Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are a breed of dog that was formed at the end of the 19th century and by now has become widespread throughout the world. The dogs, originally bred as hunting dogs, have become excellent companions for dog lovers. They are bred for their easy, friendly disposition, ease of training and easy care. They get along calmly in the apartment, love children, and put up with cats. Jack Russells are also doctors, travelers, actors, customs officers and simply cute, cheerful and active friends of man. Especially for you, we have collected all the most important and interesting features of this breed, based on the advice of dog handlers and experienced breeders.

Pros and cons of the breed

Jack Russell Terrier dogs have the following advantages:

  • sociability;
  • love for children;
  • mobility;
  • getting along with other pets;
  • lack of aggression towards strangers;
  • high intelligence;
  • ability to adapt to changing environments;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • compact size.

But the owners also notice disadvantages:

  • tendency to run away while walking;
  • developed hunting instinct;
  • cunning and ability to manipulate the owner;
  • very high level of activity;
  • tendency to defend one's territory;
  • loud barking.

Most shortcomings can be smoothed out with training. The owners of a Jack Russell will have to devote a lot of time to raising it so that the puppy grows up smart and calm.

Characteristics, description, character

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog that easily enters a hole and moves freely through it. He has a free and springy gait. Strong, muscular legs allow him to pursue game no worse than hounds, and with the help of strong and powerful jaws he grabs the prey, overtaking it in a hole. The dog's color should be white with black or brown spots.

If you decide to have a Jack Russell Terrier dog at home, its character will ensure that you have a friendly and attentive pet in your home. Terriers love to spend time with all family members. They will become indispensable companions during active recreation, fun walks and outdoor games. They are perhaps the No. 1 breed according to the criterion of “the most active dog.”

What other character traits will surprise your pet Jack Russell Terrier?

  • He is funny, cheerful and playful. Moreover, his playfulness remains throughout his life. Like all small breeds, for example, Welsh Corgi, Dachshund, Beagle, Yorkshire Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, with good care, can live more than 15 years, and even at an “advanced” age it will delight its owner with a cheerful disposition.
  • Terriers are determined and independent, so training them can pose some challenges.
  • They are friendly towards children and strangers, provided the dog is socialized.
  • Being a hunter, the Jack Russell Terrier is not entirely indifferent to cats and other small pets and small animals that he encounters on the street. He takes them for a “potential” victim and can start hunting for them.
  • The Jack Russell Terrier is very curious, so a monotonous environment is not for him; he needs a constant change of environment so that he can satisfy the owl's curiosity.
  • He is very hardy and hyperactive, so his owner should not be a person who likes to lie on the couch after work, but an active person who can fill the dog’s need for constant movement and change of emotions.

Breed characteristics

Attitude towards children Excellent (rating 5/5)Attitude towards strangers Good (rating 4/5)Health Good (rating 4/5)
Picky eating Medium (rating 3/5)Training Average (rating 3/5)Shedding Strong (rating 5/5)
Need for care Low (rating 2/5)Need for communication Very high (rating 5/5)Friendliness High (rating 4/5)
Activity Very high (rating 5/5)Intelligence High (rating 4/5)Noise High (rating 4/5)
Security qualities Very developed (rating 4/5)Maintenance cost Low (rating 2/5)Price Average (rating 4/5)

5. History of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

The history of the Jack Russell Terrier breed begins in the 20s of the 19th century, when priest John Russell began breeding a new breed of terriers. He was an avid hunter and wanted to breed the ideal partner for this activity - a dog with a strong character, high intelligence and a very good sense of smell. Distinctive qualities of the new terrier were also its small size, so that the dog could climb into holes for prey, and its white color, so that during a hunt it would not be shot at the dog instead of the game.

