Collars for dogs against fleas and ticks - TOP 14 best 2022

Every year, with the onset of warm weather, ticks and other parasites, hated by dog ​​breeders, awaken, making the life of pets unbearable. Fleas, transmitted to domestic dogs from stray brothers, attack mercilessly both in winter and summer. How can you safely protect your beloved animal from a jumping scourge? The best solution is to purchase a good flea and tick collar for your dog with built-in protection. In this article we’ll figure out what they are, how they work, and which one is best to choose for your pet.

Why are fleas and ticks dangerous?

Fleas don’t just pester pets, causing them to simply tear their skin, they carry pathogens of dangerous diseases and cause allergies. Just because a dog doesn't go outside doesn't mean he'll never see fleas.

These small parasites can get into the house on clothes and shoes; all you have to do is walk through the entrance where an infected animal has been. If your dog goes out for a walk, it’s easy to pick up parasites. For example, by talking to a stray dog ​​or playing with a neighbor’s infected pet.

Until recently, a tick was waiting for a walking dog in the forest or in a forest plantation. But climate change has led to an increase in the population of dangerous blood-sucking creatures, so you can even find parasites on bushes growing near your home. Danger awaits pets walking in parks, on the banks of a river, or even while relaxing at sea.

The last decade has added another problem for dog breeders, which can be solved with the help of a collar. Dogs are bitten by breeding mosquitoes that carry heartworms. Growing helminths move under the skin, can live in mucous membranes or affect internal organs (leading to death).

Rules of application

Despite their popularity and high degree of safety, dog collars are used strictly according to the instructions. It must be remembered that improper use of the product can cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal.

  • The collar is fixed on the dog in such a way that there is a gap of 1–1.5 cm (an average finger thickness) between it and the neck. The strap should not dangle or fit too tightly.
  • Each dog has its own type of collar. This takes into account her weight, neck size, and health indicators. Collars are not recommended for small puppies for safety reasons.
  • The collar must be replaced with a new one immediately after its service life expires. Typically, such products do not last more than 4-6 months, but the specific period is always indicated in the instructions.
  • You cannot use a collar and apply other anti-flea products on the same day, as this can lead to poisoning of the animal.
  • It is best to buy a flea collar for your dog at a large pet store or veterinary pharmacy, so you can be sure of its quality.

Types of collars

The industry produces three types, allowing owners to choose the appropriate option for protecting their pets from fleas and other parasites.


They are also called gas. This is a polyvinyl or rubber tape with built-in capsules containing an insecticide that is dangerous for fleas, ticks and other parasitic insects. This is a double-action bomb: the gas released repels parasites, and microspores effectively deal with the individuals already living on the dog.

The advantages of this type include ease of use, reliability of the product and effectiveness in the fight against fleas and other parasites.

The disadvantages are the risk of allergic dermatitis, hair loss, intense odor.

Biological (herbal)

In this case, protective mechanisms developed by nature itself are used as the active substance. Inside there are aromatic oils and herbs that effectively repel fleas and ticks with the smell.

The advantage of such collars is that they smell pleasant to humans.

Disadvantages - this is purely a prophylactic product and has no effect on existing fleas and other parasites.


They are a strip of fabric with a fastener and a fixed device powered by a battery. People and dogs do not pick up the emitted signals, but a louse, flea or tick will perceive them as a harbinger of impending trouble.

The advantages include the safety of the device, the disadvantages include the fear of water.

This is an exclusively preventive remedy used as additional protection for your pet.

How to choose a collar

There are several basic criteria for choosing a flea and tick collar. Let's talk about them and tell you what you need to pay attention to.

  1. Size. Depending on your breed, you need to choose the right length. For the most part, the collar tape can be easily cut with scissors, but veterinarians still advise choosing a model for a specific breed so as not to cause discomfort to the animal.
  2. Age. The instructions must indicate the age of the pet from which the collars can be used. Failure to comply with this rule can harm the dog and cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Contraindications for use. Physiological conditions during which the collar cannot be worn (pregnancy, illness, etc.) or a specific breed of dog are indicated.
  4. Active ingredients in the composition. Choose a collar that contains fewer chemicals and more components that are close to natural (biocollars). It should be noted that chemical collars are aimed at preventing and treating diseases transmitted by blood-sucking insects, and they are impregnated with insecticidal poisons.
  5. Action diagram. Study the rules and features of application. How to put on and wear it correctly. It should be noted that some collars begin to act only after a day or 2-3 days.
  6. Brand and price. Many manufacturers have a good reputation in the pet products market. Give preference to them over cheaper fakes.

