Breed of dogs with a blue tongue: what is it called, description, features of keeping

There are over 400 dog breeds, each with their own characteristics that set them apart from each other. Some of these characteristics may seem quite strange, such as dog breeds that have blue tongues. Although they are commonly known as blues, the dark pigmentation on a dog's tongue sometimes appears black or a lighter shade closer to purple. Do you know dog breeds with blue tongues? The Chow Chow is probably the most famous, but there are other dogs that can have blue tongues. is here to give you a list of the 9 best dog breeds with blue tongues , and explain why some dog breeds have blue tongues. Throughout history, various hypotheses have been proposed to explain this rare color of the language. Continue reading if you are interested in learning more.

Why are there dog breeds with blue tongues??

Most dog breeds do not have blue tongues, but the most common ones do have pink tongues. However, there are some dog breeds that have naturally blue tongues. It is important not to confuse naturally blue tongues in dogs with tongues that turn blue or purple due to illness. If you have a dog that is not a blue tongue breed, check out this article on why your dog has a purple tongue.

There have been many myths and theories about dogs with blue tongues. Scientists have not been able to agree on the exact cause of the blue-black or purple tongues that occur naturally in dogs. Some theories suggest that the blue coloration on a dog's tongue is due to a genetic mutation that causes a higher concentration of melanin, or pigment cells, in the tongue, which causes its special tone.

Do you know which dog breeds have dark tongues? Here are the 9 best dog breeds with blue tongues.

Education and training

Due to their unhurried and delicate disposition, training these pets can take a long time. However, smart animals understand commands well and carry them out the first time.

The main thing for the owner is to be patient and not to rush the dog, otherwise he will lose interest in the process. The same applies to education. It is necessary to allow an independent breed to be a little independent and, just by intervening in certain situations, correct their behavior.

Note! The Chow Chow chooses its place in the house independently and changes it quite often.

You can keep your pet in an apartment

Dog breeds with blue tongues

Several dog breeds show that they have naturally occurring blue tongues or tongues that are colored bluish-black. These are the races we will see in this article:

  • Shar pei
  • Chow chow
  • German Shepherd
  • Akita
  • Rottweiler
  • Border Collie
  • Korean Jindo
  • Tibetan mastiff
  • Pomeranian

Of these, the Shar Pei and the Chow Chow are the only dog ​​breeds with completely blue tongues in all individuals. In the rest of the races we'll see, only some people have blue pigmentation on their tongues. People of these races may show some blue spots on their tongues or have larger dark spots that make their entire tongue appear bluish.

It was once believed that other races with blue tongues meant they had some Chow Chow blood in their heritage. However, this is not the case, as pure races can also have blue tongues. This is likely due to excess pigmentation in the individual dog, as well as birthmarks in humans. Below you will find more information about each of the dog breeds with blue tongues...

What to do if your dog's tongue turns blue

If the owner notices that the dog’s tongue has turned blue and is breathing heavily, a visit to the veterinary clinic is necessary to determine the cause of the cyanosis.

In case of food poisoning, you should try to induce vomiting in your pet to clear the contents from the stomach. To do this, a saline solution is poured into the dog's mouth. It is prepared from a tablespoon of table salt and a glass of warm water. Drugs with a sorption effect help bind toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract. It is convenient to introduce them into the dog’s mouth with a syringe without a needle.

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the animal must be taken outside into fresh air, given water to drink and placed in a place where no one will disturb it. If chemicals or alkaline products get on the skin, the first thing to do is to wash the affected areas with warm water and a solution of laundry soap.

Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian

In case of rat poisoning, intramuscular injections of a one percent solution of vitamin B6 and K, as well as immediate veterinary assistance, can help alleviate the animal’s suffering. If a pet is poisoned, it can be very difficult to save a pet. But you still have to try, as they say, hope dies last.

All this can only be the first ambulance until a called specialist arrives or the animal is taken to a veterinary clinic. Self-medication can lead to death in a dog.

Additional Information. Problems with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases require a chest examination, tests, x-rays, and cardiac catheterization.

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is a breed of Chinese dog that is distinguished by its appearance and, of course, blue tongue. All Shar-Peis have blue tongues, although they can vary in tone from bluish-black to lavender purple. The Shar Pei is also known for its thick fur and wrinkled skin. It has a large head and a full, slightly darker muzzle, which give it a soft and friendly appearance. Shar Peis are calm and affectionate dogs, although they tend to be wary of strangers. This feature, along with the fact that they are muscular and robust, means that historically they were excellent guard dogs...