John Russell became interested in dog breeding at the age of 19, and already at the age of 23, in 1818, he acquired a female fox terrier and began breeding. He crossed it with other terriers, fighting dogs, bull terriers, and hunting breeds to get a dog with the ideal set of qualities. The breeder tried to instill in his dogs aggression towards game and friendliness towards people. Only 55 years later, in 1873, the priest registered a new breed, which he named Jack Russell in honor of his nickname and surname. The new terriers became the ideal embodiment of a hunting dog - they were small, hardy, loyal to their owner and amenable to training. They quickly gained popularity among British hunters and aristocrats, so John Russell founded a club for owners of this breed. It was this organization that slightly adjusted the breed standard, bringing it to perfection, and formalized the requirements for the appearance and character of Jack Russells.

Over the next 100 years, the Jack Russell evolved and spread. Gradually, breeders moved away from the breeding methods of their creator, who believed that dogs could be crossed not only with representatives of their own breed, but also with other terriers. This made it possible to maintain the purity of the blood and avoid blurring the main character traits. Over time, the standard of the Jack Russell also changed a little - the legs were shortened, the body shape became more streamlined. The dog, bred for hunting, was adapted for life in apartments and country houses as a pet and companion.

In 1975, the breed standard was officially approved, and breeders' clubs began to open throughout Europe. They were allowed to participate in exhibitions, and elite nurseries with breeding specimens appeared. Nowadays, Jack Russells are one of the most common breeds for apartment keeping, which are kept as companions in everyday life and hunting partners.

Origin, history, creation

The Jack Russell Terrier dog owes its origin to the English pastor John Russell, nicknamed Jack. The formation of the breed begins in 1818, when a priest purchased a bitch named Trump in Oxford. He was a passionate hunter and he bought dogs for hunting small game. “The ancestor” Trump had little resemblance to modern representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. But what has remained unchanged is the color. Trump had white fur with bronze-red markings on her head and a tan patch at the base of her tail.

Purposeful crossing of Trap and her offspring with white and colored terriers led to the creation of the breed in its modern form. Some breeders even practiced crossing with bull and terriers to give the Jack Russell terriers fighting qualities. However, this was more common during the heyday of dog fighting. But after their ban in 1835, this practice began to decline, but you can still find descendants of dogs crossed with bulldogs. They can be recognized by their stocky body, wider head and lack of a clear voice.

Some researchers believe that the Jack Russell Terrier is the same fox terrier only of the old type. Considering that John Russell was among the founders of the Kennel Club, created for breeding the Fox Terrier breed, this version has a right to exist. The pastor himself never classified the dogs he bred as fox terriers, claiming that his dogs were created exclusively for hunting, while fox terriers were created for exhibitions.

After the death of John Russell in 1883, his dogs were called “working terriers”; only in the 30s of the 19th century the breed was given the name of its creator.

For what purpose was the Jack Russell Terrier breed bred?

The short-legged, miniature Jack Russell Terrier breed was bred to hunt burrowing animals. What were the requirements for the future breed:

  • Short hair, since the dog's long hair would stick to dirt after being in the hole. The coated terrier significantly lost speed - the main weapon of a hunting dog.
  • Light in color, preferably white, to distinguish the dog from the fox he drove out of the hole. In practice, there have been more than once cases where hunters shot at their dogs running out of a hole, taking them on a fox. Terriers were highly valued by their owners, so the breeders aimed to consolidate the white color with red markings.
  • Drop ears. Standing was undesirable.

The dog bred by John Russell met all these requirements. Her character was decisive and brave. The terrier was brave and vicious towards the beast, and had a strong hunting passion. Jack Russell Terriers have been recognized as the best burrow hunters. They were used not only for hunting foxes, but also for catching badgers, rats, and hares.

Interesting! The Jack Russell Terrier has no equal in catching rodents. Thus, dogs of the breed named Vampire killed about 1 ton of rats in Great Britain in 1977.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed in modern times

Now the breed is very popular in Europe and Australia. In its homeland it is used as a hunting and farm dog. She is happily kept in houses and apartments as a companion dog. As a hunting dog, it is used to hunt foxes and badgers. But after the ban on catching badgers, hunters release them after the dog catches them. On farms, the Jack Russell Terrier does an excellent job guarding poultry and small livestock from foxes and rats.