How to use the collar

The main thing is that the collar fits well, adhering as tightly as possible to the dog’s skin. There should be no more distance than a finger between the protective tape and the body. Do not tighten the tape too much. After fastening the fastener, there should be a free tail 5 cm long.

Before use, the chemical collar must be stretched so that the microcapsules open. The substance reliably protects the pet from parasites, distributed over the skin. But under no circumstances should it be washed off. So bathing procedures should be carried out before putting them on, and the next bathing should be postponed for several weeks.

If the dog is accustomed to wearing a regular collar, then there will be no problems with an antiparasitic collar. The puppy gets used to wearing it gradually; a protective collar can become his first accessory.

Top protective bio tapes

The top anti-tick dog collars include products from the following brands:

  • GreenFort Neo;
  • Fitodoc;
  • Delix Bio;
  • 4 with a tail;
  • Doctor Zoo Bio.

GreenFort Neo – biological flea and tick collar for large, medium and small breeds. Suitable for pets prone to allergies to chemicals. Contains natural substances: tea tree oil, geranium, rosemary, PVC resin.

The drug contains a unique herbal ingredient - neem oil, which directly repels ixodid ticks. One such protective device is enough to wear for 3 months. Then it is recommended to replace the product with a new one.

GreenFort Neo additionally takes care of the animal's integument, relieving itching and irritation in the event of an insect bite. Can be used in pregnant bitches and puppies from 1 month of age.

Fitodoc is designed to repel lice, fleas, ixodid and scabies mites from animals. Contains oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, citronella, margosa. Has a protective effect for 1 month. Approved for use in young animals from 2 months of age.

Delix Bio erects a protective barrier for your pet from endoparasites and flying insects (horseflies, mosquitoes). In addition to essential oils, it contains extracts of aloe vera, ginseng, kalufera, and red feverfew. Additionally provides antiseptic and antifungal effects. Shows barrier effectiveness for 2.5 months.

The flea collar for dogs “4 with a tail” is impregnated with lavender, citronella, and eucalyptus oils. Has repellent properties against ticks. The manufacturer produces anti-parasitic tapes ranging in length from 35 cm to 80 cm for pets of various sizes.

Doctor Zoo Bio contains geranium oil, which acts as a natural repellent against endoparasites. Performs a barrier function for 4 months of continuous wear. After this period, the manufacturer recommends replacing the collar with a new one.

Advantages over other means

The main trump card is the versatility of the protective equipment.

The collar protects against fleas and other pesky parasites such as flies or mosquitoes.

Very simple to use: open the package, put it on, adjust it to your pet’s parameters. An overdose is practically impossible if you do not try to supplement it with other means of protection. And yet the protection lasts for months.

There is no need to wash your dog before use. And walking in the rain does not “wash away” the protective layer.


Based on the principle of action, anti-flea and tick collars for dogs are divided into three types:

  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • ultrasonic.

The bio tick collar for dogs is impregnated with natural essential oils that have a repellent effect on ectoparasites. Manufacturers treat protective products with oils of cloves, mint, wormwood, rosemary, margosa, and neem. Natural repellents repel not only fleas, ticks, but also mosquitoes from the animal.

Biological products for external use are the safest for dogs. However, they can provoke an allergic reaction in some animals.

The biological flea and tick collar is suitable for both puppies and puppy dogs. The main advantages are high safety, relatively low cost.

A chemical anti-tick collar contains toxic substances that lead to the death of parasitic individuals on the animal. Such antiparasitic products are impregnated with fipronil, diazinon, propoxur, tetrachlorvinphos, pyriproxyfen, delmamethrin, imidacloprid, flumethrin and other types of insecticides.

The main advantages of chemical protection products are high efficiency and a long period of animal protection. Among the disadvantages, one should highlight high toxicity for animals, possible allergic reactions, and potential danger to humans if the prescribed precautions by the manufacturer are not followed when working with the product.

An anti-mite collar for dogs with a built-in ultrasonic repeller is considered the safest option for the animal and its owner. The ultrasonic waves transmitted by the device are irritating to parasites. As a result, the latter leave their owner.

TOP 14 best dog collars for fleas and ticks


Bio-repellent collar based on a mixture of essential oils. A flea will not be able to attack a pet for three whole months; the period of work against ticks is 45 days. A person practically does not feel the smell, but parasites do not like it.