How to choose the right puppy?

Purebred dogs should only be purchased from a kennel or from a professional breeder

Before purchasing, it is important to familiarize yourself with the documents of the puppies, see in what conditions the babies are kept, and look at at least one of the parents

A purebred puppy must have a veterinary passport with vaccination records and a metric that confirms its origin. Subsequently, the puppy card is exchanged for a pedigree.

The puppy must have a full set of baby teeth, a high tail, and partially or fully erect ears. The child should not show cowardice or aggression. And the health of a puppy can be judged by its soft belly, shiny eyes and clean skin.

Chow chow

The dog best known for its blue tongue is the Chow Chow. This is a Chinese race, known as one of the most important in the world. Old dog breeds , appearing 2000 years ago. The Chow Chow and Shar Pei are believed to share a common ancestry as both are known for their distinctive dark tongues. There are several legends in China about how the Chow Chow got its blue tongue.

The Chow Chow has a large head and a short, slightly flat muzzle. He has small, straight ears and round eyes. The Chow's fur is usually luxurious and can be long or short. Additionally, he has more hair on his neck, which gives him the appearance of a lion.

For more information about this breed, here is another article about the Chow Chow and its blue tongue.

Psychological manifestations

According to Charles Darwin, man borrowed most of his basic emotions from his animal ancestors. Gestures, postures, and body movements in the animal world play an important communicative role. For example, a dog's tongue sticking out indicates high emotional arousal.

Norwegian canine expert Tyurid Rugos in his book “Dialogue with Dogs: Signals of Reconciliation” writes that licking the muzzle with the tongue sticking out far indicates a peaceful but persistent request (for example, “please leave me alone”) or serves to calm the counterpart. - a person or a dog.

Licking with a long tongue seems to mark a pleasant person or object. Rapid breathing, sticking out a wet tongue is a reaction to stress or excitement. The release of adrenaline into the blood affects the respiratory center, which causes hyperventilation (rapid breathing with an open mouth) to saturate the blood with oxygen and put all organs on alert.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is an easily recognizable dog, known for its looks, intelligence, loyalty and courage. Although it is not very common, some German Shepherds have black or blue spots on their tongues, the reason for this tongue color is the same as in the Chow Chow and Shar Pei races: the concentration of pigment cells in the tongue. However, with the German Shepherd breed, this only appears in a few individual dogs.

You should know the natural color of your dog's tongue and be aware of any changes in your dog's tongue. If your German Shepherd usually has a pink tongue and suddenly notices some black spots or purple coloring, consult your veterinarian to rule out any health problems.

Shar Pei

  • Origin: China
  • Height: from 46 to 51 cm
  • Weight: from 18.5 to 25 kg
  • Activity level: moderate
  • Maintenance Need: Low to Medium
  • Shedding: low
  • Hypoallergenic: no
  • Tendency to bark: high
  • Price range: from 1000 to 1500 dollars
  • Possible health problems: Patella luxation, hip and elbow dysplasia, autoimmune thyroiditis, vision problems such as entropy, retinal dysplasia, glaucoma and cataracts, and skinfold infections

The Shar Pei is native to the southern provinces of China and dates back over 2,000 years. Chinese farmers used these rugged, intelligent dogs as hunters, herders, and livestock protectors from predators and livestock rustlers. Some experts believe that Shar Peis may have evolved from Tibetan wolves.

The Chinese Shar Pei is compact, medium in size and a mixture of unusual physical characteristics. It has a broad, hippopotamus-like snout, a blue-black tongue, small sunken eyes, and abundant folds of loose skin around the head, neck, and shoulders.


The Akita is a dog native to Japan and is respected for its loyalty and courage. This is a very independent and intelligent breed. The Akita has a very dense coat that can vary in length from short to medium and is adaptable to cold climates. Its coat is white with light brown or reddish spots on the upper body. He has a black nose. The Akita's tongue, although usually pink, may have blue or black spots or spots.

Visit to the veterinarian

At the appointment, the veterinarian examines the four-legged animal, listens to its chest and checks its heart function. To do this, he uses the following research:

  • auscultation, detecting extraneous noise;
  • pulse oximetry, which measures the degree of oxygen saturation in the blood;
  • urine and blood tests to detect concomitant disorders;
  • ECG, which determines heart rhythm;
  • Ultrasound and x-rays that reveal pathological changes inside the lungs and heart.

The doctor may supplement the standard list with pleural puncture, bronchoalveolar lavage, or other studies. The final amount depends on the difficulty of identifying the main cause of the ailment.