French hunters take Jack Russell terriers to hunt feathered and fur-bearing game. The dogs bring them the shot animal. Dogs can even fetch ducks from the water. They are also used for hunting wild boar, deer, rabbits, and roe deer.


The appearance of the Jack Russell is bright and memorable.

Brief description of appearance

This is a small, strong dog with well-developed muscles. Their physique provides them with great endurance and the ability to withstand prolonged physical activity.

The weight in the breed standard is not fixed, but normally ranges from 5 to 7 kilograms. These dogs have an intelligent, meaningful, penetrating look, making them seem like excellent partners and companions.


Jack Russells are small and compact. The sizes of females and males are almost the same and range from 25 to 30 centimeters at the withers. There are no standards for weight, but it is believed that for every 5 centimeters of height there should be 1 kilogram of weight for a harmonious physique. Thus, it should be between 5 and 7 kilograms. Excess weight is unacceptable - the dog will not only have health problems due to obesity, but also its physique will change.


The Jack Russell's head is small, but quite large in relation to the body. In profile, the shape is triangular, noticeably elongated.

The skull is wide, slightly longer than the muzzle. The transition between the forehead and nose is pronounced, but harmonious.


The mouth of representatives of this breed is large, with a large opening amplitude. The jaws are very powerful, which makes it possible to easily capture prey while hunting.

The teeth are strong and large relative to the size of the mouth. The lips are black or with pink splashes, and do not sag.


The eyes of this breed are proportional in size to the muzzle. The shape is almond-shaped, the color is only brown, no other variants are found.

The gaze is clear, attentive, calm. The eyeballs are not set deeply, slightly covered by the eyelids.


The Jack Russell's ears are drooping and harmoniously match their muzzle in size. When straightened, they are very large. The tip is triangular, elongated. The ears are very mobile, they can rotate up to 180 degrees - this ensures good hearing.


The Jack Russell's body is strong, muscular, and has a streamlined body shape. The neck is strong and well defined.

The chest is not wide, the shoulder blades are tilted back. The back is narrow and straight. The paws are low and disproportionate to the body.


The front legs are straight, parallel to each other. The hind legs have more developed muscles than the front legs.

The bend of the knee is low, the lower part of the limb is set far back. The paw pads are dark and round. The fingers are pressed tightly together, the claws are sharp.


The coat can be rough, smooth or kinked. It sheds profusely during molting and requires careful care during this time. The shape of the hairs and their number should protect the dog well from cold and precipitation, so Jack Russells tolerate any weather conditions well.


The predominant color of dogs of this breed is always white. This is necessary for this. So that the dog is clearly visible during the hunt and does not become an accidental victim of a shot. The spots are located on the face and back in random order.

Their color can range from black to sandy, but more often they are red or chestnut. There are also completely white terriers.

Possible disadvantages

The following appearance features are not included in the breed standard:

  • the body is stretched in height, has the shape of a square;
  • poorly developed jaw;
  • small erect ears;
  • pink spots on the nose;
  • drooping tail in motion or improper docking;
  • irregular shape of the front or hind legs;
  • undeveloped muscles;
  • sluggish movements, low intelligence;
  • aggression, lack of friendliness and openness.


The main distinguishing feature of the Jack Russell Terrier's character is its tendency to be active and mobile. He cannot sit still, is constantly looking for something to do, runs around the apartment and tries to involve the owner in his games. If there are not enough toys in the room, the terrier will find them for himself, in the process of which he can significantly damage the furniture and encroach on the integrity of important and expensive things, documents, and wires. To avoid damage to property, you need to provide the dog with a sufficient number of toys, and during the absence of the owners, close the door to rooms where something important can be broken.