Suitable for dogs of all breeds over sixty days old. When putting on a collar, you need to protect your hands.

"Foresto" odorless

A collar from a German manufacturer offers push-pull protection with a controlled release of active substances (imidacloprid, flumethrin), which do not give life to lice and fleas, and effectively repel ticks. Foresto has no perceptible odor and is not afraid of moisture (no need to remove it while bathing).

Can be used from twelve weeks of age. The action of insecticides begins already in the fifth minute of wearing; the paralyzer acts on fleas. Complete death of the parasites occurs after twelve hours. Available for small (less than 8 kg) and large breeds.

Bayer "Kiltix"

Another German means of protection against fleas and other parasites, used for adults and puppies over 60 days old. The adjustable polyvinyl base contains two active substances: propoxur and flumethrin.

The protection period is 7 months, activation one day after opening the package. Available for large, medium and small breeds. Not suitable for sick or pregnant pets.

Rolf club "Rolf club 3D"

Another German product that provides protection against mosquitoes and fleas for 2-4 months in a row. There are three drugs at once (fipronil, etofenprox, pyriproxyfen), built into the polymer tape, ensuring the safety of the pet on the second or third day from the start of use.

The product is not afraid of water and does not smell. Available in sizes for small and large breed dogs. Not suitable for pregnant bitches.

"SOS Flea & Tick Collar"

Waterproof collar from the Netherlands, available for puppies (from six weeks of age) and adult dogs (from six months of age) in different sizes. The active element, tetrachlorvinphos, is absorbed into the subcutaneous fat and prevents parasites from biting the dog.

The period of protection when worn continuously is 4 months, the preventive effect is extended to 8 months.


Powerful protection with a wide spectrum of action, the main “fighter” - deltamethrin paralyzes fleas parasitizing on a dog, blocking their ability to bite. Plus the collar works as a repellent, driving away ticks, mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

Maximum protection begins after a week of wear and lasts six months. Suitable for adult dogs, including weakened, pregnant and lactating dogs, can also be worn on seven-week-old puppies. Small children and people with wounds on their hands should not come into contact with the collar.

Hartz "Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Collar"

The waterproof collar contains the substance tetrachlorvinphos, which effectively copes with adult parasites, their larvae and eggs. Maximum effectiveness after a week of use, then it works for seven months.

Recommended for puppies from three months of age and for adult pets who are not prone to allergies and do not have skin damage. An additional bonus is a wide reflective strip.


Waterproof collar for dogs six months and older. It contains the substance diazinon, which provides five months of protection against fleas and two and a half months against ticks. Protects the dog from parasitic insects of all shapes and ages and additionally acts as a repellent.

To effectively protect against insects, you need to put it on in advance so that the substance has time to spread, creating an insurmountable barrier.


A collar with fipronil is used as a prophylaxis and treatment for cheyletiosis, a disease caused by fleas and ticks. It has a paralyzing effect on adult parasites and prevents pupae and eggs that fall on the dog from growing and developing.

The onset of action is one knock, the effective period of protection is five months. This product is not suitable for weakened, pregnant or lactating dogs. Puppies can be worn when they reach two months of age.

"Insectal Plus"

Here, fipronil and permethrin are used as active substances; this duo leaves no chance for adult fleas and their larvae, and does not allow other parasites to approach dogs. Mass death of pests occurs on the second or third day after the collar is attached. In relation to ticks, the effect lasts three months, fleas are repelled for four months.

A puppy can be protected with a collar from the age of four months. Use on sick dogs (especially with infectious diseases), on bitches expecting or already having offspring is strictly prohibited.

Beaphar "Beaphar Ungezieferband"

A waterproof collar with diazinon is suitable for pets already infested with fleas and is used as a preventative against tick attacks. The substance is fully effective within five days after contact with the dog, the effect lasts for five months.

Suitable for dogs over six months old. Categorically unsuitable for pregnant and lactating bitches, for sick (especially those suffering from skin diseases) and convalescent pets. It can have a bad effect on dogs with heart problems and epileptics, on individuals with problems with the bronchi, kidneys, and liver.


Another means of protection with diazonin, which, when worn constantly, allows you to prevent the dog from becoming infected with adult fleas and preventing the development of eggs. Constantly walking in a collar, the pet is not susceptible to tick bites for three months and is not bothered by other harmful types of insects for four months.

The protective agent begins to act on the third or fourth day from the moment the package is opened.

