meaning of the talismans creates a general impression of the guy’s probable future: his intended profession, success in his personal life, interaction with other people and internal harmony.

Nickname Archie - meaning for a dog

Faced with an unfamiliar nickname for the first time, the baby’s owners begin to look for the meaning of the name Archie for the dog. A foreign nickname will automatically make the boy stand out from the crowd and will help him not get confused at the dog park, when participating in an exhibition or during training.

What does the name of the dog Archie mean: there are three translation options: “little leader”, “brave”, “brave”. It is suitable for both large pets and small ones whose strength of spirit contradicts their compact size.

What does the dog's name Archie mean for the owner and household members: the four-legged friend will quickly become the center of the Universe for everyone. Activity, cheerfulness, dynamism will lift your spirits and dispel boredom.

Smart "Germans"

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dogs in the world. Who doesn't know this big and stately dog? Greif is the first representative of this breed at the exhibition in Hannover. He laid the foundation for the pedigree book of German Shepherds. It's no secret that this breed is easy to train, gets along well with children and is most often used in the police, army, and border protection. Of course, such a smart and beautiful dog should have an appropriate nickname. We will consider their meaning for a dog (German Shepherd):

Aza is a strong and bright name that will highlight the dog’s individuality

But good upbringing and training will be important for such a pet, otherwise it will grow uncontrollable. Bars is a proud and unusual name

It is directly related to feline predators - snow leopards (irbis). These are incredibly cunning and large mammals. Daisy is graceful and quirky. She will not eat from someone else's hands. She needs a lot of affection and care, but in return she will become an excellent protector and loyal friend.

Decoding other beautiful names for dogs

Each owner independently chooses a nickname for their pet. Some focus on rare variants, others use common ones.

It is used for pets with a grayish coat color, since the literal translation from English is “gray”. The name decoding means:

  • "eternal youth";
  • “mobility”, “dynamism”;
  • "Sociability", "good nature".

Translated from the Tatar language, the name sounds like “golden moon”. The choice of such a nickname evokes the following qualities in the female:

  • increased intelligence, high training abilities;
  • obedience and loyalty to the owner;
  • love for younger family members, fun games together.


The name suits four-legged animals suffering from an excess of energy, who love to play and spend a lot of time with their owners. The meaning of the name is “reliability” and “readiness to help.”

The name is not suitable for lazy animals who prefer to spend time comfortably on a bed.

Naughty Charlie


Animals called Mukhtars prefer to explore, analyze, observe and reflect. Impulsiveness of character is associated with obedience and diligence. Pets are easily offended and begin to quarrel with unworthy people; they have a developed sense of self-esteem.

The name will make the pet friendly, calm, and kind. He will not strive for leadership; peaceful relations with all household members are of great importance to him. Animals behave aggressively in rare cases - if the situation forces them to defend themselves.

Gray or Gin

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession: A high level of intelligence along with creativity allows a man named Archibald to find himself in creativity or, when doing everyday work, be sure to bring something bright to it.

Welfare: Archibald is independent; when making decisions, he prefers to be guided only by his own arguments. And this is no coincidence, given that Archibald has well-developed intuition. He is very active, constantly sets new goals for himself and successfully achieves them.

Angel Archibald Day: not celebrated, since the name Archibald is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Archibald is patronized by the number 6. As a rule, it promises its owner success in events of any type if he manages to win the trust of others. It is worth saying that it is not at all difficult for the name Archibald to do this. It is known that such people have energy and charisma, and therefore are quite capable of leading people and achieving their goals.

In society, Archibald often becomes known for his philosophical views. He could make quite a good statesman or politician. The main thing is that Archibald’s actions and promises coincide, otherwise this may well undermine the level of trust in his person, since society will always expect Archibald to implement what he said.

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