Jack Russell is perfectly adapted to apartment life due to its compact size and ability to adapt to any living conditions. But you need to walk with him at least once a day, preferably twice. You can even train a dog to go to the toilet in a diaper, but he will not be able to do without physical activity. This can deteriorate your character and cause health problems.

These are very smart dogs, so when playing with him you need to not only give him some objects, but also learn new commands, ask him to perform actions known to him. This will allow the terrier to spend time not only having fun, but also usefully, reinforcing basic behavioral skills.

Jack Russell is a very sociable breed. They cannot be alone for long and require attention from their owner. To achieve this, dogs can deliberately begin to play around, take away the necessary things, and bark loudly. In this case, it is useless to scold and punish him - it is better to just give the dog at least a few minutes of attention so that he feels needed.

Jack Russell very quickly becomes attached to his owners and loves all members of his family. He gets along with everyone - from kids to older people, and enjoys playing with them. This is one of the best breeds for families with children, since terriers are practically not prone to aggression, and due to their small size they will not be able to harm a child by accident. But before the dog appears in the house, children need to be instructed on the rules of behavior with animals and explained that they cannot be pulled, hit even during play, or held in arms by force.

Jack Russells rarely show aggression towards strangers. Most often it is expressed in loud barking, but if the dog is angered, it can cling to the enemy and leave noticeable damage on him. Jack Russells treat animals in their family calmly, especially if they do not attack first. But they are very aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex on the street and can even attack larger dogs.


So, we have decided on the breed, it is a Jack Russell Terrier, and the puppy has been selected. What to do next? And then pure friendship begins with the most wonderful pet, a faithful and devoted friend. But a dog’s health and good mood depend on quite ordinary things.

  1. You need to choose a bowl from which it will be convenient to eat. It should be located at the dog's chest level, so you will need to use a stand. There should always be access to clean water.
  2. Accustoming to a name is one of the very first tasks in raising a puppy. In order for the dog to begin to respond to the name, you can use food. Having picked up a bowl of food, you need to affectionately call the dog by name. After several such attempts, you can modify them, for example, first call the puppy, and when he looks at you, put a bowl. Or call him, and after responding, offer the puppy an interesting game. Whatever the owner comes up with, the nickname should evoke pleasant associations in the dog.
  3. The Jack Russell Terrier, whose puppies are very curious, requires training to wear a collar. The little mischief-maker will be frightened by an unfamiliar object. Before you start walking outside, you can put a collar on him a couple of times and treat him with a treat. The puppy will quickly get used to the new accessory and will not be afraid of it. A leash is required during walks to ensure the dog's safety.
  4. The first walks are not only the beginning of getting to know the world outside the home, but also teaching the puppy to relieve himself outside. If the puppy does this, then you definitely need to express great delight and treat him with a treat so that he understands that going to the toilet outside is good. If your dog has difficulty with this, you can take a diaper with you wherever your dog goes at home.

If you arrange walks depending on the natural rhythm of the body, then the training will go much faster. After feeding, sleeping or active play, puppies most often relieve their natural needs. In a quiet place, the puppy will quickly learn to do what is wanted of him.

Education and training

Despite the small size of Jack Russells, training them is not as easy as it might seem. This is due to the fact that they have their own character, are smart and cunning, so they will only do those commands from which they can benefit. Raising a puppy should begin the moment he gets home. The first thing you need to do is accustom him to his nickname in order to establish contact with the pet, and designate places where he should not go. Hitting the dog is strictly prohibited: you should use a stern voice, but not shouting.

When interacting with a Jack Russell Terrier, you must immediately make it clear that the owner is a person, not him. You need to be firm and persistent, but not raise your voice. The dog must be rewarded for obedience, then he will have an incentive to behave as the owner wants. In this way, you can eliminate the main shortcomings of his behavior - loud barking, running away during walks, damage to property. The dog also needs to be given enough attention. The Jack Russell does most of his pranks to find a reason to spend time with his owner. If games and training are regular, and there is enough exercise at home, the terrier will not have to resort to extreme measures.