Doctor Zoo

It belongs to the type of biocollars; the active antiparasitic substance is geranium oil (geraniol). It works as a repellent, repelling fleas and causing ticks to stay away from your pet. Validity period is four months.

The biocollar is not suitable for weak and sick dogs, bitches about to give birth (last days of pregnancy), or very small puppies. A person who has come into contact with the surface of the collar should wash their hands thoroughly.


The protector is a polymer tape containing fipronil, pyriproxyfen, and ivermectin. This collar has a specific, subtle smell. In addition to the standard set of fleas, ticks and lice, this product provides protection against nematodes. The standard set of insects is cut off from the dog for four months, ticks can be forgotten for three, and nematodes for two.

Does not cause allergies. But it is not recommended for puppies younger than two months, sick dogs and pregnant females.

Which brand of anti-tick collar for dogs is better to choose?

The rating is based on collars for both large dogs and medium and small breeds. Prices range from 160 to 2000 rubles, so you can find an option suitable for any budget.

The TOP includes the following manufacturers that produce the best anti-tick collars for dogs:

  • Agrovetzaschita (AVZ) is a Russian company that produces more than 380 units of products not only for pets, but also for productive animals, fish, reptiles and birds. The company was founded in 1993, and in 2022 AVZ exports more than 330 products to 19 countries.
  • Bayer is an international company with experience in healthcare and agriculture. It was founded in 1863 in Germany by Friedrich Bayer and Joann Friedrich Wescott. In Russia, there is an animal health department called Animal Health, which develops high-quality veterinary products. The company produces tick collars in different price categories.
  • Biogard is a Russian company founded in 2000. Cooperation with the Swiss company Swiss Laboratory Defense made it possible to develop high-tech products for animals under the Mr. Bruno brand. It offers a wide range, including anti-tick collars, suitable for sick and weakened animals.
  • Beaphar is an international company founded in 1939 in the Netherlands. The company produces high-quality products for caring for pets and maintaining their health, including collars. The plant operates in accordance with GMP standards, according to which general production and laboratory testing parameters are regulated and evaluated.

The best electric collars for dogs

Precautions and side effects

The collar is purchased as long-term protection in the hope that the parasite will not be able to reach the dog during the active season. And during this time the owners relax, completely forgetting about fleas and other troubles of this kind. This cannot be done, for example, during a trip to the sea, the protection may be washed off by water, and the dog will collect ticks by running through the coastal bushes. Before your trip, it is better to take extra repellent with you and treat your dog after bathing.

There are times when a particular drug is not suitable for a dog. As a result, the dog scratches its skin and an allergy appears. You need to monitor the redness and condition of the fur, and contact a specialist in time if something goes wrong.

Sometimes vigilant owners go overboard with flea protection by adding drops to the chemical collar. In this case, an overdose may occur, which will lead to poisoning of the dog. Main symptoms: increased salivation, trembling, watery eyes, vomiting.

It is not recommended to use for animals that have suffered from illness, for elderly and weakened pets.

What is better – drops or a tick collar for dogs?

To protect your dog from ticks, you can use a collar or special drops. In the first case, you need to put a special strap on your pet (it can be made of plastic, rubber and other artificial materials), and in the second, apply the product to the animal’s skin. It is better to use a collar for preventive purposes, and the drops will help get rid of parasites that have already settled in the fur.

For maximum effect, you can use both products, but it is important that they are from different pharmaceutical groups.

Type of protectionAdvantagesFlaws
CollarsLong period of useMay prevent you from picking up your pet using a regular collar
Affordable priceDoes not begin to act immediately (it may take up to 5 days for the substance to be distributed throughout the body)
You can wash your pet without the risk of leaving him unprotected (many straps are waterproof)The dog may lose the anti-parasitic tape or get it caught on something
Does not require control over the dog’s actions and does not hinder movementsNot recommended for use on dogs under 1 year of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation (except for straps with biological composition)
Low costs - one collar is usually enough for a seasonNot very effective in long-haired breeds - the strap must fit snugly against the skin
Complex use – helps against several types of parasitesThere is a risk of decreased sense of smell with prolonged use
DropsEase of useNot a very long period of protection - there is a risk of missing the time of the next treatment, they are also washed off when swimming
Begins to act very quickly (within 1-2 hours)Do not pet the dog or allow it to come into contact with other animals for 1-2 days after applying the product.
High level of protectionConsiderable expenses - you need to buy the product almost every month

The best anti-tick drops for dogs

Popular questions

Can it be used on pregnant and lactating dogs?