The Rottweiler is an active, alert, and muscular dog breed known for its tough appearance. However, despite their reputation as dangerous, they are actually very loving and caring towards their owners. The Rottweiler is an ancient race that spread throughout Europe with the conquering armies of the Roman Empire. It has triangular ears, medium brown eyes, and a thick coat with reddish or rusty markings. Some Rottweilers may have blue tongues, caused by dark spots or patches of pigmentation.

Walking, physical activity and rules of safe behavior on the street

It is recommended to walk your pet daily for 1-2 hours. However, if you carry out the procedure by skipping a day, nothing bad will happen.

The Chow Chow is a calm and balanced breed that does not accumulate energy that needs to be released. The animal calmly tolerates loneliness, which even benefits it.

These dogs are very wary of strangers, so they will never trust strangers. They show indifference and even arrogance towards other pets. That's why they don't get into fights.

Border Collie

The Border Collie breed originates from Scotland, where it was historically used as a sheepdog. They are very intelligent and energetic dogs and need physical activity at least once a day. The Border Collie has thick fur with straight hairs. They are predominantly white on the underparts, with varying shades of brown covering the rest. As in previous discussions, some collies naturally have blue tongues , with overall blue-violet pigmentation or blue-black markings.

Interesting Facts

Fun and Entertaining Facts about the Black and Blue Tongue Dog Breed:

  • In China, there is a legend associated with the name of the breed, which it received among the people. Tradition says that when the creator created the earth, a chow-chow dog was next to him. God allowed him to lick the starry sky and the animal’s tongue turned dark blue. Since then, the breed began to be called that way.
  • Many historians believe that this type of dog was brought to Europe by the traveler Marco Polo when he explored the lands of Asia.

Note! Chow chows are very clean, so they rarely get dirty while walking, even in rain and slush.

Korean Jindo

As the name suggests, this dog breed originates from Korea, specifically from the island of Jindo. They are known for their hunting skills, intelligence and independence. This breed of dog is very careful and affectionate with its loved ones. El Jindo is very loyal and usually forms a strong emotional bond with a family man. It has a soft and dense coat that can be reddish, white, black or grey. Some people have blue or black tongues .

Source: kr.Pixtastock

Features of feeding and diet

A dog with a black tongue should eat low-fat food, as it quickly gains weight. The pet's diet should consist of:

  • premium dry and wet food;
  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • leaf crops.

It is not recommended to give porridge due to carbohydrates, but starting the day with a spoon of vegetable oil is good for a beautiful coat.

Important! Even three-month-old puppies need to be switched to adult food, since puppy food contains a lot of fat and carbohydrates.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is an impressive looking dog due to its large size and heavy fur. They are noble, affectionate and playful dogs, although they can be wary of strangers. It is important to socialize them properly when they are puppies. Otherwise, they tend to develop a destructive personality. The Tibetan Mastiff has profuse and dense fur that is usually reddish in color with some darker areas or spots. Most people have pink tongues, although some have tongues with dark spots or blue-black spots .


Regardless of the breed, each dog should receive a certain amount of carbohydrates and fats in its daily food intake. If a chow chow is overfed, this can lead to obesity and deterioration of the digestive system.

Before choosing any specific food for your chow chow , it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to ensure it is correct, taking into account the age and activity of the chow chow. As the dog gets older, the composition of the food will change, since you cannot feed a one-month-old puppy and an adult dog the same food.

The assortment on the market is very large, so everyone can choose the necessary food for each age of the dog, focusing on their wallet, since the food can be either budget or expensive professional.

But most veterinarians still advise sparing no expense and buying premium dry food. Due to their composition, they have a beneficial effect on the body and its condition.

If you decide to abandon such food and switch to natural food, then you need to monitor the amount of proteins and fats in it, since their excessive consumption is harmful to the chow chow. It would be better to sometimes include lettuce, parsley, and cereals in your diet.

White chow chow puppy, 3 months old

But if a certain type of food has been chosen for feeding, then you should not change it periodically. Combining dry food with natural food is highly discouraged.

Pomeranian Voivodeship

The last breed on this list is the Pomeranian dog, known for its abundant cream, orange, or brown fur. The Pomeranian is a small dog breed that weighs only about 3.5 kg. Some people have blue-toned tongues or display blue spots, although most have the most common pink tongue. Pomeranians have a protective personality and are attentive dogs who do not trust strangers. However, they are very affectionate with their human companions.

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