The puppy needs to be socialized as early as possible - spend time with him outside, introduce him to new people and animals. A dog that spends a lot of time at home will be more aggressive and nervous, so the terrier should interact with the outside world as often as possible.

At an older age, at 3-4 months, you can begin to learn basic commands. This will facilitate the interaction between a person and a dog and will help develop the Jack Russell's intelligence. He remembers commands easily and with pleasure, and in the future he will carry them out as part of the game. An untrained terrier will be bored without mental stress, be mischievous, and release his energy by damaging things.

Description and breed standards

By standard description, the Jack Russell Terrier is a working terrier with a strong, flexible body. The body length of a male dog is on average 40 cm, the height at the withers is 25-30 cm, and an adult weighs 5-7 kg. The female's height is on average 3-5 cm shorter.

The dog's head has the correct proportions. The skull is flat, wide, tapering towards the muzzle. The jaws are strong, wide, and the cheekbones stand out well. Scissor bite.

The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, dark. The eyelids are highly pigmented.

The ears are hanging, located on the sides of the head and have a V-shape.

The chest is voluminous and not overloaded with muscles. Dogs' paws are straight, dense, strong, making up half the height of the animal. Fingers bent. The tail is straight, docking of 1/3 of the length is often used.

The wool is hard and dense. There are 3 types of coat of Jack Russell Terriers: smooth, hard and broken. The wool is colored white and red. Sometimes black is added to them.


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The animal's gait is free, light, and springy. The average life expectancy of representatives of the breeds is 15 years.

Summarizing all the qualities of the breed and looking at photos of Jack Russell Terriers, we can say that they are small, well-proportioned working dogs, suitable for burrow hunting.

Care and maintenance

Maintaining a Jack Russell does not require large material costs or waste of time.


Jack Russells are very susceptible to shedding, not only breeds with long hair, but also short-haired ones. They shed throughout the year, more than usual in spring and autumn. The coat needs to be combed every 2-3 days, but you can’t bathe it often - 3-4 times a year will be enough. If the dog gets dirty during a walk, its fur and paws should be wiped with a damp cloth or towel.


Jack Russell eye care is standard. They need to be wiped regularly with a damp cotton swab to prevent mucus from accumulating in them. This should be done as discharge appears in the corners of the eyes.


Jack Russell's floppy ears require regular grooming. They need to be cleaned with cotton pads at least 2 times a week. Not only the inner, but also the outer part of the ear requires attention. Dirt can accumulate at the site of the fracture, which leads to infection. You also need to carefully monitor the dog’s behavior - if he begins to frequently scratch his ears with his paws or turn his head, you need to examine him and, if necessary, take him to the veterinarian.


Paws should be thoroughly wiped with a cloth after each walk, especially in wet weather. If this is not done, the dog will begin to clean himself, and dirt particles may get into his mouth. Nails should be trimmed one to three times a month depending on the dog's activity. The more often the dog walks, the faster they wear down on their own.

Ticks and fleas

Ticks pose a serious threat to health, so every time after a walk in the warm season, the dog should be carefully examined to detect parasites as quickly as possible. If they have already taken hold, it is better to take the dog to the veterinarian. There, the tick will be removed painlessly and in compliance with all sanitary rules, and a laboratory analysis will be carried out to determine whether it is a carrier of diseases.

Preventative flea treatment should be carried out every 3-4 months. To do this, a special antiparasitic agent is applied to the dog’s withers so that it cannot lick it off. For 3 days after the procedure, the terrier does not need to be petted or picked up frequently.

If fleas are already infested, the dog is bathed in anti-flea shampoo and smeared with the same product. Repeated treatment is carried out after a week, and the apartment is wet cleaned. The dog's bed is washed in hot water.