Yes, a pregnant dog also needs protection from parasites. Just select a flea collar with great care. Manufacturers also took care of this category of pets, giving owners the opportunity to choose and buy suitable protection for the expectant mother.

But a nursing bitch doesn’t really need such protection. Firstly, she does not leave the puppies for a long time (usually the mother is taken out for a short time to perform her natural needs). Secondly, for children the concentration of insecticide substances can be dangerous.

When should you put a flea collar on your dog?

Starting from eight weeks, if the puppy walks outside. The period from which a small pet can wear a flea collar is indicated by the manufacturer.

Should I remove the collar at night?

All instructions indicate that the product is intended for constant wear. There is no need to remove it at night, otherwise the effectiveness of protecting the animal will decrease. It is better if the dog wears protection throughout the flea and tick season.

What to do if your dog is itching in a collar?

Remove and contact a veterinarian. Here, either the collar is chosen incorrectly and it does not cope with fleas, or the pet is allergic to this type of insecticide.

Can cats have a dog collar?

In no case! What is good for a dog, especially a large one, is deadly for a cat. This is not necessary, manufacturers sell products for cats, and purchase and delivery are available to all animal owners.

Which tick collar for dogs is best to buy?

Anti-tick collars for small dogs and large pets must be purchased at official pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the size of the strap, because the protective equipment should not cause discomfort.

Antiparasitic neck bands for medium and large dogs are most often found on sale, so owners of small animals need to be especially careful. The excess length can be cut off, but it is important to consider that in products for large breeds the concentration of substances is higher, which can lead to negative consequences for small pets. You also need to take into account the pet’s age and its current condition, taking into account contraindications.

Here is which option and in what cases is it better to choose:

  • Fitodoc - suitable for owners of small dogs who are sick or recovering at the time of purchasing a collar, as well as for pregnant and lactating small pets.
  • Bolfo is convenient for owners of small animals who need a quick effect - the product will begin to act within a few hours.
  • Bruno New will be appreciated by owners of small dogs that are no more than 1 month old, as well as pets prone to allergic reactions.
  • Kiltix – suitable for medium-sized dogs that already suffer from ticks. The collar is relevant both for prevention and for combating existing insects.
  • Bars is a popular model that will be appreciated by owners of medium-sized pets who want to get a long-term effect at a budget price.
  • Foresto - suitable for owners of large dogs who appreciate the stylish design of the accessory, as well as for those who do not want to buy several products per year.
  • Flea & Tick is effective in controlling existing parasites and is convenient for large animals that spend a lot of time outside.

The choice of the best tick collar depends on the individual characteristics of the dog: age, weight, health characteristics. No one is immune from the consequences of personal intolerance to the components used in the strap. But a careful study of the product, taking into account the characteristics of the pet, will allow you to choose an option that will provide the necessary effect with minimal risk to the pet.

Owner reviews

Andrey B. Collar “Barrier”:

I would like to write a review about the Barrier collar, which I purchased on the advice of a veterinarian. I took it for my yard dog, who was tormented by a horde of fleas. In the package I found a black, specific-smelling half-meter tape with a reliable fastener of the simplest design. The fastening is so-so, but the dog did not get rid of the collar. By the way, the smell quickly dissipated. And a week later all the fleas disappeared; Kuzya and I didn’t think about them for another year.

Inga T. Collar “Beaphar”:

My daughter persuaded my husband and I to buy a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. We took a five-month-old miracle and walked with him in a park overgrown with bushes for fear of ticks. It turned out that drops should not be used for babies and we took the risk of buying a Beaphar collar. Of course, the manufacturer writes that this is a puppy collar for older children, but we were very afraid of catching a tick. We wore it for 4 months, and the little one didn’t bring a single tick or flea home.

Maria S. Biocollar “DoctorZoo”

I bought two DoctorZoo biocollars for my dogs. As soon as I opened the package I felt a sharp, unpleasant smell (reminiscent of Indian mosquito repellent tablets). The smell did not disappear from the house for a long time, and the clasp turned out to be very fragile, it was easily unfastened by a small child. For some reason, the fleas were not afraid, but on the contrary, there were more of them, they spread throughout all the rooms. The collars had to be removed, the dogs developed allergies, they scratched all over their sides, smearing blood on the floors and carpets.

Alexey K. Review of the Foresto collar

Unfortunately, I had some negative experiences using this model for an active German Shepherd. The young dog broke the fastening during the game, the owners tried to repair it themselves, but it didn’t help. The strip was not tightly attached to the neck and a re-infestation of fleas occurred. I had to undergo a course of treatment and buy a new one.

Terms of use

Manufacturers describe the process of putting on a collar in detail on the product packaging. There may be some differences in the fixation of products from different manufacturers. In general the process looks like this:

  1. Remove the strap from the packaging.
  2. Unfold the tape and remove the stoppers.
  3. Pull the ends in different directions to activate the active substance.
  4. Place it around the dog’s neck, leaving a gap of 1.5–2 cm.
  5. Check to see if the animal can reach the collar with its mouth or remove it over its head.
  6. Fasten the strap using the existing fastener.
  7. Cut off the excess length of the tape if necessary according to the instructions.
  8. If the collar is worn by a puppy, leave some extra tape.
  9. Wash your hands with soap.

Your pet may have a negative reaction to the collar. He will try to get rid of the accessory by using his paws and rolling around on the floor. Express your dissatisfaction with this behavior. Distract the animal with play, give a treat as a reward for obedience. As a rule, dogs quickly get used to the strap. The collar must be removed after the wear period recommended by the manufacturer. The old strap is disposed of and a new one is put on the dog, proceeding in the same way as last time. Keep in mind that the product does not last as long against ticks as it does against fleas. Most collars are effective at repelling ticks for no more than 1-3 months.

In the first 2-3 days of wearing, minimize outdoor walks and avoid water procedures. This is necessary so as not to catch parasites before the active substance has time to be distributed throughout the body. Make sure that children do not touch the collar, limit too close contact between household members and the animal, wash your hands every time you touch the collar.

Veterinarian advice

How the antiparasitic substance is distributed: it is constantly distributed from the collar throughout the coat through a fatty film that covers the skin and every hair of the coat. The full effect is observed from the 3rd day after putting on the collar. How the antiparasitic substance works: repellent and acaricidal Duration of action: 5–9 months. Frequent exposure to direct sunlight will shorten the life of the collar.

Natalya Troshina, veterinarian (DVM)


Flea control must be carried out because fleas are carriers of various diseases. During the summer, we even recommend treating dogs and cats monthly for fleas using drops, sprays or preventative collars. If you choose a collar, keep in mind that it should not hang around the animal’s neck, it should fit snugly. And your pet needs to wear it constantly. If you wear the collar only for walks, then it will not have any effect.

therapist, endoscopist, laboratory diagnostic specialist of the Chelyabinsk Veterinary Station Regina KUZYAEVA

Therefore, during regular walks in “tick areas” - in the forest, through meadows, I would recommend the mandatory use of one of the drugs with a repellent effect (collar or spray) in mandatory combination with contact protection drugs. Or simply additionally use a spray with a contact form of protection where the fur is thickest and longest. A pet’s smooth coat (especially light hair) facilitates the timely detection of ticks on the animal and, thus, can save the owner some money that will not need to be invested in the budget for anti-tick measures. Collars with a repellent effect work well on such animals, especially if the pet does not stay in the open sun for a long time and does not like to swim. During mass reproduction of ticks, such a collar can additionally be combined with chewable tablets or drops of acaricidal action.

Natalya Troshina, veterinarian (DVM)


Possible side effects and precautions

Do not buy collars for adult dogs for puppies or those designed for large breed dogs for small ones. This can be dangerous for the animal's life! Exceeding the dosage of the active substance, in these cases, can lead to poisoning and even death. Until a puppy is 2 months old, veterinarians do not recommend using collars as a protective device at all, recommending, if necessary, choosing a different type of medication - drops, shampoos, tablets. Often the same recommendation is given to the owners of sick, weakened individuals.

Even a high-quality collar selected specifically for your dog can be dangerous if the rules of use are not followed or if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the strap. Some dogs manage to lick a collar or chew an item on another dog's neck, which can also lead to intoxication. Some of the more harsh chemicals in collars include permethrin and tetrachlorvinphos. Sometimes manufacturers indicate on the packaging of a product of chemical origin the name of the antidote - a remedy that can be given to a dog in case of poisoning. An overdose of insecticides is possible with the simultaneous use of a collar and other products against fleas and ticks. After treating the wool with drops or sprays, the strap is put on a week later, and after washing with shampoo - the next day.