General recommendations for training and education

You can start a training course at any age. It is best if the baby is 2 months old. This course is necessary not only for the pet, but also for its owner. During the classes, the owner will receive recommendations regarding raising his pet. The instructor’s requirements should be met not only in class, but also at home.

  • With group classes, the dog socializes better and learns to interact with other dogs.
  • With individual training, the owner will receive more attention and information that will concern his pet specifically.


So that the dog is healthy and receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. You need to properly formulate his diet. It differs depending on age. Puppies are fed four times a day in small portions. Proteins should predominate in it, so you can cook meat and sea fish for small Jack Russells. You should also include eggs, cereals, raw and boiled vegetables in your diet.

After the puppy turns 4 months old, he is gradually transferred to a two-time diet. It is better to feed him half an hour after a walk, so that the dog wants to return home. A mature Jack Russell should be fed raw and boiled meat, fish, eggs, cereals, and dairy products. You need to focus on the dog’s taste preferences - if he doesn’t like a certain product, you shouldn’t force feed him.

It is better to feed the Jack Russell Terrier the following foods:

  • boiled and raw chicken meat;
  • sugar bones;
  • fermented baked milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • boiled eggs;
  • sea ​​fish without large bones;
  • porridge;
  • carrots, beets, apples as an addition to the main dish.

You need to refrain from:

  • pork;
  • river fish;
  • tubular bones;
  • salty, spicy, fried;
  • Luke;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate.

Part of the diet can be replaced with premium and super premium dry food. It does not require cooking and contains most of the essential micronutrients, but does not provide the necessary dietary diversity. Therefore, it can be used as a replacement for the main food at a time when the owner does not have the opportunity to constantly prepare balanced natural meals.

Command training

Jack Russell Terriers are very smart, so they quickly learn and easily remember new commands. The most unpleasant thing an owner can encounter is the pet’s stubbornness and reluctance to engage.

In this case, all kinds of rewards will help, which will motivate the dog to try harder during classes.

To me!

To train this command you will need a treat. Repeat loudly several times “Come to me!” and show the food. As soon as the baby comes, give him encouragement. Repeat the exercise until your pet comes when called, without even seeing the treat.


First, it is better to study at home, where there are few distractions. Place a leash on your puppy. The Jack Russell Terrier should walk so that the withers are at the level of the owner's leg. The dog should not run forward, but also should not wander behind.

It is necessary to guide the dog with a sharp jerk of the leash, saying “Near!” When the dog learns to walk nearby indoors, you can go outside and hone the skill.

It is important! During the lesson, do not pull the leash too hard so as not to harm the puppy.


Take a treat and place your hand over the puppy's face. Say "Sit!" – to get food, the dog will sit down.


The dog must sit. Lower your hand with the treat down and say “Lie down!” Following the hand, the baby will lie down.

If it doesn’t work out, you can lightly press the baby’s withers and force him to lie down. Once everything works out, reward the puppy.

Ugh! It is forbidden!

If during a walk the dog reaches for something, you need to sharply pull the leash and say “Ugh!” If the dog has already picked up something, take the prey away, saying “No!”


It is best to train a puppy next to a dog that already knows how to voice. She needs to be given a command and rewarded after it is completed.

After several repetitions, the puppy will begin to imitate the other dog in order to also receive a treat. As soon as he barks, reward him.


If the puppy is lying down, lift it under its belly and place it on its paw. Say "Stop!" As soon as your Jack Russell Terrier stands up straight, praise and reward him.

Repeat the exercise several times.


A walk is a kind of encouragement for a puppy. Say “Walk!”, then put on a leash and take the dog outside.


Say “Down!” As soon as the Jack Russell Terrier drops to the floor, place it in front of it, and then slowly move the treat forward. To prevent the puppy from jumping up immediately, you can lightly press him by the withers. Say “Crawl!”


The Jack Russell Terrier must stay close to its owner. You need to take a treat in your hand, give a command and throw the food forward. After your pet picks up the treat, praise him. You can use a toy instead of food.