It is necessary to observe your pet for 24 hours after putting on the collar. It is recommended to immediately remove and, if possible, show the animal to a veterinarian if the following reactions occur:

  • restless behavior, constant scratching in the neck,
  • the appearance of a rash, hair loss, redness of the skin under the collar,
  • profuse salivation and lacrimation,
  • frequent sneezing,
  • lack of appetite, refusal to feed,
  • weakness or overexcitement,
  • digestive disorders.

Contraindications to the use of a collar may be:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period,
  • tendency to allergies,
  • acute and chronic diseases,
  • pet's age,
  • individual intolerance to impregnation components.

It is important to study the list of contraindications on the collar packaging, and also consult with a veterinarian. You should not use a dog collar if:

  • there is a negative reaction to the components of the product,
  • the product does not correspond to the age, weight or physiological characteristics of the animal,
  • the dog is currently being treated for blood-sucking parasites with other drugs,
  • the dog is sick or there are other contraindications.

Reviews from veterinarians

Olga M. Review of the “Beafar” collar

I recommended this collar to the owner of a husky. The dog was infested with fleas and had scratches on its skin. A re-examination after two weeks of wear showed a complete absence of adults. For four months of using the collar, the owner did not see the dog itching, and there was no case of tick infection.

Irina V. Review of the Hartz Ultra Guard collar

A dog was brought to the appointment with a tick embedded in its ear. After removing the parasite and treating with drops, she recommended purchasing a collar that protects against fleas and ticks. The dog spent the entire period allotted by the manufacturer (7 months) in it and was not infected with parasites. The only criticism from the owners is the unpleasant smell at the beginning of use and a white coating on the hands.

Tips for choosing

For each dog, the collar is selected individually, taking into account the following criteria:

  • the size of the product is important for the animal’s comfortable well-being;
  • age and individual characteristics of the pet - not all collars are approved for use by puppies, as well as old or sick dogs, pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • manufacturer - proven brands guarantee the quality and reliability of products, which is important for the safety of the dog.

Detailed information about the product - restrictions and features of use, concentration of active ingredients - is indicated in the instructions. Be sure to study it carefully. It wouldn't hurt to consult a veterinarian either.

What collars are suitable for puppies

Sometimes you have to protect babies from blood-sucking parasites. They can become infected from their mother or another dog living in the house, or also accidentally while playing outside. The danger of bites for a puppy is as follows:

  • severe itching, scratching, which leads to the development of anemia due to significant blood loss for a small dog;
  • there is a high probability of contracting infections and worms carried by parasites due to an incompletely formed immune system.

There are collars on sale that are designed specifically for puppies.

But products intended for adult dogs are not suitable for puppies, as they can provoke allergic reactions and weaken the body. You need to choose special products that are approved for dogs up to 6 months. They are odorless and are used from three weeks, two months or other ages. This is described in more detail in the instructions.

Veterinarians do not recommend putting a collar on a puppy under 2 months, nor do they recommend using other types of protective agents - drops, shampoos, tablets.

The following collars are suitable for puppies:

  1. Insectal plus (Russia). Impregnated with permethrin and fipronil, it lasts from 2 to 4 months and is used from 8 weeks of age.
  2. Insectal combo is a low-toxic, odorless product based on ivermectin. Cannot be worn on dogs under 2 months of age; contraindicated for Sheltie and Collie breeds.
  3. Hartz Ultra Guard Flea (Germany) – used from three months of age, provides protection for up to seven months, the active substance is tetrachlorvinphos.

Video: how to choose and put a collar on a dog

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A flea, mosquito and tick collar is a very convenient anti-parasitic protection. They are produced on an industrial scale: you can choose by color, size, properties, as long as the price suits you.
  2. This is not a medicinal product; the dog is not at risk of overdose from the active substance.
  3. You can use it for a long time - from a month to six months.
  4. The collar is not affected by precipitation or humidity; you can walk your dog in any weather.
  5. The disadvantages include the inability to bathe a dog wearing an anti-parasitic collar, a specific smell from the pet and the possible manifestation of allergies.

The article is based on the expert opinion of the author; be sure to consult a specialist before use.

Rating of the best anti-tick collars for dogs

When forming the rating, we took into account reviews from pet owners, as well as recommendations from veterinarians and our own observations.

To determine the list of the best tick collars for dogs, the following characteristics were studied:

  • The length of the strap - it depends on what breed the product is suitable for;
  • Compound;
  • Pharmacological properties;
  • Duration of protection;
  • Adverse reactions;
  • Recommended age of the animal;
  • Contraindications for use.

The price-quality ratio of each anti-tick neck product was also analyzed.

How to properly use a tick and flea collar?

Using this product is quite simple . You just need to take it out of the packaging, remove the plastic jumpers, stretch it a little and put it on your cat or dog. The tape should fit tightly, but so as not to cause discomfort to the pet. The product is quite long, so the remaining free end is cut off.

A properly worn collar will promote uniform distribution of antiparasitic agents and prevent the development of allergic skin reactions.

When using a collar, it is recommended to consider the following nuances:

  1. If your pet already has ticks or fleas, your pet should be treated with a special shampoo before using the product. Also, do not forget to give dogs and cats special vaccinations.
  2. For the first two to three weeks, you should not bathe your pet or walk it in the forest or parks.
  3. To increase the effectiveness of biological tape, repellents and shampoos based on essential oils are used in parallel.
  4. If the collar has been removed from the packaging but not used, it is recommended to store it at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than +25 degrees.
  5. Before purchasing the product, you should consult with your veterinarian and find out if your pet is allergic to the substance that the tape contains.

Advantages and disadvantages

Good collars against ticks, fleas and other parasites are very popular among dog owners, which is explained by the following advantages of the products:

  • ease of use. The collar is easy to put on your pet. Dogs generally do not experience discomfort from a small neck strap;
  • high safety profile. The active ingredients are contained in the tape, are released gradually and, as a rule, are non-toxic for warm-blooded animals;
  • duration of action. Most collars are active for several months, which means you don't have to constantly treat your pet's fur;
  • reasonable price. Typically, the cost of a tick collar is lower than the cost of regular treatment with other products.

But with a large number of advantages, this product also has some nuances of use:

  • unpleasant smell. Insecticides and repellents may have a specific smell, but, as a rule, this smell does not cause discomfort to the animal and quickly disappears;
  • hygiene requirements. The dog owner needs to remember that after playing with his pet and direct contact with the collar, he must wash his hands. It is also important to keep in mind that the product should be removed before bathing your dog with soap or shampoo;
  • does not give a quick effect. As mentioned above, substances from the collar, especially insectoacaricidal ones, are released gradually. So, if your dog already has fleas, or you are planning to go for a walk in the forest that same day, use a faster-acting remedy;
  • possibility of an allergic reaction. Despite the high safety profile, the collar can still cause an allergic reaction in the dog if there is an individual intolerance to the active components. Consulting with a specialist and changing the product can help solve the problem.

Note: The product may cause allergies in your pet. It manifests itself as itching, hair loss, and bald spots. After removing the collar, the symptoms disappear on their own.

Allergies can occur not only in dogs, but also in humans. This happens due to the fact that the poison with which the product is impregnated consists of volatile compounds that enter the air. Therefore, it is not advisable to sleep next to your pet.

Another disadvantage is that you may miss the point at which the collar is no longer effective. The repellent gradually wears off, and after two to three months the parasites begin to attack the pet. Once bitten, they die because the venom is still retained in the dog's blood. But during this period the animal suffers greatly.

The owner may not notice this, since he will find already dead fleas. This leads to another disadvantage. In some products, the concentration of poison is increased to extend their service life. Prolonged contact of a pet with a hazardous substance can lead to swelling, rashes and neurological problems.

The Foresto collar is designed to protect against tick attacks for 7-8 months

Pros and cons of collars

When choosing a product that can protect your pet from ticks and fleas, you should first study all its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of anti-parasitic collars:

  1. Inexpensive and easy to use products. Chemicals can not only protect, but also destroy the parasites already present on the animal.
  2. Does not cause discomfort to the pet.
  3. They have a wide spectrum of action. Preparations and ultrasound can repel not only ticks and fleas, but also other insects.
  4. An excellent hygienic protection option. If after using special shampoos and drops you need to make sure that the cat or dog does not lick itself or stain the furniture, then collars do not have such disadvantages.
  5. Tapes treated with biological agents are absolutely safe for animals. Therefore, they can be used on kittens and puppies.
  6. Safe on cats and dogs and chemicals. Their dose is calculated in such a way as to have a detrimental effect only on insects.

Although collars are considered effective and safe, it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian before using them.

The only disadvantage of such products is that the chemicals can cause an allergic reaction in some animals. It depends on the pet’s body and its individual characteristics. In most cases, an allergy that appears on the skin quickly goes away after removing the tape. You can use a different type of collar or buy a chemical one, but with other substances.

Another disadvantage of such products is that some animals feel discomfort and refuse to wear such a tape.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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