Say "Sit!" After the baby sits down, you need to say “Wait!” and take a couple of steps back.

If your Jack Russell Terrier stays put, praise him. If he jumps up from his seat, you need to say “No!”, and then sit him down again and repeat the training.

Give it back!

When the puppy has a toy in his mouth, say “Give it back!” and show the treat. The baby will let go of the toy and take the food. Praise him. You can assign a team during the game.


Take your puppy's favorite toy. Throw it somewhere where the Jack Russell Terrier cannot see it. Say “Search!” while pointing to the search area. The dog will run after the toy.

Next time, hide the toy where your pet can smell it. Say "Seek!" Once your Jack Russell Terrier finds the toy, reward him.


The puppy should not be allowed to sleep on furniture or the floor. As soon as he starts to fall asleep, take him to the bed and say “Place!” The puppy should not be allowed to leave the litter. You can also train it to a place using treats. Say “Place!”, stand next to the bed and show the treat.

As soon as the puppy comes to the litter, he should be rewarded.

Health and illness

The health of Jack Russells is quite good, but they are still susceptible to some diseases. Some of them are hereditary, and some can be avoided if you properly monitor your dog.

Hereditary diseases include the following problems.

  1. Hip dysplasia. It manifests itself in many purebred dogs and is expressed in lameness on the hind legs. It is impossible to completely cure the disease, but at an early stage, treatment can be prescribed that will relieve symptoms and improve the dog’s quality of life.
  2. Congenital deafness. All-white puppies are especially susceptible to this disease. Deafness is noticed at the age of 2-3 months, when the dog does not begin to respond to its name or respond to commands. It is impossible to cure it, but a canine specialist will help the special pet adapt to life in a family.
  3. Cataract. This is a disease that manifests itself as clouding of the lens and leads to complete blindness in one or both eyes. It is treated surgically: instead of the damaged lens, a prosthesis is installed, restoring the dog’s vision.
  4. Diabetes. It appears in adult dogs aged 8-9 years. The main symptoms are constant thirst, frequent urge to go to the toilet, lethargy and weakness. If diabetes is confirmed, the doctor prescribes insulin injections and a strict diet.
  5. Allergy. It manifests itself in the presence of discharge from the eyes and nose, itching on the skin. As treatment, antihistamines are given and the allergen is excluded from the diet.

The following diseases are considered acquired.

  1. Obesity. Excess weight not only spoils the appearance of the dog, but also leads to the appearance of many concomitant diseases. Terriers do not need to be overfed, and if obesity has already appeared, it is worth putting your pet on a diet.
  2. Cold. During the cold season, dogs may develop nasal discharge and cough. The disease cannot be neglected; treatment is prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Problems with the musculoskeletal system. Joints begin to ache in older dogs who either lack physical activity or, on the contrary, receive too much stress. The doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment and helps to adjust the dog’s activity regime.

To keep your dog healthy, you need to monitor his diet and take him for a preventive veterinary examination once a year in order to identify possible diseases in advance.

Breed-specific diseases

Due to selection, these animals have acquired a predisposition to certain diseases.

The most common pathologies are hip dysplasia, congenital deafness and Legg-Perthes disease, in which rapid destruction of the femoral head occurs.

The so-called “collie eye syndrome” often occurs, in which congenital damage to the retina, blood vessels and nerves of the eye and various defects of the sclera are detected.

Animals with such disorders are not allowed to reproduce because they carry defective genes.

Interesting Facts

Jack Russells are cheerful dogs with an unusual breed history, so a lot of interesting things can be said about them.

  1. The Jack Russell Terrier breed comes from a dog named Trump. The name translated as “trump card”.
  2. These dogs are excellent actors and have starred in many films, including the famous TV series “Frasier”, the film “Mask”, and the comedy “My Dog Skip”.

  1. Jack Russells are afraid of the sun, so if you want to take them to the beach or on a summer hike, you should get a special sunscreen for dogs. Yes, they exist.
  2. Terriers are excellent psychotherapists. Jack Russell is used in canistherapy - a method of treatment with the help of dogs. They help with depression, anxiety, apathy, and nervousness.
  3. These dogs easily adapt to changes in environment, making them great for travelers. For example, Jack Russell Botie and her owners walked the entire Arctic and Antarctic in a small, warm overall and boots.


Jack Russell Terrier in the spring forest
You have met the Jack Russell Terrier breed, the photo of which is presented above. Movable, active and persistent, she will never let her owner and his family get bored. The Jack Terrier is very artistic, which plays into the hands of directors who are happy to feature representatives of the breed in films.

Interesting facts about the breed:

  • The agility and mobility of Jack Russell Terriers is legendary. The dog Anastasia even entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2011. The miniature dog popped 100 balloons in less than 45 seconds.

  • A wave of popularity swept over the dogs of the breed after the release of the film “The Mask” with comedian Jim Carrey.

  • In Russia, the Jack Russell Terrier became known only in 1999, and was brought not from the homeland of the breed, but from the USA, the state of Virginia.

  • For your pet, any hole in the ground can become an object of unbridled curiosity. Being burrowing hunting dogs, they are ready to create a hole out of any hole, dig a tunnel in a flower bed, and look for or bury “treasures” in beds.

How to choose a Jack Russell Terrier puppy

When all the conditions have been created for moving into a new friend’s apartment, the most important thing remains – to choose your puppy. You should only buy from trusted nurseries with a lot of positive reviews or from familiar breeders if you are confident in their reliability. Particular attention should be paid to the conditions in which small dogs are kept. If the enclosure is cramped and dirty, you should immediately abandon the option. Warning should also be caused by those owners who refuse to introduce the potential buyer to the entire litter and show only some of the puppies.

If you are satisfied with the nursery, you can begin choosing your future pet. First of all, you need to get to know his parents, evaluate their behavior and temperament. The puppies need to take a closer look. A healthy terrier will be active, friendly, and will actively make contact with people. Appearance also plays a role. The dog should be well-groomed, the coat should be smooth and uniform, the look should be clear and attentive. If an owner takes a dog to participate in exhibitions, it must be checked for compliance with the breed standard.

It is also worth taking a closer look at which puppy is most drawn to its future owner. He will be the most friendly, brave and open, just like a Jack Russell Terrier should be.

How much does a puppy cost?

Jack Russell puppies cost from 10 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the value of the breed.

  1. Dogs that do not have documents and have admixtures of other breeds in their blood cost 10-15 thousand. Their character may not correspond to the breed standard; they cannot participate in exhibitions.
  2. 15-25 thousand is the price of purebred terriers with documents. The breeder guarantees compliance with the standard. The dog is allowed to all exhibitions.
  3. 25-50 thousand is the price of elite individuals. Most often, they are purchased by breeders for subsequent reproduction and increasing the quality of the litter.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a cheerful and friendly breed of dog.
They are suitable for active, loving families with children who want to buy a puppy for their apartment, but will be willing to spend a lot of time with him outside. What do you think about Jack Russell Terriers?

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Jack Russell Terrier
Activityin the house4
on the street4.6
Dominationin family3.5
over dogs3.9
Defending your territoryfrom people3.2
from dogs3.9
Sociabilityin family4.5
with strangers3.5
with dogs2.8
Concentrationin family1.7
in front of strangers2
with dogs1.9
Aggressivenessin family1.7
to strangers2.7
to the dogs3.2
to cats3.7
Family behaviorcalmness4.1
demand for affection4.4
excessive barking3.3
behavioral breakdowns2.4
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years2.7
over 4 years old3.3
Institutional usewatchman4.4

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Beagle, Dachshund, Miniature Pinscher (Dwarf Pinscher), Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Yorkshire Terrier.

You can get acquainted with the representatives of the breed using the photo:

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

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